After hearing this, Master Duan said disapprovingly: "I was looking for you about the matter last time. I went to the Ministry of Household Affairs to find out the situation in detail. The Ministry of Household Affairs attaches great importance to the preparation of money and silver for the imperial examination. Accounting, there is a false report of this fee.

Master Xuan!The imperial examination is of course the country's top priority, and the Ministry of Households should also use it for special purposes. However, after all, the treasury is tight and silver is limited, and your Ministry of Rites cannot report money and silver at will!Thanks to the head of the household department who arranged a special person to check carefully, otherwise the treasury silver would have been lost in vain.

Master Xuan!When declaring money and silver expenses, you must strictly follow the rules and regulations of the imperial court, and you must not make false reports. If this is spread, the crime is not light!Fortunately, I digested this matter, and I also feel that Mrs. Xuan has a good character, and you and I can chat very well. If it is someone else who tells the Holy Spirit, then your black hat will be lost!I hope you will act rigorously in the future, and don't act indiscriminately! "

Master Duan had no shame in scolding Old Xuan, but it made him bewildered.He thought about the preparations for the imperial examination, and each sum was finalized after careful and careful calculations many times. How could it become a false report as soon as it came to the head of the household department?If it is a false report, you have to point out where there is a problem, right?Such a deduction of a false title for no apparent reason, not only makes it impossible to apply for the money, but also detains the title of a corrupt official for himself in the dark. This is a matter of character!How can I bear this innocent injustice?

Thinking of this, Lao Xuan defended herself: "My lord! You have to investigate clearly! The amount reported to the household department has been calculated many times and verified by many people. There is no suspicion of false reporting. , Then why does the Ministry of Households say that the money we declared is false? My lord! You have to investigate clearly!"

"Master Xuan! This statement is wrong! The imperial court has the rules of the imperial court, the Ministry of Rites has the rules of the Ministry of Rites, and of course the Ministry of Households also has the rules of the Ministry of Households! Of course you cannot follow the rules of your Ministry of Rites when you ask the Ministry of Households for money. I don’t need to explain more about the reasoning, do I? I won’t say much about anything else, anyway, you have to act rigorously! As the chief assistant of this cabinet, I can only help you so much, I hope you can do it yourself!”

Duan Zheyan's words were full of high-sounding wording, which was to try his best to favor the Ministry of Accounting. The specific amount of money was falsely reported, and he did not mention it. The scientific examination was approaching day by day, and the money and silver were not in place for a long time, and the affairs of the Ministry of Rites came to a standstill for a while.

Old Xuan had a frowning face, depressed and unhappy all day long, surrounded by worries and troubles, and he couldn't get any better after thinking about it. He had already done his best, so let's find the head of the household department. my lord!But they always speak for the Ministry of Household Affairs, repeatedly emphasizing that they have made false reports, and they can't go directly to the emperor across the capital, can they?
After Xuanya got married, she and her husband Yuanyu and Princess Furong played in this warm pavilion every day, and they lived a fulfilling life.Unknowingly, it has been a while, and she misses her father, Lao Xuan a little bit. She thinks that her father must be working hard for the affairs of the Ministry of Rites every day. She is very worried about her father's health. She knows her father. You can even forget to sleep and eat like tireless.Because of this, she missed her father very much, for fear that he would fall ill due to overwork.So they discussed with their husband, Yuan Yu, to visit their father, Lao Xuan.

Yuanyu obeyed Xuanya's words and readily agreed, so the two came to the Minister's Mansion of the Ministry of Rites.

Don't know if you don't look at it, just look at it!The two couldn't help worrying and anxious.What is the reason?When this old Xuan and the two got married, they looked like two different people. They were much older than before. In just a short time, they had white hair, accumulated wrinkles on their face, sunken eye sockets, a sad face, and a complexion. His paleness must have been caused by his physical and mental exhaustion from the affairs of the Ministry of Rites. It was obvious that he was extremely thin due to the restless sleep and food for many days.

Xuanya saw it in her eyes and felt pain in her heart. Father's life was very difficult. He suffered a lot and suffered a lot. He is not an extremely smart person, but he is the one who works the hardest. Winning the Juren, becoming an official in the court, looking forward to getting married and leaving the cabinet, but being exhausted physically and mentally by the complicated affairs of the Ministry of Rites.

Yuanyu was quite surprised to see Mr. Yuezhang in such a state. He has a high EQ. He saw that his wife must be sad to see his father in such a state. When Madam spoke, he took the lead to ask in detail, "Father! Seeing that your complexion is not good, you seem to have something on your mind. Don't keep it in your heart. You might as well listen to it. Maybe I can help you!"

When Lao Xuan saw his daughter and son-in-law coming, he had a smile on his face, and when the son-in-law asked, he sighed helplessly and recounted the past, "Son! It's hard to say!..."

He then reported the imperial examination preparation funds to the household department, but the household department did not approve it for a long time. He found the chief minister of the cabinet, Mr. Duan, and told his son-in-law and daughter the whole process to no avail.

After hearing this, Yuan Yu raised his sword eyebrows upside down, opened his tiger eyes wide, and jumped up at the table, "It's really a bully! There is such a thing? Father! Why didn't you say it earlier! This Gan Yi and Duan Zhe are bullying people? You are bullying us! It seems that you are going to turn against them! Don't worry, wait for me to find them to reason!" While talking, he arranged for someone to prepare a sedan chair and went straight to the House of the Minister of the Household Department.

Hubu Shangshu Ganyi is very happy in his heart!He is out of breath these days!Using this huge power by himself, he got stuck in circles with the old Xuan of the Ministry of Rites. He was looking forward to seeing a good show, and he planned very well. When the day of the imperial examination came, the examinees gathered in the examination room. Nothing has been arranged, if there is no examination room, if there is no examination paper, there will be a mess, and if the emperor blames it, this old Xuan will be in trouble.He was looking forward to the moment when Lao Xuan was convicted.

While thinking about it, he sipped tea and ate some candied desserts, but he didn't want his servants to report in a hurry, "My lord! Mr. Yuanyu was making a big noise outside the door. He said he wanted to talk to you!"

Listen to Gan Yi!He was scared out of his wits, he knew this Yuanyu too well!This kid is known as the devil king in the imperial court!Who dares to provoke him in the imperial court of Nuoda!The king of Liang regarded it as a jewel in his palm, holding it in his hand for fear of covering it, and holding it in his mouth for fear of melting.They are relatives of the emperor!He is the nephew of the current Long Live Lord, even if he borrowed 1 courage, he would not dare to provoke him!He must have come this time for the sake of his father-in-law, Laoxuan, if he met him himself, the plot would definitely fail.Absolutely not.

He collected himself and said to his servants, "Just say I'm not here!"

The servant understood, and tactfully went to the door to report back, but he didn't know that it would be fine if he didn't say it, but Yuanyu was enraged by what he said.

He slapped the servant with two big mouths, and the servant was staggered from the beating. At that time, both sides of his face were red and swollen.

Yuanyu yelled loudly: "Slave dog! You lied to me by treating you like a fucking fool, and the dog official Ganyi is in the room, you think I don't know, right? Get out of here quickly, get out of the way, or the little boy Master is about to start a killing spree!" As he said that, he punched and kicked the doormen, how dare the doormen stop them, and fled without a trace!

Yuanyu took four square steps and swaggered into the Hubu Shangshu's mansion as if there was no one in the land.

Seeing Yuanyu coming in, Ganyi quickly knelt down on his knees and kowtowed to Yuanyu.This attitude is extremely gentle, "I don't know that Mr. Yuanyu is coming, and I am far away from welcoming you. I hope you will forgive me!"

Yuan Yu yelled loudly, "Slave dog! Didn't you say you're not here?"

Gan Yi pretended to be inexplicable and said: "My lord! Even if you lend me 1 courage, I dare not resist you! Who says I'm not here? It must be those servants who are talking nonsense. I'll see you in another day." You must teach these dog slaves a lesson! Let them talk nonsense! Don’t be angry! If you are angry, your body will be broken! The crime of the minister will be even greater!" In the imperial court, it is also possible to have a source from both sides, and it is effective from top to bottom.As soon as these words came out, Yuan Yu's anger really subsided a lot.

"Let me ask you now! Is the imperial examination the most important thing in the country?" Yuan Yu asked aggressively.

"Of course! Of course! This is the most important thing for Long Live God!" Gan Yi echoed, and the mirror in his heart can usually guess the words behind Yuanyu.However, he is too powerful, even though he is an important member of the imperial court, compared with others, he is like a big house in a hut, not to mention him, even Duan Shoufu is courteous and respectful in front of King Liang.

Besides, this round jade is not easy to mess with!In the imperial court, more than one official was demoted to common people because of disputes with him, and the lighter ones were distributed to the frontiers, and the worst ones were decapitated, and the nine clans were exterminated.Who is not afraid!Therefore, he was terrified by the news, and submissive in front of Yuanyu, not much different from that docile pet.He knew very well that even if he offended King Liang, he should not offend this Yuanyu!

"Then why did you delay approving the imperial examination preparation funds? What kind of intentions do you have? Do you want to harm Master Xuan of the Ministry of Rites?

You listen to me!Mrs. Jiaxuan reported the details of the fundraising to your household department early on, and if the scientific examination is delayed because your household department does not approve the funds, the unlucky one is not Mrs. Xuan from the Ministry of Rites. But it's you, the Minister of the Ministry of household affairs!

You have to figure this out!Your household department can't escape the responsibility at all, you dog slave!Do you feel that Master Xuan is easy to bully?You listen to me!With my Yuanyu here, I advise you not to have such thoughts.

Master Xuan is my father-in-law, you are fucking tired of working, and you want to find fault with him, and you don't even think about what the hell you are?Tell me clearly, who is behind the scenes instigating you to do this?Say it!You bastard official, you don't even have the guts!There must be someone behind you to support you!Say it!Who is so bold? "Yuanyu's mouth is not forgiving! He continued to ask aggressively, really wanting to find out why.

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