roses and lilies

Chapter 267 Death Of The Giant Beast

The land of Nanshan is evergreen in all seasons, and the scenery is picturesque and beautiful.

Ah Mang transported his true energy to his legs and feet, stepped on the stone steps lightly, and moved forward at high speed.

The winding path of the mountains and jungles is gentle, and the fragrance of birds and flowers floats from time to time in the dense jungle.

It makes people intoxicated, this is the place he has been attached to since he was a child, and he seems to see the figure of the little doll who is chopping firewood and carrying water, busy before and after.

It was the shadow of his childhood. Although it was more than ten years ago, it seemed as if it was yesterday, and it was vivid in his memory.

The beautiful scenery in the mountains is still the same, but the man has been born from a little baby to a sturdy and vigorous man. This man has gone through many hardships, and has found the other half of his life. With his own wife, his life is like Dreams urge people to age, and the years are ruthless, making people feel at a loss.

The Nanyun Temple still stands on the top of Nanshan Mountain, and the melodious bells can be heard from time to time, and the imprints of his cleaning have been left countless times in front of the temple gate.

The red moon door is still closed tightly, and the round door bolt on it has rusted with streaks of spots. The wind and rain, and the years of grinding, record this ordinary day.

Ah Mang quickly stepped forward and tightened the round door bolt to close the door. After a while, the Moon Gate opened, and a young monk walked out. He had a beautiful face. He had never seen this person before, so he must be a newcomer to the gate.

The little monk looked up and down, and said very respectfully: "Amitabha! May I ask why the benefactor came to our Nanyun Temple?"

Ah Mang also bowed deeply respectfully, "Little layman! I have an important matter to discuss with my master Master Nan Yun. Please go over and report it, and say that your disciple, Ah Mang, is asking to see you."

The little monk didn't dare to neglect at all, and hurried back to the temple to report.After a while, he came out and said to Ah Mang very embarrassed: "Benefactor! I have conveyed your intentions to the Venerable Master truthfully, but the Venerable Master has not stated his position!
Presumably he does not want to see you, I have tried my best!You still please come back! "

Ah Mang showed a very helpless expression, feeling very uncomfortable in his heart, he knew that the master had not forgiven him, the reason why the master paid so much attention to the moderation and balance must be because Yun Leopard was a disciple who did not live up to expectations, he had paid a lot for Yun Leopard With hard work, his most promising top disciple actually took over one side and did a lot of evil. The most chilling thing, Yunbao actually laid such a cruel hand on him, as if he didn't care about his mentor and apprentice.

He regretted how he accepted this ruthless and ungrateful person, so he was bitten by a snake for ten years and was afraid of the well rope. Therefore, he taught the strongest attack method and the strongest defense method to different disciples, so that they restrain each other, and strive to achieve an imbalance, fearing that there will be changes in the future.

This also shows from another aspect that the Venerable Master lacks a sense of security.Especially when he learned that Ah Mang possessed the strongest attack and defense skills, this worry had already broken through his psychological defense, so he expelled Ah Mang from the division.

Ah Mang also knew that he hadn't made any mistakes, but just touched the bottom line of the master's heart.Let his sense of security disappear.

From another perspective, it is a kind of chilling towards the top disciple Yunbao, but the most unfair thing is precisely based on this, the disaster caused by Yunbao has become an important reason why the master became wary of him, Ah Mang, and it can also be said that Ah Mang was killed. The real reason for being expelled from the teacher's school is because Master Nanyun has not yet emerged from the shadow of not receiving enough disciples.But he was worried that Ah Mang would be the second Clouded Leopard.

Ah Mang was thinking wildly like this, which also proved that Ah Mang's worries earlier were very accurate, as expected, the master refused to see him at all, and even if there were ten thousand reasons for asking the master to come out of the mountain, it was impossible to say it in person. Therefore, he was anxious, but he didn't know what to do?
While thinking about it, he dragged his heavy legs and walked towards the jungle waterfall clearing on the back mountain of Nanyun Temple. This seemed to be a subconscious behavior of his. What I hope to see most is his master and uncles.

I don't know how these four giant beasts have always been. He can imagine their appearance. Master Bo must be facing the waterfall, frowning, lying beside the gurgling stream, shaking his soft and dense mane from time to time. hair.Zhang Lai's bloody mouth was yawning there.

Not to mention the second uncle, Chixiong, who spends most of the year in his sleep. At this time, he must be leaning on a thick and big tree, and he fell asleep with a huge snore. The sound resounded through the jungle.Third Uncle Yu Yuan was probably playing on the tree like a golden bell at this time, chatting with the little animals in the jungle in animal language.

The master must have gone to the jungle to look for food for the masters again!
Those warm pictures emerged in Ah Mang's mind, and these pictures often appeared in his dreams.He yearns for the life of jungle and waterfall, but this kind of comfort makes him even more unlucky to enjoy.

He knows his mission, and he also knows that he bears blood and deep hatred, which has not been avenged yet.The people of Li are still oppressed by the bandits, suffering unspeakably. The most important thing now is that they cannot get the understanding and help of the master. If the master does not leave the mountain, the clouded leopard will not be broken. If the clouded leopard cannot be broken, the eldest brother and the brothers will not be able to rescue them .

The key is that if the bandits are not eliminated, the common people cannot be given an explanation.Feeling anxious, he subconsciously quickened his pace.

Not long after, I came to this empty valley, where the scenery is beautiful and pleasant, with gurgling waterfalls, blue waves, winding gurgling streams, crystal clear.

With luxuriant branches and leaves, shaded by green trees, it forms an open grassy green space like a creation of nature, during which Fengming and cranes chirping, swallows and warblers singing, warblers singing and sparrows singing in harmony, are euphemistic and pleasant.It is the fairyland on earth.

However, not far away, he heard a faint cry. As Ah Mang approached, the tragic cry became louder and louder, and it was extremely miserable. It was not a human voice, but the miserable sound of a wild beast. Howling.When Ah Mang came close, he didn't want to look at it, he couldn't help but be surprised.Tears gushed out of the eyelids immediately, and my heart felt like a knife was twisted.

But seeing a huge silver-backed gorilla with a high forehead, howling miserably at the corpse of a giant beast, of course Ah Python knew who it was!
It was his third uncle, Yu Yuan, and in front of it lay the corpse of a huge beast. The handprints deeply warped the belly of the giant beast, and bright red blood oozes out. The organs in the belly of this giant beast must have been shattered, who else is Ah Mang's second uncle Chi Xiong.Already died of despair.

Ah Mang rushed over weepingly, hugging Chixiong's corpse tightly, crying bitterly.Seeing that it was his nephew, Ah Mang, who came, Yu Yuan was also surprised, so they cried so much that they couldn't bear to live.

While weeping, Ah Python raised his head and saw the dead body of another giant beast not far away, but he saw that the beast was mighty and strong, with a thick long mane, majestic and majestic, with bloody teeth and long teeth, lying on its side, bleeding from its seven orifices, and its body was already stiff .It was Ah Mang's master Bo Yunshi.

Ah Mang hurriedly ran over, holding the body of Master Bo Yunshi and crying to death.He couldn't believe it was true. Who on earth caused this giant beast to suffer so miserably?He couldn't figure it out.

While thinking about it, he suddenly discovered that not far away, a piece of python skin of a large blue and white python was thrown among the bushes. He was very familiar with this python skin. depend on each other.

Whenever he encountered wolves and beasts, he would fight side by side with his master with the 64-way Giant Python God Fist taught by his master. After every fierce battle, the master would always take the lead and stand in front of him, lest he be injured, while the master was green The python, after a life-and-death struggle, is always covered with cuts and bruises.

He helped his master to apply medicine to the wound to heal the wound. This blue and white python skin was the one he was most familiar with, but now the master has disappeared, and only this abandoned python skin is undoubtedly like a knife piercing Ah Mang's heart. Cut off one by one.

He only felt dizzy and dizzy, his tears had already dried up, his eyes were blurred, he felt that the sky was dark, and he was already unconscious.

When he slowly opened his heavy eyelids, he saw the third senior uncle Yu Yuan looking at him expectantly with his tearful eyes, "Little nephew, how is it? Are you better?" Sad breath.

He hugged the strong body of the third senior uncle tightly, weeping bitterly, sobbing bitterly, "Uncle! ?” Yu Yuan shook his head helplessly, pouring out his stomach full of bitterness, “Little nephew! Our brothers are practicing in the jungle waterfall, but two unexpected guests came, you should be familiar with them, one is Tiger King , and the other is your master's natural enemy, the honey badger.

These two uninvited guests have heard of the reputation of the four giant beasts of Nanshan for a long time. The reason why they came here is to discredit the reputation of the four giant beasts of Nanyun. And the strongest defensive method is on the four giant beasts of Nanyun.

They want to challenge this authority, and use their actual actions to cheer up the great martial arts world.So they came over to compete with us, discussing the superiority and inferiority. As the saying goes, "Wenwuwu is the first, and Wuwu is the second." This is the truth.

Seeing that the second master, Chi Xiong, was sleeping soundly under a tree, the Tiger King wanted to give him a warning.Pick up that iron-sand divine palm, and slap it on the belly of the sleeping idiot bear. You have also experienced it before. Its divine palm is powerful, not to mention a giant beast made of meat, even the iron monument. It was split open, and the idiot bear was not at all defensive when he was asleep, with this tiger's paw, the idiot bear's internal organs were shattered, and it died with a scream.

The death of the second senior brother also means the end of the most powerful attacker representing today's martial arts.From then on, the martial arts world will reshuffle the cards and recommend new forces.

Seeing that the idiot bear was slapped to death by the tiger king, Yunshi and Qingmang hurried forward to fight. The roar of the giant lion is really powerful, but how can it be compared with the tiger king?

Tiger King has created three unique stunts of his own, Tiger Flying, Iron Sand Palm, and Desperate Golden Whip. His moves are powerful, integrating speed, strength, explosiveness, fierceness, endurance, dexterity, and rigidity.

In particular, it will highlight the explosive character in every move and style, so the Tiger King used the combination of tiger leap and desperate golden whip to beat the master brother Yunshi to the ground, and finally relied on the super explosive power to use the iron rod Its long tail slammed into the cloud lion's death spot, but the cloud lion couldn't dodge in time, and the tiger king's desperate golden whip hit him right.Qiqiao bleeds to death. "Yu Yuan shook his head helplessly.

Ah Mang couldn't wait to ask: "How about my master Qing Mang? Tell me quickly!"

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