roses and lilies

Chapter 254 The Magical ROSE Planet

Princess Rose thinks that Ah Mang is really interesting. She doesn't even know about the central processing unit and the translation system. This place is too far behind!

These are common sense questions!She had no choice but to explain carefully to him, "Little brother! Don't you even know about magnetic brains?"

"Magnetic brain? What is this?" Ah Mang has been practicing kung fu with the four giant beasts in the forest since he was born, and he has never heard of the existence of magnetic brains in this world.

"People on Earth must have brains, right?" Princess Rose asked curiously.

Hearing this, Ah Mang almost fainted out of breath, "Isn't this nonsense? Can people have no brains?

This is a bit too contemptuous of us!Where you are more advanced than us, can you call us brainless?You are too much! "

Princess Rose hurriedly explained carefully: "Little brother! I don't mean to discriminate against you earthlings!
I just don't understand the physiological structure of your earthlings. If you have a brain, I can explain to you more vividly what is going on with this magnetic brain! "

After Ah Mang heard this, most of his anger subsided, "So that's it! I almost forgot, you are not from our place!

No wonder you ask that!We earthlings have brains, internal organs, limbs, feelings, and thoughts. We survive by breathing oxygen and taking food!Now I understand! "

"Well! Since this is the case, I can easily explain it. The brain of your earthlings is the central nervous system of the body. It can send signals to various parts of the body to make them work normally.

Similarly, this magnetic brain is also the central nervous system that controls hardware and software!
It is equivalent to adding a super smart brain to the human brain, and the computing speed of this brain is hundreds of millions of times higher than that of the human brain.

Therefore, many problems that cannot be solved by the human brain can be solved by the magnetic brain.

Now as far as I know, there are a small number of countries on the earth that have access to electricity!
They also invented electrical appliances for people to use in their daily lives. "

Ah Mang listened patiently, and then came out of his bewilderment.

He is not stupid. He knows that the magnetic brain is a product of highly developed progress. Maybe the people on earth have not advanced to that level, but he still has a lot of questions in his mind, "Girl! You just said that there are some countries on our earth. What did you use?"

"They used electricity! They invented electric lights, telephones, electric stoves, electric cookers, etc.! It can be said that these few countries represent the most advanced technology on earth!" Princess Rose seemed to ignore these things.

"Then is there any difference between the magnetism you use and the electricity used in these countries?" Ah Mang asked a little puzzled.

"We ROSE Stars stopped using electricity as early as 500 years ago! This electricity has long been eliminated in our place! Our energy source is magnetism!" Princess Rose said a little arrogantly.

"Girl! What is this electricity?"

"Electricity is a form of energy, to put it bluntly! Does it thunder when it rains on your earth!

That thunder is electricity. The so-called thunder is nothing more than the friction of clouds.

A lot of manpower, material and resources will be wasted.Some losses outweigh the gains. "Princess Rose's tone is not small, and she talks freely.

This is also what Ah Mang is extremely disgusted with. He asked a little unconvinced: "Then what advantage does the magnetism used by your planets have? How can it be better than my earthlings?"

"Little brother! This magnetism is much more convenient than this electricity. The so-called everything has a spirituality, which means that all things have a magnetic field.

The human body is no exception. It also has a magnetic field. Where there is a magnetic field, all the magnets invented by our ROSE star can be used.

For example, the magnetic brain just mentioned is actually a small chip. It is placed in my battle helmet and uses the magnetic field in my body as its power source. All the magnetic field will do!Do you think it is very convenient? "

Ah Mang suddenly realized, yes!This kind of energy is really powerful, and it can be used directly without any conversion.It's amazing!
"Girl! I understand a little bit! Your planet is much more developed and progressive than ours, right? But according to my observation, you look no different from us Earthlings?"

"Little brother! We all have what you said just now, including the brain, internal organs, and limbs. We also have feelings and thoughts. We also survive by breathing oxygen and ingesting food!

It's just that the technology of our planet is much more advanced than that of the earth! "

"That's strange! Our earth has the sun to provide us with warm sunshine, our earth has mountains, rivers, lakes, seas, fresh air, and the bright moon!
Do we have these things your planet also have? "

"Little brother! Of course we have! Not only do we have things, but your planet doesn't have them yet!

Our scientists have detected a planet like the Earth long ago!

Moreover, in-depth research on the earth has already been carried out, otherwise it would be impossible for our language translation system database to include Chinese in it.

We also know that not all of you people on Earth speak Chinese, there are many other languages, such as English, Spanish, German, French, Japanese and many other languages.

We have all entered the database of the language translation system one by one.

Our scientists often sneak to the earth in flying fortresses to conduct investigations and research.

Your earth belongs to the category of planets, and the distance from the fixed star sun is moderate. While the earth is revolving around the sun, it is still rotating on its own axis. Therefore, spring, summer, autumn and winter are formed, and the four seasons change.

Because of the water on the earth, plants can carry out photosynthesis, and the water evaporates to form thick clouds around the earth, so there is rain and snow, and the resources are extremely rich.

It is precisely because of the natural environment suitable for the growth of organisms that the earth can survive!

As the saying goes, the right time, place and people are in harmony!Heaven, earth and people are indispensable! "Princess Rose has a very good understanding of the situation on the earth.

Ah Mang couldn't help but look at her differently, he felt that although this little girl is not from the earth, but she knows more about the earth than he, a real earthling, is really rare!

Think about the development of that planet is based on this.

But he still felt very strange, how could there be aliens in this world!

He still can't believe this reality, after all, there are indeed many things that cannot be explained clearly.

"Girl! I have always thought that this world is made up of heaven, earth and people. The sky is boundless, the earth is boundless, and people are between the sky and the earth. I can't imagine how there are aliens?"

"Little brother! This question you asked is very good! You may still have limited your imagination due to underdeveloped technology. In fact, the place you live is only a small part of the earth.

There will be more places beyond this place, the outside world.

However, have you ever thought about what it would be like if you left this planet and went beyond the blue sky? "

"Leaving the earth? Leaving the earth? Going beyond the blue sky? How is this possible? Is there a sky beyond the sky?" He was at a loss and couldn't imagine it at all.

"Break through the atmosphere and enter the universe!"

"The universe? What is the universe?"

"The so-called universe is an infinite space! It's so big that you can't imagine!" Princess Rose said while looking up at the boundless sky.

Ah Mang also raised his head to look at the sky, and suddenly realized: "Could it be that at night, those twinkling stars are the planets in this universe?"

Princess Rose showed a lovely smile, nodded again and again, and said in that sweet voice: "Little brother! Are you still very smart! Those stars are actually planets in the universe!" "Which one on that day is Your planet?" Ah Mang asked curiously.

Princess Rose covered her mouth gently and laughed.

"What? Is my question ridiculous?" Ah Mang asked a little puzzled.

"It's more than ridiculous! The stars you see are all planets very close to the earth, but our ROSE star is a full [-] million light-years away from the earth. Such a far distance, even if you have clairvoyance It is impossible to see the magic power!" Princess Rose explained.

"What is the concept of [-] million light years? I can't imagine it at all! Can you explain it to me, I'm relatively stupid, so it's better to give an example to visualize it?"

"The so-called light year, as the name suggests, is the distance that light travels in a year. The speed of light is three times ten to the eighth power per second. Normally, there should be 360 ​​five days in a year, 24 hours in a day, and sixty in one hour. Minutes, 1 minute is 60 seconds, then you can calculate the distance traveled by light in [-] million years. Do the calculation!" Princess Rose said with a smile.

Such a statement stumped Ah Mang!He didn't expect to be so far away.

Besides, he can't do such complicated calculations!If it's okay to practice martial arts, how can he know the things of a literati.

"Girl! How can I calculate such a complicated number! This number is too big!"

"Little brother! You can't even calculate such a simple number, it's really enough, about 2838240000000000000000 kilometers! How far is it or not?"

Princess Rose calculated such a huge number without any effort, which really surprised Ah Python.

Ah Mang's eyes were so wide open, she stared blankly at her, "This... this! Girl! You can calculate such a large number so quickly, you are really an extremely smart person!

I really admire you so much!how did you do it? "

"It's not easy! I don't have time to calculate these numbers, they are all calculated by the magnetic brain chip for me!
Do we still need to do things like this?That's not exhausting!
All production tasks on our planet are completed by AI. People on our planet are mainly based on high-level management and research and development, and all labor-intensive industries are completed by robots.

The happiness index of our planet is full, and the people live comfortably and happily, and never feel tired.

We especially yearn for this beautiful natural environment. The earth is very good, especially here, where trees are overgrown, flowers bloom, birds and beasts flock, mountains and rivers are extremely beautiful.

The natural environment here is much superior than ours!It really makes people linger and forget to return, so happy to miss Shu! "Princess Rose confessed her thoughts without reservation.

This had to arouse Ah Mang's suspicion.He thought in his heart, so it is so!

After a long time of fuss, this little girl has an evil mind, she is coveting our earth, and she is going to expand the territory, invade the earth, and bring the earth into their alien territory!
Thinking of this, Ah Mang raised his brows upside down, and his tiger eyes widened. In order to protect this beautiful homeland, he had to show some color to the aliens!

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