"Toad kept shouting, seeing the junior sister walking slowly towards him like a zombie, he kept shouting, repenting, apologizing to the junior sister, begging for forgiveness.

He even knelt down on her knees and begged for mercy, but the zombie got closer and closer to him, and he saw that the little junior sister's mouth was bleeding, and her teeth were no longer bright.

She spat out blood, and the red blood flowed down her chin, and her pink and tender hands were nowhere to be seen, holding up the hands of the skeleton and white bones, and the long nails slowly scratched towards his neck.

He was still chanting words, and said in that hoarse and deep voice: "I have become like this, are you satisfied now? Didn't you force me?
Didn't you destroy my relationship with Second Senior Brother?You got it!

For that jade pendant, I will pay you back with my life!What do you want now?

Do you still want to force me?Still not satisfied?You let me suffer in this hell every day, I feel uncomfortable!

How cold it is here!My neck hurts, I can't breathe, I feel so uncomfortable, my tongue is so long that I can't go back, and my eyes are blind, don't you like me?come!Do you still like it now?Come to me! "As he spoke, he rushed towards him frantically.

With a cry, Toad woke up from his nightmare.I just felt that my whole body was already drenched in sweat.

He was a light sleeper, but he had such a horrible nightmare, and he was already guilty of feeling guilty about his junior sister, so he couldn't fall asleep again.

To be precise, he dared not sleep again.He is always afraid that he will have this nightmare again when he sleeps again. As time goes by, the vicious circle brings his spirit to the verge of collapse.

As soon as he closed his eyes, the pure shadow of the little junior sister appeared in front of him, and then turned into the zombie in the nightmare.

He quickly opened his eyes, afraid of seeing that terrifying appearance, he dared not sleep at night, and did not want to sleep during the day.

After a long period of time, the person becomes listless, pale, breathless all day long, and lacks energy. Because he can't fall asleep for a long time, he looks for doctors and medicines everywhere. After drinking a few medicinal soups, the effect is obvious. Can finally sleep peacefully at night.

So Toad can finally breathe a sigh of relief, who knows that others are asleep, but this dream has never stopped. Late at night is like rehearsing a script, Toad plays several roles by himself, telling these things from the dream.

The voice of the sleep talk was loud, but he himself didn't know it at all.I heard it from the next door, and I didn't pay much attention to it at first, because his voice was too loud, so I just listened to a few words intentionally or unintentionally.

It didn't matter what I heard, I was dumbfounded, he told the whole story of the death of senior brother, master Miaoshou, and junior junior sister, and also explained the emotional entanglement between the second senior brother, junior junior sister and him.

I couldn't help but turn pale with shock, my heart was pounding, and I realized that this small five-poison jade pendant had actually led to the tragedy of Shimen.

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but feel scared, Fang thought of why Master Miaoshou rejected Prime Minister Bo Yan's five poisonous jade pendant, this pendant had a very ominous omen.

No wonder he repeatedly refused, the master also said that this jade pendant needs no desire or desire, and the six roots are pure.

Only those who are empty of the four elements can be subdued, but those who cannot be free from vulgarity and have desires, not only cannot turn bad luck into good fortune, but also lead to this catastrophe.

Eldest brother, Ling Snake, was greedy for advanced martial arts. After learning this skill, he could seek the high position of the leader of the martial arts alliance. In the end, he was trapped in a cocoon and was killed by that greed. He died an extremely miserable death. Not in human form.

Master Miaoshou was dedicated to goodness and rescued the sufferings of the people in Liming, but he was killed by his poisonous palm. Thinking about it, he died really unjustly.

The little junior sister wants to pursue a happy life and the footsteps of free love. The biggest wish in her heart is to fly far away with the poisonous scorpion walker, retreat to the countryside, and spend this life.

However, her biggest mistake was trying to take a shortcut through the jade pendant, and when Toad asked her to return the jade pendant, it gave her a chance to repent, but she was too greedy, and would rather exchange her best feelings for the jade pendant. pendant in exchange for a better life and happiness.

How can she let her wish, she paid a huge price for the jade pendant, she not only paid for her own love, pure and flawless beauty, but also sacrificed her precious life.

But Toad is even more ridiculous. In order to get this five-poison jade pendant, he directed the focus of the conflict to his mentor.

Using the power and status of the Miaoshou monk to punish Ling Snake, he didn't know that he not only failed to get the jade pendant back, but instead took the master's life.

Then, in order to get the jade pendant and please his junior sister, he devised a trap of real and fake jade pendants, causing the elder brother to be hooked by the spirit snake, and finally caused him to die miserably.

After getting the jade pendant, he used all means to get the love of his junior sister, and his greed for beauty made him fall into a situation beyond redemption.

He had already given the jade pendant to his junior sister, but when he learned that he had already established a relationship with his second senior brother, he forced his junior sister to return the jade pendant. The fuse that caused the little junior sister to hang herself to death.

Therefore, it can be seen that the fate of the toad will not be good. It is just that the time has not yet come.

However, the second senior brother was very happy to receive the jade pendant presented by the junior junior sister. He practiced hard so that the two of them could go far away in the future and make full preparations for a happy life together in the future.

However, he didn't inquire deeply about how this peerless treasure came from, but just accepted such a precious treasure wholeheartedly, which fully showed that he was too selfish in his bones.

He didn't think about how difficult his lover was, how much he had paid for this jade pendant, he was just selfish and self-centered, and the little junior sister ended up in such a miserable situation that he cut off relations with her without realizing it. Extremely selfish.

Thinking of this, I secretly lamented the misfortune of my teacher. I kept practicing Zen meditation, burning incense and worshiping Buddha, fearing that he would cause another disaster and kill another person. I kept my mouth shut and did not disclose the matter.

I secretly begged the merciful and merciful Bodhisattva to forgive them, and never punish them again, but it was beyond my expectation. Maybe their crimes were extremely serious, and my way was not deep, and my practice was too shallow. I wish.

I originally thought that Toad’s babbling in his dreams was only occasionally. I never thought that every night when he was asleep, he would tell these things in full swing, which made my ears calloused, even though it was so loud that I couldn’t sleep every night. Practical.However, I have no complaints.

The death of the younger junior sister greatly touched the second senior brother Poison Scorpion Walker, and he suddenly realized that the younger junior sister must suffer the wrong and die, and there must be something hidden in it.

What made him unbelievable was whose fetus in the womb belonged to the little junior sister. Although he tried hard to ask, the little junior sister seemed to be scrupulous and refused to reveal the slightest bit.

He knew that the death of Junior Junior Sister must be related to this person.He had the idea of ​​avenging his junior sister.

He vowed to fulfill their unfulfilled wish, and to guard his junior sister privately for the rest of his life, but everything will have to wait for revenge.

Then go away completely, without any worries, travel to famous mountains and rivers, rivers, lakes and seas, and return to the mountains and forests, so as to realize his long-cherished wish.

He had a vague feeling that the culprit was by his side, maybe among the juniors.

Every time he ate, he observed the expressions of each of the juniors one by one, but there was no clue, this person was hidden very deeply, he wanted to use the method of observing words and expressions to identify this person, but he never thought that there was no slight difference from before.

He couldn't help feeling anxious, and after thinking about it, it was nothing more than a matter of time. Sooner or later, the fox's tail would be exposed, and the truth would surface sooner or later. Let's wait patiently for the moment when the answer is revealed!
So during this period, he continued to consolidate and carry forward the excellent martial arts he had mastered, worked hard and practiced diligently, and his martial arts improved a lot.

I just felt that the more I practiced, the more vigorous I was, and the more I chatted, the more I devoted myself. This enrichment and those painful memories were also diluted by the busyness of the whole day.

From morning to night, day and night, this time passed quickly without knowing it, and it was another few months.

One day, he practiced so much that he forgot the time and unknowingly practiced from morning to night.

Dragging his heavy legs, he staggered past the old place in the jungle where he and his younger junior sister often met.

The warm wind blows, and I feel the coolness. The gentle night is unspeakably beautiful, and the fragrance of hundreds of flowers floats in. The air is full of the slightly salty and rustling breath, and I can't help but feel refreshed when I take a deep breath.The tender green grass is very soft to step on, and the grass spikes lightly touch the skin driven by the warm wind, which makes people feel warm, comfortable and intoxicated, just like the soft and slender jade fingers of a beautiful woman, which is so gentle that it makes the scalp a little tingling .

It was still the same, everything seemed as if it was yesterday, and there was nothing unusual, except for his lonely and deserted figure, without the company of the beautiful woman.

Thinking of his little junior sister's tender face, big water-like eyes, pitch-black spiritual eyes, and small mouth with white teeth, he couldn't help crying loudly, crying so hard that he couldn't bear to live.

Think about the vows between them, think about each other's caring words, and lament the passing and haste of time.

If he could do it all over again, he would rather give up everything, as long as there is a brocade spider, and grow old with her forever.

No matter how the world judges her, he won't care about how people criticize and condemn discrimination, he will take her with him without hesitation.

Even if they only survive in the rivers and lakes for a year, a month or even a day, at least these short days are beautiful and happy, without regrets, and they are together.

Even if you encounter killings and enemies, there is nothing to be afraid of. If you run to the underworld together, the two will hug each other tightly and never separate.

It is a hundred times better than now, how can I be so lonely, leaving only regret and lonely miss.

He reluctantly left this sad place, wiped the tears from his face, and returned to the Miaoshou hall helplessly. The juniors had already fallen asleep, and when he walked through the hall of the Miaoshou hall, the scene when Master Miaoshou was alive seemed to appear again in his mind.

People came here in an endless stream, forming a long queue, the whole hall was bustling with people, the patients were grateful, and the scene of kowtowing and bowing is still vivid in my mind.

The Miaoshou monk wrote prescriptions for the villagers with his delicate handwriting, and the tall medicine cabinet contained hundreds of decoction pieces.

However, the genius doctor is really confident, sitting in the hall as stable as Mount Tai, and prescribing people's diseases like a living god.

But he never received any money for the consultation. Monk Miaoshou was so merciful that he exhausted his meager power to benefit and increase the life of the common people.

How much he wants to relieve the sufferings of the people and increase the happiness and longevity of the people like a master!

As he was thinking about it, he went up the wooden stairs unconsciously. He subconsciously slowed down his pace, for fear of waking up his juniors.

As soon as he got to the second floor, he felt like someone was talking, so he just ignored it, he couldn't help but be surprised when he heard it! "

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