In the first semester, there are mainly four courses, Deng Lun, Advanced Mathematics, Graphics, and English.After a week of study, the students gradually felt that these four teachers are quite distinctive.

Every time Mr. Deng Lun attends class, he takes out several thick handouts that he prepared in advance, and explains them eloquently.

It sounded quite fresh at first. In order to keep the students from falling asleep in class, the teacher subscribed to nine newspapers at his own expense.

Try to talk about some extra-curricular knowledge as much as possible, and quoted a history professor from the CCTV Baijia Forum, that is, students sleep in class, and we should not blindly blame the students for not studying hard, but find the reason from the teacher's own teaching quality.

If the lectures are very vivid and attractive, it will be difficult for students to fall asleep.

Gradually, the teachers are somewhat exhausted, and the extracurricular knowledge gradually decreases, and there are often repetitions. One example often repeats several lessons and can't finish it.

Thinking about it again, it's no wonder that there are so many interesting extracurricular things to talk about. Teacher Deng Lun is not a cross talk actor after all, and his ability is limited!In the end, we simply returned to the textbooks completely, like Mr. Private School in the feudal period, he held the textbook and read on it, and we underlined it.

As a result, more than half of the students slept in the first half of the class, and after the class teacher finished counting during the break, there were only a few students left in the second half of the class. Teacher Deng Lun had no choice but to say impatiently: "What is left is the essence. !” When he said this, he was so dazzled that he didn’t feel inferior enough to cry.

The English teacher is a standard high-achieving student from an outer school. In addition to substituting for a junior college, he also works as a part-time translator for a large company. I feel itchy, and I still wear some sexy low-cut T-shirts and low-waist jeans from time to time, dressed in a mature and avant-garde way, which makes people dream and imagine.

As early as in the first class, those bold male students asked the teacher's phone number, QQ number, and MSN over and over again, and they were aggrieved, "This foreign language class is really difficult. Only by contacting the teacher, raising and solving the problems that you don’t understand in time, can you learn this course well!”

After listening to the heartfelt words of the male students, the English teacher was very moved, and repeatedly praised us as more studious than regular college students!
This made some female students in the class very jealous. After all, the class time is very short, and the problems encountered in the homework need to be solved after class. Every time they call the English teacher to solve practical problems, the line is always busy.

Gradually they began to have an opinion of this beautiful and gentle English teacher.

The result was that most of the girls were asleep in the first half of the class. After the middle break, no girls were seen in the second half of the class. Empty displacement in the front row.

Some lecherous people keep moving their eyes on the teacher, from top to bottom, and then from bottom to top. What's more, they throw their pens and notebooks on the ground and pick them up again and again, so that they can learn more. Feel the teacher's graceful lines and sexy figure more clearly.

If the English teacher is called a "beautiful sister", then the high mathematics teacher is a "handsome guy". The high mathematics course starts a month after the opening ceremony, which increases its sense of mystery. Make the students shine.

He is of medium build, with an academic square face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, high nose bridge, full and broad forehead, which contains wisdom and chic, and his neat parted head is full of gentlemanly demeanor. His age is only 30 years old, and he is mature. Exuding stability, sophistication and tenderness.

People can quickly think of the intellectuals hiding in the tower of ivory.He explained various examples in fluent and enthusiastic language, with quick thinking and strict logic.

From formula derivation to sample explanation to special case analysis, it can be described as a synthesis in one go. In the end, he did not forget to explain the topics involved in the exam in detail. The most comforting thing is that he always publishes the homework answers to the Internet in a timely manner. on it for the reference of the students.

Soon, the students became familiar with this simple learning process, and were deeply attracted by the personality charm of the high mathematics teacher, especially the sentimental female students, who also observed some details thoroughly. They noticed that the teacher wrote with Left-handed, I always like to say words to cheer up my classmates in lectures.

For example: "Advanced mathematics is not difficult, but the difficulty lies in the foundation of junior high school and high school. Mathematics learning is actually a model. Any example problem, as long as you are familiar with its model, you will be able to solve it easily."

The drawing teacher is a little exaggeratedly simple, wearing ordinary dark trousers, a black uniform, and a rubber band to tie his long hair very high.

He has a square face, big nose, big eyes, and small mouth. He speaks slowly, sings and sighs three times, and often carries a soft cloth bag in his hand. It doesn't match the neat classroom and the tall podium. , if you put her in the vegetable market, she will look like a housewife, and you can see that she must be a good hand at living.

I still speak with a pure southern accent when speaking in class. Although the speaking speed is very slow, it is not easy to understand, and the logic is not strong. Sometimes when I talk about Chapter 3, most of the students will feel that Chapter 1 is not finished yet.

As soon as she gave a lecture, a female classmate held a meeting for the surrounding students. When she stopped speaking, that girl also stopped.As soon as she said it, it was sure that it was more lively than her.

The drawing teacher has a very good temper, and at most he would say a few words in a calm manner: "Our classmates are so old, there is no need for the teacher to talk about it. If you don't like listening to sleeping on the table, no one will care about you. Try Don't talk, it's not good to affect other people's lectures, I'll talk about it in the front, and you talk about it in the back, so we can't sing on the same stage?"

It's okay if you don't say this, but once you say it, the voice gets louder.In the end, the teacher simply ignored it.

How to repeat and how to repeat the ordinary days.

Work during the day, attend classes at night, do homework on rest days, and spend time online at night to chat with classmates in the QQ group.

There are many ways to pass the time, life is full of emptiness and boredom, but my age is quietly growing in the busy and repetitive life, looking at the white hair of my parents, I will occasionally realize my responsibility.

The relatives also tried to introduce girlfriends to themselves.

I had no other choice but to bite the bullet and go to see him, pretending to be enthusiastic and doing all kinds of cover-ups, which made me feel sick against my will.

Speaking psychologically, any outstanding girl at this age who has no partner, and a girl at this age who needs to be introduced, to put it bluntly, either has a personality problem or is left with a few baskets, I don't hold out too much hope of.

The family conditions are not very good, and the house price is frighteningly high. With my meager salary and my parents' savings, I can only consider buying a "knife handle" small house to live a snail's life.

I live very close to the school, and I come out a little earlier every time I go to class, so I can always grab the first few rows of seats and sit in the first row. I can't stand the chalk foam floating over when the teacher wipes the blackboard, and I sit too far behind Not very good again.

Xiaoling always likes to ask me to take a seat for her. Their unit gets off work very late, although there are several beautiful girls asking me in sweet voices: "Brother, is there anyone next to me?" Li Luo replied: "I'm sorry, there are already people beside me."

She always rushes in from the outside after 10 minutes of class every time.He gasped and said, "The traffic jam on the road is severe, there is no way."

"Then why don't you just come out earlier!" I said tirelessly.

"The unit is getting off work late." She put her schoolbag on the desk, took off her jacket, took out the textbook from her schoolbag, and asked, "How many pages are you talking about?"

"Page 58!"

"What's wrong? The content in my book seems to be different from yours." She asked strangely.

I turned my face to see that Haoxuan didn't faint. It was an advanced math class, but she did turn out Deng Lun's textbook. I said impatiently, "Sister, today is an advanced math class."

She smiled with a flushed face, "Oh, my brain was too anxious when I came out, I thought it was a Deng Lun class, and I didn't bring my high math textbook."

"I really can't do anything about you." I pushed the opened advanced mathematics textbook towards her, "Let's read it together."

The handsome guy played to the fullest on the podium, fully demonstrating his rigorous thinking and chic derivation process.

I saw him holding chalk in his right hand and writing quickly from left to right, and then from right to left with his left hand, using his right brain for a while and his left brain for a while, explaining the boring formulas and application examples vividly and interestingly.

The girls below all stared at his fair face with big curious eyes, and they asked him to sign in the name of a question when get out of class was over.

"Look at how chic and masculine his high math teacher is!" She whispered in praise.

"If you like someone, try to get close to them." I said with a smile.

"You are a person with complicated thoughts. Where did you think of such a pure teacher-student relationship?"

Just when we were moved by the charm of the high mathematics teacher, the bell rang for the end of get out of class, and a young girl outside the door waved to the high mathematics teacher. The high mathematics teacher hurried out of the classroom without waiting to say goodbye to the students.

The girl looked to be about 24 or [-] years old, with long hair and shawl, a pair of high-waisted purple boots, fashionable tight brown leather boots and trousers, a milky white open-body jumpsuit and down jacket, and a pair of pants inside. A tight purple sweater with a mature atmosphere.

The curious class leader went out to collect information secretly, and when he came back, he fed back the information to the curious girls. The class leader said mysteriously: "The high mathematics teacher took the girl downstairs, and the girl came by car, it seems to be a car. Red Maxima, the two got into the car and went straight to the city."

After hearing this, the girls shouted in disappointment, "The monitor is so boring, he just likes to pry into other people's privacy."

The squad leader said impatiently: "I'm doing it for you." The girls yelled in unison: "Who deserves your favor!"

Xiaoling smiled at me and said in a low voice, "Squad leader is so stupid."

"Hehe, how can I be the squad leader?"

In the silent night, under the bright moonlight, two small figures appeared in the backstreet.

Xiao Ling pushed the car and asked, "Are you trying to lose weight like a girl? Why don't you ride a bicycle?"

"My house is not far away, just cross the Fenghua Bridge in front of me. It's not bad for young people to exercise more."

She asked curiously, "Then what are your hobbies?"

I thought about it: "Play games online, I'm a little tired. Watch TV, I don't think there are any good shows recently. Read books, there are too few Chinese classics. Watch movies, domestic films are becoming more and more rubbish.

Let's go shopping, and there are no beauties to pay for, and I'm walking alone in the commercial street, and I'm afraid of girls' jokes.

Call your friends, they are busy again.Chat with your parents, the generation gap between the two generations is too big and there is no common language.

She was a little depressed: "If you talk about doing it this way, what do you like to do? Don't be a fool."

"If you want to say that my biggest hobby is counting tickets."

She smiled and said, "Counting tickets is not only your favorite thing, but people all over the world like it."

"I like them better than them."

She joked, "Then you can change your career tomorrow and work as a cashier in a bank, counting the bills every day, and most of the bills are your own."

She gushed on and on about interesting experiences.She said she likes to listen to the radio.

"Did you know that Galaxy Entertainment Channel has a show called Joy Magnet? The host is so interesting!"

Her eyes lit up: "Yes, that host is very humorous. I used to listen to his program often. Then I didn't pay attention to it when I was busy."

I explained to her mysteriously: "I remember one time, the host invited two enthusiastic audience members to play a sales simulation game.

A man and a woman are selling a watch, and see who can sell it to the other party the fastest. The boy comes first, and the boy’s mouth is almost worn out. He said how good the performance of this watch is and how cheap the price is. Within minutes, the girl shook her head again and again, and the boy blushed with anxiety.

In the end, the host made a round and said that it’s fine, let’s change another one, and the girl will sell it to the boy. As a result, the boy bought the watch within a minute.

The girl only said one word to him, guess what it is? "

She couldn't wait to ask: "What is that, don't keep being a secret, tell me!"

"The girl said to the boy: There is a gift for buying a watch from our company. If you buy a watch, you will get a house with three bedrooms and one living room as a gift. Do you want to buy it? When the word 'house' is heard, the boy immediately subconsciously Said, "I want it, I want it, I want as much as I want."

She couldn't help laughing out loud, "Hehe, there is a way."

"The host patted the boy on the shoulder and said with a smile, is it a game anyway? It's not true. If it is true, it will cost you money to sell like this. What boys need most is a house to marry a wife , but now the house price is so high.

Alas, girls are still talented in language! "Looking at her innocent and happy smile, I also felt a sense of happiness in my heart.

Crossing the back street and road, after we said goodbye, we watched the back of her ride away gradually disappearing into the endless night.I walked straight home.

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