The big crocodile looked at Ying Wang and Ah Mang with some disappointment, "Second brother, third brother, I feel that I am a bit off topic! It is clear that Princess Xueyan asked the emperor to find out the situation of the pearl bird, so why did she go to the emperor's favorite concubine? Here it is! Could it be that Concubine Zhen has something to do with this matter? I'm so confused!"

Fang Lin also felt that something was wrong, why did she come to Concubine Zhen again with the well-behaved Princess Xueyan.

Che Li smiled slightly, but didn't say a word, she had already guessed seven or eight points in her heart, but it was not easy to tell.She wanted to see if her speculation coincided with what the Eagle King said.

Everyone's questions are also the driving force for King Ying to continue speaking. The more people are interested, the more he desires to continue.

Although Ah Mang is a translator, he is also a listener, but he knows the following things before everyone else.

"With the help of Concubine Zhen, the emperor suddenly felt that the burden on his body was much lighter. Concubine Zhen handled the memorials at an amazing speed. She was clear in thinking, well-organized, classified into different categories, and adapted to local conditions according to the characteristics of different regions.

She has a good knowledge of astronomy and geography, and is well versed in the characteristics of politics and economics. Therefore, she added many strategies and methods to deal with problems in the review of memorials.

He has a strong sense of the overall situation, and has a good understanding of internal affairs. He is familiar with the business functions of the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Punishment, the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Households, and the Ministry of Officials.

For all projects, craftsmen, farmland, water conservancy and other matters, the Ministry of Industry was instructed to implement them according to regulations.

There are no rules, she attaches great importance to the country's punishments and decrees and the handling of major cases. She knows that only by formulating a system with clear rewards and punishments, so that those who commit evil will be severely punished, the country will be peaceful and the people will live and work in peace and contentment. .After the policy is formulated, it will be handed over to the Ministry of Punishment for implementation.

Of course, the military strength of the country cannot be ignored. Concubine Zhen collected the resumes of the military officers, and reminded the emperor to reward and appoint them according to different experiences and types.

National defense is the top priority of the country, and military power should be dispersed as much as possible to avoid incidents of rebellion and rebellion.

Therefore, the minister of the Ministry of War is set up with multiple people, and military officers who have little contact with each other on weekdays and even have some festivals with each other are deliberately selected to serve as military officers. actions of officials.It can be described as well-intentioned.

The Ministry of Rites is an institution with great responsibilities. Concubine Zhen knows that if a country wants to develop and prosper, it cannot do without talents from all walks of life. This is the responsibility of the Ministry of Rites.

In order to be able to cultivate talents, she proposed, unprecedentedly, to establish a number of public schools, free of tuition fees, so that more children from poor families who cannot afford to go to school can also have the opportunity to learn.

She knows that good talents may not come from the children of officials in the current dynasty, and the children of ordinary people may also have the possibility of being talented. However, the situation at that time was that going to school was a very luxurious thing, and those rich and powerful people , I hope that the family will be able to produce talents to be used by the court from generation to generation.

And this reading and literacy, knowledge of Bowen, is the key, so the rich and powerful people do not hesitate to spend a lot of money to send their children to school.

After you finish your studies, you can be a superior person.However, the families of poor people don't even have money to eat, let alone their children's education.

Therefore, many glittering gold and wizards were buried in the deep soil.

Concubine Zhen has seen this for a long time. If she wants to select talents without sticking to one pattern, don't ask the source of the hero.

In addition, she also attaches great importance to the imperial examinations. What is fairness lies in this.

Major cases of imperial examination fraud occurred from time to time, which disappointed the students who had studied hard for ten years.

This is also the place where corruption is most likely to breed. She has formulated laws in a targeted manner. No matter who violates the laws, they will be severely punished.

In just a few years, the Minister of Rites changed five terms.It also shows her ambition and determination to govern the country.

Concubine Zhen feels that a country's economy is very important. When the economy is prosperous, the politics will naturally be stable.

At that time, the people were severely affected by the disaster, the crops were bleak, the people were suffering, and the people were in dire straits. For this, she ordered the Minister of the Ministry of Households to reduce or exempt the people's taxes to help them overcome difficulties.

For a time, the enthusiasm of the people was mobilized, and the farming industry achieved unprecedented prosperity.

However, if taxes are reduced or exempted, the treasury will be empty.Then her second action came again.

She observed that the salaries of the court officials were astonishingly high, so she suggested that the court officials were born for the country and the people. Now that there is famine everywhere and the people are struggling, how can they just sit idly by.

For the sake of the people and the country, court officials, large and small, donated half of their salaries to help each other through this difficult time.

As soon as this order came out, the officials complained a lot. What's more, they gathered officials to argue with the emperor, and Concubine Zhen signaled the emperor to demote these officials to common people.

The emperor was very embarrassed, "I love my concubine! I'm afraid it's inappropriate to do this? These are all officials ordered by the court. It's unfair to demote them to common people!"

"Your Majesty! These important officials of the imperial court were born for the common people and put the country first. Officials serve the common people. Now that the country is in trouble, it is reasonable for them to do their best.

However, they still hold the idea of ​​extravagance and pleasure, and want to be pampered and take the salary of the imperial court, regardless of whether the people live or die. Is this justified?I think it is necessary to make them change their minds.

Relegating them to common people is just to let them feel the suffering of the people at the bottom. Otherwise, when they are enjoying themselves, they would never know that there are still poor people in the world who cannot afford to eat.

It's almost time to restore him to his original job.Furthermore, kill one to warn others, so that other officials will also change their minds, and let them know that court officials are not for pleasure, but for serving the people! "

Concubine Zhen speaks from the bottom of her heart and talks freely.The emperor nodded again and again.

"A concubine is a genius who governs the country and the country! It's reasonable! It's reasonable!" The emperor nodded repeatedly, secretly admiring Zhenfei's thinking.

The Ministry of Officials is an important department responsible for the appointment, dismissal and promotion of officials. Concubine Zhen pointed out that no matter how knowledgeable or how good the knowledge is in selecting and employing people, it is of secondary importance. Those who can pass the scientific examination should not be too poor in knowledge. , the key is to look at moral character, to see if this person has dedication to the country and the people, to dispel the unhealthy trend that these people are officials in the court just to make money and enjoy themselves, and to make them understand that being an official is to benefit one party and serve the people. Give rather than take.For a time, there was a gratifying situation in the officialdom of the imperial court.

The emperor was very happy, and he shared these advanced ideas and strategies of Concubine Zhen with Prime Minister Hanyuan.

Hanyuan also kept nodding, "Your Majesty! Concubine Zhen's thinking is very progressive, which refreshes the eyes of the old, and I feel ashamed. It's true that blue comes from blue and is worse than blue! Your Majesty may wish to discuss with her more, especially It is also the most precious treasure for governing the country! However, this old man is also a little worried!"

After hearing this, the emperor frowned, he didn't understand what it meant, what was Hanyuan's worry about?Is he worried that Concubine Zhen will become the second Wu Zetian?Can we usurp this country?He was a little puzzled.

"Ai Qing! What are your concerns? But it's okay!" the emperor asked very sincerely.

"Your Majesty! No matter how powerful a person is, after all, energy is limited. Concubine Zhen is very capable. However, she manages a lot of things every day. Hearing what you said, she often sits at the desk by a candle and forgets to eat and sleep. The old man is just worried about whether her body can handle it!

I also hope that His Majesty will pay attention to it. Once you fall ill, it will be a great loss to the country! "Hanyuan can always think of the essence and key of the problem. He thinks about the problem with a unique focus, but it produces unexpected results. The emperor suddenly realized that the prime minister was right! Aifei always deals with state affairs overnight , Working day and night, if things go on like this, isn't this body going to collapse?

That night, Concubine Zhen still held a candle at her desk, writing and reviewing the memorial without stopping.The emperor took a red cloak casually and put it on her.

Concubine Zhen smiled slightly, "Your Majesty! You have worked hard all day! Go and rest!"

"My concubine! Let's read this memorial tomorrow! Rest early today, and pay attention to your body!" The emperor looked at her with those gentle eyes with concern.

"Your Majesty! There must be no delay in important national affairs. This small memorial may affect the comfort of thousands of people. We must ensure that these matters are handled in a timely manner. We must not delay major events because of our momentary negligence." !” Concubine Zhen said with some seriousness.

The emperor also nodded helplessly, Aifei's words were always so reasonable and irrefutable.

He subconsciously stroked his back in order to relax him and relieve his fatigue due to state affairs. "Aifei! Sometimes I always think about one thing!"

Upon hearing this, Concubine Zhen curiously put down the pen in her hand and looked at him affectionately, "Your Majesty! What?"

"If I wasn't the emperor, would you still fall in love with me?" The emperor's gentle eyes showed affectionate gaze.

"Your Majesty! Being your lover is the greatest happiness in my life! It's not because you are an emperor or a prince or general, it doesn't matter.

The reason why I work day and night is entirely out of love for you. What I am most worried about is that you are overworked and overworked, and your body will collapse!
So take on this state affairs!If I had a choice, I hope that we can be an ordinary husband and wife, only worrying about our little family. Although life may be a little poor, it is so carefree and sweet. live together.

Too rich and poor, life is comfortable, free and easy, natural, without the troubles and entanglements of these political affairs! Concubine Zhen expressed her thoughts affectionately.

The emperor embraced her in his arms, and her sincere words deeply moved him, so why didn't he think so?The relationship between him and Concubine Zhen is deep, and there are always endless topics to talk about.There are many opinions and ideas, but they always coincide.

"My concubine! Why don't I want to be an ordinary person? Although I am the right man, I am admired by the world, and I am high above the ground. Everyone always sees my glamorous side. Who will pay attention to my daily affairs, toil day and night, and worry about the country? What about the people's side! I'm afraid that in this world, Aifei is the only one who understands me!" Unknowingly, tears flowed down my face.

Concubine Zhen also burst into tears. She couldn't bear her lover's sadness, so she wiped away her tears and turned her sorrow into joy, and her tears into laughter. The laughter came from the heart, not the kind of forced laughter.

The emperor also wiped away his tears, and asked puzzledly: "My concubine! Why are you laughing?"

Concubine Zhen explained the reason for this.

After hearing this, the emperor couldn't help being overjoyed, and jumped up like a child. "

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