roses and lilies

Chapter 277 Promise Divine Art

Binding the ten-thousand-jin chain and the eight giant iron balls, Ah Mang jumped up, lightly landed on the sand-covered stake, and began to perform the eight-eight-eight sixty-four giant python fists.Such a heavy burden on him is like just wearing a piece of clothing.

Transport the true energy in the body to the limbs, shake the arms, wrap around the python, sway the tail of the green python, spit out the letter, turn over the body of the strange python, attack with the python's teeth..., the fists with true energy are whistling, full of strength .

The eight iron balls on his body whistled in the wind.Swinging with the rhythm of his punches and kicks, these giant iron balls are like small ornaments on Ah Mang's body, very obedient, pointing to where to hit.

Even though he weighed ten thousand pounds, Ah Mang punched and kicked with discipline and strength, with just the right swing and every move.

This had to be applauded by the elder brothers not far away, Wu Du saw that Ah Mang had already mastered this lightness kung fu, and couldn't help but admired: "Good job! The future of my grandson is limitless! This kind of kung fu is practiced, it is really fascinating, and the body is still calm and calm, and the moves are very free and easy."

Nanyun straightened the silver beard, and he was also very satisfied, "Old man with five poisons, the key is that after Ah Mang has finished training, if you pay attention to the wooden stake, it will surprise you even more."

The two old men chatted lively with each other, and both of them were happy for the progress of this grandson.

Just at this time, there was a "rustling" sound in the jungle, which was heard very clearly from far to near.

But I saw a strong black figure, although it was huge, it was made of cotton paper, jumped several feet high, grabbed the tall tree trunk, with fast limbs, jumped again and again, and landed on the opposite side with only one jump. On top of a tall tree trunk, he leaped again and held the branch on the opposite side tightly. Relying on the force of inertia, he swung, and the other hand held the next branch. Climbing and walking like walking on flat ground, passing through the lush trees in the forest, the speed is so fast that you can only see its moving track.

In an instant, he climbed to the top of the tree closest to the two old men, slid down the tree, and came to the Venerable Master, only to see a huge silver-backed gorilla, like a bodybuilder, showing its strong chest muscles and Shaggy belly.

The forehead is high, and the strong forearm is beating the strong chest muscles provocatively.Kneeling down on both knees, he handed the fruit wrapped in leaves as big as cattail fans to Nayun and Wudu. They looked very respectful. The two old men took the fruit and stroked Yuyuan's strong head.

Mizuru sat in front of the two old men very interestingly.Watch the pleasing and innocent kung fu of the little master and nephew.Patting the furry palms, the long mouth whistled from time to time to encourage the little nephew.The arrival of the royal monkey made the scene even more lively.It caused the two old men to laugh constantly.

Nan Yun was even more complacent, and everyone praised Yu Yuan even more, "Old man with five poisons! Among my beast disciples, Yu Yuan is the most spiritual! Shan's kung fu can be said to be the best in martial arts. Although he doesn't know how to attack, he is very good at defending. The biggest characteristic of Yu Yuan is his flexible mind and high emotional intelligence. , but wisdom is no less than that of an extremely intelligent human being, and this is what I appreciate the most."

Wudu himself is also more optimistic about Yu Yuan, Yu Yuan is famous for his high emotional intelligence, every time he comes to this jungle waterfall, mountains and rivers, no matter whether he is playing chess with Nanyun or chatting, Yu Yuan always greets Gao Ying from afar, picking fruits and coconuts , busy before and after, extremely attentive.

Among the four giant beasts, it is definitely the most spiritual. Not only that, but whenever Nan Yun is at a disadvantage when playing chess, Yu Yuan will always be there to make moves. After all, his own chess skill is better than Nanyun's, but because Yu Yuan was on the side giving Nanyun a move, the two old brothers played for a lifetime, but they were tied.

Nanyun always kept saying: "The way to play chess is peace is the most important!" He didn't feel that his chess skills were poor at all.

Every time Yu Yuan gave Nanyun a move, Wudu always lowered his face, and said to Nanyun's master and apprentice: "There is an old saying, a real gentleman who watches chess without saying a word, a man who has no regrets in his moves! Don't play tricks!" This Yu Yuan also understood, knowing not to make blatant moves, so he devised various gestures, secretly hinting to Nanyun how to play chess.

Because it was done very covertly, the five poisons were not aware of it.It can be seen that Yu Yuan's logical thinking ability is indeed very strong.Wu Du was also secretly amazed in his heart.

Now the four beasts of Nanyun only have the only one left, the Royal Ape, so Nanyun treats the Royal Ape even more differently. In fact, he treats the Royal Ape better because he remembers the three giant beasts that died.

One must have spiritual sustenance, especially for the supreme master of martial arts. Their spiritual sustenance is to have successors to carry forward their martial arts. Now Nan Yun's spiritual sustenance is this apprentice Yu Yuan and his grandson Ah Mang. The spiritual sustenance of the five poisons is also placed on the apprentice grandson Ah Mang. Only in this way can the hearts of the two elder brothers calm down, and they will no longer live the boring days that feel like years.

It is because of the kindling of hope that they ignite their longing and reverie for the future.

Ah Mang dodges and moves around, exerting the kung fu of the giant python's divine fist to the extreme, and within a short time, he has already moved a punch as smoothly as flowing clouds and flowing water.

After practicing, he is still calm and composed, changing his moves and doing it in one go.But seeing that he didn't stop for a moment, he ran towards Nanyun Temple.

Wudu asked curiously: "Are the chains and iron balls on Ah Mang's body from Nanyun Temple?"

Yu Yuan interjected at the right time: "Senior! Those chains and iron balls are the tools that Master Nanyun needs to practice the peerless lightness kung fu. They are usually kept in the arsenal of Nanyun Temple. It is not easy to see, if it is not for today to help Xiao My nephew is practicing kung fu, how could the master reveal this thing?"

Nanyun looked at Yu Yuancong and admired it in his heart, "You stupid beast is talkative, you know a lot! As a teacher, you have revealed your wealth!"

Yu Yuanzhi was what the master joked with him, but he just made a face and didn't strike up a conversation.

Wu Du nodded again and again, he was surprised to see that there was not even a single footprint on the wooden pile covered with sand, under the trample of a body that weighed ten thousand catties, which showed that his disciple and grandson had mastered this peerless lightness kung fu.Not only that, but from Nanyun's expression, it seems that he will teach him more superior martial arts.

Not long after Ah Mang came back, the chains and iron balls bound to his body were long gone.Stack the stakes one by one into the jungle.Free up the space and prepare to wait for the next opportunity to be taught by Master Nan Yun.

Nanyun slowly came to Ah Mang, "Do you know the meaning of this word?"

Ah Mang has been begging along the street since he was a child and practiced in the forest, so he never learned this profound truth, so he told the truth, "Master! Forgive me for being stupid, I never knew the meaning of this word!"

Nan Yun lightly touched the silver beard, and said thoughtfully: "The meaning of this word is very extensive. If you explain it in detail, you may not be able to explain it clearly in two days and two nights. If you find it clearly, we will only mention some things for you. Let’s talk about things related to practice! In layman’s terms, this Tao means letting nature take its course!
That is to say, it means conforming to the law of the development of things and not being transferred by human will.That is to say, everything is natural, not forced.What I am about to impart to you is this Fist of Complying with Heaven's Will.Many people call it Taijiquan method, I improved it and renamed it Wujiquan method! "

"Wuji Fist?" Ah Mang repeated Nanyun's words in great bewilderment.

"Yes! This is the Wuji boxing method. The greatest beauty of this boxing is that it is unconstrained, eclectic, without any rules. According to the opponent's boxing routine, use static braking, softness to overcome rigidity, avoid reality and use force to exert strength. , the routine of responding to all changes with the same.

This boxing is a typical internal boxing method.The Giant Python Divine Fist you have mastered is a kind of foreign boxing, with a total of 64, [-], [-] moves, and this Wuji boxing method does not have a fixed number of moves, the key lies in understanding.You comprehend this set of boxing by observing the phenomena of nature.

This Wujiquan is just because everyone understands it differently, so ten people practice this Wujiquan, and there will be ten different Wujiquan, and it is impossible for them to be the same. As for who is higher and who is lower, it goes without saying. Wen Wu is the first, and Wu Wu is the second. What is a powerful boxing technique? It is the most powerful boxing technique that can defeat the enemy.If you don't give in on the spot in the martial arts competition, and show your hands without mercy, of course there will be winners and losers! "

Nanyun talked eloquently about the form of Wujiquan, which attracted Wudu and Yuyuan to listen quietly.

Ah Mang looked suspicious, "Master! What is the essence of this boxing technique?"

"This is a very good question! I feel that understanding of this kind of boxing is better than practice!" Nanyun said these four words meaningfully.

"Enlightenment is greater than practice?" Ah Mang still repeated these words.

"You may not quite understand the deep meaning of these four words now! The martial arts you have come into contact with so far may be that practice makes perfect, and skill makes perfect. It lies in practice. The more you practice, the more proficient you are. This is not the case in Wujiquan. This kind of boxing is known as the most brain-burning boxing. Seventy percent of this kind of boxing is realized with the brain, and [-]% is executed with fists.

For example, these examples are the truths learned from life.This is also my personal understanding of this boxing technique.I ask you answer!Is the towering tree stronger or the grass stronger? "Nanyun asked a very simple question, which made Wudu and Yuyuan very curious.

Ah Mang replied without thinking: "Of course the towering tree is strong! Is there any need to ask this question? A child can answer it!" He was a little dismissive of this question.

"If there is a strong wind, you will find that many towering trees have been uprooted and blown down, but the grass is safe and sound. Don't you think your answer just now is a bit stupid?" Nan Yun asked back.

What Nanyun said really stumped Ah Mang, he thought to himself, yes!Master is right!Although this is a natural phenomenon, it is true.

"Master! What you said is indeed so, it makes sense! Could it be related to practicing?" Ah Mang asked with some doubts.

"This is the result of comprehension according to the laws of nature. The truly superior and profound martial arts are often hidden in the phenomena of nature. The example just now is not a question of whether a big tree is stronger than a small grass, but just a question of whether a big tree is stronger than a small grass. The question of choice when an attack comes, to put it bluntly, is the most relevant choice for how to deal with a huge attack.

Although the grass is weak, the method it chose was extremely appropriate. It chose to let the wind take its course and fall with the wind, because it understood that it couldn't beat the strong wind, but the towering tree thought it was very strong, and chose to face the strong wind head-on. , so, how can it be the opponent of the violent wind, this is the only way of Wuji boxing to overcome rigidity with softness! "

As Nanyun said, he wanted to pass on the essence of the Wuji Divine Art to Ah Mang.Whether he can comprehend this profound and peerless magic skill can be explained in the next chapter.

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