"I followed the example of my second senior uncle, gathered my true energy in my head, and galloped towards a tall and strong tree.

When he got closer and struck hard, there was a muffled loud noise, but the tree remained motionless.

I was very puzzled, the huge zhenqi in the body gathered in the head to form a protective barrier, but there was no earth-shattering huge attack power. 
Chi Xiong also shook that stupid head helplessly, it was a pity.

He walked over very anxiously, patted my shoulder with that thick palm, encouraged me, and didn't let me lose heart.

He kept roaring, as if he had something to say to me.But I don't understand the animal language, so I'm very anxious. Presumably Chixiong must have seen my problem and wanted to ask for something, but it can't speak.How should this be done?In a hurry, Yu Yuan came up to us and yelled at the idiot bear, and then the two of them made gestures in animal language and chatted in full swing.

I know this is the best relationship between the brothers and sisters.Looking at the anxious expressions of the two of them, chanting words in their mouths, they look no different from ordinary people.

The content of the words was indeed barking and barking, and the appearance was naive and funny. I couldn't help it for a while, and almost laughed out loud. 
It's interesting to think about it. I follow ordinary people, but since childhood, most of them get along very happily with beasts, have a lot of contacts, and rarely interact with humans.

From this beast, I see more sincerity, kindness, morality, and friendliness.Many beasts are gifted and intelligent, and their understanding is extremely high, which is better than human beings.

Getting along with them is simple and natural, and there is a lot less intrigue and intrigue.

Gradually, I understand more and more why the master accepts beast disciples, and devotes all his efforts to teaching them the supreme martial arts.

Just because I get along with them, the master is relaxed and comfortable, maybe this is the fundamental reason why I keep it secret.

Here might be a moment's rest for his weary body and mind.

Whether it is martial arts or rivers and lakes, this beautiful woods, gurgling streams, galloping waterfalls, and this group of lovely rare birds and beasts, forget all fatigue and troubles.Enjoying the rare simplicity, nature and happiness is the true meaning of life.

Time was running out, and Yu Yuan looked very embarrassed, "Little nephew! I just checked with my senior brother about the situation.

It has a high opinion of you, it sees that your inner strength is extremely deep, and it already felt it when it attacked you just now.

After all, there are very few opponents who can catch its unique skill of Crazy Bear Rage.

But you caught this move safely and soundly, which shows that your internal strength is bottomless.

However, practicing this move does not have much effect on the internal strength, and requires extremely strong instantaneous explosive power.

Crazy bears are naturally explosive, which is inseparable from their body structure and muscle texture.

However, compared with it, human physique is much inferior, and the natural hardware is insufficient. No matter how clever the software master is, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice!

I also fought for you again and again just now, let the second senior brother think of a way.

It racked its brains, very helpless, and shook its head again and again.I knew that it was indeed too difficult for you to master this miraculous skill.

If it doesn't work, forget it, its special skill requires too much talent, it can't be met, it can't be acquired by hard work.

Therefore, I still concentrate on consolidating what I have learned in my life, and strive to make innovations and breakthroughs. "

Yu Yuan originally thought that this idiot could teach his junior nephew some training methods and skills.

I never thought that there was nothing Chi Xiong could do, and my heart became cold for the most part.

But he didn't want to make me discouraged, so he comforted me, his words were full of helplessness.

"Third Martial Uncle, I sincerely want to learn this profound martial art, no matter how hard it is, I must learn this magical art.

You have a flexible mind and a lot of ideas, so just help me think of a way.I know nothing can stop you! "I said this sincerely and straightforwardly, and by the way, I put a high hat on this royal ape, making it sound very useful.

Its two big eyes rolled around, and it had an idea, and it made up its mind, "Little nephew, this is you! If it were someone else, I wouldn't be so careless!
If you can practice this skill right now, what you need to improve the most is this instantaneous explosive power.

However, this explosive power is innate, and it is difficult to achieve it through hard work the day after tomorrow.

This is where the second senior brother is in trouble. I have a solution, which may help you, but don't hold out too much hope. "

Hearing this, I couldn't help being overjoyed, I knew that Yu Yuan had a way for me to practice this skill, "Third senior brother, just say it's okay, I have made up my mind, and I will do my best if there is a glimmer of hope. "

"Listen to me slowly, on this Nanshan Mountain, there is a wonderful scene called the sea and sky.

The scenery here is beautiful, as the name suggests, the colors of the mountains and the sea are the same, and there are many trees and flowers, which are too beautiful to be absorbed.On the top of this mountain resides a giant beast.

It is a white-fronted fierce tiger. This beast belongs to the north. Because it is greedy for the beautiful scenery here, it does not hesitate to travel long distances and settle here.

This beast collects the essence of heaven and earth, the spirituality of all things, and practices magic here.

High-strength, profound internal strength, and unique skills.In the martial arts world, the name is not small, and the status is not low.

Its forte is the peerless three moves, which are frightening and invincible.

This tiger has a name that frightens the beasts, Tiger King.

This tiger king is entrenched here, tireless every day, practicing this superior martial arts hard, his comprehension is extremely high, he has created three unique stunts of his own, tiger flying, iron sand god palm, and fatal golden whip.

Because of the great power of its moves, it integrates the characteristics of speed, strength, explosiveness, fierceness, resistance, dexterity, and rigidity.

In particular, it will highlight this explosive character in every move and style.Therefore, if you want to improve this explosive power, it is the originator of this aspect in the martial arts.

If you can ask it to teach you one and a half moves, I think it will be of great benefit to you to improve your instantaneous explosive power.

But one must not be careless, this beast is extremely ferocious, it is the king of all beasts, and its strength is boundless, it can be called a rare and peerless treasure in the martial arts world. "

"Third Martial Uncle! I'm going to set off now, and find this big bug to learn that superior and peerless martial arts."

"Martial nephew, it's not good or bad for you to go, let us giant beasts go with you? This way at least there is a support!"

At this time, these four giant beasts surrounded me in the center, and they all prepared to go with me.

I was very moved, so I stopped everyone, "Master, uncle, I am not going here to put the Tiger King to death.

But I want to ask him about the method of instant explosive power.If we go together in a mighty way, if it were us, would we think that this person brought many giant beasts here to learn from us humbly?

Could it be a mess?Presumably people will put a few question marks on it!

If I go alone and ask for advice humbly, how can the Tiger King be suspicious?

Masters, masters, think about whether what Tuer said is reasonable! "

The giant beasts nodded again and again, crying one after another, very reluctant to part.

All the beasts knew in their hearts that if they parted today, they might never see each other again.

Especially when the master burst into tears, he still used his blue head to stick a sticker on my face.

I can feel the moisture on my face.

My eyes were moist, and I kowtowed three times to the master and uncles on my knees.

As soon as I turned around, I started on the road. I didn't dare to look back, because I was afraid that if I turned around, I didn't want to leave.

How I wish I could stay here with them forever!

Then how can he learn this peerless magic skill?Tears flowed down my face, and I was deeply saddened by the parting.

I strode forward like a shooting star, and I felt that the extremely fast person behind me was following closely behind, almost close to him.

Suspicious in my heart, I couldn't help speeding up my pace, but even if I sent my true energy to my legs and moved forward like a low fly, I couldn't escape the hot pursuit of the one behind me.

I'm extremely surprised, I've just been on my way, I haven't seen the Tiger King before, and I've encountered such a master, the third uncle is really right, this journey is really difficult and dangerous.

I flew to the side and looked back, but there was no one there.

This is strange, obviously someone is following behind.And it's almost on the verge of posting, and besides, my agility is so fast, it's possible that this agility is even better than mine.

I continued to move forward, but the person behind me was still closely following me.

I stopped in my tracks and shouted loudly, "Friend! Please show up! You are so good at lightness kung fu, I admire you so much.

If my brother guessed correctly!You are using the lightness skill that follows like a shadow. "

At that time in the ice cave, Yunshi once drew this shadow-like map from the ice wall.

Although I have never practiced such superior lightness skills.But the ears and eyes know a thing or two.

The biggest feature of this Qinggong is as the name suggests, it follows the opponent like a shadow, as if sticking to the opponent.

So point out this trick, so as not to make the other party laugh, as the saying goes, you have never eaten pork, but you have seen pigs run.

As soon as this remark came out, there was only a whoosh, and a black shadow appeared.The speed of movement is really amazing.

I saw a furry but very strong silverback gorilla smiling at him with his ears wide open.

Other than others, it was my third uncle, Yu Yuan, who all said that it is very good at lightness kung fu, and today I finally learned it.

I hurried forward and pulled the furry palm, "Uncle Third, why are you following me? Didn't I agree that I will go alone? Don't worry! I will definitely come back safely!"

"Little Martial Nephew, I'm not going to go with you, but to remind you to drop something!"

"What? Something? Me? Drop?" I wondered.Repeatedly weighed the words of the third master.

"That's right! You've left behind the strongest defense in martial arts. I'm here to remind you that you must bring it with you!" Yu Yuan said with a smile.

I couldn't help but burst into tears, and hugged its fluffy and strong body tightly, crying loudly.Yu Yuan also shed tears of sadness.

Among the four giant beasts, the third uncle is the one I can talk to the most, not only because it understands human language and communicates with me without any obstacles, but more importantly, I saw a kind and compassionate animal. My heart is always trying to find a way for me.

I also know very well that my master has instructed Yu Yuan thousands of times, that this profound defensive skill must not be passed on to others.

However, it disregarded the master's instructions, and just wanted to teach me this superior martial art at this moment.

It can be seen that it has no idea for me to travel up the mountain of swords and into the sea of ​​fire this time.

But he couldn't bear to let me go to die, so he chased after him, and wanted to teach me this superior martial art, hoping that I could turn bad luck into good luck and make good fortune in death.

Yu Yuan wiped the teardrops from his face, "This defensive skill, as the name suggests, focuses on defense. As the saying goes, offense is the best defense. I wonder if you have observed that when the idiot bear attacked me, what was my state?"

"Third Uncle, I feel that when you are defending, the muscles on your body seem to swell much more than usual! Especially the position where Chixiong attacks is even bigger than other places!"

"You have a very high level of comprehension, and you speak very well! The essence of defense is that you must understand where others are going to attack you, and act first. This is preemptive strikes." Yu Yuan spoke patiently.I have some doubts in my heart, how can it be preemptive when it is obviously a defense?Why try to figure out the opponent's offensive point? "

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