The emperor is a little frowning these days. The mountains and rivers in the south of the Congyun Ridge have been beautiful since ancient times. It is a treasure land like a fairyland.The folk customs here are simple, the climate is pleasant, and it is far away from the hustle and bustle of the town.The products are rich, the people are hardworking, and the development here is fairly prosperous.

However, everything is unpredictable, but in this treasured land of geomantic omens, a nest of thieves who occupy the mountain and become the king appeared. Daily idleness, no business, relying on the kung fu of this three-legged cat, bullying this, provoking that, robbing houses, and defrauding the people, but there are only a few people who respond, the scale of the crowd is getting bigger and bigger, and the number of people is getting more and more After all, it is easy to collect money by robbing houses and homes, and how many people are unwilling?In addition, Hua Nai is generous and generous, never takes money very seriously, just spends money like water, so the brothers below all vow to die for him.

The local officials here also wanted to use force to suppress it, but they didn't know that this group of villains had already formed a large scale. These three gatherings and two gatherings unexpectedly gathered two to three million people.

This is not a small amount!As the number of people continues to increase, Hua Nai's thoughts are also expanding day by day. Originally, he wanted to be a grassroots bandit who occupied the mountain and dominated one side, but now it's good!Feeling that there are more and more brothers gathering together, I wondered in my heart, how could it be logical for those court officials and the emperor of the dynasty to follow the rules of their ancestors for generations?Could it be that the princes and generals are kind to each other?Are people destined to enjoy happiness?Think about where you are worse than them?The size of this brother is no less than the soldiers and horses of the imperial court!

Why don't I lead these brothers to gradually expand this territory, spreading outwards little by little!As he led the brothers to beat the local officials and the soldiers and horses with wine bags and food bags to flee, he suddenly realized that the mighty and invincible soldiers and horses of the imperial court turned out to be paper tigers, and they were broken with one stab!It turns out that the army of the imperial court is so vulnerable, wherever it goes, it is simply invincible and unstoppable.He struck while the iron was hot and expanded rapidly. In less than a few months, he occupied most of the southern territory, causing numerous deaths and injuries to soldiers, horses and officials of the imperial court.

This Hua Nai's idea also expanded rapidly with the rapid expansion of the momentum. He was far from satisfied with this idea of ​​occupying the mountain as king and falling grass as bandit. His revenge was getting bigger and bigger, and he even dreamed of Overthrow the current emperor.At this moment, he deliberately ordered someone to rush to make a few brocade dragon robes. When discussing matters in the Hall of Heroes, he simply wore the dragon robes, like an emperor, and he also conferred officials and titles on the brothers below, as if he was standing in the south again. An emperor confronted the current emperor from north to south.

This urgent battle report was sent to the court one by one. After reading it, the emperor was frowning. The power of this bandit is getting stronger and stronger. It will be subverted by this Hua Nai villain.So he urgently called all civil and military officials to discuss this matter.The civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty are helpless. The court has always been stable and stable. It has been a long time since the peaceful and prosperous times. None of the courtiers are looking forward to fighting. There was a wave of bandit forces, and they knew with their ears and ears that this bandit was powerful, and countless officials died at his hands.

Who wants to live a peaceful life, but go to the battlefield to die?Therefore, none of the civil and military men of the Manchu dynasty dared to speak out. They knew best in their hearts that the first to come up with countermeasures would fall on the task of marching and fighting.They all hold the idea of ​​​​waiting and watching.

The emperor frowned, looked at all the officials, and scolded loudly: "What? They are all dumb! When enjoying the imperial salary on weekdays, why are they all scrambling to be the first? Why are you so enthusiastic? Now that the country is in trouble, everyone is silent like a tortoise? How about your usual skills? What about your endurance? Is it possible that I, the emperor, will have to personally conquer?"

For a moment, Long Yan was furious, Man Chao civil and military, you look at me, I look at yours, he lowered his head involuntarily, and fell silent.

Just at this moment, King Liang rushed over upon hearing the news. Normally, King Liang had special privileges, which were also approved by the emperor. He was in poor health.

However, with such an important event in Sheji, how could the King of Liang just sit back and ignore it, just took the decoction and hurried to the court hall, seeing this situation, he guessed that it was inseparable. It was frowning, and none of the officials dared to stand up and say a word, that is, at this critical moment when the country is in trouble, of course I have to stand up. After all, although this country is my younger brother's country, it is not the same as myself It doesn't matter, I am a member of the royal family, and I want to help my younger brother manage the country well.This is also the repeated entrustment of my father before his death.

Thinking of this, King Liang said unhurriedly: "Your Majesty! Now that the country is in trouble, the evil bandit Hua Nai has occupied most of the southern territory, and his men have gathered 40 to [-] bandits. Officers and soldiers, it is extremely difficult to suppress this bandit. If you don't make a plan early, then once this army of bandits reaches the north, the situation will be difficult to control.

Right now, the imperial court must send out these elite soldiers and generals, and the number of these soldiers and horses cannot be reduced!Only by forming the imperial court's anti-rebellion army and going to suppress it, can this unfavorable situation be reversed, otherwise the country will be in danger!I also saw it just now. None of the civil and military officials volunteered to volunteer. The old minister is not willing to bring this righteous teacher to go. I would like to issue this military order.If the suppression of the bandits fails this time, they will bear the responsibility for the unfavorable start.Your Majesty, please grant the veteran's wish. "

After the emperor heard this, he couldn't help but be greatly moved. It seems that at this critical moment, it must be his elder brother!Thinking about my brother's age and serious illness, if he pampered him leisurely in the Prince Liang's mansion, no one would be able to say anything. After all, he is a prince, the body of a dragon, the body of a relative of the emperor, But others didn't do that.Still working hard for the country all day long.At this critical juncture, he took the initiative to invite Ying to go to suppress the bandits, which is really rare!
As soon as King Liang's words were uttered, not only the emperor was moved, but also the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty were deeply affected. The ministers knew in their hearts that even King Liang was going to fight in person. Stand up, willing to follow Liang Wang to suppress bandits together.

After watching this situation, the emperor felt a little relieved, "King Liang! I order you to lead an army of 40 and all civil servants and military generals to suppress the rebellion and suppress the bandits! If you don’t stop commanding, if you violate military discipline, you can cut first and then play.” Then he handed the golden sword engraved with nine dragon coils to King Liang.

King Liang took the sword with both hands, and said in his mouth, "The veteran will definitely live up to His Majesty's trust, and will return with great victories."

Before Liang Wang went out to fight, the emperor reluctantly sent him to the gate of the palace, and the two brothers reluctantly held hands and said goodbye.

The emperor looked at the mighty group of people and horses, and after the chariots and horses had gone far, he returned to the palace with peace of mind.

Although King Liang was in the bumpy carriage, he did not rest, but was thinking about how to subdue the bandit. In fact, in his mind, he always believed that although it was necessary to suppress the bandit, it was absolutely impossible. Kill the innocent.Many people also went astray and blindly followed the trend, so they followed Hua Nai and joined this bandit team.They are victims themselves.Never hurt them.

In fact, if the regular combat arrangements were followed, he could order the 40 imperial army to make an assault with the whole army, suppress the bandits whenever they saw them, and kill them when they saw them.This kind of blitz can quickly wipe out the bandit army.After all, the imperial court transferred all the elite teachers.No matter how powerful the villains are, they are all composed of idle personnel who have patched together, and it can be said that they have no combat effectiveness at all.

Once this elite division made a surprise attack, the bandits would definitely be routed, and there would be countless casualties. This was definitely not what he wanted to see.He still hopes to adopt a policy of appeasement first, but how can he surrender so easily since the bandits are coming so fiercely?He must be convinced first.Although King Liang is a prince, he has read military books and is well versed in the art of war and strategy, and he is even more familiar with the "36 Strategies" and "Sun Tzu's Art of War".He has a very unique understanding of this soldier.

Thinking of this, King Liang couldn't help but smile slightly, because he was thinking about it.

The leader of the bandit, Hua Nai, had arranged for someone to inquire about the news from the court. When he learned that the emperor sent Liang Wang to his side with a mighty 40 army, he laughed secretly. Court officials have always been Get used to being pampered.What fighting power can it have?He then calculated.The people of the imperial court are also unfamiliar with this place, if they are in danger at this time, it is just in time for them to gain a foothold.Thinking of this, he was on the only way for the imperial court's troops, the narrow winding path of Panlong Ridge, with mountains on both sides soaring into the sky.If two teams of people ambushed on the mountainside, prepare the boulders.When the court brigade passed by, they would use crowbars to roll the huge boulders down the mountain, smashing the court brigade to pieces!Let the 40 soldiers and horses come and go.Hua Nai's little brothers are extremely busy.There are site selection, stone preparation, surveying, and material selection for the crowbar.Hua Nai arranged for people to continue to inquire about the dynamics of the court.Sure enough, the scouts came to report that the imperial court's fleet of horses and chariots was driving towards this road in great might and mightiness.

The joy in Hua Patience!It's really hard to find a place to go through the iron shoes, and it doesn't take much effort to get it!It can be said that the 40 soldiers brought by King Liang are the main force of the imperial court. If this large army is wiped out in one fell swoop, the vitality of the imperial court will be severely damaged, and he will be one step closer to the emperor's dream.He wants to be an emperor even in his dreams!He had a very good idea. After annihilating the court's troops, he would continue to go north without stopping. He wanted to hit the palace gate and the court with lightning speed, and he wanted to drive the emperor out of the Golden Luan Hall. Pull up and down.He even thought of taking the beautiful harem as his own. When he closed his eyes, he would be accompanied by beautiful women like flowers and jade, and he would have a dream of that yellow beam.

As the court brigade's chariots and horses slowly passed by the Longling trail, Hua Nai gave an order, and the thieves who had made full preparations in advance pried down the boulders they had prepared in advance one after another!The chariot and horse team of the imperial court was taken aback. Seeing the huge boulder falling down from the mountainside like a meteor, they were stunned.

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