roses and lilies

Chapter 248 The Face of the Monitor Lizard

"Senior! My eldest brother and all the brothers drank the poisonous wine, within seven to forty-nine days, they would bleed to death from the seven orifices. What should we do?" Ah Mang was extremely anxious.

"Son! How hard is it to destroy that poison! What do you think it is?" While speaking, Wu Du took out a small green porcelain bottle from a small drawer of the medicine cabinet and handed it to him.

Ah Mang took the porcelain bottle, tossed it back and forth, and looked at it carefully. It was engraved with five small characters in regular script, "Run Perfume Yang San".One can tell at a glance that this thing is the antidote for the poisoned wine.

"Boy! Do you know what kind of poison is in the poisoned wine they drink?"

"The other day I heard the giant lizard talk about some kind of golden poison. He said it very quickly at that time. I didn't remember it too much. He just said that he died after being poisoned!" Ah Mang racked his brains for a long time. , just popped out this sentence.

The five poisons couldn't help laughing, "This poison is very powerful. It is a special plant on the South Island called the Golden Flower Datura. Its corolla is like a trumpet mouth, and it grows as white as jade. Its dark green fan-shaped leaves are very beautiful. The whole plant is highly poisonous, the flowers and leaves are crushed, the juice is colorless and tasteless, and it is quickly compatible with the wine when it is put into the wine. People who drink this wine all suffer from headaches, dizziness, aggravated breathing, fever all over the body, and rapid heartbeat. The limbs were weak, and the symptoms deepened every day until he died on July 49."

"Yes! That's what the giant lizard said! It's very consistent with what you said, and it's true!" Ah Mang was also amazed again and again.

Wu Du suddenly felt that he was honest and sincere, and he really had a bit of his own shadow when he was young, so he couldn't help but love Ah Mang very much, "I taught him the martial arts of this giant lizard, how could I not know it!"

"Senior! What is this little porcelain bottle?"

"This is the antidote for the poisonous wine. It's called Rue Perfume Yang Powder. It is the liquid extracted from rue flower discs and drupes, mixed with salicylic green leaves, dried, and ground into powder. It is specially formulated for this golden flower mandala poison!
Just take a little antidote and take it!Be careful along the way!It's not too late, I won't hold back anymore, you hurry up and eradicate that evil obstacle, and rescue your elder brother and all the brothers. "

Ah Mang bid farewell to the Venerable Master, and before leaving, he did not forget to kowtow three times to the Venerable Master to thank him for saving his life.

The Venerable Master naturally appreciated him greatly, and reluctantly bid farewell, let alone say more.

Ah Mang bent down, channeled his true energy, accelerated his footsteps, integrated this superior acceleration into his internal strength, and quickly ran towards the giant village of the monitor lizard.

The giant lizard has been in a very cheerful mood these days, constantly expanding his territory outward. He divided his younger brothers into good groups and formed a team to occupy the territory of the black stork and the territory of the predators that the predators had already recovered.

For a time, the common people complained, and the little brothers of the monitor lizards bullied men and women in these lands, searched for people's fat and people's anointing, looted and plundered, and did all kinds of evil. Many businessmen couldn't bear the pressure, closed their doors one after another, packed their bags, collected money, and left I don't want to stay here any longer.

The large and small stalls in the market were closed one after another, unable to operate normally, and starved to death all over the place for a while, which was miserable.

The common people know well that the big crocodile raised the army of justice to fight against the bully and suppress the bandits, but was plotted against by the giant lizard, and now they are under house arrest.

Seeing that this army of justice to suppress the bandits was about to be disintegrated by the monitor lizard.The hearts of the people have also been frozen to the bottom, many people are desperate, and the situation of being slaughtered has also formed. Many people even wait to die at home, resigning to their fate. Seeing the scene of depression in the market, the streets are even more lifeless, Without the slightest life and vitality.

The giant lizard confidently believed that although Ah Mang escaped, the poisonous dragon tongue in his body meant that he would surely die, so the brothers did not chase after him too much that day.

He knows very well that other than himself and his teacher, the Master of the Five Poisons can cure this severe poison, and he will never be able to find the third person. His teacher lives in seclusion in the mountains and forests, and he cannot travel in the rivers and lakes. .

Therefore, after he and his brothers occupied the territory, they ran amok all day long, drinking and having fun, robbing the women of the people, and licentiousness.

Along the way, Ah Mang saw a depressed scene, and the common people complained and complained endlessly.

Little brothers of giant lizards were everywhere, and when he saw those who were burning, killing, looting, and oppressing women, he rescued them, beating those little brothers until they knelt down and begged for mercy, kowtowing repeatedly.

However, although Ah Mang is burning with anger, he has a kind heart and refuses to hurt them, often pointing to the end.

Coupled with good words and persuasion, I also made many repentant and righteous men, and in this way, I have formed a large team along the way.

Ah Mang explained to them the importance of suppressing bandits, saying that the common people are in dire straits, because the younger brothers are all raised by their mothers and parents, and they all have seven emotions and six desires, so they can see through it at all, and they all responded, abandoning evil and promoting good, and hiding their secrets. cast out.

Everyone vowed to eradicate the giant lizard and other villains.

Ah Mang taught them the eight-eight-eight sixty-four giant python fists without reservation, and stepped up to practice.

He originally felt that his younger brothers could master it quickly, but he didn't know that people's talents are different. People with his talent are really rare, and it's almost impossible to pick them out. The tricks are a few tricks.

Martial arts kung fu is more about fate and talent. No wonder Master Nanyun and his uncle and master are willing to pass on this peerless magic skill to him, because they are looking at his talent and high comprehension.

Yu Yuan even gave him a small treatment alone. Thinking about his uncle and master, he couldn't help his eyes flushed and burst into tears.

How he wished he could meet them.But now his situation is extremely embarrassing, not only his eldest brother and all his brothers are also under house arrest by monitor lizards, their life and death are uncertain, and the territory they worked so hard to build is occupied by other monitor lizards.

He has recruited a group of brothers by himself and formed a team, ready to continue to carry the banner of bandit suppression to eradicate the monitor lizard, regain the lost land, and save the people from fire and water.

After he and the crocodiles wiped out the bandits in the Sanwan area, he will definitely return to the waterfall in the jungle behind the Nanyun Temple to visit his masters and uncles.

Thinking of this, he wiped away his tears and led his brothers to continue the practice.

When the desperate people saw this small bandit suppression army, they desperately came to join it. In this way, this small team gradually became regular and full.

The team also brought all the brothers' family members with them, which seemed to be very tidy.

In this way, the bandit suppression team walked slowly towards the monitor lizard village.

At the same time, the giant lizard also received a report from the scouts, saying that a team under the banner of suppressing bandits was heading towards Dazhai.

After hearing this, the giant lizard laughed loudly, "The huge bandit suppression team of the crocodile and the python were disintegrated by my tricks, the dead were killed, the wounded were injured, the house arrest was under house arrest, the surrendered surrendered, such a small amount of power What a shame!
Don't take it to heart, you should eat, drink, have fun, and have fun.When the soldiers come, they will block the water and cover them with soil. When they get here, I will kill them to death.Come!Dry!Go ahead and drink! "

"Report to the king! The brothers have snatched dozens of beautiful girls and presented them to the king!" Tan Ma rushed to report.

"Pick two good ones for my enjoyment, and distribute the rest to the brothers for entertainment!" the monitor lizard said very proudly.

In this way, in Dazhai, people spend a lot of time drinking and drinking, and they are extravagant and dissipated. The monitor lizards only care about having fun, but they don't care about the lives of the people.

Ah Mang's team soon came to the monitor lizard village.

The monitor lizard was so proud that he didn't take the bandit suppression team seriously at all. He swaggered and led the giant beast Duolong and his brothers out of Dazhai to meet the enemy.

When I came closer to look carefully, I saw that the leader was not tall, thin and dry, with a round head that was shaved and shiny, a pair of small eyes, very muscular, and the curves of the chest muscles were sharp and excessive. Up to the eight-pack abs in the abdomen, each piece is bulging like a small fist.

A blue real dragon tattoo is coiled on top of these well-developed muscles.On the back is a huge phoenix, proudly posing in the heroic posture of a hundred birds facing the phoenix.

The upper body is naked, the lower body is a pair of scrubs, jeans with holes in the knees, and blue beach shoes.

If you don't look at it, you can't help but turn pale with shock when you look at it, your hairs stand on end, you can't help but take a breath, and subconsciously take a few steps back, rubbing your alcohol-smelling eyes with both hands.

I couldn't help thinking, "Isn't this Ah Mang? He was poisoned by poison and his eyes were blind. No one can detoxify this poison. Why did he come back to life? Could it be a dream? Is this a human or a ghost? "

Subconsciously, he rubbed his eyes with his hands again, watching carefully.

That's right, it's him, not only the vision has recovered, but the huge swelling on his back has also completely disappeared. Could it be that the poison on his body has completely disappeared?
He rolled his eyes, thought carefully, and whispered a few words to his younger brother, the younger brother understood, and went back to Dazhai knowingly.

"Monitor lizard! Do you still know me?" Ah Mang looked at him red-eyed angrily.

The monitor lizard showed that friendly and kind smile again, which was no different from the expression that greeted the predator that day.

As if not before the battle between the two armies, but as brothers who have not met for many years, it makes people feel so kind, and seems to be so understanding and reasonable.

It makes people can't help but lose their anger. "So it's Brother Ah Mang! I haven't seen you for a long time, it's always been good! I'm sorry for my brother's loss, please make amends!" As he spoke, he clasped his hands together and swept the floor.

Ah Mang lost his temper!He secretly gave a thumbs up in his heart, the monitor lizard's EQ is really undeniable, it is really admirable to turn one hand into clouds and turn one's hands into rain.

It's no wonder that such a great master of the five poisons of the martial arts would accept him as his apprentice. His ability to coax people is really not small, it seems that he can turn faces faster than turning pages, which is really admirable.

It's a pity that this person's schemes are not righteous, insidious and cunning, and he does a lot of evil.If he had a kind heart and cared for the poor people, he would definitely be a good sworn brother, what a pity!Such a high emotional intelligence is useless in the right way.Sad!Sad!

Thinking of this, Ah Mang sneered, "Giant lizard! You didn't expect it! Didn't you expect me to come back alive! You never dreamed that the poison on my body could be undone, do you think I would have died long ago? gone?"

"Brother Ah Mang! Where do you start from? There was indeed some misunderstanding that day. We had a quarrel, and I also poisoned you in a fit of anger. But you ran too fast, but I sent my brothers to look around. I want to find your whereabouts, I want to bring you back to a good doctor, but we have searched for miles around, but there is no sign of you.

I was so anxious that I never thought that seeing your body healed today, I couldn't help but feel joy in my heart. It's really a good person who has a safe life!God is still open!

brother!Do you see if this is possible? From now on, we will be here together, one and half, having the same blessings, sharing the same hardships, calling each other brothers, always thinking about the glory and wealth in this world? "

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