"The arrival of the Tiger King broke the happiness under the warm sun. Looking at its ferocious and terrifying face, I suddenly felt that today's battle was inevitable.

"Brother Mang, hurry up and go before it's too late! I'll deal with this monster! Go away!" Ayu urged with a serious expression.

"Yu'er! I can't leave you here alone, I'll fight it!" As he said that, he wanted to make a move.

Ayu hurriedly grabbed my arm and stopped me, "Brother Mang! With your current skills, you can't compete with this guy at all.

Don't make unnecessary sacrifices, try to preserve your strength, and go back to learn the strongest offensive moves from the second martial uncle.

Then it will not be too late to find it for revenge, so that the green hills will not be afraid of running out of firewood.Listen to me and go! "

It was too late to say, but it was too soon, the Tiger King aired out the three peerless moves, the unique unique skill of fierce tiger pounce.

But I saw it jumping up like a pair of wings, with its front paws bent, and its rear paws kicking fiercely, revealing its sharp claws, with its mouth wide open, with a cold light flashing from its curved tiger teeth, and it came straight towards us.

I have to say that this jump showed a very strong explosive power, and it came to me in the blink of an eye.

Waving the iron-sand tiger palm, he came towards me.I know the power of the tiger's palm, so I must not use that defensive skill to block it, so I quickly dodged to avoid it.

Unexpectedly, this palm changed in an instant, as fast as lightning, turned the tiger's palm upwards, and hit my back horizontally with the back of the palm.

I didn't have time to think about it at all, I dodged more than ten zhang away with all my strength, it turned out that this internal strength plus this explosive power obviously made my body faster.How do you know that the tiger king is coming.

The reason why this flying pounce became a peerless move is due to the fact that this move's comprehensive power is too strong.

Almost all the weapons on Tiger King's body are combined, the iron sand tiger palm dances loudly, the curved hook and sharp teeth are ready to go, and the long tiger tail and deadly golden whip dance wildly like an iron lock, containing thousands of moves.

I calmed down, gathered my true energy to the dantian and moved it to my throat, stretched my posture, and spit out my true energy with one mouth, just like the roar of a giant lion.

I have profound internal strength, and when facing the tiger king, I made this move violently, it was extremely powerful, but it roared the tiger king several tens of feet away.The trees within a radius of [-] meters were uprooted, and the wild grass and wild flowers had already been shaken into dust.

Tiger King only felt his ears ringing, his head was dizzy, and a mouthful of blood sprayed out.Dyed the yellow and white tiger down into bright red.

Although this move made it vomit blood, it didn't threaten its life, but it ignited its anger.

But seeing that its eyes were red, it was burning with anger, and it jumped up madly, like me rushing madly.

Since the Tiger King was born, he has never suffered such a big loss, and I am the only one who can beat him until he vomits blood.

It crazily rotated its body into a spherical shape, and unleashed the best moves of the Desperate Golden Whip. The long tiger tail was like a thick steel chain, and it danced viciously and aggressively.

Seeing this strange move by the tiger, Ayu persuaded again loudly, "Brother Mang, hurry up! This tiger has performed a unique skill, and your current skill cannot compete with this deadly golden whip.

What did you forget to promise me?The enmity between parents is irreconcilable, if you act fiercely for a while, then all my efforts will be turned into this mist, and it will disappear.

Neither of us can escape!I beg you!go! While speaking, she jumped up and jumped up to the tiger.

Desperately resist.But I saw her dodging left and right to deal with the big worm.

I knew she was desperately resisting to buy me time.I had no choice but to carry my true energy to my feet, and ran towards the jungle waterfall in Nanshan at high speed.

A loud "pop" was heard in the pinna, and Ayu's soft voice screamed in pain.

I knew in my heart that she was seriously injured and unable to resist. I watched Tiger King take away the fresh life of my lover, but I couldn't save her.What she thought until the end of her life was whether I could escape safely.

With tears in my eyes, I quickened my pace, reluctantly looking back.The sun is still warm, on the vast sea beach.

I seem to see the elegant body of the light and beautiful girl of the Li nationality chasing the waves and stepping on the sea again.

Sometimes it floats on the sea surface, and sometimes it travels under the sea. The giant light green canvas is dotted with waves and the light figure of a girl.

She plunged into the bottom of the sea with a sudden leap, and became that stunning mermaid.From time to time, touch the body of the turtle and play with the small fish.

With her gentle eyes and gentle smile, she focused on piercing our full happiness for me one by one, piercing love deeply into my lonely heart.

Embracing each other tightly by the seaside, she poured out tears, which made me feel so sympathetic.Especially thinking of our vision and hope for the future.

Her biggest wish is that one day she can avenge her parents, go to the jungle waterfall with me, and live a sweet and happy life.

We want to build our own hut of love in a place with beautiful scenery.

Enjoy the rest of your life blissfully.However, these have become my fond memories and visions.

The most helpless thing in the world is to watch your lover die, but you can't do anything about it.

My heart, which was no longer lonely, became lonely and hesitant again. The short-term happiness was long gone, and then I became alone again, only this tattoo accompanied me.

So I made up my mind to acquire advanced martial arts and seek revenge for Ayu and his parents from the Tiger King.Thinking of this, I quickened my pace.

The waterfalls flow down, the trees are lush and pleasant, and the tender grass exudes a refreshing atmosphere, decorating this beautiful forest like a plush carpet.

Before I knew it, I had been away from here for two months.The intimacy of coming back here again arises spontaneously.

This time I came by coincidence, the second senior uncle was tasting the delicious tree fruit, his concentrated and greedy expression was very funny, one could tell at a glance that he had just woken up not long ago and was already very hungry.

Seeing me, I was so excited that I even threw away the fruit, roared softly, landed on all fours, and rushed towards me.

Before I arrived, I had already held my thin body in my arms, and I only felt that the soft fur was comfortable and warm.

The trees in the bushes were rustling in the heat, and a black shadow seemed to fly among the branches.

After a few somersaults, he came to the front, "Little nephew! You worried us to death, why did you take so long to come back? We thought something happened to you! Seeing that you came back safe and sound, we let go of our hearts .”

"I'm fine! Uncle Third! How are you all? Why didn't you see Uncle and Master? Where did they go?" I asked with some doubts.

"Yunshi and Qingmang went to the ice cave to pick the Red-haired God Pill, which is the master's favorite fruit.

Every time the Venerable Master comes to taste this fruit, it is estimated that the Venerable Master will come again in the past few days.

Therefore, the meaning of the elder brother is to pick some preparations in advance, so as not to be caught off guard when the master is driving.

correct!Has Tiger King taught you the profound martial arts? "Yu Yuan was very curious. With his status as the Tiger King, he could be regarded as the supreme martial artist.

The top of the sea and sky is like a dragon's pool and a tiger's den. It can be said that those who stick to it will die, and those who touch it will die.

He was able to return safely from there, but he was a great hero, and he admired his little nephew more and more. He could always bring such unexpected legendary colors.

"Third Master, it's a long story! Listen to me and tell you slowly!" I then described how I reached the top of the mountain, how I met the Tiger King and A Yu, how I learned kung fu from A Yu, and how A Yu was killed by the Tiger King in detail. Fifty-ten speaks eloquently.

After saying that, I couldn't help but burst into tears, sobbing choked up, the two senior uncles also clenched their teeth, frowning tightly, and the flames rushed upwards.

"This Tiger King is too much! This is not the work of the Supreme Master of the Martial Arts, it is really disrespectful!
Relying on the strong and bullying the weak, the most annoying thing is to kill all three members of Ayu's family, which is tolerable or unbearable.

Besides, let's respectfully study martial arts in the past, it's fine if it doesn't teach, and it will take your life, how can this be done by a school of masters!It's too much! "

"Second senior brother, you have to teach the martial arts to the junior nephew, he already possesses such a strong instantaneous explosive power.

After learning this skill, its power should not be inferior to yours.At that time, he will avenge this sea of ​​blood. "Yu Yuan said to Chi Xiong very angrily.

Chi Xiong couldn't help nodding, this beast has a single muscle, and will continue to do what it decides to do to the end.

But seeing it stretch its posture, transport its true energy to the top of its head, break down its movements, and teach it carefully one by one.

I observed its moves in detail, and imitated its appearance and slammed into the huge bluestone beside the waterfall at high speed.

Unexpectedly, the big stone was broken into small pieces like stone chips.The two uncles were amazed.This kung fu is much better than this idiot.

Chi Xiong and Yu Yuan couldn't help being overjoyed.Not long after, Yunshi and Qingmang came back with the red-haired divine fruit, and they were overjoyed to see me.

I haven't seen him for two whole months, and I miss him even more. When they learned that I have learned the superior martial art of Chi Xiong Xie Pao, they were all happy for me.

However, I heard that after my encounter with the sea and the sky, I was very angry at the cruelty and viciousness of the Tiger King, but everyone looked at these few people, and I was the only one who could be the opponent of the Tiger King.

At this moment, my heart is full of hatred, and I must personally kill Tiger King, a crippling beast.

Everyone saw that I was eager for revenge, and they all wanted to go to the top of the mountain with the same color of sea and sky with me, and kill this tiger together.

Everyone speaks human language and animal language, and there is a lot of discussion, which is very lively.

Everyone was chatting happily, but they didn't notice that an old man with a free and easy figure, suave and elegant, came at a high speed, and stopped lightly in front of everyone, but his footprints were silent.

I was the first to realize that, after all, my internal strength is profound, my eyes can see all directions, my ears can hear all directions, and my explosive power is super strong, so I can recognize it at a glance.

All the beasts hurriedly surrounded the old mentor, kowtowed, bowed, and wagged their tails, very respectful.

Yu Yuan was the most able to spot Qian'er, and hurriedly took out the red-haired god elixir picked by the senior brother and junior brother, and offered it with both hands.It makes the Venerable Master happy and delighted, and makes him happy to miss Shu.

The Venerable Master asked with great concern, "Piggy! How long have you been in the forest?"

"Thank Master Hong Fu, I have been studying art in this forest for two years."

"Is this kung fu beneficial?"

"The apprentice's skill is still shallow, and he still needs to work hard. Ask your masters for advice!"

"You are too humble! I always keep quiet when I come here, just to try which of you will be the first to notice me.

I never thought about this, but beyond my expectation, your inner strength is indeed extremely profound, now your eyes are like lightning, how can I not see it? "The Venerable Master has already pierced through the paper on the window lattice.

"It's all thanks to the masters and masters. It's because they taught me this superior martial art carefully that I was lucky enough to learn every move and a half style. It's not surprising."

"Today just happens to be an opportunity. Let me test how far your skill has reached. Come on! Make a move!" the Master said, walking towards me unhurriedly.

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