"Princess Xueyan looked at her father's old face, and felt very uncomfortable. Her mother left early, and her father was the king of a country. He was busy with state affairs all day, worked day and night, for the country and the people, and was worried. Prosperity and development, as the right man, he should be competent.

However, as a husband, he always thought that he was unqualified. He felt sorry for the dead concubine Zhen, so he gave all his love to this precious daughter, Princess Xueyan. She is the emperor's spiritual sustenance in this world. Seeing her , I will think of my beloved concubine.

Xueyan saw her father's good intentions since she was a child, and her father was so kind to her.He has never lost his temper with her, any request, as long as he puts it forward, he will try his best to satisfy it.

The emperor knew that what he owed the most was his daughter. He made her lose her mother's love since she was a child. This kind of great and selfless love cannot be exchanged for any conditions or requirements.Therefore, the emperor wanted to make up for the forever irreparable emotion that his daughter lacked.

Giving the best things in the world to her daughter, Princess Xueyan's food, clothing and daily life can be said to be extremely luxurious.

The tributes from various provinces, precious jewels and jade, the best wood and handicraft products, it can be said that the princess's boudoir warm pavilion has everything that one expects to find. Xueyan is made of the best satin silk from head to toe, and the Rouge powder is also imported from the West.

Even so, every time Xueyan looked at him with those big eyes open, she asked, "Father, other children have mothers, why don't I have one? Where did the mother go?"

The emperor was dumb, not knowing how to answer, and the guilt, hesitation, helplessness and contradictions in his heart gathered together with mixed feelings.

He looked into his daughter's dark spiritual eyes, and said softly to her, "Son! Mother has gone to a faraway place!"

Xueyan always asks in puzzlement: "How far is it? When will I be able to come back?"

The emperor felt sore in his heart, lost his voice, and tears rolled in his eyes.

However, he suppressed his grief and didn't let the tears fall. He didn't want his daughter to see him sad. He knew that if his daughter knew the truth, it would cause irreparable trauma to her young heart.Then he would feel more guilty, and he wanted to make this incident less harmful to his daughter.

"It is a place far, far away. There is no pain and trouble in that place. It is peaceful and pleasant. There are flowers and trees, mountains and seas. There is no dispute, no trouble, no sorrow, only happiness and joy!" The emperor's loving father Her voice is full of love, this kind of fatherly love made the princess feel so satisfied when she was a child, and she didn't feel a trace of sadness in her heart, so she naively thought that her mother had really gone to a beautiful place.

"Father! Since that place is so good! Why didn't mother take us there! Instead, let us suffer here. You are busy every day, working day and night for the affairs of the country, and I am also alone all day long with the servants. Together, let's go find mom, shall we?" The princess blinked her big beautiful eyes and looked at her father.

"Son! Why doesn't father want to go with mother early? But now is not the time.

You want to!If your father takes you to find your mother, what will these suffering people do?They are innocent. Although my emperor has no great achievements, my heart is with the people.

I hope I can do more things for them, and then go to your mother with peace of mind, I think she will feel at ease in that way.

Otherwise, even if I go to her, she will blame me, because her heart is also on these poor people. "

The emperor looked blankly into the distance, as if he saw the distant place where the concubine Zhen was.

Xueyan seemed to understand, nodded subconsciously, and stopped asking.

As the princess grew up, she heard people mentioning her mother's affairs, and she knew the whole story little by little.She suddenly realized the meaning of her father's words.

Now my father is getting old, and his temples have gray hair, but he still works hard for the state affairs.She felt infinite awe of her father from the bottom of her heart.

In such a busy time, the father still took time to worry about his daughter's marriage, which moved the princess very much.She admired her father's vision, he knew that everything the father gave to his daughter was the best, including the choice of the son-in-law.

This pearl bird was personally chosen by my father, I never thought that my father's vision really coincided with my own, this young man is the best among people, elegant and suave, generous and decent, well-educated, well-educated, talented and full of knowledge , is a world-shocking wizard.

What's more, this young man was born with fine features, plump balance, a face like a silver basin, and exquisite and pleasant features, which makes people think of him every day when he sees him, and he will never forget it with his photographic eyes.

However, during this period of time, there was no news, nor did I hear any news from my father about this son.

Therefore, Princess Xueyan couldn't wait to ask what happened.By the way, she wanted to know her father's thoughts and plans, and when to arrange the wedding.

Thinking about it, the princess felt an abnormal joy in her heart.She really hoped that she would soon be able to see the handsome young man she thought about that day and dreamed about at night.

"Father! Are you talking about state affairs? I don't say hello, so coming to greet you won't affect you?" Princess Xueyan said politely.

"Daughter! You came just in time. Father is busy with state affairs these days and doesn't have time to visit you in Qifeng Palace! How are you? Feeling a little thin! Don't you feel comfortable?

Do you want to announce the imperial physician to come into the palace to have a look, is there anything you want to eat?I arranged for the servants to let the Imperial Dining Room do it! "

The emperor was very concerned about his daughter, but how could he not know why her daughter was so thin and haggard?

"Father! I'm fine! You don't have to worry! I just came here to ask about that pearl bird!"

The princess was a little shy in her speech, faltering, and her face was instantly ashamed like a big red cloth.

Watching his words and deeds, the emperor couldn't help but tremble in his heart. As expected, the princess has taken a fancy to that dandy and flirtatious young man, brother Zhuqin.

This is also what worries him the most. He doesn't know how to tell his daughter.He was afraid that his daughter would be sad.

His daughter's sadness and pain are the last thing he wants to see, and it is better to let him suffer than that.However, fulfilling their marriage will make her daughter's life more painful in the future.

Thinking of this, the emperor said to Xueyan with all his heart: "Son! Since you were a child, is there anything your father has never relied on you for?"

Xueyan couldn't help being taken aback, listening to her father's tone, it seemed that she wanted to say something to herself, he had never spoken to herself so formally before!
Every time I encounter something, I coax and try my best to be satisfied, but today is different from the past. Listening to the sound seems to indicate that I have some advice or reject my own words.Xueyan is extremely talented, how could she not hear the implication.

She also had a premonition that her father's tone was very closely related to that handsome son Zhu Qin.There must be something wrong with the selection of the son-in-law. It seems that this means that there may be some misunderstanding of this pearl bird.

She had a premonition that her father would intervene in her wedding with Zhuqin.Thinking about it, she couldn't help but her mind was buzzing, she secretly blamed her father, why did she want to get in the way, but it kept her in the dark.

Therefore, Xueyan was extremely displeased, and did not follow her father's words, "Father, just speak up if you have anything to say! Is there anything else you can't do behind my back? This is a major event in my life! You Why are you so careless?"

The emperor couldn't argue, he knew that the princess had an idea, and there was a knot in her heart that couldn't be untied. She must think that as her father, she was indifferent to her daughter's life-long affairs, and neither heard nor asked. At this time, she It must have felt particularly wronged, mother left early, if mother Zhenfei was alive, she would definitely worry about her daughter's affairs to the utmost.

The more the emperor thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt, and the more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt. Thinking about Concubine Zhen, he felt sorry for his daughter, but the conscience of heaven and earth, he was too worried about his daughter's marriage.

Not to mention looking for a candidate, but also to ensure the character of the son-in-law.

Everything is fine with this pearl bird, but she is romantic by nature, so how can she guarantee that she will have a single-minded affection for her precious daughter in the future?
How could he say these words to his daughter?But his daughter is so infatuated with this pearl bird, once she is told that this person is often out for flowers and willows, his daughter will definitely be very sad again, which is what he doesn't want to see.

Although polygamy is legal, how can there be a lot of three wives and four concubines for the royal family, especially the son-in-law?Is this undoubtedly a blasphemy against the princess' feelings?
The emperor thought about it, and it was a dilemma. He deeply felt why it was difficult for an upright official to break up family affairs. Sometimes family affairs are more difficult to deal with than state affairs. After all, home is a place for emotions, but not for reason.

However, for the sake of his daughter's future happiness, he had no choice but to tell the truth.

But seeing him calm down, stabilize the chaotic thread, he said to the princess kindly: "My child! Everything my father does is for your own good!

Just think about which parent in the world does not look forward to their children!Although I am the king of a country, I am also a father!

How can I not think about my precious daughter all the time?Your mother left early, and I don't know the pain in your heart. For this son-in-law, my father has been looking for you all the time!How can this important marriage matter be impulsive like a child's play?You have to choose well!You can't just look at its appearance, but also look at its character! "

The emperor's words were very sincere, full of concern and affection for his daughter as a father.

However, for Princess Xueyan, these words were like a pair of sharp knives, stabbing her heart. It was obvious that her father hinted to her in a darker way that this pearl bird had a bad character and had a stinky skin all over her body.

How can the princess love to hear these words, her heart is firmly tied to that son, how can she allow her father to say nothing about him, she blames her father in her heart, if she really thinks about it, she should go with it A daughter's wish, after all, is a daughter's lifelong event, and the daughter's opinion should be consulted. It is the daughter who is looking for a husband, not the daughter's father looking for a husband.

The more Xueyan thought about it, the angrier she became, and the more she thought about it, the angrier she became, so she had to argue with her father! "

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