roses and lilies

Chapter 328 Cyclops

"After Shanfeng heard this, he smiled slightly, and now, he doesn't want to keep anything anymore, he just wants to tell the truth when he has something in his heart.

"The head of the world! You really have a unique vision! You have seen it! Not bad! I really want to learn martial arts with the old lady. I admire her martial arts and talent from the bottom of my heart.

He used to be the number one scholar, and he used to be a son-in-law who disguised himself as a man. He was worried about the country and the people and worked hard for the state affairs. After being demoted by the emperor to a commoner, he began to study the advanced martial arts with great concentration, and created the "Hundred Birds Attack" Cheats, I have to say that he is a real master.

However, this Nuoda Wulin can't accept her, and even talk about killing people in the Wulin, you don't even think about it, what kind of people they kill, they are all people who have a false name and are eager for quick success.He is not a real hero, so it would be a bit far-fetched to use this reason to punish people. I feel that this time all the heroes are gathered here, and they can learn martial arts with the old lady, so that's all!After all, this pen can not write two martial arts, the world martial arts is one family. "Shanfeng complained for the old woman with reason and evidence.

After hearing this, Shi Shao looked up and laughed, "Master Jingkong, Daoist Jitai! You all heard it! Did I wrong him? He admitted it himself! He and that female devil are in the same group! Heroes This is how the majestic Taishan sect's good head helps the evil, and I hope that all heroes can return justice to the martial arts, eradicate these two people who endanger the martial arts, and eliminate harm for the world."

Shi Shao yelled extremely fiercely, but the thunder was heavy and the rain was light, so he was just talking. He was very self-aware, and knew that his two performances were too far apart!He wanted to persuade all the heroes to stand up and eradicate this Shanfeng, so that he could avenge Lu Jue.

However, before he finished speaking, a person walked out from the crowd. This person was about [-] feet tall, like a giant, with a shirtless upper body, well-developed chest and abdominal muscles. Wai, the leopard has a lot of tendons.

The huge feet were not worn, and the soles of the feet were already worn out with thick calluses.Looking up from the head, it was even more peculiar, the huge head was shaved, and it was as round as a ripe and plump watermelon.There is only one big eye under the two thick eyebrows, and the position of this eye is even more ridiculous, it is located below the center of the eyebrows, the only eye is like an almond stone, and the eyelid is not on the top It is located on the left and right sides of the eyeball.The two round eyes above the pig's arched nose dripped with snot.It's disgusting to look at, and the big mouth extends to the left and right jaws.

This person is extremely ugly. At first glance, he looks like a monster. He speaks with a strong voice, full of confidence, and roars. "Shanfeng! You are a treacherous person, and you are still talking about great principles. Today, I will let you see how powerful I am Cyclops."

While speaking, he came to Shanfeng, swung his thick arm and hit Shanfeng's head violently.This giant is one person taller than it.It's like an adult teaching a child with his arm.

Shanfeng was taken aback for a moment, of course he knew this person very well!It was the Cyclops Mu Yuan.He is the only apprentice of the supreme master of martial arts, Sai Beishangren.

On the vast Mongolian grassland in the northern part of the country, nomadic peoples have multiplied here for generations, and the beautiful yurts are warm stoves.The skylight on the roof is bright.The sun shines into the house, and the low-leg carved wooden table on the carpet is the most representative food of this nomad.Tender shredded lamb and mellow kumiss.All of these are the best interpretation of the life of the nomads in Saibei.

Muyuan's memory is full of memories and yearning for grassland life.Since he can remember, he has been following this middle-aged man who is not tall and slightly thin.

In his eyes, this man was so tall and mighty, he didn't know who his parents were, but from the mouth of this middle-aged man, he learned that this man's name was Mu Meng, and he lived on the Saibei grassland.He is kind-hearted, willing to help others, and his kung fu is very good, so everyone calls him Saibei Shangren very affectionately.

Mu Yuan looked at his great benefactor more than once. His head was tied with a sapphire ribbon, he was wearing a golden tight-sleeved Mongolian robe, a black tight-fitting wide cloth bag, red silk tassels fluttering from his shoulders, and he was wearing black wide-leg cloth pants with a black high waist. Mongolian boots, embroidered with gold patterns symbolizing good luck.

His kung fu is very good, his skills are extraordinary, and he is familiar with horse riding, archery, domestication and other skills. Of course, the best thing is Saibeiboke, which made him famous in the world.

As one of the three major skills in northern Saibei, woke is the favorite of nomads and the most popular sport. This event has a long history and includes many skills, such as combining, fishing, grinding, kicking, pinching, Lying knife, entering, piercing the back, lame, digging, raking, knife hook, opening, tucking, binding, hooking, fastening, wrapping, kicking, breaking, fork, rinsing, twisting, curving, sticking, pinching, elbowing, clapping, Technical actions such as slamming, pretending, and making mistakes.Whenever there is a wrestling match, Mu Yuan will be the first to come to the front row, and watch carefully how Mu Meng, a native of Saibei, knocks down those big and small wrestling kings to the ground and wins the crown.

He once asked this great grassland hero where he came from, and Mu Meng didn't hide anything, so he told the story exactly.

One time when he was herding sheep on the grassland, Mu Meng felt thirsty, so he came to the side of the grassland, and there was a clear pond. .

When he looked up inadvertently, he saw a small round wooden basin floating far away in the pond, and there seemed to be the sound of a baby crying inside, so he quickly jumped into the water, fished the wooden basin to the shore, and watched intently. Look, if you don't look at it, it's really shocking to see it.

What kind of baby is in this tub!It's like a monster.Not only did he have one eye, but he also had a pig's nose, and his big mouth stretched all the way to the back of his head.This kid looks too ugly.He thought it must be his mother who gave birth to it, and seeing its incomparable ugliness, he thought it was a monster, so he abandoned it and let it fend for itself.

These parents are cruel enough, no matter how ugly they are, they are still their own children!How can you have the heart to throw it away?
So the Mumeng carefully raised the abandoned baby and taught him the life skills of the nomadic people, how to ride horses and herd herds.Although the little guy looks extremely ugly, he is born with supernatural power.

At the age of four or five, he was already more than nine feet long. Such a height is beyond the reach of many adults.The body is extremely strong and muscular.Once, the two were herding sheep on the prairie, and a wild buffalo galloped towards the flock from a distance. If the bull's horn hit the flock of sheep, there would be countless casualties, and the loss would be extremely heavy. Mu Meng was about to go forward to tame the animal, but he was stopped by this little guy. He kept thinking about competing with the wild bull.

After hearing this, Mu Meng thought to himself, how could this be possible?This little guy is just five years old. Although he is tall and big, he still has a childlike innocence. What if something goes wrong?He hurriedly blocked it, but he didn't know that the little guy was still twisted and insisted on going, so he gently pushed Mu Meng with his arm.

Mu Meng didn't think much about it at the time, he felt how much strength a child can have, but he didn't use that internal force to stop him, but he didn't know that this little guy pushed him four or five feet away with his arms and jumped out Headed for the buffalo.

Mu Meng beat his chest and stamped his feet, blaming himself, why didn't he stop the child?

But seeing the little guy running towards the bison, the bison's horns are coming straight to the little guy's strong abdominal muscles, if he wants to pierce it, the little guy might be pierced right away.This life is gone.

He didn't panic, and he didn't rush, he quickly grabbed the bison's horns with both hands, you go back for me!Even though the buffalo exerted all its strength, coupled with the impact of the galloping force, it was pushed back by the little guy with both hands, and it retreated more than a dozen feet. The buffalo was not convinced, so it pushed forward again .

The little guy smiled, and murmured in a low voice: "Is it not acceptable?" He lifted the bison above his head with both arms.

The buffalo was in a panic now, its four hooves hung in the air and fell violently, howling in its mouth, as if begging for mercy.

The little guy was kind-hearted and didn't want to hurt the animal, so he put it down gently.

The buffalo was also trembling all over, still in shock, looking at the child Hercules very tamely.

Witnessing this scene, Mu Meng really couldn't laugh or cry, and was overwhelmed by the little guy's natural supernatural power.

The most embarrassing thing is the little guy's appetite. A four- or five-year-old child can eat a piece of mutton at most, and he is already full. I can't even stop it, and eating is also very scary, with a big mouth, a large piece of lamb leg, I bite it three times and then swallow it, and I can't see the chewing process at all.The so-called wolfing down is the best interpretation of it.As the little guy grows older, of course, this requirement becomes more and more, and of course the most basic requirement is not too much.He has no father and no mother, and when he saw other children being loved by their parents, he felt very upset, so he told Mu Meng what was on his mind.

"I recognize you as your father?" The little guy said to Mu Meng with some expectation.

Because the incident happened suddenly, Mu Meng didn't have any mental preparations, but felt that the child had no father and no mother, it was very pitiful, so he raised him meticulously, never thinking about asking him to repay him, let alone what kind of seniority.He touched the little guy's head, "Son! You have a serious mind! Don't think that I raised you for anything in return, you can't have such an idea. Everything is my heartfelt wish Do it, you don't need to feel indebted to me!"

Mu Meng speaks from the heart, and his words are very sincere and touching.

With tears in his eyes, the little guy said, "Master! The great kindness of nurturing! I will never forget it! I say it from the bottom of my heart, that is, I will be a teacher for one day and be a father for life! I know that if I recognize you as a father, it is very unfair. You have not Get married, and you will have a child my age! How about it! I want to follow your surname, so you can give me a name?"

Mu Meng pondered for a moment, only to feel that this idea is good, "My child! This surname is just like mine, and the single name has a word far, which means that our nomads have great ambitions! What do you think?"

"Muyuan! Good name! Good name!"

The little guy danced with excitement.However, when he was excited, he made another request. "

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