"At this critical juncture, Qiongwei took out the wine gourd that Taoist nun gave her, "Can I still lie to you, this is given to me by my master, you can tell it at a glance.This item is unique to the Jiuxian Sect. With this gourd here, if you want to make mistakes, you can do it. I am a weak woman and I am powerless to resist. Anyway, if my master knows that her disciple has some troubles, he will definitely come to settle accounts with you! "

Although Qiongwei didn't speak much, she was very powerful. There was a master on the left and a master on the right.

The ghost-faced toad's heart beat into a beat. The last time he knelt down and begged for mercy, the Taoist nun let him go.If he offends his apprentice this time, and Taoist nun comes again, he will have to move his head!He subconsciously glanced at the wine gourd, didn't he?It's something unique to Jiuxianmen, it's all in my mind, that's all!That's all!This Jiuxianmen can't afford to mess with it!Just don't touch this master.Thinking of this, he gave the younger brothers a wink, and the scoundrels left Qiongwei's house.

Seeing that the rascals had left, Qiongwei let go of the hanging heart in her throat.Seeing her parents' bruised corpses already stiff, she lay on her parents' corpses with tears like raindrops and cried so much that she couldn't bear to live.

cry!So he dug a deep pit under the tree in the courtyard of his home and buried his parents' corpses.On the small tomb, she used her slender hands to cultivate the soil that smelled of astringent moisture on the slope.Thinking about the hardships and burdens of my parents in this life, and being beaten to death by those hooligans at the end, I couldn't help but feel extremely sad.She didn't give up until the slope was so steep that it was impossible to add more soil, and she cried again in front of her parents' grave.Reluctantly, he packed his bags and took the wine gourd with him. Before leaving, he did not forget to fill the wine gourd with the remaining wine and leave the dilapidated thatched hut.

She wholeheartedly wanted to find the whereabouts of Jiuxian Daoist, so she asked everywhere where the Jiuxian sect was.However, after asking all the way, no one knew about it, and she couldn't help feeling extremely anxious.Feeling like a headless chicken running around aimlessly, it's not a problem to cross the river by feeling the stones like this!The biggest task in front of her now is to learn from that Taoist nun, and after she is finished, she will seek revenge from Grimace Toad.

Nowadays, there is still no news of Taoist nuns, and there is a huge crowd. Finding someone is like looking for a needle in a haystack.How easy is it?
On this day, she came to a market, where the bustling crowd was constantly flowing, and the sound of hawking and shouting was endless.Small merchants and hawkers put the assortment of goods in the conspicuous positions of their booths.All kinds of delicacies, snacks, and daily necessities are available. She has not eaten water or rice for many days. Because she is anxious to find the whereabouts of the Taoist nun, she does not feel hungry. After seeing the delicious food, she does not feel grumbling in her stomach. cooed.After all, when I was at home, I was hungry every day.

Looking at the delicious dishes, I was a little bit salivating and couldn't hold it back.She subconsciously touched her cuff pocket, but she was too shy and penniless.I had no choice but to bet my saliva, trying not to pay attention to those delicacies.

She thought very well, this market is full of people coming and going, if you scan here to hear about Jiuxianmen and Taoist nuns, maybe someone will know.

She then chatted with people in a soft voice.However, to his disappointment, after scanning a dozen of them, there was still no result.

At this time, a handsome young man in white happened to pass by, holding an exquisite folding fan, and with a flick of the fan, Qiong Wei was overwhelmed with joy!

What is the reason?On that fan, the word Jiuxian was written on Haoran.Looking at his clothes, he is that handsome, unrestrained and suave person.

Qiongwei was overjoyed, and hurried forward to interrogate: "Young master! Can I scan someone for you?"

The young man in white was also taken aback when he saw the charming, soft, small and lovely young woman in front of him.But he quickly recovered from that gaffe-like surprise.She also showed a refined smile, "Girl! But it doesn't matter!"

"My lord, do you know how to get to Jiuxianmen?" Qiong Wei was like meeting an oasis in the vast desert, meeting those little stars in the dark night, seeing the dawn before dawn.

"Girl! Are you really looking for the Jiuxian Gate? I don't know why you so-called the Jiuxian Gate when you searched for it?" The young master seemed to know something, and asked back in surprise.

Qiongwei was secretly happy in her heart, and told her intuitively that the young man in white must know the whereabouts of the Jiuxianmen.He unreservedly told about his life experience and the ins and outs of things with him.

Hearing this, the young man in white felt very sympathetic to Qiongwei's life experience, "Girl! I am a disciple of this Jiuxian sect. Maybe it's also fate. You stumbled into this wine pool by mistake, and you can go further , not far away is the Jiuxian Gate! Just follow me!"

As she spoke, she led the way, and Qiong Wei followed closely behind. Thinking about finally being able to see Taoist Jiuxian, she couldn't say how happy she was.It has always been her inner wish to worship the Taoist aunt as her teacher. If her father hadn't objected that time, she must have learned the secret book of the wine fairy, and she would have watched her parents being beaten to death by the ghost-faced toad.Thinking about complaining about her father, this incident also made her understand a truth, this person must be self-reliant and self-reliant, only when he is strong can he not become a lamb at the mercy of others.

After a while, the two of them came to a grand courtyard with gray tiles and red walls, but it was very grand, and one could tell it was a rich family.

Qiongwei was also quite surprised, she thought that Jiuxian Daoist nun's clothes were very simple, and her Jiuxian gate should be in a Taoist temple far away from the hustle and bustle.I never thought it would be so majestic when I saw it today.It seems that imagination and reality are indeed two different things.But then he thought about it, he is from the Jiuxian sect, and it is a place for martial arts, not a place for cultivating Taoism.Therefore, it is reasonable to be more luxurious.

The young man in white pushed open the courtyard door and came to the hall like a shooting star, but he saw that the hall was simple and elegant, very neat and tidy, inside there were calligraphy and paintings of famous people, rare wooden tables and chairs, and rare handicrafts on display.It's overwhelming.Passing through the hall, the young man in white led Qiongwei into a big room, inside the exquisite mahogany bed was the brocade silk and satin quilt.The shop is neat and tidy, and in the center of the room is a round table carved with mahogany, and four round stools with jade faces are lined up beside it.Next to the wall is a mahogany cabinet frame, on which are placed exquisite dark blue textured porcelain.This room is also extremely luxurious.

The young man in white clothes still said elegantly: "Girl! You must be tired after walking such a long distance! Sit down and rest for a while! Come here! Serve tea to the guests!"

After a while, the servant presented an exquisite tray with two round porcelain tea bowls on it, and brought it very politely to the two of them, "Girl! Young Master, please use tea!" The door was closed.

How could Qiongwei have the heart to drink tea!She can't wait to see the Taoist nun and tell her what happened to her. The key is to learn from a teacher and avenge her parents as soon as possible.

"My lord! Is the Jiuxian Taoist here? I want to see her!" Qiongwei said her thoughts straight to the point.

"Girl! Taoist nun has gone out and won't be back until later, let's wait here for a while!" The young man in white took a sip of the fragrant banquet tea and continued to ask: "Girl! Don't you want to know Do you understand me?"

After hearing this, Qiongwei felt a little impolite, the son brought her here with good intentions, and didn't ask his name yet?I didn't realize it was funny in my heart, I felt a little embarrassed and blushed slightly, "Master! What's your name!"

Seeing her ruddy face and tenderness, the young man in white was secretly delighted, so he introduced himself endlessly, "Girl! My surname is Shan, and my single name is Cheng. The face looks like jade, full of bookishness, and holds a folding fan in his hand all year round, so people in the Jianghu gave him the nickname Yumian Xiaohongru. I have loved martial arts since I was a child, but I was born thin and sick, so this extra boxing is strength If you lack strength, it is really difficult to make progress, so you can only get good at skills and learn the moves of four or two strokes."

As soon as Qiongwei heard it, she became interested, she knew that she would have an indissoluble bond with this word Wu in her life.Therefore, she hopes to learn more about the common sense of practicing.To improve their martial arts attainments.Then he asked in puzzlement: "If you are good at cleverness, then it must be a very advanced martial art?"

"Gao Shen, that's not the case! Guess, what's the purpose of using this folding fan all year round?" Yumian Xiaohong Ru Shancheng made a fool of himself.

"Besides fanning the wind, I really can't think of anything else to do." Qiong Wei shook her head helplessly.

"This folding fan is my weapon!" Shancheng said without thinking.

"Weapon? A mere fan, what kind of weapon can it be?" Qiong Wei said suspiciously.

"Of course! This is not an ordinary fan!" As he spoke, he shook the fan in his hand, and the fan unfolded, revealing the word Jiuxian again.

Qiongwei took a closer look and saw clearly just now, but saw that this fan was a folding iron fan, its workmanship was very delicate, and it held some weight in the hand, if it hadn't been for ten or eight years, it would have been impossible Quickly shake the iron fan away.

Shancheng shook the fan again, and the fan quickly folded obediently, "This iron fan is designed to touch people's acupuncture points! Even martial arts masters are afraid of this method of acupuncture points. As the saying goes, one move first, eat it all!" My God! I have practiced this magic acupuncture since I was a child. I have mastered the acupuncture points of the human body very well, and can accurately find the location of the acupuncture points. I can also master the functions of all the acupuncture points in the human body. I have been practicing for so many years, only After learning the method of folding the fan and acupressure, you can skillfully apply it in actual combat."

It was the first time that Qiongwei heard of this magical skill in the world, and she felt very curious, "My lord! Is this skill really that powerful?"

"Girl! I can demonstrate one of the moves of this kung fu, and you can feel the power of this kung fu!" It was too late to say, and soon, Shancheng picked up the fan and pointed at Qiongwei's back heart.

There was only a sound of light tapping on the metal, and Qiong Wei was frozen there, unable to move at all.She looked at the handsome young man in white in surprise, and told him with pleading eyes, the joke ends here!However, what he saw was a hideous and terrifying smile on that handsome face. "

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