roses and lilies

Chapter 338 The Footsteps of Disaster

"The merchants of those wineries came to Dikui Jiujia Winery, which was crowded with people, and chatted with these customers and customers in the long queue.

Among the many merchants who envy and hate Kuijiu Winery, Zhang Yuelai, the owner of Yuelai Winery, is the most angry. This Yuelai Winery is on the same street as Kuijiu Winery, and the facade is still opposite. Zhang Yuelai Looking at the Kuijiu Winery across the street patted the long line every day, and the crowds are bustling, let alone feel uncomfortable.Seeing that the door of my wine shop is deserted and there is no customer, I feel extremely disappointed in my heart. Finally, one came, and the accent seemed to come from a far away place.

Zhang Yuelai met Gao Ying from afar, and hurried over to greet Gao Ying, flattered, "Guest officer! Do you drink? Our family's fine brewed wine is well-known in the whole street, and it has a complete range of varieties. It has a good daughter." There are red wine, refined rice wine, Shibali Piaoxiang, pear flower white, sorghum burnt, bitter dew, Lanling, Wan Guochun, etc. What do you want to drink?"

The guest officer asked with a strong local accent: "Is this the Kuijiu Winery? What's wrong with you? I came from a long way, so I'm not familiar with this place. Everyone in my village shouted, saying In the Central Plains, there is a very famous winery, the wine produced is mellow and mellow, and after drinking it is endless aftertaste. I rushed over here!" While talking, he showed his yellow teeth like corn kernels and smirked there .

Zhang Yuelai also said helplessly: "Guest officer! Our home is Yuelai Winery, not Kuijiu Winery. The fine wine we brew at home tastes better than that made by Nakui Jiu Winery. Would you like to buy some How about a taste?"

"Ouch! So that's what's going on! Then do you know where the Kui Jiu Winery is?" The guest officer was quite honest, the more impatient Yue Lai was, the more he asked questions.

The anger in Yuelai's heart!I thought, is there something wrong with the customer's eyes?The big gold-lettered signboard on the opposite side can't be seen, and the long queue can't be seen!He impatiently pointed at the opposite side.

The customer subconsciously glanced in the direction Yuelai pointed, his eyes lit up involuntarily, and he walked towards the end of the long line on the opposite side as if he had discovered gold. Before leaving, he still politely said to Yue Say, "Thank you!"

Yuelai turned pale with anger, and closed the shop for several days.Of course, he and those distillery merchants also planned the incident of framing the Kuijiu Distillery's rat wine song.

This time, he and everyone came up with a better plan.

Yuelai stood in the long queue, chatting with the customers of Kuijiu's house. He was a businessman and could speak well.

"Everyone! I feel that everyone who drinks alcohol understands that the amount of alcohol is very important. Part of it is due to genetics. Maybe there are guys in the ancestors who can drink, and the genes that can drink. Every day is accompanied by alcohol. After all, it can drink and meet people. Drinking is two different things. A person who has no capacity for alcohol cannot be said to be able to drink.

This drinking is expensive in communication and learning.I heard that the owner of Kui Jiu Winery, that is, Kui Jiu's father, is very good at drinking, but the real person always doesn't show his be honest!You are also regular customers of Kuijiu Winery for so many years, so it shouldn't be too much for you to make some requests.

If he is sincere, he should invite these old customers who have always supported his business to drink!After thinking about it for so many years, everyone, everyone has been drinking at their house.This money has made their family a lot of money, so it shouldn't be too much for the customer to make such a small request.Everyone asks if what I said makes sense! "Yue Lai's small mouth twitched, and there were many wine merchants in the team who passed the gas with Yue Lai, they echoed the noise, and everyone shouted like the wind.

Kui Jiu's father, Lao Kui, was ordering wine for customers. The business was so hot every day, and he was exhausted. He didn't feel enough sleep. He was busy from morning to night every day, and he had to greet customers and buy goods at the same time. For the preparation of food and wine making, when the winery closes at night, you have to take stock of the accounts for the day, and you have to pay the guys wages every month. Fortunately, there is a son Kui Jiuli who helps take care of it, and Teng Teng can take care of him.

Lao Kui barely held his sleepy eyes and greeted the guests, but he felt a commotion in the long line. He didn't know where he was, and checked with the regular customers at the head of the line. He thought that the customers might have conflicts due to the queue. .

But it is such a long queue, it is inevitable that there will be people who are unconscious, opportunistic, and queue unconsciously.This is also a common occurrence, and it will pass after everyone talks and persuades.However, today was a bit special, the commotion and noise not only did not disappear, but became more and more intense.

The old man in front of the line is an old alcoholic and a die-hard fan of Kui Jiu Winery. He can’t do without wine for three meals in the morning, noon and evening. He doesn’t need any good food. drink it.Therefore, he is also very familiar with Lao Kui.

The old man smiled slightly and said, "Old Kui! It's no wonder the regular customers of the team are making trouble! Everyone buys your wine a lot! It's been so many years, cold and summer are easy, there is no winter and summer, if there are no such old customers With the support of customers, can your store be so popular? Can your business be so prosperous? As the saying goes, you don’t forget the well digger when you drink water, so you can’t be too stingy!”

Lao Kui heard it clearly. After all, he has been in business for so many years. Can he not understand the meaning behind the old man's words?It was obvious that the noise of discussion in the team was related to this matter, and he could also think of a customer who felt a little unbalanced and complained, which led everyone to follow suit, expressing emotions and dissatisfaction.

He knew in his heart that these customers were really good, and they had been taking care of his business. Without the support of these old and young alcoholics, it would not be possible for the winery to be today. In fact, he had already thought about it. The idea given by Jiu was sent to the customers for fine rice wine, and he realized that as a businessman, the importance of giving back to new and old customers.

It's just that he couldn't think of any way to express the wine shop's gratitude to the customers after thinking about it.It just so happens that today's incident is a good opportunity for him to understand the thoughts of customers.

Thinking of this, he started chatting with the old man while collecting the money. The old man was also very lively. After drinking, he gave up his seat, walked into the wine shop and sat next to Lao Kui.

"Brother! I understand everyone's intentions. I have thought about this a long time ago. I have long wanted to thank the new and old customers who have always supported my small wine shop, but I haven't figured out how to do it. After all, this The number of people is quite a lot! I wanted to set up a banquet and drink with everyone, but after thinking about it, how many tables do I have to set up? So I gave up, please help me find a way!" Lao Kui said sincerely Come up with your own ideas.

"That's not easy! Since you have such a heart, do you still worry about not being able to express it? There is no need for a banquet! There are too many people, and it is unrealistic. You can take a day off and invite these customers to come over. If you have enough wine, invite them to drink for free. You can talk freely with everyone, drink and drink together, so that everyone will not get drunk or return. This is equivalent to thanking everyone. Isn’t this very good? As for the dishes? For food, there is really no need, these customers are all drinkers, they are only interested in this wine, you just need to prepare enough wine to make them drink to their heart's content." The old man said while opening the wine gourd handle. He took a big gulp of the mellow and fragrant wine, followed by a very intoxicating high.

After hearing this, Lao Kui's eyes lit up, the old man was right!You can invite everyone to drink!This idea is really good!He smiled slightly, took the old man's wine gourd casually, filled it up, and handed it to the old man, who couldn't close his mouth with joy. "It's fine if you understand, and I won't bother you with your business!" He said, got up and left unhurriedly.

The old man didn't go straight home, but turned a corner and came to Yuelai Winery. Zhang Yuelai had already returned to the winery and chatted with the wine merchants in the shop.As soon as he saw the old man coming in, he hurriedly moved a chair for him.He asked very politely: "Brother! How is it? What did Lao Kui say?"

The old man smiled at everyone, then turned to him and said, "Shopkeeper Yuelai! Don't worry! If you explain, I will tell Lao Kui everything!"

Yue Lai was very happy when he heard it, and hurriedly asked again: "What did he say?"

"He didn't say anything! He just nodded in agreement and filled up my empty wine gourd. Shopkeeper Yuelai, just wait for the good news!" The old man smiled at everyone with confidence.

All the wine merchants were also very happy, feeling that this strategy could finally succeed.

Yue Lai took out a piece of silver from his pocket, weighed it subconsciously, it was five or six taels, and handed it to the old man, "Brother! You must take this silver, drink it with a pot of wine!"

The old man pretended to decline, "Shopkeeper Yuelai! You can't do it! It's just a matter of lifting your hands, don't do it! Don't do it!"

Yue Lai stuffed the money into the old man's pocket, and smiled slightly, "Brother! You're welcome! On the day of drinking at Kui Jiu Winery, I have to ask you to perform a performance! After the event is completed, there must be a small gift!"

After the old man heard it, his heart was full of joy, he couldn't help sighing, as the saying goes, man is a breath, Buddha is a stick of incense!It's true!This Yueran is looking for someone and entrusting money, which seems inconceivable to outsiders, what exactly is this picture?It seems that I still can't swallow this bad breath!He hated Lao Kui for not dying!

Lao Kui is also very busy these days. Apart from being busy with the business of the winery, he is also preparing for the drinking day.He posted the notice with sincere words, thanking the new and old customers for so many years, ups and downs, no winter or summer, for their support and love for his small wine shop, and to thank customers, a special drinking day for drunkards.

All the drinks on the day are free to drink, so that everyone can drink enough. During the presentation, everyone gathers together, talks freely, and can offer suggestions and suggestions for the winery. All in all, the winery is grateful and rewards everyone. In the days to come, we will continue to support the business of this winery as always. Kui Jiu Winery promises to brew rich, mellow and delicious wine for everyone, adding infinite warmth and joy to everyone's table.

Once this notice was posted, the customers were very happy, and everyone was eager to show their skills on that drinking day.

However, Lao Kui didn't know that the footsteps of disaster were one step closer to him. "

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