roses and lilies

Chapter 262 Arriving at the Beautiful Rose

When Princess Rose was unbelievable, Ah Mang couldn't help laughing out loud.

Princess Rose's face flushed slightly, and seeing Ah Mang's sly expression, she had already guessed eight or nine points in her heart.

"Brother Ah Mang! You! How dare you play tricks on me! You are so bad! Tell me! What is going on!"

Princess Rose put her akimbo in anger, then turned her head to one side, and let out a coquettish "huh!"

Princess Rose's coquettish appearance is more delicate and charming.He covered his face and hid his smile,

"Rose! I also want to tease you and make you happy!"

Princess Rose hurriedly took Ah Mang's hand and kept shaking it.

"Good brother! Good brother! Just tell me! What's going on here, don't you have any supernatural powers?"

"Rose! This is not difficult for me! My uncle taught me the superior internal strength, and I can skillfully control the true energy in my body.

This weightlessness does not have any effect on me at all, I just need to transport my true energy to the lower part of my body and use a thousand catty tricks, how can this weightlessness lift me up. "

"Brother Ah Mang! Your kung fu is amazing! How can ordinary people do it! I thought it was a malfunction of the earth simulation system! I was shocked!"

As soon as Ah Mang mentioned the uncle, he thought of the four giant beasts. Since that time he went down the mountain, he has never seen them again, and he misses them very much.

I don't know how well they live in the jungle waterfall!Whenever he thinks of those days of learning art, he feels nostalgia. He can understand the feelings of Master Nan Yun, and getting along with giant beasts is simple and happy!There are not as many intrigues and intrigues as humans.

After thinking about it, Princess Rose is indeed very pure, kind and simple, which makes people feel very cute.With her, Anaton suddenly felt comfortable and natural.

"Brother Ah Mang! I've always been very curious about the tattoos on your body. The dragon and phoenix tattoos are so beautiful! It must have been done for you by someone with a good handwriting?"

"It was your elder sister Ayu who used the silver jewelry on her head to break off a tooth, melt it into a silver needle in the fire, and pierce my body one by one."

"Sister Ayu is so skillful! This big dragon is so alive, it seems real!"

"She's a girl from the Li ethnic group! Their tattoo skills are amazing!" Mentioning tattoos brought back endless memories of Ah Mang, and he felt very sad.

"Brother Ah Mang! How do you think I compare with Sister Ah Yu?"

Ah Mang was stumped by this question, he didn't know how to answer, so he could only reluctantly say: "You two are of different types!"

Princess Rose has the spirit to break the casserole and ask the bottom line, "Then what type am I? What type is she?"

This question broke out in a cold sweat from Ah Mang, and he knew in his heart that the less overlap the better, the less overlap, the less able to distinguish between high and low, the less able to distinguish high from low, the less it will hurt anyone.

Although Ayu is in another world far away, Ah Mang always feels that she is by his side, deeply rooted in his heart.He was particularly afraid of hurting the little girl in front of him.

somehow!Inexplicably, a special corner has been reserved for her in his heart, every frown and smile of her can touch his heart.

"Rose! You are a kind, pure, simple and lively girl!"

As soon as this remark came out, Rose felt so happy, so happy!She knew that Brother Ah Mang had a special approval for her.This made her very happy.

Although she is not satisfied, she must tell him what is special about Sister Ayu, what is stronger than herself.

"Then what kind of sister is Ayu?" She showed an aggressive attitude.

"Ayu is a very smart, understanding and brave girl!"

Ah Mang's answer disappointed him greatly. After talking for a long time, she and A Yu were like two parallel lines, and there was no intersection at all.

In fact, her original intention was to compare with Ayu, who is more important in Ah Mang's heart, and Ah Mang had already seen her intentions, so she deliberately said that.

Such a watertight answer made Princess Rose dumbfounded.

No one can stop her princess' temper tantrums!

She vowed not to give up until she achieved her goal, "Brother Ah Mang! If you met Sister Ayu and me at the same time, who would you fall in love with?"

Ah Mang never dreamed that she would ask such a tricky question.This question is much more difficult to answer than the one just now.

"Can I not answer this question?" Ah Mang said with some embarrassment.

Princess Rose turned her head to the side and stopped talking!
Ah Mang hurried over to persuade him: "What's wrong? Are you angry?"

Princess Rose just "hummed" and didn't speak.

Ah Mang hurriedly comforted: "Don't be angry! It's because I can't do it! This question is really difficult for me to answer!
You two are of different types and cannot be compared together. I think you are both good!If I hadn't been given a choice, I'd be very sad to give up which one!obedient!Don't be angry! "

"I lied to you! I'm not angry! I just like to play a little temper in front of you, so I will be very happy!"

Princess Rose has indeed been spoiled by the King of the Moon and his court!This princess really has a temper!

Ah Mang didn't say anything, but in his heart he still believed that A Yu's position in his heart was irreplaceable.

She has such a cheerful personality, she never loses her temper, and she is extremely understanding, with great skills and good kung fu. If they hadn't died young, the two of them would definitely be wandering around, wandering around the world, and doing everything. Fight for justice and become a pair of chivalrous and courageous martial arts heroes.

The character of Princess Rose is moody, making it extremely difficult to guess.

It is not the same as Ayu, but after thinking about it, it may be that I am too demanding of this cute little girl in front of me. After all, everyone has different growth experiences and different hardships. In addition, the environment they live in and the family education are different. .

Therefore, it is impossible to have the same temperament and temperament, not to mention that Princess Rose is not an ordinary person, but the jewel in the palm of the emperor on an alien planet!

How can he be compared with an orphan of the Li nationality, who is as popular as a star from a young age?She has never experienced those unimaginable ordeals.

Not to mention that she never experienced that miserable childhood. She stretched out her clothes and opened her hands to eat, and she didn't worry about making a living at all, let alone taste the dangers and sophistication of the world.What could he ask of her?

A painful life experience and a painful childhood make Ah Mang feel that he is not the same person as Princess Rose. There is an essential difference between them. Even if they come together, there will be no results, let alone happiness.

He knew very well that he was destined to live a hard life, and it was impossible for him to enjoy the happiness.However, the most important thing right now is to save Planet ROSE first, and drive that villain Meteor away from the planet.

As for the relationship with Princess Rose, it is still a long-term plan, he always feels that the two are not suitable.But he made another fatal mistake!This made him very passive, and he regretted it very much. Why did he drink so much wine that day?However, it is too late to regret now, there is no other way, just let nature take its course and push away!

The flying fortress is running at high speed, and Princess Rose is very accurate. In less than a day, the fortress passed through the atmospheric clouds of the planet ROSE. This planet is colorful from a distance, and the colors are very rich. It is also a piece of blue ocean.

Ah Mang said curiously: "Rose! Your planet is really beautiful! What are those colorful lands?"

Princess Rose said proudly: "These are all roses! Our planet is covered by all kinds of roses, except for the blue ocean, which is the beautiful sea of ​​flowers!"

"Can your planet also enjoy the sunshine?" Ah Mang asked curiously.

"Our planet revolves around a sunflower star, and the distance between the ROSE star and the sunflower star is moderate, which allows us to enjoy the sunflower light." Princess Rose explained carefully. "Is the sunflower's light stronger than our sunlight?"

"Although this sunflower star is a star, it is much smaller than the sun, so the ultraviolet light is not so strong, and our ROSE star is not as big as the earth! So this kind of temperature and light are very suitable." During the speech, the flying fortress has landed on the ground In the area not far from the imperial palace, the cabin door slowly opened, and what came into view was a sea of ​​fragrant roses and a fairy tale kingdom like a playground.

There are no tall trees on both sides of the tidy street, but instead it is the colorful and fragrant sea of ​​roses, Blue Enchantress, Louis XIV, Diana, Corolla, Song of the Sea, Big Pink, Shangri-La, Champagne Rose, Cold Beauty, Pink Lady, Corolla, Snow Swan, Giant Rose, Holiday Princess, Champagne Rose, Black Rose, Thorn Rose, White Rose, Yellow Rose, Loulan Rose, Red Brush Rose, Charming Rose, Butterfly Rose, Lady Rose, Black Magic Roses, there are so many types of roses that the eyes are dizzying.

In this sea of ​​roses, on the clean and tidy open space, there are Ferris wheel, carousel, roller coaster, bumper car, rapids, big pendulum, haunted house, pirate ship, animation theater, candy house, and naughty castle.

It made Ah Mang feel dazzled, this is really a planet full of joy and happiness!

Princess Rose was very proud, "I'm finally home! Brother Ah Mang! How do you feel about our planet? Is it beautiful? Isn't it full of joy?"

Ah Mang also felt that there was such a beautiful and happy planet [-] million light years away.Can this make Master Meteor salivate?
Such a good place, no one has any idea.However, after he observed carefully, he found that the Meteor Squadron was heavily guarded around the palace. Not only were they heavily guarded, but there were also patrol teams passing by from time to time in various close arteries. These neat Meteor Squadron soldiers were uniformly dressed in black Metal suits and helmets!

All of them are tall and tall, with their chests raised and their heads held high. The team is very neat and the military management is very good.

"Rose! If we drive Master Meteor from the planet this time, you must set up the ROSE Star Guard to prevent enemies from other planets from coming to plunder and invade.

You must restore some of your people to young adults and undergo rigorous military training.

Did you see, Lord Meteor, although he is an invader, he manages the Meteor team extremely strictly, regardless of their strength, we just rely on the spirit of this team.

It can be seen that it is different from those leisurely children on your planet, you must listen to me, otherwise this situation will repeat itself in the future! "

"I got it! Brother Ah Mang! Are you okay! What's going on today? It's like saying goodbye to us!
Your suggestion is very good, I will definitely mention your suggestion to my father, Old King Yuexia! "

When Princess Rose was speaking, she didn't pay much attention to the surrounding situation. Her voice was loud and high-pitched. Just at this time, a Meteor team passed by, and when they heard the sensitive words of some father or King under the Moon, they swarmed He rushed over and wanted to take these two people down.

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