roses and lilies

Chapter 358 The Sentimental Zhang Yi

Looking at Xuanya's cheerful expression, Zhan Rong smiled and said, "Why are you so happy today? Let me tell you something happy."

"Guess what I brought today?" Xuanya pretended to be mysterious.

"Did you go to your father's study to steal books again?" Zhan Rong said with a smile.

"You're so smart! Guess what book I stole this time?" Xuanya asked with great interest.

"Give me some hints! The sea of ​​books is boundless and unfathomable. Trying to guess a book is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack." Zhan Rong said helplessly to the big-eyed girl in front of him.

Xuanya blinked her big eyes, and said very cutely: "Brother Zhan Rong! This book is your favorite. Can't you really guess it?"

"Could it be "Historical Records"? Didn't you quietly return it last time?" Zhan Rong guessed.

"Smart! It's this book! I quietly returned it last time! But I don't read it for a few days, I feel like I'm missing something?" He casually took out the thick book from his pocket and handed it to Zhan Rong.

Zhan Rong took it with both hands, as if he had found a treasure. After all, he loves books like his life, and this book is also his favorite. From the title to the content, he carefully studied it.Twelve books, thirty families, seventy biographies, ten tables and eight books.He read it carefully.Tai Shigong's prose is elegant, with neat antithesis and free and easy writing style, which is even more catchy and rhymes. Reading this book is like a double enjoyment of vision and hearing.He couldn't put it down and flipped through it lightly.

Xuanya was also very happy to see that Zhan Rong was very interested in this book. She liked to see him happy. She knew that Zhan Rong liked reading the most, so she went to her father's study to steal books over and over again.

My father, Xuan Xiucai, is a scholar. Although he is extremely poor, he would rather not eat, but use the remaining money to buy books. He is addicted to books. The small study room is filled with thick books Books, because there are a lot of books, so if there is one book missing, I can't see it.

His books are not borrowed, and only he himself knows the sadness of collecting these books.He has entered middle age, has no children, only one daughter, his wife passed away earlier, the father and daughter depend on each other, there is an old saying that a scholar is useless, he has no strength to restrain a chicken, he is emaciated, naturally impossible He sells his physical strength for a living, so he can only make a living by selling calligraphy. In addition, he is good at writing. Therefore, the villagers in Shiliba Village, whoever has a wedding, wedding or funeral, ask him to write the auspicious words in handwriting. The words of joy and happiness in the couplets are just rewards for some gifts.

This hungry and full meal will just barely survive.However, although he lived a poor life, he never let go of the knowledge of the Four Books and Five Classics for a single day.

Then I will try several times to no avail.If you let others go, they will give up, but Xuan Xiucai is very determined to obtain fame.Therefore, in addition to making ends meet, I read by candlelight every day and at night, writing in hand at my desk, and working hard.Because most of the time on weekdays is in that small study.Therefore, it is difficult for daughter Xuanya to steal books.In many cases, he had to wait for Xuanxiu to stay sleepy and lie down at his desk before sneaking in to steal his father's precious books.This "Historical Records" was stolen while his father was asleep.

This Xuanya was very resentful. Her father, Xuan Xiucai, was too deeply influenced by the traditional concept, and deeply believed that a woman's lack of talent was a virtue. Therefore, this place of study does not allow her daughter to take half a step, and she does not want her to study. , he knew that even if he read it, it would be a waste of time. Women are not allowed to enter the examination room of this test.It is impossible to obtain fame.It's just that she plans to wait for her daughter to find someone to marry when she reaches the age.

However, Xuanya always thought that her father was extremely pedantic. Who stipulated that if this woman could not obtain fame in the exam, she would not be able to read and write. Could it be that reading and reading is for fame and profit?Therefore, it is just superficial obedience that there are policies at the top and countermeasures at the bottom.However, there are many stolen books to read behind the scenes.

She likes to be with Zhan Rong the most, not only because they have a common hobby, they both love reading, but more importantly, Zhan Rong can distinguish right from wrong, and has many unique viewpoints, especially his understanding of the contents of books. Thorough, of course she felt a sense of equality and respect in front of Zhan Rong.This is impossible to get from my father, and it can only be endless housework.Watching his father study hard in the cold window all day long, but he is useless.

Zhan Rong agreed with Xuanya's point of view, "I also feel that this book is well written! I always want to read it over and over again. Sister Xuanya! Which passage in this book do you think attracts you the most?"

After Xuanya heard this, she became interested, and she said without hesitation: "I feel that Lin Xiangru is a real hero! It can be said that the prime minister can pull a boat in his stomach, and he can take care of the overall situation. Let it go again. That's why I appreciate this person more. Brother Zhan Rong, don't you think this person is amazing?"

Zhan Rong smiled slightly, "Of course Lin Xiangru is a real hero, but I feel that Lian Po has done a good job in this matter."

After hearing this, Xuanya laughed loudly, "Brother Zhan Rong! You are not talking nonsense, are you? We all know that Lian Po is a small-minded person, short-sighted, and does not think about the overall situation. How do you value such a character? "

Zhan Rong threw out his point of view, "I admit that Lian Po has these problems, but who is this person who is asking for guilt?"

"Of course it's Lian Po!" Xuanya replied without thinking.

"Since the protagonist of this plea is Lian Po, it proves that what the author wants to express is that the old general Lian Po corrects his mistakes, has the courage to face his own problems, and has the courage to admit. You must know that it is difficult for a person of his level to do so. Therefore, this Lian Po is also a real hero in this matter." Zhan Rong explained unhurriedly.

On the contrary, Xuanya nodded her head again and again. She admired Zhan Rong's multi-angle view of issues from the bottom of her heart.

Thinking of this, Xuanya's eyes lit up, and she looked at Zhan Rong with big eyes blinking, "Brother Zhan Rong! You like reading so much, don't you want to get fame?"

Zhan Rong shook his head helplessly, "Why don't I want to! But my family is poor, how can I have money for my education! By the way! How is your father? Is he still working so hard?"

"Hmm! Father, besides writing for others, spends sleepless nights reading and eating! He has tried and failed, but his enthusiasm has not diminished in the slightest." Xuanya is quite sure of her father's persistence. "A lot of things, maybe it's the arrangement of fate! It's just that things take a long time. Sister Xuanya! I feel that if your father continues to work hard like this, sooner or later he will be named on the gold list. It's just a matter of time." Zhan Rong has a bad feeling premonition.

Looking at the handsome and delicate face in front of him, his heart was filled with too much reluctance and regret.He knew what the girl thought of him, and he also knew that her father wanted to get rid of this poor life.I will not be willing to live in poverty all my life in this backcountry.Although the two of them are on the same level now, their living standards will be very different soon. Although he regards the cute little girl in front of him very seriously, they have indeed established a deep emotional foundation .However, the development of this situation runs counter to their common ideas.He treasured their days together.I even hope that the longer the days like this, the better.

A trace of worry flashed in his mind. He really envied Xuanya's carefree appearance that day. She would not think about what would happen in the future. At least she knew that the two of them were very happy together now.

"Sister Xuanya! You steal books so often, could it be that your father didn't notice at all?" Zhan Rong asked curiously.

She smiled knowingly after hearing this, "Of course I have a solution. Every time I steal the book, I remember the original location of the book in detail. Put the book back in its original place. Even if God doesn’t know it, it’s so invisible, but he can’t even notice it at all.”

"Well! You really have a way! You stole books like this, and he didn't find out once. It's really rare. But! If he finds out, will he beat you?" Zhan Rong was a little worried for Miss Xuan After all, his father studied hard in the cold window, and this "Historical Records" is very important. After all, this book involves many contents such as politics, history, and people's livelihood, and it is also the content that is often examined in previous exams.It is a model that officials of the Ministry of Rites often refer to when making propositions.If his father used this book and found that the book was missing, he would have to ask her.

"This is not good! I feel that in his mind, this book and his fame are much more important than his daughter! If he really finds out, then the consequences will be disastrous. He has always opposed my reading. He thinks that women cannot pass the exam. Fame, it’s a waste of reading. It’s better to do more housework. If you find someone to marry in the future, this woman’s lack of talent is virtue!” Xuanya angrily confided her father’s pedantic concept.

Zhan Rong took advantage of the situation and joked: "That's a good concept! It's better for this girl to learn more about housework than anything else, so she won't let her mother-in-law look down on her when she leaves the cabinet in the future!"

" really make me unreasonable, you are going to piss me off, if you say that again, I will ignore you!" Xuanya turned her head to one side as she spoke, silently That sulking.Zhan Rong hurriedly persuaded: "Okay! Okay! I was joking with you just now, you don't have to take it seriously! I know you have to be strong. Unlike ordinary women, you want to hold as much ink as possible in your belly." After persuading Xuanya to restore her beautiful smile, she looked affectionately at Zhan Rong's delicate face, "Brother Zhan Rong! What do you think of me?"

After Zhan Rong heard this, he was a little taken aback. He knew that the girl wanted to confide the girl's feelings to him, so he deliberately avoided it with some embarrassment. , very strong, these are your strengths!"

After hearing this, Xuanya almost laughed out loud, as if the words had reached her heart.She has a deep affection for Zhan Rong, and she is very pleased that this beloved person evaluates her so much.

Then he boldly asked affectionately: "Brother Zhan Rong! Do you like me?"

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