roses and lilies

Chapter 232 Trying to Turn the Tide, But Entering a Desperate Situation

To the crocodile's surprise, Ah Mang jumped up and lifted the round table, but it was a pity that the delicious food on the table fell to the ground before eating a few mouthfuls, "Okay! You giant lizard! How dare you plot against us?" , today I will let you see how powerful your grandpa Ah Mang is!" He swung his giant python fist and slammed at the giant lizard.

The giant lizard turned pale with fright. Does this python have an antidote?I just saw him pour down the poisoned wine drop by drop, but I didn't see any antidote for him!

After drinking one bowl of this poisonous wine, he was already unable to move, but he drank more than one bowl!Why is it safe and sound.

The giant lizard couldn't understand it. He recalled the scene when he was drinking just now, and then looked at the position where Ah Mang was sitting. He couldn't help being surprised!
On the wooden chair Ah Mang was sitting on, the water dripped continuously along the back of the chair, the surface of the chair, and the legs of the chair, but the ground turned into small puddles.

He knew that although Ah Mang drank the poisoned wine, it didn't enter his stomach, but he used his true energy to quickly grate out the poisoned wine.

In fact, just after drinking, the giant lizard felt a little strange, the python was dripping with sweat profusely while drinking.

The monitor lizard thought it was due to drinking to the fullest and being refreshed.It feels like he has a limitless capacity for drinking, and he will never get drunk after a thousand cups, so it turns out that he didn't really drink!
It can be seen that Ah Mang was indeed taught by famous people and instructed by experts, and his inner strength is extremely profound.

The monitor lizard did not dare to neglect, and used its housekeeping skill "cold-blooded poisonous attack".Open the door to deal with the "Giant Python Fist".

As soon as they fought, the monitor lizard couldn't help but gasped, Ah Mang was so young, his kung fu was too high.

But seeing him make every move, aggressive, high and low, step by step, the true energy in the body is transported to the limbs, swinging his arms, the python wraps around, the green python wags its tail, the giant python spits out letters, the strange python turns over, and the python's teeth surprise attack... …He made a series of moves, his fists filled with true energy whistling, full of strength.

After only fifty rounds, he was a bit overwhelmed and was forced to back up again and again. He only had the power to parry, but no ability to fight back.

I just feel the hot sweat dripping from my temples.If you continue to fight like this, you will definitely lose.

The essence of this "cold-blooded poisonous attack" lies in the word "poison".The palms and soles of the monitor lizard are highly poisonous, which is the method he has cultivated for many years.

When it came to practicing this skill, he really worked hard and worked with scorpions, poisonous snakes, toads and other highly poisonous things all day long.

His old mentor is the Master of Five Poisons, who spends his whole life with poisons as companions, devoting himself to studying the superior martial art of "Cold-Blooded Poison Attack".Being a unique school, in the martial arts, the prestige is extremely high, it can be called a master of the school.

Although known as the "Five Poisons", he is kind-hearted, compassionate, broad-minded, heals the wounded, and saves lives.

This giant lizard is completely different from its mentor.Do evil everywhere, do evil.

At first, the Venerable Master only felt that this giant lizard was gifted, intelligent, considerate, and had a high EQ. In addition, he was eloquent and eloquent, which coaxed the Master of the Five Poisons into a smooth and happy mood.

So he taught him the "Cold-Blooded Poison Attack". How could he know that the giant lizard worked very hard, and quickly mastered this peerless magic skill, and he could use it flexibly.

Self-taught this unique skill, this giant lizard is domineering in the border of Sanwan, committing crimes, killing and arson, doing all kinds of evil.

Although the Venerable Master tried to persuade him repeatedly, he just refused to listen. In a fit of anger, the Venerable Master expelled him from the teacher's school and never had anything to do with him again.

However, the giant lizard still didn't want to repent. Not only did it not restrain itself, but it became even more unscrupulous.

In other lands, the people complained and complained, and the people were in dire straits.

It wasn't until the big crocodile swears an oath, shoulders the banner of saving the people from the fire and water, and opens the prelude to the bandit suppression, that the common people see a glimmer of hope.

Everyone wait!Hope!In the end, they waited for the news that the crocodile and his brothers entered the trap set by the giant lizard and were captured alive.This made the only glimmer of hope for the people come to naught.

The giant lizard couldn't stand it when it hit it, and the bad water came up. Although Ah Mang is a strong martial artist, he is only one person after all, why not use the crowd to beat the few, and use more to fight the few, and measure it on his own territory. It is difficult for him to overcome the bravery of ten thousand with one person's strength.

To say that the giant lizard is shameless, he has no morals, no integrity, he just came up with such a bad idea.

Two fists can't beat four hands, a good tiger can't hold back a pack of wolves!

The monitor lizard's wink doesn't matter, the brothers under his hand are copying guys, showing fists and kicks, and rolling up their arms and sleeves.

The crowd surrounded Ah Python like a tide, and attacked him like a wave of people.

Ah Mang calmed down and used his inner strength to move up the true energy in his body to protect the important parts of his body, and then prepared to use the peerless magical skill of "the giant lion's roar".

But seeing him kneel down, sitting on his buttocks on his heels.Put your arms on the ground, try to open your mouth, and quietly gather your true energy on Dantian's throat.

A huge warm current in the abdomen gradually moved upwards, holding his breath and concentrating, brewing the true energy for a long time, and roaring with all his strength to spit out the huge true energy.

The power of this vomit is really not small, the private room on the second floor was already surrounded by crowds, and the sound was very cohesive.

Ah Python couldn't help brewing his true energy, he wanted to give the giant lizard some color.

The giant lizard had already arranged for someone to take the predator to a secret room and put him under house arrest. He had also slipped out of the private room and the big tent, and came to the vast and huge courtyard.

The giant beast beside him, Duolong, protected him behind him, and all the brothers also lined up on both sides, doing their best to protect him.

In the private room, an earth-shattering roar was heard in the pinna, shaking the crowd around them to the ground one after another.

The wooden roof on the second floor flew out, and the walls fell to the surroundings, like an earthquake or a landslide.

The crowd surrounded by the shock flew out of the private room on the second floor into the courtyard. In the blink of an eye, four or fifty people were shocked and fell, bleeding to death from their seven orifices.

Ah Mang couldn't help regretting it, she was afraid of hurting the innocent, but just now she used [-]% of her internal strength, but she didn't expect to cause such a big harm.

He just ignored one point, although he only used [-]% of his internal energy, this instant explosive power is [-]%, ordinary people can't bear this!

When they were in the forest, after all, they were training with giant beasts, all of them were rough-skinned and thick-skinned, with strong resistance to blows.

Ordinary mortals are vulnerable.But at a critical moment, I can't take much care of it.Fly and jump into the courtyard.

The giant lizard couldn't help being afraid, but fortunately it just slipped out, otherwise it would bleed to death like everyone else.

This python is really powerful!It is extremely difficult to win with this force alone, so let's use a little plan!

Ah Python came to the giant lizard angrily, "Where is my elder brother? Where did you hide him? Tell me quickly! If you don't tell the truth, your fate will be no better than these people!"

The ever-changing face of the giant lizard regained its spring smile, "Brother Ah Mang! Don't worry! You have something to say!
Maybe it was just because I got hotheaded and did something stupid, which hurt the friendship between brothers!I will release the predators right now!Come on!Bring up the predators! "

Not long after, the two little brothers lifted the crocodile out on a single frame. Due to the severe poison in its body, the limbs could no longer move.

His face was ashen and pale, and he kept moaning, as if there were unbearable pains in his internal organs.

Seeing that the elder brother was like a dying patient, Ah Mang was heartbroken, "Brother! You must hold on! Ah Mang will definitely save you!" He burst into tears, hating the monitor lizard endlessly. "Where's the antidote? Hurry up and take out the antidote!" Ah Mang glared.

"You want an antidote, don't you! Look what it is?" the monitor lizard took out a small white porcelain bottle from his pocket.Pass it to Ah Mang.

Ah Mang was eager to save people, he flew towards the giant lizard, and wanted to get the antidote, but with a flick of his wrist, he opened the cork of the porcelain bottle, and poured the medicine powder inside on Ah Mang's face.

The incident happened suddenly, Ah Mang didn't take precautions, not to mention that the monitor lizard was so despicable, tricking him with a fake antidote.Unexpectedly, the porcelain bottle contained another highly poisonous poison.

He only felt that his face was extremely cool, as cool as a jade bed of ice water.

After a while, the face felt unbearably hot again, and the eyes were burning, the heat was too hot to hold.

In an instant, there was darkness in front of his eyes, and his eyes had already been blinded, and there was no light.

He couldn't help being taken aback, "Monitor lizard! You despicable villain, didn't you want to give me an antidote? Why did you pour this medicine on me and make me blind! What are your intentions?"

The monitor lizard laughed loudly, "You are too young! How dare you fight with me, the only way to die is, you may not know what my monitor lizard is practicing!

It's a poisonous word, I can capture you with a little trick, you are so overconfident, how dare you fight with me?Come on!Come on, beat me to death, so as not to leave troubles in the future! "

The monitor lizard's little brothers gathered around one after another, and all of them attacked Ah Mang with fists and kicks.

Ah Mang knew he was in the middle of the trick, calmed down, and did not panic. He used the set of peerless magic skills taught to him by his third master, transported the true energy in his body to the Yifeng and Hegu acupoints, and the true energy behind his ears and Between the thumb and index finger of the left hand, lightly tap the two acupoints, press to open them up, the ears will feel as sensitive as spirit beasts, and you will hear the distant news.

Sensitive fists, kicks, knives, sticks, and strong winds blow in the direction to determine where the opponent is attacking.

With eyes closed tightly, breath-holding and concentration, the strong wind blows past, transporting true energy to the muscles where fists, feet, knives and sticks land.

Fists, feet, and sticks hit the muscles full of infuriating energy, and there was a thumping sound.

Because the situation was critical, he used [-]% of his true energy to transport it to his muscles.

When everyone touched him, it didn't matter, their fists and feet hit him as if they were hitting an iron pier, his hands and feet were shaken to the point of breaking bones and tendons.

After being struck hard by the sticks, one after another was shaken so that their arms went numb, and as soon as they let go of their weapons, they flew eight or nine feet away.

Ah Mang was single-minded, with no other distractions, and concentrated his energy to face the challenge calmly.The eyes are closed tightly, not affected by the outside world at all.

This defense method is a peerless magic skill, superb, fortunately learn this method of closing the eyes to defend, only then can we gain a ray of life at this critical moment of life and death.

The monitor lizard couldn't help being shocked, Ah Python didn't show any signs of attack, but was only passively beaten, not to mention blind in both eyes.

All the brothers were stunned by the shock, their bones were broken and their tendons were broken, and they vomited blood.

It can be seen that this person has practiced the peerless magical skill of the golden bell cover and iron cloth shirt. The most incredible thing is that he is blind and can perceive the impact of attacks.

Ah Mang pondered while fighting, a good man would not suffer immediate losses, and he would not be afraid of running out of firewood to keep the green hills, so he had to preserve his strength first, and the 36 strategy was the best.

Think about the bleak future.The eldest brother is dying in the hands of the giant lizard, the brothers have been poisoned and their lives are uncertain, but he has lost his eyesight. What should we do?

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