roses and lilies

Chapter 317 Surfacing

"The emperor secretly complained to Hanyuan, prime minister! My prime minister! Thanks to you, you are so resourceful! It is inevitable that this hundred secrets will be neglected! How can you plead for mercy with the son-in-law! This matter cannot be more clear, the son-in-law is murdered The princess behind the scenes instigated, her body as a woman is her biggest motive for committing the crime.

She must be afraid that the fire will not be contained in the paper, and if the princess finds out, it will be a death penalty.So she had the idea of ​​murdering the princess.This is also human nature.However, the princess foolishly thought that the son-in-law was innocent and pleaded for her. The princess pleaded for her. She is young and ignorant, so it is understandable. However, this dignified prime minister and a veteran court official made such a low-level mistake! !Don't mention the depression in the emperor's heart.

Can Hanyuan not know the emperor's thoughts?He could see that the emperor had a problem with it.Without panic or rush, Wei Wei gave the emperor a wink.The emperor understood it, and it must be that the prime minister had something to say in person.Hanyuan is extremely measured when dealing with government affairs, and often avoids conflicts subconsciously, but he knows it well.Don't ask about how to deal with concubines, he must have his own unique insights.It's just that it's not convenient to say it in front of the princess.The emperor went down the slope, "Since the princess and the prime minister have pleaded for you, I will spare your life. I will temporarily put you under house arrest in the Qifeng Palace and be guarded by the guards. Only when the serial assassination case is solved can you be allowed to leave the palace." , demoted to common people."

Zhu Qin let out a long breath after hearing this, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for not killing me!"

The princess was very complicated in her heart. She didn't know how to face her son-in-law, whether it was husband and wife or sisters. This feeling was extremely complicated, but all her love was lost because the son-in-law was a woman. Empty, like falling from a high cliff.

The princess foolishly handed over all her girlish feelings to a woman disguised as a man.This is undoubtedly very funny, but in her heart, it is true, pure and unforgettable love.

But now it's all right, the princess wakes up like a dream, she knows that she fell in love with someone she shouldn't love, the sea of ​​bitterness is boundless, and it's time to wake up!

She knew that the son-in-law she loved before was just a shadow she longed for.Now, this shadow has disappeared, and she needs to get out of the illusory daydream.She needs to face reality, although she can't be a husband and wife, she can be a good sister!Besides, it was she who pleaded for mercy in front of her father and saved her from death. She should be very grateful to herself.

The guards took off Zhu Qin's shackles, took it into a small courtyard in Qifeng Palace, and arranged for the guards to guard it strictly.

The princess came over from time to time to chat with her, chatting to relieve boredom.More than two months have passed without incident.

The emperor was still worried. If the man behind the scenes was really a son-in-law, then of course it would be great. After all, he has been placed under house arrest. He is most worried that if there is someone else, then this matter will become more complicated. He still Worried about the safety of his daughter Xueyan, but fortunately this period of time was relatively peaceful, and the manipulators behind the scenes did not take any action, which made the emperor feel a little calmer.

If this can continue to be peaceful, it can fully explain that the son-in-law is the real instigator behind the scenes.

That day the prime minister exchanged winks with him, and he wanted to ask about it afterward, but if there were too many incidents, it would be over if there was any interruption.Hanyuan did not take the initiative to speak out.

Now that I think about it, it must be reasonable for the prime minister not to say anything.Maybe he also wants to wait and see what happens, and prepares to see if the people behind the scene will take action after a long time. Maybe he is also skeptical about the son-in-law.Just don't say it on the surface.

While the emperor was thinking about it, his servants reported that Prime Minister Han Yuan had something to ask for an audience.The emperor hurriedly declared him into the palace.

After Han Yuan saluted, he said earnestly, "Your Majesty! The old minister is quietly watching the vertical sun. This Qifeng Palace is still peaceful! I just feel a little strange!"

The emperor laughed in his heart, the palace is peaceful and the princess is safe and sound, isn't that something to be thankful for?Why does it feel very strange instead, and what is the reason for this?

"Aiqing! Isn't this bad? The palace is peaceful, but it's strange?" The emperor smiled at the prime minister, obviously doubting the prime minister's words.

"Your Majesty! I've been thinking about one thing. The behind-the-scenes messenger seems to be related to the safety of the son-in-law. I don't know if you feel it. Whenever the son-in-law is on the verge of revealing his identity, it is the time when the behind-the-scenes messenger murders the princess.

Do you know that the princess pleaded for the son-in-law that day, why would I agree?And I gave you a wink, just to test whether my judgment is correct!
Maybe the messenger behind the scenes would give up the plan to assassinate the princess when he heard that the son-in-law had been pardoned.This is my conjecture. Now that two months have passed, the princess is safe and sound, which also confirms my judgment. "Han Yuan still said with confidence.

After hearing this, the emperor felt that the prime minister's judgment seemed reasonable, but there was one thing that made him question, "Aiqing! What you said just now is very reasonable, but what I can't figure out is that you seem to have murdered the princess by the son-in-law. Why is that? How did you know that the son-in-law was not behind the scenes? Now that the son-in-law is under house arrest, she will never have the chance to murder the princess again!" "Your Majesty! The answer is simple! The son-in-law can be said to be the closest person to the princess. If she wants to murder the princess, why wait until now? Such a big circle, arrange others to murder the princess!" Han Yuan explained in detail.

After hearing this, the emperor still had some doubts, "Aiqing! Maybe the son-in-law did this to cover up his crimes!"

"Your Majesty! The son-in-law truthfully explained how she disguised herself as a man that day. It was very detailed! When he said this, he didn't expect that the princess and I would intercede with him and pardon her death penalty.

As we all know, the crime of deceiving the emperor is to destroy the nine clans. When she said it, she did not intend to live. Under such circumstances, if she really planned to kill the princess, she had no reason to hide it. Death, concealing or not concealing is death, if she really did it, why bother to hide it in her heart and not say it?

Therefore, at that time, I basically ruled out his suspicion. To be on the safe side, I deliberately interceded for him, so that I could kill two birds with one stone, which not only satisfied the princess' wishes, but also greatly benefited the investigation of the case. "Hanyuan analyzed the whole story in a simple way.

After hearing this, the emperor was still dubiously silent for a long time.

Hanyuan smiled and said: "Your Majesty! If things are really as I judged, the truth behind this behind-the-scenes conspiracy will soon come to light. It will also prove that my judgment is correct, and it will allow you to see the consort more clearly. It's not the instigation behind the scenes!"

"This is serious! Aiqing really has a good plan to catch the person behind the scenes?" The emperor's eyes lighted up.

Hanyuan smiled slightly, "Just wait and see!"

The prime minister immediately ordered, "Come here! The son-in-law premeditated the assassination of the princess five times and three times, and committed a heinous crime. Immediately send her to death row! Parade in the street, and beheaded at the Meridian Gate in three days!"

The emperor was taken aback, this prime minister is really a capricious person, just now he said that the suspicion of the son-in-law has been ruled out, but now he is thrown into death row, paraded in the streets, beheaded at the Meridian Gate, this change is too big, The extent of this little old man's thinking jump is exaggerated!However, the prime minister said it just now, so he told himself to wait and see how Hanyuan's play will be sung.

As soon as this order came out, of course the princess was the one who reacted the most. Xueyan couldn't help but come to the emperor and shouted loudly, "Father! Why don't you count what you said? Why did you put her on the throne when you clearly promised to pardon the son-in-law?" Death!"

The emperor was also tongue-tied and couldn't tell why, after all, it was Hanyuan's intention, how could he guess that the only thing the prime minister told him to do was to make him wait and see.

"Boy! This is what Prime Minister Hanyuan meant! He didn't tell me why this happened!" the emperor explained bitterly.

"You treat me as a three-year-old baby. You are the emperor. Once you are the emperor, how can you listen to a prime minister? Without your intention, would Han Yuan dare to make mistakes?"

Once the princess's temper came up, it was enough for the emperor to drink a pot.No matter how hard she tried to persuade her, the baby girl just kept crying.The emperor had no choice but to send someone to invite the prime minister quickly.

When Hanyuan arrived, he saw the princess was crying and making a scene with the emperor.He guessed nine out of ten.The princess must have an explanation with the emperor because of the son-in-law!He stood in front of the emperor without saying a word, with a serious expression on his face.

When the princess saw the prime minister coming, she restrained herself a bit. In the princess's memory, the prime minister was a man who was not angry and pretentious, with world in his chest and knowledge in his stomach.Since she was a child, she has admired the prime minister extremely, and her princess's temper also depends on the person. She quarreled with her father because she knew that his father would spoil her, but she really didn't have the guts to confront the prime minister.

The princess wiped the tears from her face, sobbed and said aggrievedly: "My lord! Didn't you say it well? Don't blame the son-in-law? Why did you suddenly change your mind?"

"Princess calm down! Just listen to the old minister tell you slowly, and let me ask you, what is the most important thing now?" Hanyuan's expression was still serious.

"Of course the villain behind the scenes must be brought to justice!" the princess said without hesitation.

"The princess is right! The most important thing now is to ensure the safety of the princess. Bring the villain to justice. Then why do you parade the son-in-law through the streets and behead the Meridian Gate? It's to create momentum!" Han Yuan explained carefully.

"To build momentum? Is it to let the whole world know that the son-in-law is behind the scenes?" The princess guessed Hanyuan's intention.

"The princess is right, just to let everyone understand this matter!" Han Yuan nodded repeatedly!

Unconsciously, the princess's eyes lit up, and she suddenly realized that the prime minister is the prime minister, and his wisdom is indeed beyond the reach of ordinary people. His quick thinking is really good enough!Thinking of this, without saying a word, the princess smiled at her father and the prime minister, and went back to her Qifeng Palace!
This behavior made the emperor even more puzzled.He looked at the free and easy figure of the princess, and at the confident expression of the prime minister, as if he felt that the black hand behind this scene was about to surface. "

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