roses and lilies

Chapter 314 Serial Murder

"Prime Minister Hanyuan frowned, it is obvious that the people behind the scenes have been carefully planned, and they are always one step ahead of me.

He always felt that the person behind the scenes seemed to be by his side. Whether it was the last assassination incident or this poisoning incident, this person knew very well about the princess in the palace.

The route that the assassin took that day was the fastest route to Qifeng Palace. Nuo Da’s palace, not to mention outsiders intruding, even people in the palace, often go wrong and get lost, this assassin came straight Coming to Qifeng Palace, it is obvious that he has a very good understanding of the affairs in the palace.

This further confirmed his guess. The manipulator behind this scene is definitely someone close to him, and the princess's daily eating habits. How would ordinary people know that it must be someone who is closely related to the princess's life. Who is this person?

"Your Majesty! I think that although Michu Chuanyi's clues are broken, it seems that there is no way to solve the case. However, these two incidents have given us some enlightenment. The motive of the messenger behind the scenes is also very clear. It is for the princess. It is obvious. He wanted to put the princess to death. What kind of deep hatred is worthy of this person?
Even if you can't get along with the princess again, and there are conflicts, you won't take her life!Right now we still have to start with the people around the princess, check it out! "Hanyuan's thinking is very clear, and he cuts in according to the perpetrator's starting point and motivation.

After hearing this, the emperor thought it made sense. In order not to scare the snake away, he still arranged for these eyeliners to find out all the people who had contact with the princess on a daily basis. Because the princess's social relationship was very simple, she stayed in the Qifeng Palace all day without going out of the gate. The door does not move.The people who come into contact with them are nothing more than these servants.

However, many of these servants served the princess in Qifeng Palace when the princess was very young, and established a deep relationship with the princess, and the emperor had already arranged eyeliner to investigate the families of these people well. In the hands of the emperor, what good would it do them to murder the princess?

They basically have no motive for committing crimes. Moreover, these servants are all from poor families, and they are sold into the palace only when the family has no choice but to sell them.

How could they have so much money to hire this assassin, and even bribe this chef to murder the princess?Besides, if the princess has something to do, what good will it do them?Obviously, the possibility of them committing crimes is extremely slim.

This case was once in a dead end. Now the most difficult thing is what is the motive behind the murder of the princess?
After thinking about it, the emperor felt a little frowning. The news returned by the big inner eyeliner did not make any substantial progress, and it was still the things he knew before.He then told Han Yuan the results of the investigation.Hanyuan smiled slightly, "Your Majesty! This shows that our investigation has made a breakthrough!"

"Ai Qing! The eyeliners who arranged came back and clearly said that there was no progress. How can you say that there is a breakthrough?"

"Your Majesty! Through the investigation, our scope has been narrowed down. Since the servants around the princess have no motive or conditions for committing crimes, we can eliminate them. Think about it! Besides them, who else is always by the princess' side? "Hanyuan kept reminding.

"Aiqing! Besides they are often by the princess's side, I often go to Qifeng Palace to see her! Are you suspicious of me? But I am her father! This precious daughter, it's too late to hurt, how can I Go and murder her. It's a big joke in the world!" The emperor said, but turned his head up and laughed.

"Your Majesty! Why do you doubt yourself? Think about who else is with the princess besides you?" Han Yuan kept hinting.

The emperor suddenly realized, he was shocked, tongue-tied, and was speechless for a while, "Could it be him!"

who!Be the emperor's son-in-law!Although Hanyuan hinted repeatedly, the emperor couldn't believe it was true.

"Aiqing! Don't underestimate yourself! How could he be a son-in-law? He is the princess' husband! How could he murder the princess? Besides, the princess is so infatuated with him. In this Qifeng palace, the son-in-law can enjoy endless glory. Wealth! What reason does he have to murder the princess! You must be mistaken!" The emperor didn't believe the prime minister's speculation at all.

"Your Majesty! I'm not saying that the son-in-law murdered the princess, but the development of this matter points these doubts to the prince-in-law. Think about it, there are only a few people who have contact with the princess. We have eliminated those servants with the method of elimination. They only have you and the son-in-law left! You will definitely not murder your own flesh and blood, so there is only the son-in-law! But what I still can't figure out is what is the motive for committing the crime?" Hanyuan said full of doubts.

Although the emperor was unwilling to accept this fact, it made sense to listen to the prime minister's analysis, and the direction of the matter did indeed focus the conflict on the son-in-law.

But what is the motive of committing the crime?Could it be that he wants to rebel and usurp the throne? If so, he should point the finger at me, the emperor!How could he attack the princess?This should not be the reason.Besides, what could be the reason?The emperor ordered someone to secretly investigate the whereabouts of the son-in-law.

This investigation resulted in a shocking discovery that the son-in-law was busy handling government affairs in the council hall almost from morning to night, and only went back to Qifeng Palace to meet the princess every day, and then hurried back to the council hall Holding candles at the desk, reviewing memorials, devoting oneself to state affairs and government affairs, and never tired of it.

After the emperor got the news, he was even more moved. The son-in-law worked so hard for state affairs, and he still doubted him here.

He secretly complained to the prime minister, why did he suspect that he was the son-in-law, he was concerned about the country and the people, and he even had a short time to meet the princess because of government affairs, so how could he have the heart to murder the princess?The emperor dispelled his doubts about the son-in-law without hesitation.

At night, everything is silent, the stars shine on the boundless land, the moonlight falls gently on the blue tiles and red walls of the palace courtyard, the night is hazy, the shadows of the trees are whirling, the breeze is blowing, and there is no rustling.

Like a hypnotic song, it lulls sensitive and excited thoughts to sleep.However, the magnificent wooden building in the princess' bedroom and boudoir gave off a strange light. The light was so scorching hot, with the warmth of flames. The warm house and boudoir were built, and the raging fire spread mercilessly, and thick smoke billowed for a while.

The servants and guards of Qifeng Palace gathered in this place where the flames were billowing.Watching the flames soaring into the sky and the billowing smoke reduce the princess's boudoir to ashes.

They were extremely anxious, after all Princess Xueyan was still sleeping soundly inside, if she was not rescued in time, their lives might be in danger.The emperor arrived when he heard the news, and seeing this scene, he was furious and fainted. Hanyuan ordered the guards in the palace to rescue the princess at all costs, and announced that the imperial physician would come to treat the emperor.

All the guards rushed to the sea of ​​fire desperately, and the purlins and rafters of the roof were swallowed up by the raging fire and became extremely fragile.Countless guards were thrown into the sea of ​​fire by the falling wooden purlins and citrons, and sacrificed their precious young lives.

After everyone's hard work, Princess Xueyan was finally rescued from the sea of ​​flames. She had been unconscious by the thick smoke.The imperial physicians hurried over to treat the princess.

In just a few hours, the princess's exquisite and elegant boudoir warm cabinet has been reduced to ashes.

The emperor gradually came to his senses, he shouted for his daughter Xueyan like crazy.

Prime Minister Han Yuan hurried over to comfort him: "Your Majesty! The princess has come to her senses and the imperial physician is treating her. Don't worry! The princess' life is not in danger!"

Looking at the ruins in front of her, the emperor felt very uncomfortable. In order not to affect the princess's rest, she ordered her servants to clean up Fengluan Pavilion, another huge house in Qifeng Palace, and let the princess live there temporarily. The servants took good care of the princess.

The sudden fire made the emperor uneasy. He always felt that the fire was a little strange. In the palace, the servants were strictly guarded against this safe candle.How did the fire start? The fire was so huge.He ordered people to investigate the matter strictly.

As expected by the emperor, unburned vegetable grease and scorch were found in the waste of the Nuan Pavilion, and the exterior of the main building of the Princess Nuan Pavilion was obviously smeared with grease and scorch.This couldn't be more clear. This incident was by no means accidental, but caused by man-made arson.

Obviously, it was aimed at the princess again.The emperor thought that after the poisoning incident, the people behind the scenes should restrain themselves, but he didn't know that within a few days, another arson case occurred.

The emperor was disturbed when he thought about it. The assassin case and the poisoning case had not yet been solved, but this arson case happened again.Who is the person behind this scene?
After this incident, Chancellor Han Yuan faintly felt that the manipulator behind the scenes was eager for quick success. This person probably had something to do with the princess, and he definitely wanted to kill the princess.

And this handle is likely to involve the fate of this life and death.He figured, what is it?While I was thinking about it, a servant came to report that the emperor had something important to discuss, so he asked him to enter the palace quickly.He could guess, needless to say, that it must be for this matter.

Han Yuan doesn't need to show great courtesy to the emperor. On the one hand, he is the first and assistant prime minister. The most important thing is that he teaches the emperor how to deal with the government, how to be a king, what is the courtesy, what is the division, and what is the name.

In the eyes of the emperor, this prime minister is like his own teacher. He is somewhat afraid of this teacher from the bottom of his heart, and more of that is his infinite reverence. With Hanyuan around, he has the backbone.

What's more, the prime minister is resourceful, knowledgeable, talented, and full of economics.As long as it is important, it can often make decisive judgments.And achieved good results.

"Aiqing! What do you think about the arson incident?" As Hanyuan expected, the emperor mentioned this matter straight to the point.

"Your Majesty! You must have arranged for someone to investigate! This incident was not accidental, it was arson. If I guessed correctly, the person behind this case is the same person as the manipulator of the previous two cases. This person must be What's the point with the princess, otherwise it would be impossible for her to try to kill the princess over and over again!

This matter must be taken seriously, otherwise, the princess's life is in danger. This time, it was luck among the misfortunes. In order to save the princess, the guards of the Ouchi killed and injured several people, and finally rescued the princess from the sea of ​​fire. The commander will come up with a more poisonous method to kill the princess, think twice, Your Majesty! "Hanyuan tried hard to persuade, and repeated the seriousness of the matter to the emperor. He had reminded him many times before.

After hearing this, the emperor couldn't help but frown, and his heart became even more anxious and uneasy, what should we do! "

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