Fang Lin and the young couple listened quietly, the charm of the Zhuqin old lady when she was young is really irresistible!

A woman disguised as a man can capture the hearts of so many women, and this leading beauty is actually overwhelmed by her charm.

The key point is that there is a world in the belly of a person. He has learned a lot, is talented, and has read thousands of books!It's not just about having the skin, the key is being talented.

The big crocodile also felt that Zhou Zhidao's seven headed Zhuqin's life experience was very legendary. If you want to talk about family background, there is nothing to say. , won the hearts of many women, can be described as proud of life.

However, all these happinesses are actually a kind of disaster for her, and the root cause is that she is a daughter. This has to make people feel a lot of emotion and sigh!

Everyone waited with great interest for Ah Mang to translate the words of the Eagle King.

Ah Mang was also quietly listening to the whole story told by the Eagle King in that animal language. Fortunately, as a translator, he was the first to know the plot.

"The top brand Wanyun invited the pearl bird into the boudoir, and invited it to sit beside the jade-faced round table. The table was filled with candied fruits, dried and fresh mountain cores, and a pot of good Longjing fragrance was overflowing. The two drank together Chat over tea.

Through chatting with Zhuqin, I feel that the top girl in front of me is a talented woman who not only knows astronomy and geography, but also has a wide range of books, and her speech and behavior are very elegant.The two of them also got along very well, and they seemed to hate seeing each other later.

Wan Yun looked at the handsome young man in front of her with affection, like an innocent little girl admiring the rare and fragrant flowers.Fascinatedly enjoying the warm words of the young master.

It is true that she has been in prostitution for several years. During these years, she endured the pain and helplessness against her will, and lived like years, starting from the lowest girl in a brothel.

Once upon a time, she was also one of the girls who greeted guests in groups in the courtyard. There were various types of guests, no matter how dirty, how dissolute, and how unacceptable guests, she had to bite the bullet and serve with a smile.

After several years of hard work, it wasn't until he got a place in this brothel that he gained a certain status and was respected by the procuress, and he could selectively receive guests according to three chapters.

She has seen countless people in so many years, but she has never met a man she likes so much. She didn't even regard this man as a guest, but really regarded him as the person she was looking for in her dreams.She likes to quietly look at the son's jade-like face like this, and even more likes his warm voice like the sound of nature.

She felt so relaxed and comfortable with the pearl birds.How much she wishes that she is a free body and can pursue her own happiness without any scruples.

But thinking about it, she felt extremely sad, now she is the pillar of the brothel, the hottest figure in the brothel, she has signed a contract, the redemption contract is as high as 5000 taels of Wenyin.

This was an astronomical figure for her. The reason why the owner of the brothel raised the price so high was to make it difficult for her to redeem herself easily. After all, her departure would cause a huge loss, and this loss was immeasurable.

Therefore, Wan Yun has no freedom to say that she is just a money-making machine.Every time she thinks of this, no matter how many fantasies and longings she has, they can't become a luxury that can't be realized.

Even if a loved one comes to her door, she can't get this extravagant love, just like the poem written by the Hungarian revolutionary poet Petofi, translated into Chinese by Yin Fu, "Life is precious, love is more expensive, if it is freedom Therefore, both can be discarded."

Zhu Qin seemed to see that Wan Yun seemed to have something on her mind, and her face showed sadness, so she changed the topic, "Girl! I see you are delicate and elegant, with extraordinary appearance, brilliant talent, and you can't put it down. Why did you end up in this fireworks and willow alley? Could it be that the fate is unbearable due to the force of life?"

"Young master! It is very sad to mention this, but it is a painful past. I was born in a poor family. My father cut firewood for a living, and my mother spun yarn at home.

I have three children. I am the oldest in the family, and I have two younger brothers. Since I was a child, I have helped my mother spin and undertake daily housework.Because of his poor family and unable to make ends meet, he had no spare money to study and read.

In my spare time, I always hide outside the nearby private school and listen quietly.

I know that such a school is not something that poor people like us can afford.

I like summer most, after all, when that time comes, the windows of this school are wide open, and I can hear the sound of those rich children reading in the school.

In this way, I can secretly learn from them the teachings of the sages and the peerless knowledge of the Four Books and Five Classics.

In this way, day after day, year after year, the two younger brothers gradually grew up. Because they could not read half a word, they had to follow their father's business and make a living by collecting firewood.

It is natural for a man to be married and a woman to be married, but the family conditions are really difficult. This really makes my parents sleepless at night. Seeing their temples are gray and wrinkled, I feel very uncomfortable.

After all, the two younger brothers had married girls from neighboring villages, but the custom of bride price was indispensable, and the living conditions at that time seemed to be unable to pay a penny.

So I tried to find a way to borrow it from my neighbors in the neighborhood. Unexpectedly, everyone's life is not rich, and no one can afford so much for a while.

I had no choice but to go home silently. My parents were worried, and my younger brothers kept comforting them. If it didn’t work, I wouldn’t marry.

The more I talked about my father, the more anxious he became. After all, he was getting old, so he coughed dryly. At the end of the cough, a large pool of blood came out of the phlegm, which frightened us.

He hurriedly asked the doctor to see his father's disease, and the doctor gave his father's pulse, but he was frowning, and under the persecution of everyone, the doctor finally revealed his father's condition.

My father suffered from tuberculosis, which was almost terminally ill at the time, and there was basically no cure. The only way to maintain it was to rely on prescriptions prescribed by a doctor, which could relieve the symptoms of the disease and prolong the patient's life.

However, the decoction pieces in this prescription are expensive, and we are very clear about what the doctor means, that is, we need to prepare mentally first.

Presumably he has already seen that our family is poor, dilapidated, and very difficult, so he began to doubt whether we have the financial strength to treat this disease for the elderly, so he used words in advance to test our response.

The doctor noticed that we were silent, so he saw it very well, so he shook his head subconsciously, got up and wanted to leave, I couldn't help but stand in front of the doctor, knelt down on my knees, wept unceasingly, begging the doctor to do nothing anyway. Save the father.

Unexpectedly, the doctor also had a lot of words. What he said was not unreasonable. It is only natural to pay for seeing a doctor.

Seeing his father coughing profusely, his mother was so anxious that tears came to her eyes, and the two younger brothers begged bitterly, but the doctor left in a hurry without showing any mercy.

Since then, I have felt the importance of reading and literacy. If we were born in a scholarly family, we could study and read well, and get fame in the exam.

I was extremely anxious, no matter what, I had to save my father's life, not to mention that my younger brothers also needed money for the bride's gift, so after thinking about it, I came to this brothel.

At that time, my idea was very simple, I just wanted to save my father, and let my two younger brothers marry wives and start a family. Unexpectedly, the old bustard of the brothel came up with a contract of prostitution, which was written in black and white.

After all, I was outside the school, so I could read a few big characters, and I could see clearly that two hundred taels of Wenyin could be paid to my family in the contract of prostitution.

With this money, not only the father's illness can be healed, but also the dowry money for the two younger brothers to marry the bride can be settled.

I signed the contract without hesitation.But I didn't know that this was a contract of prostitution. The moment I wrote the pen, I was already a member of this brothel.

Since then, I have become a money-making machine in this brothel, welcoming and sending off, and I don't know how many guests I have received.

Who can I tell me about the pain in my heart? My father received medication, and his condition was indeed relieved.

The two younger brothers married their brides as they wished, and I lived among the flower fields and willow alleys like years.At first I wanted to redeem myself with the money my guests rewarded me and the monthly money, but as my popularity rose, my worth rose repeatedly, from the original two hundred taels of Wenyin to the current five taels of Wenyin. Qianliang.

Although I was anxious, there was nothing I could do because the amount was so huge.Fortunately, after so many years of hard work, now I can finally receive guests selectively, and I no longer have to bite the bullet to receive those dirty and disgusting guests like before. "

While talking, Wan Yun wiped her crying eyes with a handkerchief. It was really pitiful and sympathetic.

Zhu Qin listened to Wan Yun's painful life experience, and felt how difficult it is for women in this world. She felt the pain of a woman born in a poor family, and felt the difficulties of herself as a woman born in an official family.I feel very sad, and I can't help but choke up and cry along with this Wanyun.

Zhuqin is inherently sentimental, after all, she is a woman with a kind heart. This time I came to this place of fireworks and willow lanes, and I have a lot of feelings. There are too many low-level women who are struggling on the death line. Finding love is an extremely extravagant thing .So she had an idea.

It was Zhu Qin who was the first to wipe away his tears, to relieve the sad atmosphere a little bit, "Play a tune for me? I heard that pipa is your best skill!"

Wan Yun wanted to play a song for her favorite handsome man just now, but because of this mention of the past, she started to talk endlessly.

Now is a good time to ease the oppressive atmosphere.

He casually put it on the edge of the bed, picked up the half-pear-shaped instrument with bright brown wood on the back, sat upright, hugged his waist vertically, pressed the string with his left hand, and separated the five fingers of his right hand naturally.

Then the melodious melody was released, like water waves passing across the calm lake, like mandarin ducks playing in a pool, orioles singing in a cluster, magpies jumping and swimming away, the wonderful tones seem to be full of vitality and hope, and there is compassion and pain between the songs. The tone of the book makes people feel the ups and downs and injustice in the world.However, it is very helpless and bitter.

Hearing this song, Zhuqin couldn't help thinking of those famous lines in Bai Juyi's famous "Pipa Xing",

"The rotating shaft plucks the strings three or two times, and there is love before the tune is formed.

Yanxian concealed his voice and thought, as if he could not live up to his life.

The low-eyebrow letter procedure continued, saying everything in my mind.

The big strings are like a rain, and the small strings are cut like a whisper.

Cut the wrong bullets, and the big beads are falling into the jade plate.

Between Guan Yingyu, the bottom of the flower is slippery, and it is difficult to swim under the ice.

Bingquan's cold string is condensed, and the condensing is silent for a while.

Don't have sorrow and hatred for life, at this time, silence is better than sound. "

While thinking about it, he heard the sound of hurried footsteps from the corridor outside the door.The sound seems to be coming towards this graceful boudoir from far to near.Zhu Qin felt very puzzled, who is this person? "

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