"Kui Jiu thought, this matter couldn't be more obvious, the two police officers acted according to orders, once Zhang Yue came to report the case, the yamen must have thoroughly investigated the matter, Master Xuan suspected himself!
After all, this winery of mine is opposite to that of Yuelai Winery, and this colleague is already an enemy. It is normal for adults to suspect him and think that he has a motive for committing crimes!It is also his bounden duty to cooperate with the Yamen to solve the case.

Therefore, he didn't think the problem was particularly serious, but cooperated with all his strength, and he said to the fat policeman kindly: "My lord! I really don't know much about the Yuelai Winery being smashed. When we came, we saw that the opposite side was already in a mess, smashed beyond recognition. Was it safe and sound yesterday? We were also very puzzled, but the scene of this night was smashed beyond recognition. Please, my lords Check it out."

The skinny policeman next to him was not so friendly, but he saw his sword eyebrows upside down and his tiger eyes wide open, "You're not telling the truth, right? Brother! The two of us are following orders, don't talk nonsense to this kid Hurry up and take this kid back!"

The fat policeman didn't dare to be negligent after hearing this, the two couldn't help but put the shackles on Kui Jiu and escorted him back to the Yamen.

Kui Jiu only felt that the heavy shackles were bound, and his actions were restricted. He did not resist, and followed the two policemen very cooperatively. He knew that explaining to these two officers was useless, and they were also obeying orders. Kui Jiu only hoped that when he saw Mr. Yamen Xuan, he would be able to explain it well.Who knows where to give him a chance!

When they arrived at the yamen, the two policemen took Kui Jiu into the cell.

Kui Jiu's heart is half cold. The damp walls, the dark and narrow space, the deathly silence, the rotten and moldy food, and the iron-like prison door make people feel so desperate that life would be worse than death.

The feeling of loneliness in his heart was born spontaneously. At this point, he finally realized that the mastermind who framed his father again and again was Zhang Yuelai, the shopkeeper of Yuelai Winery. He must have seen the business of Kuijiu Winery. Prosperous, that's why he was involved in the plan to frame his father. After killing his father, he thought that the plot would succeed, and the business of Yuelai Winery would be booming from then on.

It is true that in the past three years when I have observed the filial piety for my parents, the business of Yuelai Winery has been extremely prosperous. Who would have thought that after I observed the filial piety, I reopened the Kuijiu Winery and opened it again. It was hotter before.

He must have seen it in his eyes and held a grudge in his heart, so he acted out this drama, smashed his storefront, made Qian and the Yamen collude, and wanted to commit a crime and put himself in prison without excuse.In this way, Kui Jiu Winery had to be forced to close down.After all, if there is a lawsuit, he can logically eliminate this biggest competitor, so that his business will become more prosperous.This wishful thinking is really impeccable!

Kui Jiu had a good idea, at this time Zhang Yuelai was exchanging glasses with the yamen Xuangao.

"My lord! Thanks to you this time, you are the one who can defend our Yuelai Winery! I am really grateful!" Then he took out the 1000 taels of silver note from his pocket and stuffed it into Xuan Gao's hand.

Xuan Gao took the bank note, but couldn't close his mouth with a smile, "Where is it! The shopkeeper Zhang is serious! My yamen solves the case to make decisions for the people. How can I just sit idly by and let your shop be smashed? Those who destroy are free from justice! Once this case is solved, you can do business with peace of mind! As for Kui Jiu? It's so lawless! How dare you smash a shop in broad daylight, but you have committed an unforgivable crime I will definitely punish him severely for his crime! Just rest assured!"

"My lord! You are really the master for our people! But what? After all, the crime of vandalism and looting is limited! If it is released, he will definitely be detrimental to my wine shop! After all, he sees my business booming and holds a grudge. It’s not a day or two. You still have to solve the problem fundamentally!” Zhang Yuelai kept talking, he was familiar with the principles of giving money to people and eliminating disasters for others, and he also knew that since Master Xuan took his money Tickets will definitely be given to him to handle this matter beautifully.However, his judgment seems to be somewhat biased.

Xuan Gao just lowered his face, "Master Zhang! One yard is one yard! You don't know the rules in this world, do you?" He flipped the 1000 taels of silver note just now while talking. .

Zhang Yueran understood it, thinking in her mind, um!My lord thinks it too little, it seems that he can really handle this matter thoroughly!No matter!I can't bear to let the child not be caught by the wolf!Willing to give up!There will be gains only if you give up, so he took out two silver notes from his pocket and stuffed them into Xuan Gao's hands.

He took the bank note and smiled slightly, "The shopkeeper Zhang is really a smart man! Don't worry! I will definitely handle this matter properly. You just wait for the booming business and make money every day!"

After hearing this, Zhang Yuelai also smiled knowingly, "Then it's all up to the adults to make decisions for the people! Come, come! I'll toast to you!" After speaking, he clinked glasses with Xuan Gao and drank it down in one gulp.

Kui Jiu also suffered a lot of humiliation in this prison. He was full of grievances and wanted to confide, but there was no one to speak, so he tried his best to shout grievances against the damp wall, except for the roaring echoes that accompanied him. , but there was no movement at all.This invisibly increased his despair, how much he wished to confide his grievances to Master Xuan Gao, even though he had already guessed the truth of the matter.

This kind of thought really made him feel funny, how could it be possible?Zhang Yuelai and Master Xuan must be in good spirits, how could they see me?
However, something unexpected happened. The jailer sent good news that Mr. Xuan wanted to see him. This was really good news for a desperate and lost person.

This undoubtedly brought new life to a man whose hope had long been lost.The feeling of joy in my heart is born spontaneously.He kept reassuring himself that all the previous speculations might be wrong.Maybe it's because I think too badly about Mr. Xuan, because I think of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, and I can't bear the fact that he is busy with affairs during this time, and I haven't spared time to meet with myself.Today, he was summoned because he had plenty of time. He imagined that he would confide his grievances to the Qingtian Grand Master to his heart's content. He was definitely wronged, and they must have made a mistake.He was thinking about what to say.

While thinking about it, he was escorted by the jailers to the interrogation hall. On the front, back, left, and right wooden boards, the word "Serenity" can be seen everywhere, and there are four large gold-lettered mirrors hanging above the hall.

But I saw a person sitting in the center of the lobby, about 50 years old, with an official hat and uniform, very dignified, full of scales, square and round ground, thick eyebrows and big eyes, straight nose and wide mouth, piercing eyes, looking at him very seriously. with him.

Kui Jiu hurriedly knelt down on his knees knowingly, and kowtowed to Master Qingtian in salute.

"Is the hall prisoner Kui Jiu?" Xuan Gao asked in a very serious tone.

After Kui Jiu heard this, her heart trembled, what?death row?When did I become Kui Jiu again?He was full of grievances and wanted to confide in Master Xuan, but he never thought that he would become a death row prisoner without speaking.

Even if I was wronged, I just smashed the person from Yuelai Winery, compensated according to the price, restored the storefront again, and then accompanied the loss caused by the inability of the store to open, and locked up in the cell for a few days , How could he not become a death row criminal!This made him puzzled.

"My lord! I am Kui Jiu! But I am not a prisoner on death row. You must have made a mistake! I have been wronged! Please be sure to check clearly. Xiaomin Kui Jiu has never smashed the Yuelai Winery, and I don't know what happened. Whoever framed me, put me in prison and suffered, and punished me, Xiaomin was indeed wronged!" Kui Jiu explained bitterly.

"Bold and unreasonable! What a bunch of nonsense! How dare you not tell the truth in this hall! Come here! Serve him with three hundred killing sticks! How dare he speak hard!" Xuan Gao yelled loudly.

The people on the left and right did not dare to be negligent, they hurriedly dragged Kui Jiu to the ground, and beat him fiercely with the big black and red wooden stick.

Kui Jiu felt that the part being slapped was burning, hot and spicy, and the pain was unbearable. Let alone three hundred sticks, even ten sticks would be unbearable!The buttocks had already been ripped apart, the most uncomfortable thing was the heavy slap on the ripped skin, no doubt like adding salt to the wound, he passed out not long after.

The fat policeman quickly poured a bucket of cold water on his head. As soon as the cold water stirred, Kui Jiu woke up from the coma, only to feel that the wound was extremely heavy with sand.The finger was red and seemed to be broken, but upon closer inspection, it was soaked in the red oil.

The skinny policeman smiled slightly, and then read out the crimes one by one, "Kui Jiu, the death row prisoner! He is heinous! He took ten lives! After in-depth investigations by many police officers, it was concentrated on one person, who stole the Kui Jiu wine shop. In the name of deceiving others, he is actually an unrivaled murderous maniac. These ten lives were all at his hands, and he committed crimes consecutively in just two years.

They brutally murdered a villager named Huang in the farming area on the seventh day of February last year, and beat him to the back of his head with a hoe, causing him to die. .

On March [-]th, in the Yushi street in the market area, Tian, ​​the owner of Wenyufang, was stabbed several times to death!He also ransacked all the gold, stone and jade wares in his store, and after many testimonies, they all matched with him.

On the third day of May this year, a dead body was picked up in the Qiuyu River. This man was Lao Jin, a wealthy businessman. He was traveling by boat. Not long after he landed, he was attacked by Kui, who killed him by hitting his head with a hard bluestone. , the money was looted by him.

On the eighth day of October, he robbed an antique dealer's peerless famous painting in Julongling, killed him, threw his body into the wilderness, snatched the famous painting, and took it as his own.Now everyone has stolen goods.That's what happened in this case again..."

The skinny catcher quickly spit stars flying around, listing several life crimes that Kui Jiu had never heard of.In the end, I did not forget to ask him to take a look. The lower right corner of the pleading paper filled with serious crimes was the fingerprint he just pressed. Obviously, he was forced to press it when he was unconscious.

After Kui Jiu saw it, she became anxious and angry, and then passed out again. "

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