roses and lilies

Chapter 290 Helpless

Everyone sat around the VIP room of the Haixianlao Hotel, looking at the endless, clear sea with ebb and flow from time to time, watching small fishing boats looming on the surface of the sea, shuttling away from the shore.

The boat was ups and downs among the layers of waves blown by the sea wind. Although it was tottering and passed through the turbulent waves, it followed the rhythm of the waves, dancing lightly, fluctuating up and down, up and down, more than flexible, perhaps because of This graceful dance, the kind and tolerant sea cannot bear to swallow these small boats.

On this empty, lonely, and lonely sea, there is a rare vitality and vitality.These small boats use the artistic rhythm to send the loneliness and sorrow of the sea away, but the sea is also generous in dedicating the fresh and delicious food in its belly to these dancers for free.

The crocodile listened fascinatedly and sweated for this pearl bird. As the old saying goes, accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger, and her daughter may not be exposed any day.

How much the crocodile hopes that Princess Xueyan will be disgusted with pearl birds!In that case, wouldn't Zhu Qin not be used as this dangerous female consort?

This kind of things that can only be heard in dramas actually happened in reality.It is really incomprehensible.

He couldn't help worrying about Zhu Qin's fate. After all, his father Zhu Yun was the third-rank Da Yuan in the dynasty. If the emperor knew about his daughter, she disguised herself as a man to take part in scientific examinations, and did the same thing as a consort, it would be a serious crime , This is the crime of bullying the king!

This Long Yan was furious but wanted to kill him.The most irritating thing is that Princess Xueyan, what kind of good man is there in the world, but she fell in love with Zhuqin, besides, she is so unkempt, so can't talk sweetly, so she loves Princess Xueyan so much .Everyone has it!

If Xueyan knew that the number one scholar, the lover of her dreams, and Prince Charming was a woman, what would Xueyan's reaction be?

Life, sometimes it is hard to figure out, no matter how capable a person, how powerful a genius will encounter such and other troubles, it is a great joy for others, even a dream, but here in Zhuqin , it became a huge disaster, so serious that it might be a great crime to exterminate the nine clans.

It's really dumbfounding.Of course, what the crocodile is most eager to know is what happened afterwards, what happened again, and how the pearl bird responded and resolved in the face of such a big conflict.

The young Fang Lin and his wife were fascinated by what they heard, and they were unknowingly attracted by Zhou Zhidao's ten outstanding seven-headed beaded old lady's talent and her prominent background, as well as the fact that she disguised herself as a man to go to Beijing to take the exam, and the emperor's palace exam recruited her as a son-in-law. Attracted by the legendary life experience.

Deeply feel that the world is full of wonders.What is more interesting is that the beautiful and charming Princess Xueyan actually fell in love with Zhuqin, of course, without her knowing, it can be seen how attractive this Zhuqin old lady was when she was young .It seems that this martial arts master also has too many unbearable past events!

Everyone turned their attention to Eagle King and Ah Mang, expecting them to finish such an attractive and legendary story.

The Eagle King comprehended and continued to tell about the legendary life of Zhuqin, while Ah Mang worked tirelessly to translate for everyone.

"Princess Zhuqin and Princess Xueyan met for the first time, and she left a deep impression on Princess Xueyan. She was full of girlish feelings and infinite affection for this champion man. She believed from the bottom of her heart that Zhuqin was the one she loved. People, every frown and smile, every gesture, all deeply attracted Princess Xueyan's mind.

Ever since she met Zhuangyuan Lang that day, this flowery and unsurpassedly beautiful princess has not thought about food and drink. She is immersed in longing and reverie for her son-in-law day and night, but she can't get rid of it.

The emperor cared about his precious daughter in every possible way. From time to time, he would ask the servants who served the princess how the princess was doing.

When he learned that the princess was very satisfied with the Zhuangyuan Lang, he couldn't help being overjoyed, and the servants also told the emperor that the princess was losing weight day by day because of missing the pearl and bird.The emperor was also very worried, he couldn't bear to see the princess suffering from lovesickness.So he was going to arrange the wedding for the princess, so he mentioned this time with Han Yuan, the prime minister's chief assistant, and asked for the opinion of this highly respected scholar of the Imperial Academy.

"Aiqing! Princess Xueyan is in her prime. As the saying goes, a boy should be married when he grows up, and a girl should be married when he grows up. Girls can't be kept when they grow up. The common people are like this, let alone me, the daughter of Luanling.

Zhu Qin, the number one scholar in Xinke, is the son of Zhu Yun, a third-rank great Yuan.

After thinking about it alone, he recruited him as a son-in-law and married Xueyan.I don't know what Ai Qing wants? "

The emperor attached great importance to this first assistant, because Hanyuan watched him grow up, and taught the emperor the benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trust that an emperor should possess.

In particular, it attaches great importance to this ceremony, citing the experience and lessons left by the ancients to teach the emperor what is a ruler, what is a minister, what is a ceremony, what is a division, and what is a name.

Citing scriptures and classics, I use the opening words of "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" to preach and teach. Divide? Monarchs and ministers; what is a name? Gong, Hou, Qing, Dafu are also. The husband is as vast as the world, and the people of the people are under the control of one person. Although he has unparalleled strength and wisdom, he will not dare to run and serve. Isn’t it the rule of etiquette! That’s why the Son of Heaven ruled the three princes, the three princes led the princes, the princes ruled the high officials, and the high officials ruled the scholars and the common people. The noble is to meet the inferior, and the inferior is to inherit the noble. , The root controls the branches and leaves; the lower matters are like the protection of the brothers and the confidants, and the branches and leaves protect the roots. Then the upper and lower can protect each other and the country's security. Therefore, it is said: The duty of the Son of Heaven is greater than etiquette."

Repeatedly clarified the importance of this ritual with the emperor, and the emperor was deeply moved by it. Although there were the etiquette of a monarch and minister, more of it was mixed with the meaning of gratitude, fear, admiration, and love. This person is like a father, and the emperor feels To that inexplicable sense of security.

Especially for some important matters, I always like to call the prime minister over, just like chatting about family affairs, and listen to his opinions.

Prime Minister Han Yuan straightened his graying beard, "Your Majesty! Excuse me, old minister, you have the right idea, but the princess has reached the age when it is time to talk about marriage, so don't act too hastily!

After all, the bloodline of the royal family is also very important. Although the Zhuqin is the son of Zhuyun, after all, you and the princess have not been in contact with him for a long time, and you still don’t know much about him. Moral!

I hope Your Majesty will think twice!After all, it is a major event in the princess's life, and it must not be hasty. In the opinion of the veteran, it is better to send a few more eyeliners to observe secretly for a period of time before drawing a conclusion. "

The emperor nodded again and again after hearing this, "Aiqing! Princess Xueyan is very satisfied with this pearl bird. Since the two met that day, she has never forgotten it. She doesn't think about food and drink, and can't sleep at night. It's the pain of lovesickness. This person is getting thinner and thinner day by day, and seeing this precious daughter haggard, I feel even more uncomfortable in my lonely heart." The emperor expressed his thoughts without any concealment.

Hanyuan smiled slightly, "Your Majesty! Don't worry too much, I know you treat the princess like a jewel in your palm and take good care of her, but you have overlooked one point!"

The emperor asked curiously: "What? But it doesn't matter!"

"Although the princess is the body of a phoenix and a noble birth, she is an adult after all, and she has an independent mind and ideas.

There will also be joys, sorrows and joys, and she will also bear the painful things alone. She must have the ability to bear things.

As the saying goes, don't be happy with things, don't be sad with yourself, you can withstand the good, and you must also bear the bad. When you encounter happy events, you should not be overjoyed, and when you encounter sadness, you will not cry bitterly.

However, this kind of ability to handle affairs is by no means innate, but it must be tempered by the day after tomorrow. Those who are always in a honeypot cannot be tempered, and they must suffer certain setbacks , so that her ability can be improved.

In fact, the strength of the human mind is the same as the health of the body, both of which need to be gradually improved through acquired training.Don't miss this precious opportunity to temper your mind. Some things cannot be avoided, and you have to bear them if you have to bear them. "

Hanyuan expressed the emperor's concerns in this easy-to-understand language, which can be described as earnest and persuasive, and the emperor nodded repeatedly as he listened.

"What Ai Qing said is very true. I also dote on the princess too much. She should be tempered mentally and suffer some setbacks." The emperor ordered people to arrange eyeliner to closely follow the pearl bird and understand its daily behavior. Be well behaved and report in a timely manner.

Since returning from Qifeng Palace that day, Zhu Qin felt that something was wrong, and the development track of this matter was obviously far beyond her expectations.

She thought that Xueyan would be extremely disgusted with her, but she never thought that this beautiful, dignified and generous princess has such a strong taste. To be modest and prudent, guard against arrogance and impetuosity.

It was a big surprise.If this continues, catastrophe is inevitable.This made her already anxious mood even more gloomy.

She thought over and over how to make the princess feel disgusted by it, but when she was thinking about it, she had an idea and thought about it.

Zhu Qin was originally from a wealthy family, and before leaving, his father Zhu Yun brought a lot of gold, silver and jewelry to his daughter as travel expenses.She took some out and put them in her pocket.

In the world of flowers and flowers, on the bustling market of Nuoda, there are brothels and elegant gardens everywhere for people to entertain and have fun, and many of them are prostitutes.

Moreover, the top cards of the major brothels are even more beautiful and moving, and they are both good at playing and singing.

At night, I saw long red lanterns hanging high above the eaves on the green platform of the red building. People came and went in an endless stream, and all kinds of delicious food were displayed on the tables in the fragrant rooms. On the bed, the boys and buddies in red and green sat there, quietly listening to the melodious tunes played by the pink and beauties.

In front of the gate of the brothel, there are clouds of beauties bowing to the guests, while the bustard at the gate welcomes the suave and romantic men in the past, and greets them in a frivolous tone, "My lord! Please come inside! Our girls All of them are as beautiful as flowers and jade, graceful and charming, don't miss them when you pass by!"

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