roses and lilies

Chapter 241 5 Thunderbolts

"Spirit Snake is still immersed in the dream of being looked up to by thousands of people and becoming a master of a school.

Something happened that was beyond his expectation. After being bitten by the Five Poisons, he was not like before. The blood coagulated not long after the bleeding, and the wound gradually healed.

Today, for some reason, the wound is bleeding and the swelling is red and swollen.

After a while, I just felt dizzy, my legs were weak, my breathing was short of breath, and my heart was beating fast.

However, the five poisons did not stop attacking, but desperately ate away at his body that was about to collapse.

The spirit snake only felt that its limbs were weak, the world was spinning, and it couldn't stop panting, but it could only breathe out, but not breathe in.

He knew that the poison in his body was extremely poisonous, but it was inconceivable. He subconsciously touched the jade pendant hanging above his neck, and there was nothing unusual. Could it be that the aura of the jade pendant had disappeared? How could this be possible?
His heart ached, and his infinite hopes turned into tragic bubbles.

He had exhausted all his tricks, and he felt very unwilling. He never thought that his end would be like this. Even though he was about to face a terrible death, he still couldn't believe the facts before him.

He even felt like he was dreaming.He always believed that the five-poison jade pendant was invulnerable to all poisons, so he would not be poisoned.

He foolishly thought that this might be a crazy situation that occurred when the superior magical skill of cold-blooded poisonous attack had been practiced to a certain level.

Therefore, he did not take any measures, but let the poison desperately eat away at this rotting body.

Blood flowed from the wound like a gurgling stream, and he was always smiling. Until the last moment of his life, he still fantasized about the scene where thousands of disciples kowtowed and kowtowed to him while he was high above.

Nuo Da martial arts is the only one with his spirit snake as the supreme of all martial arts, the feeling of dominating the martial arts is really wonderful.

This had to make him feel great spiritual satisfaction, he floated up like a great sage equal to the sky, he was no longer a little monk.

His holy body could no longer be recruited in the martial arts, he wanted to walk up the Heavenly Palace, but when he walked, he came to a white cloud, and the thick fog engulfed his body.

Everything is empty, boundless, empty.

In this way, Ling Shezi returned to Huangquan and died in that cave. Only the high-quality imitation jade pendant accompanied him all the time, and he didn't know the mystery and mystery of it until he died.

Although in the eyes of the toad, he deserved his death, but when the spirit snake was about to die, he didn't feel pain. On the contrary, he died looking forward to happiness. Maybe his mind was occupied by the happiness factor, and he didn't even think about dying In this icy cave.

When everyone found his body in the cave, it was two days later.

The second senior brother, Poison Scorpion Walker, found it very strange that the senior senior brother had disappeared for two days. Normally, although he got up early and returned home late, and practiced hard, he came back to rest after all. Where did he go these two days?

He also doesn't have the habit of visiting friends on trips, and he must say hello in advance when going out.

How could he leave without a sound?The poisonous scorpion thought over and over again, the elder brother has not yet stayed out all night!

But it was a bit abnormal, so he called his juniors and younger sisters to search for it within a few miles.

Everyone split up, searched carefully, and finally found his body in a cave not far from Miaoshoutang.

The body has been bitten and stinged by those poisonous things, and I have no human form. I was the first to find the body. At that time, I was not a Master of Five Poisons.

Because we searched separately, the second senior brother gave me the area of ​​the cave. I was very serious, searched carefully, and tried my best to complete the task assigned by the senior brother.

When I came to the cave, I saw that there were poisonous substances, so I was a little curious, and went straight to the depths of the cave.

When I found the corpse, it was completely changed, but at a glance, I knew it was the senior brother. We have been together for too long, and we understand each other in every action, so we can recognize it from the outline.

I hurriedly greeted my senior brothers, but when everyone came to the cave, they saw the horrible and disgusting scene. Everyone knew that the senior senior brother secretly practiced the peerless magical skill of cold-blooded poison attack with the poisonous thing, and died of poisoning. die.

Everyone couldn't help sighing that what Master Miaoshou said before his death was very reasonable. Although this cold-blooded poisonous attack is the highest martial art in his sect, Miaoshou does not recommend his disciples to study it.

At that time, they were still a little unhappy, thinking that the master was hiding it, preventing everyone from studying this advanced martial arts.

Today, seeing the big brother Ling Snake come to such an end in order to practice this kung fu, everyone couldn't help admiring the master's foresight and savvy, he had already expected this result.

Toad Luohan couldn't help laughing, the master didn't expect this result alone!

Is it true that what the old man said about the five-poison jade pendant to Prime Minister Bo Yan is really predicting things like a god?
From that day on, the master felt that the five-poison jade pendant was a very ominous thing, and if he got it, disaster would happen.

Sure enough, the teacher's family was unfortunate, the two deceased were both related to this object, it can be seen that this jade pendant is really extremely vicious.

If it wasn't for the coveted brocade spider, and the desire to avenge his master, he wouldn't have taken the risk to obtain this treasure. During the twists and turns, he concealed Yin Nuo very carefully, so that his brothers didn't know about it, and they were always kept in the dark.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling complacent, lamenting that he was thoughtful and thoughtful, if he hadn't had the foresight to pick the high-quality imitation jade pendant from under the neck of the elder brother's corpse in time.

When everyone finds out, they will definitely deduce that he was the one who killed the elder brother by changing the position. After all, the real five-poison jade pendant has been given to the junior sister.

When everyone came to the cave, once they found this high-quality imitation jade pendant, they would doubt the origin of the real five-poison jade pendant. Of course, the junior sister knew that he gave it to her. She asked him a special question that day, but asked him to transfer it. Once the topic is over, everyone is bound to have doubts about him.

At that time, even if he told the whole story of the matter that the senior brother killed the master, how many people would believe it?

So he started ahead of time and destroyed the high imitation jade pendant first, so that there would be no evidence for death.

Toad even narcissistically thinks that he is extremely talented, but he doesn't know that this is just the beginning of a nightmare.

Everyone hastily buried the elder brother. After all, the bones had already been riddled with holes and decayed to such an extent that they could not bear to be seen. They dug a pit from the side of the hole and buried it, and planted a small Nandao coconut tree on it as a memory.

Everyone bowed and saluted, and after the salute, they returned to the Miaoshou hall to rest early, and there was no need to say much.

At night, when people were asleep, Toad was still tossing and turning in the room, unable to fall asleep.

In fact, the reason is very simple, as soon as he closes his eyes, the sweet smile and graceful figure of the little junior sister will appear in his mind, and he thinks that he may be suffering from the disease of lovesickness.

In addition, there is another thing that makes him feel lingering, that is, senior brother, even though he died, Toad is afraid that his ghost will linger.

It seemed that the heavy footsteps began to sound again, and the creaking sound of the bed next door and the thunderous snoring still seemed to be echoing in my ears.

Lingering!From time to time, Toad still listens to the movements in the elder brother's room next door. Although it is an empty room, he doesn't know if his soul is still there, and if he will come to him through the gaps in the windows and doors, and do harm to him.

Sure enough, footsteps of "dong dong" came from the door, and Toad subconsciously held his breath and trembled all over, as if the soul was about to push the door to enter, and he anxiously waited for the arrival of bad luck.

However, as the footsteps quickened, Fang felt that it was not the sound of heavy footsteps, but the sound of light and lively footsteps. He listened carefully to the source and direction of the sound, but it did not come from the elder brother's room next door, but just as soon as he went up the wooden stairs, the sound on the left hand side When I walked to the first boudoir warm pavilion, it came from, um!It turned out to be the footsteps of my junior sister Ling Spider.

Toad's room was originally separated from the junior sister's boudoir by a room, but of course it was my room. I have always been a light sleeper and do not snore, which enabled Toad to hear very clearly.

The little junior sister's every move affected his sensitive heart, Toad thought, it's so late, why did the little junior sister go out again?
Could it be to use the five-poison jade pendant to practice kung fu?Is it so important to practice this peerless magic skill?

There should be nothing else in life other than practicing qigong, such as love!He was just thinking wildly.

Not long after, he heard the familiar sound that made his hair stand on end the most, that is, the heavy footsteps, and he could only hear "dongdong...".

Although the voice was deep, it was not urgent. Toad's heart was in his throat at this moment. Could it be that the ghost of the elder brother is still haunting him?

He stared nervously at the door of the house, the footsteps were obviously coming towards his door, then he shivered, turned his head abruptly, and looked at the window, the window was still open, there was nothing unusual about it.

Unexpectedly, the heavy footsteps went downstairs quietly, Toad couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief, he didn't just look for his own, he was curious when he was afraid, the strange thing is that although the sound of these two footsteps is clear and the other Heavy, but the steps are light, as if avoiding something?
Obviously, they are trying to control the swing of the thigh driving the calf, so as to control the noise as much as possible. Why is this?

He really wanted to know the answer, not because of the heavy-footed person, but because of the brocade spider who thought about it day and night, this little junior sister was the one who worried him the most.

In such a dark night, if something happened to her when she went out, what should she do?

He still has to feel guilty all his life!What's more, there are many poisonous substances in the forest, and the young grass is dense, one foot deep and one foot shallow, if it is poisoned by the snake and scorpion, it will be unimaginable.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly sat up and walked in a hurry, for fear of waking me up next door.

He followed closely behind, following like a shadow, of course, always keeping a distance from the figure in front, for fear of being noticed and causing misunderstanding.

Toad's stalking ability is outstanding among all the brothers, and he is silent, and his lightness kung fu is good, so it's hard for others to notice.

Unexpectedly, the two figures quickly gathered together and stopped in a jungle clearing.

The warm wind blows, and I feel the coolness. The gentle night of the South Island is unspeakably beautiful, and the fragrance of hundreds of flowers floats in. The air is full of the slightly salty and rustling breath, and one can't help but feel refreshed after taking a deep breath.

The tender green grass is very soft to step on, and the grass spikes lightly touch the skin driven by the warm wind, which makes people feel warm, comfortable and intoxicated, just like the soft and slender jade fingers of a beautiful woman, which is so gentle that it makes the scalp a little tingling .

Toad then thought of the elder brother, Ling Snake, if he didn’t have that greed, he would not practice that peerless martial arts, and enjoy the gentle night comfortably and comfortably in the jungle, beside the stream, or by the sea. Isn't it a very happy thing to enjoy life slowly and feel the beauty and romance that nature bestows on people, breathing the moist and comfortable air to the fullest with the twittering of birds and the fragrance of hundreds of flowers.

And why bother to pursue that superiority, that acme, that reputation, that status, that master of the rivers and lakes, that martial arts supreme.

Good thing now, it's too late!It's too late!Once rushing to the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss, it will only be a waste of time!Sad!Sad!
While Toad sighed, he saw those two figures sitting on the floor clinging to each other in the grass clearing. In this situation, Toad stood there dumbfounded like a thunderbolt!

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