"Kui Jiu listened, put down the book in his hand, and rushed to the winery in three steps at a time, but saw that the whole street was overcrowded and blocked. , There was a lot of voices.

Father Lao Kui's wine table was surrounded by familiar faces, and everyone was queuing up to toast each other.There was a look of embarrassment and helplessness on his father's face.Beside father's wine table, empty wine jars were piled up on the ground one after another.

Seeing this scene, Kui Jiu's heart was half cold. He knew that his father had been drinking a lot, and there were so many people waiting in line behind him?His father's drinking capacity is indeed not small, and Kui Jiu is like a mirror in his heart. In his memory, he has never seen his father get drunk. Those who drink with his father often lose their battle after drinking to a certain level. My father always took the other party's face into consideration, and it was over after smoothing things over.

Father drinks very honestly, the wine is very good, and he has never said that he is lazy and slippery on the wine table.Because they are used to drinking from bowls, many people spill half of the wine as soon as they touch the toast. Some people even feel that they can't drink anymore, so they throw it on the ground when people are not paying attention.Some people even drank down the wine first, and then went to the toilet to vomit. These bad drinking habits cannot be seen from the father.After all, he knows how hard it is to make wine, and he also understands that wine is made from food, and wasting wine is undoubtedly wasting food.Therefore, it is very real for him to drink.Because of this, Kui Jiu was even more worried.

He calculated that thanks to the timely delivery of the message by the guys, he arrived in time, otherwise the consequences would have been disastrous.Watching his father down bowl after bowl, he couldn't help feeling very sad.His father was accompanied by wine all his life, and it was this wine that brought him such a rich and prosperous life. Thinking about people's life, they will always be proud of something, and of course they will be frustrated by something.This may be fate!
Kui Jiu came to his father in such a wild way of thinking, and waved his hands to the crowd, "Everyone from ten miles and eight villages, thank you for coming to support our wine shop, we are very grateful! Everyone is a regular customer , We are very grateful for such kind toasts one by one. In order to express our gratitude to everyone in the wine shop, as the saying goes, it is not indecent to come and go, I will toast everyone one by one. In the days to come, please support the business of our winery!" As he spoke, he picked up the wine jar and filled the bowl in front of his father.Holding the bowls in both hands, they have to toast one by one.

As soon as the words fell, someone in the crowd yelled loudly: "What kind of onion and garlic are you? We know who you are? We are here for the sake of shopkeeper Kui! You are a brat! If the baby doesn't go home and study hard, what kind of garlic do you come here for! Everyone thinks, isn't it?"

When Kui Jiu heard this, he already understood more than half of it in his heart. This is not afraid of bad things, but afraid of bad people!There must be a deadly enemy of his father who set up a scheme against him. This is obviously a sincere attempt to kill his father. However, his father has been loyal and honest all his life, so who can he offend?Isn't this obvious anymore? He just glanced at each other just now. Among the crowd, there are really a few eyes that are different from the others. The general customers come to this drinking event with a happy and lively attitude Yes, but there was a strong murderous look in the eyes of those people.They watched Lao Kui pouring down the mellow wine bowl by bowl.There is pride in his expression.

Everyone was discussing, what kind of trouble did a little kid come over to make trouble?Therefore, it is very disappointing.

Seeing this scene, the old man waved his hand again, signaling to everyone to be quiet, and then smiled at Kui Jiu, "Baby! Do you know what we are doing now? We all came here specially to support the wine shop, everyone The sons are all here for the shopkeeper, Lao Kui, and you will rush out halfway without knowing it, which will make everyone feel abrupt! Can you explain to everyone?"

In fact, it stands to reason that Lao Kui should get up and introduce his son to everyone.However, just because he drank too much wine, his mind was a little dazed and his legs were a little weak.He felt top-heavy and dizzy so badly that he barely sat on the seat and dared not move.

Kui Jiu smiled slightly, "I think you guys have made a mistake. Who is the shopkeeper and who is the clerk in this wine shop, you haven't figured it out yet, have you? If you don’t look at the black gold lettering signboard on this winery, maybe I have less opportunities to show up, and it’s no wonder that everyone doesn’t know me. Let me introduce myself first. I am Kui Jiu, the son of Lao Kui, and I also belong to this winery. Shopkeeper. I usually entrust all the affairs of the winery to my accountant, Lao Kui. After all, it is my father, so I don’t feel at ease entrusting this winery to others! So usually, Lao Kui makes you feel that this winery The shopkeeper of Fangfang, right? This is a complete misunderstanding, I am the host of today's all-you-can-drink event! Lao Kui! The real shopkeeper is here, why don't you hurry up and give up your seat!"

Lao Kui was also taken aback, thinking that this little bastard's wings had hardened, when did this winery become his again, and he had given this kid his name according to the signboard of this winery.It's good now, but my wine shop has become this little bastard's, which doesn't make sense.

But after thinking about it, it's not right!Didn't this kid check the accounts at home? Why did he come here? Then he suddenly realized, and hurriedly glanced at those guys, but he understood everything after the guy gave him a wink!The son came here to rescue him, this kid is really good!He was thinking about it, but he was very worried about his son. After all, he was only a teenager, and he was really worried about facing so many people of all kinds. Then he thought about what he could do. Save manpower, what else can be done?Just let nature take its course.

He managed to cheer himself up, stood up from his seat, and clasped his fists at everyone, "Everyone! What the shopkeeper Kui Jiu just said is true. He is indeed the shopkeeper of this winery, and I am just his buddy! Now the real The shopkeeper Kui Jiu is here, so I should leave too." After saying that, he quietly returned to the wine shop to rest!
When the guys saw that Lao Kui had finally withdrawn, they let go of their uneasy hearts. Several people hurried to the lounge of the winery to visit, but they didn't know that Lao Kui staggered and fell to the ground as soon as he entered the lounge. Province.The guys are extremely busy, pinching people, fetching water, making tea, and looking for medicine.Let's not mention serving Lao Kui to rest here.

How Kui Jiu ends up is the key. After listening to the words of the father and son, everyone reluctantly accepts this statement with suspicion.

The old man was also very happy in his heart, which is not bad. This old man can't drink anymore, and his son wants to drink. Since this is the case, it can't be better. Finally, we can kill the roots. The business of this winery depends on how you do it.

The old man just saw the wind and changed his words, "Forgive us for our blindness, it turns out that it is the young shopkeeper! Well! You can tell that you are young and promising at a glance! It must be amazing that the drinking capacity is also amazing! How can we let the young shopkeeper Respect us? It’s still the same as before, to express our gratitude, let’s all respect the shopkeeper one by one!” He held the bowl with both hands and touched Kui Jiu, and drank it all in one gulp.

Kui Jiu also said politely: "Old man! Thank you for your support to the shop! I will do it too!"

When the old man took the lead, everyone responded one after another, and came to toast one by one. Kui Jiu never refused to come, he was very relaxed, chatting and laughing with everyone, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Unknowingly, it was getting late, and everyone drank a lot of wine. Among the crowd, those who could not drink enough retreated first, and those who were overwhelmed slipped the table drunk, lying on all fours. On the ground, what is even more useless is to vomit all over the ground, which makes people look extremely disgusting.

Kui Jiu was still calm and composed, sitting there confidently, chatting and laughing with everyone, and exchanged cups and cups.

Everyone was in admiration, this young shopkeeper is really good at drinking!As expected of Lao Kui's son, the guy who inherited the wine, really can be said to never get drunk after a thousand cups!Everyone respected him for a bowl without saying anything. After drinking so many people, they still didn't change their faces and their hearts beat, and nothing happened.At such a young age, the outfield is so good, and he is getting older, so it is not sure how capable he is.

The old man and the wine shop merchants were anxious. They clearly wanted to drink Lao Kui to a good or bad degree, but they never thought of killing Xiao Kui halfway. The amount of alcohol is unfathomable!It seems that people are going to launch a counterattack. If they don't drink all these people down, it won't be over.

The old man thought about it, that's all, this young man is too powerful, he really can't drink him, and the 36 plan is the best, so he got up and said goodbye, but his words were still strict, without showing the slightest fear, "Young shopkeeper ! There is no permanent banquet in this world, we have a long time to come, and there will be plenty of opportunities in the future. It is getting late today, and everyone is drinking to their heart's content, so let's break up now! I don't know what the young shopkeeper thinks?"

Kui Jiu smiled slightly, "Old man! Everyone! Thank you for coming to join us today! The business of the small shop will be thanks to everyone for taking care of me. Kui Jiu is here to thank everyone again!" As he spoke, he poured three big bowls in a row.This undoubtedly gave everyone present a kind of majestic deterrence and warning. The implication is that you don't play tricks with us. When it comes to drinking, you are still far behind. Be honest!It caused an uproar among the crowd, who raised their thumbs and praised him for his good drinking capacity.It was at this moment that everyone gave Kui Jiu the nickname Drunken Immortal, and it was true that no one could drink him better.It can be said that it is difficult to seek defeat.

Kui Jiu was also very happy. Fortunately, he rescued his father in time today, otherwise his father would have to be killed by those who plotted against him.What amazed him the most was that not only did their plot fail to succeed, but they got drunk and made a lot of ugly appearances, each of them showed their original shape. The most annoying thing was the old man, who was full of benevolence and morality. Doing unscrupulous deeds.He returned to the lounge of the winery to visit his father full of joy, but unexpectedly it surprised him. "

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