roses and lilies

Chapter 30 Fiction

These poems were written by me during this period, and I sent them to Xiaoya.When she received it, she was very touched. Originally, she thought that my cultural level was not very high, so she had no illusions about me being refined.She never thought that at my level, Leng was able to write these things, but it was far beyond her expectations.So she suggested that I express my feelings in words.You can try to write a novel.Treat writing as a hobby.I took her advice.Wrote some short stories and sent them to her.

the person who loves him the most
The boy and the girl are classmates, they are in the same school, he likes to sit at the same table with her, he will often ask politely: "Classmate, is there anyone next to you?" The girl always gently answers: "Sit down, there is no one next to you .”

Gradually they got acquainted, and the boy found that the advantages of the girl were hard to describe in words. He was considerate, modest, generous, sincere, kind, and talented.Girls are also gradually attracted by boys' handsome appearance.

So the two fell in love, and the man and woman in love are happy. They confide in each other the world deep in their hearts, and reminisce about the precious time gone by.The boy always stared at her with a pair of charming big eyes, and poured out his feelings with that deep and magnetic voice. Those eyes fascinated the girl. She listened quietly and said what she was happy about. They laughed aloud, and they sighed when they spoke of their misery.Every night passed quickly like flowing water, and the two were immersed in the two-person world that admired each other.

The girl recites her poems to the boy, and the boy revels in the dreamy days with a flute and the tune.The sentimental and sentimental poems and the melancholy and sentimental sounds of nature made the emotions of the two of them unprecedentedly high. The girl hugged the boy tightly, buried her head in his chest, felt the boy's strong chest, and listened to his strong chest. Heartbeat, the boy's mouth close to her head affectionately kissed, kissed.

In the eyes of girls, the boy is the best, he is handsome, generous, knowledgeable and versatile.Inspired by the girl, the boy tried to write his feelings with a pen. Every time he wrote an article, the girl must be his first reader. With encouragement, boys see writing as important as eating and sleeping.He kept writing and writing, and kept submitting to the website. Finally, the boy's article was published online. He was the first to tell the girl the news. It was just a short article of less than 800 words. The girl entrusted all of the boy's sincerity and kind heart, and the girl read it word by word. Although the text was short, she read a lot of heartache and tears. Those words condensed the boy's infinite expectations and desires.Maybe this website is just a fleeting meteor in the vast night sky, maybe this small literature column is just a very small topic in the website, and this short article is just an insignificant article in this small column, But he carried all the boy's hopes, and sent the girl's endless love and longing for the boy. The boy was greatly encouraged, and he had to read it online from time to time. Compared with other great writings recommended by editors, this article is too inferior , published on the Internet for three days with less than [-] clicks, zero comments, and zero flowers. The boy was very depressed about this.But all this has not escaped the girl's eyes.

She registered many new users on the website successively, and kept clicking on the boy's article every day, praising the boy with beautiful and poetic language, proposing many methods worth learning, and picking up from her item box every day. Give the boy a rose.

Gradually, the click-through rate of that article increased, and the number of comments was also the one with the most on this page. The number of flowers changed from zero to three, and its popularity far surpassed those of the big writers recommended by the editors.The boy is very happy.He began to be dissatisfied, he will not be satisfied, he continues to write and write!

Three years have passed, and the boy has published dozens of articles on the Internet, each of which is the most popular.

The girl still loves him deeply, but the boy is not as good as before. He will not be satisfied, he will not feel happy, and his passionate personality is undoubtedly exposed.He fell in love with a slender and graceful young girl again, and the boy chased after this fairy-like figure with all his strength.He fantasized and chased.Abandoned, bored.For countless days, the girl sat alone at the place where they first kissed and wept secretly, igniting those passionate little poems, commemorating that beautiful love, and the sad moon night is sad and depressing.

The boy's article was published again, and the popularity of his articles has always been very good.This time, though, he was wrong, he missed.His articles are worthless, and who will read his articles except her.He missed the most cherished love and the person who was the best to him.There will never be cheers and flowers for his articles, those three beautiful roses that once stood for "she loves him", no more, never.The boy blew the long flute dejectedly, and there was no girl's poems to accompany him anymore.


I stared out the window in a daze, and inadvertently raised my head to see the crowd getting on the bus at the front door. I felt a long-lasting sense of freshness in my peripheral vision. This feeling is something that every young man who is in the golden age of love will have. The kind of special sensitivity, the kind of bright eyes, no one else, I saw a girl in a denim suit walking towards my row of seats with the crowd, the age is only 22 or 5, this makes me excited , I was very calm on the surface, but in fact my heart was already agitated and uneasy, I looked at her intentionally or unintentionally, there was a pair of big jewel-like eyes embedded in Bai Jiu's face, there was a bit of delicateness in the brows, and the straight nose , the small cherry mouth slightly twitched showing crystal clear teeth, seemed to be smiling at me, I didn’t dare to look directly at her, I just pretended to look out of the window, then at the ceiling, and gradually looked at her secretly, maybe I have something Some are self-indulgent, but I found that I really have a good impression of her, which is different from the feeling of interacting with other girls. I seem to be moved by her fresh feeling. I got my wish and waited for the opportunity to sit on my The aunt next to me stood up and was about to get out of the car.The girl is sitting next to me, very close to me, I can faintly smell the fragrance of lilies floating from her body, this feeling makes me intoxicated and infatuated, I guess the girl's mind, guess whether she has Boyfriend, my heart is in a mess, my expression is a bit out of control, the girl smiles at me from time to time, I am deeply immersed in the illusory fantasy, the car is driving slowly, the girl turns her head from time to time and meets her girlfriend We were chatting, but she seemed to have no intention of drinking. She smiled at me while chatting, and tried to put her body and head as close as possible to me. Since the car was crowded, her behavior became logical. My heart was pounding, I was at a loss, my mind went blank, and I didn’t know what to do. I was always smart, but at this moment I was like an idiot. Zhong had an idea and thought it through. Boys must take the initiative and break the deadlock. I pretended to be anxious and summoned up the courage to ask: "Student, is he wearing a watch? What time is it, please?" He was startled, his expression changed from anticipation to disappointment, he seemed dissatisfied with this way of breaking the deadlock, subconsciously looked at his watch and replied indifferently: "30:[-]". "Oh, thank you!", she thought I had something to say, but I lowered my head and meditated again. After she said goodbye to the girlfriend behind her helplessly, she got up and walked through the crowded crowd. Jia also followed her and got off the car two stops earlier, and followed her closely, but kept a certain distance. She didn't look back. Looking at her flowing long hair and slim figure, she decided to muster up her courage to run again. I went up to talk to her, and just as I was about to take action, I saw the girl run two steps quickly. I felt that following so lightly would not be noticed by her, why did she run away?While meditating, the scene in front of me made me laugh helplessly again. I saw a young boy in front of him, wearing a denim casual suit and holding a helmet, leaning in front of a Prince-style motorcycle sports car, smiling at the girl , the girl ran over in three steps and two steps, the two hugged each other, talking and laughing, and the boy stepped on the motorcycle.The girl sat behind, hugging the boy's slender waist, and the boy stepped on the gas pedal and carried the girl away.I smelled the familiar choking smell of motorcycle exhaust, and stood there blankly. It took me a long time to wake up, and I walked to the station with my heavy legs off. I took the bus for two stops in silence, and went home in despair.

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