"I was very courageous and savvy, so I realized the master's intentions early on. Through the red-haired magic pill, after I absorbed the spiritual yang energy to fill my body with true energy, I suddenly felt like my whole body was burning wildly like a raging fire.

However, this ice cave can cool and stabilize the true qi in the body after it has been enriched.

In order to lay a good foundation for the use of internal force.Reciprocating in this way, the internal force will reach the peak state.

However, although the internal energy is strong, the use of it is even more critical. This is the necessary method for the highest martial arts.

Neigong belongs to superior martial arts, it mainly talks about how to use internal force, more precisely, it is the use of qi.

With such a profound book of martial arts, no matter how high the comprehension and talent are, it is difficult for a person without a book to understand it by himself.

Although I realized the master's intention, I was extremely confident that this inner strength was nothing more than that.

I have strong comprehension, can this matter be difficult for me?So he used his true energy all over his body, and controlled it very easily through his mind.

However, I really underestimated this superior martial arts, it is so easy to master, and the martial arts masters are willing to work hard to study the cheats.

The biggest difference between internal energy and external energy is that if it is not used properly, it can cause serious injury or death.

I transported the zhenqi in my body from my limbs to my abdomen and chest, and everything went smoothly.However, I am a little dissatisfied, so I continue to move this true energy upward.

Unexpectedly, when it moved to the head, it bumped into the Shenting acupoint by mistake, only felt the swelling of the head, and passed out.

Yunshi waited for a long time outside the cave, but did not come out. Fearing that something might happen, he went into the cave to look for it.When I got to the depths of the cave, I saw that I was already unconscious, lying on the ice bed.

It has been guessed that this little nephew may think he is smart, but he was mistaken by his cleverness. This use of zhenqi is a great knowledge.

It is necessary to have a very thorough study of all the veins and acupuncture points of the body.It is no different from experienced Chinese medicine practitioners.

The little nephew's comprehension is very high, what the Master said is true, it is very likely that he touched an important acupoint when he was infusing his true energy, which caused him to faint.

Yunshi didn't rush, and lightly touched my right hand with its huge palm, sending true energy into my body.

Unlock the Shaohai acupoint on my right arm near the elbow joint.I woke up feeling dizzy and dizzy.

Seeing the master uncle approaching me, I smiled ashamedly.Yunshi's expression is also dumbfounding, thinking to himself that this villain can't help you!
It turns out that the ice bed is the most precious treasure in the ice cave, and there is a very elegant name called the ice bed of ice water.

This bed is formed naturally, not only is it cold, but also has a very strong magnetic field.

Water jade, also known as crystal, is an extremely precious specialty treasure in South Island. Such a large piece of water jade is extremely rare.

It has to be said that it is a huge treasure.The magnetic field of this water jade is extremely strong, absorbing the energy of tens of millions of years, so it changes the energy and magnetic field of a person, so that the person can better absorb the spiritual yang energy and stabilize and enrich the true energy.The cloud lion was thoughtful, drawing something on the icy wall with its huge palm and sharp claws.

It has a very serious expression. Although it is rough, it is as careful as a hair, and it is extremely focused on each stroke.

But seeing it waving its huge palm, with its sharp claws, it outlines a lifelike human figure with just a few strokes, and the depiction is very penetrating.

I guessed its intention, and he must teach me this superior inner strength method through illustrations.

After a while, a simple human body map was sketched out, with many small dots neatly dotted on it.

Each dot leads to a slash, and what is even more surprising is that Yunshi can master Chinese characters, and the calligraphy is vigorous and neat.

Mark the acupoints of the human body from head to toe, and use small characters to explain the efficacy of the acupoints. Yunshi also deliberately decomposed the acupoint map into several sheets, such as the head, chest, back, arms, legs, and soles, and drew multiple acupoint maps in a short time .

I studied it carefully, and I couldn't help being surprised when I read it. There are hundreds of acupuncture points in the human body alone.

The specific location of the acupuncture points is different, and the effects are different. No wonder I consciously fully grasped the process of using zhenqi, but I accidentally hit the acupuncture point that should not be touched, so I fainted.

It's also a blessing in my life, luckily I met the Shenting acupoint, if the true energy travels up a few inches and touches the Baihui death acupoint on the top of my head, how can my life still exist.

After thinking about it, I don't feel afraid, it turns out that this inner strength has such a great knowledge.This acupoint map needs to be mastered hard and integrated.

Yunshi opened his mouth wide, and the sound of his breath was deafening, and he heard the sound again in this closed space, and felt even more shocked.

Not long after, Hanhan fell asleep in this ice cave.This sleep was not terrible, but it was like thunder snoring, shaking the earth, filling the closed cave.

It can be seen that this master uncle has very profound internal skills.In fact, this cloud lion did it on purpose. It knew that it was snoring like thunder, but it deliberately fell asleep in this cave.

Because of the loud snoring, I will definitely not be able to fall asleep peacefully, so that I can concentrate on studying this inner strength mental method, but knowing acupoints is the foundation of inner strength, and I must master it firmly.

I looked at the acupoint map, searched on my body from head to toe one by one, determined the location, and mastered the effect.

"Shenting, Yangbai, Sizhukong, Qingming, Sibai..." I muttered and looked down from my forehead.

Unconsciously, he read the efficacy of this acupoint again, "Shenting can heal the head, Yangbai can improve eyesight, Sibai can heal the face, and water ditch can relieve heat..."

However, in the cave, there was no distinction between day and night, and after an unknown period of time, Yunshi woke up and was very pleased to see that I was still working hard and looking for acupuncture points on my body.

So he came to the entire empty wall of the cave, and continued to draw the mental method of resting his inner strength.

It carefully draws the map of the human figure, which leads to the inner strength and mental method of the meridians of the human body, which are divided into meridians and veins. This theory can be described as broad and profound.

This meridian alone can be divided into twelve meridians and eight extra meridians. These twelve meridians govern the internal organs. However, the eight extra meridians do not belong to viscera and have no coordination relationship between the exterior and the interior. They seek strange paths.The main thing is to communicate the connection between the twelve viscera and veins, and it is also extremely important to regulate the qi and blood of the twelve meridians.

I couldn't help sighing inwardly, this cloud lion has extremely high comprehension and outstanding memory, no wonder the Venerable Master made him a top disciple, yet he has something extraordinary.

He is quick in thinking, clear in organization, and has a photographic memory. He memorizes the inner strength and mental methods taught by the Master, and can learn and apply them flexibly.

Due to the large amount of content this time, Xiongshi continued to draw and write again without realizing it. This was a huge workload, and another eight or nine hours passed before he knew it.

These profound martial arts maps are displayed on this cold wall.

I can see clearly, not only the meridians, veins and other related content, but also draw a lot of boxing manuals for practicing internal skills. The moves and moves are drawn extremely realistically.

After painting, Yunshi only felt a little hungry, so he walked out of the cave and picked some red-haired god fruits to satisfy his hunger.

I looked at the atlas on the ice wall to study my memory, and tried to practice that move one by one.

According to the map, I sit cross-legged on the water jade ice bed, take off my clothes, put my right leg on top of my left leg, turn my soles up, my thighs and calves should be flat and not warped, and my palms should be facing upwards.

The right hand and the left hand are stacked, the thumb is outstretched, and the other four fingers are joined together. The upper body is upright, not tilted, the eyes are slightly closed, the tongue is on the top, the mouth is slightly closed, the nose is breathed, the breath is even, and the breath is used to release the true energy in the body. gather.

Movement and adjustment, integration of acupuncture points and meridians throughout the body, regulation of metabolism and circulation of blood gas, only to feel refreshed and breathe smoothly.

Absorb the cold frost from the water jade magnetic field cave and turn it into internal force. This cycle goes on and on. Although more than [-] hours have passed, I don't feel hungry or sleepy.

It turns out that I have basically mastered the mental method of inner strength cultivation, absorbed the essence of heaven and earth, turned it into true qi, and used the true qi to block the Stomach Meridian of Foot Yangming immediately and gently, weakening the digestive system, so I didn't feel hungry at all.

And opened up the zhenqi to the Fengchi acupoint on the back of the neck, only felt hearing and eyesight, and no feeling of sleepiness.

In this way, I kept meditating and breathing out every day, and my uncle sent the red-haired divine fruit into the cave.

While enjoying the flaming red-haired pill, I devoted myself to cultivation, the cold and heat are easy to festival.

Unknowingly, ten years have passed, and I have grown from a baby boy to a strong, strong and sturdy guy.

What surprised me was that the cloud lion was still as vigorous as before, without showing any signs of aging.

Seeing that I have acquired this supreme martial arts inner strength and mental method, the master is very pleased.

In the past ten years, it has worked tirelessly, whether it is drawing cheat books, teaching martial arts or hunting for food and offering fruits.

All kinds of things reveal its devoted cultivation and caring for this little nephew.

Yunshi loves me very much. It appreciates my talent and understanding, and is moved by my hardworking spirit.

It is very clear in its heart that it is precisely because of this that I have acquired the superior internal strength that others need to practice hard for 30 years, which has never been done before or since, and has been acquired in only ten years.

As soon as I jumped, I rode on the back of the cloud lion, reluctantly looking back and forgetting the holy land of Taoyuan, which I have practiced hard for ten years.

This ice cave has become the harbor of my heart.The internal energy map on the ice wall in the cave has been covered by layers of frost. Although the handwriting on it cannot be seen, the outline of the human figure that has long been invisible is still faintly visible. Thinking about it, I am really sad.

The cloud lion felt that I was very nostalgic for this place. It knew that I was not feeling well, so it roared softly as before, motioning for me to hold on tightly. The scene of speeding up.My eyes were moist, and tears filled my eyes involuntarily.

Not long after, Yunshi took me back to the long-lost canyon, jungle and waterfall clearing.

The second uncle was still leaning against a big and thick tree, snoring in a charming and rhythmic manner.

The third uncle looked at us from a distance like a golden bell hanging from a tall tree, and he was so excited that he let go of the legs that were clamping the tree.

Falling high and free like a body, when the big head is two or three meters away from the ground, when the legs are exerted, they only do a somersault, and then turn over.

Jumping and jumping to the cloud lion, its furry arms wrapped around the plump neck of the cloud lion, crying loudly.

I was so excited that I forgot to restrain myself, and said, "Elder brother! You are back! We all miss you to death! Where have you been? Why have you been away for ten years?"

Yun Shi rubbed his huge head against Yu Yuan's strong head, and burst into tears.

I jumped down and held Yu Yuan's big hairy hand tightly, "Uncle Third, we miss you too! Uncle Master took me to a holy place in Taoyuan to practice kung fu!"

Yu Yuan took my hand and said excitedly: "Could it be that you are that little nephew?"

"Exactly! Doesn't the third uncle remember me?" I asked with some doubts.

"It's not that I don't remember! It's that you've changed! You've grown up and become a young man! I didn't recognize you!" Mizuru looked at me carefully from top to bottom.

While talking, I didn't feel the murderous aura behind me, and the grass rustled. In these ten years, my internal strength has reached its peak, my hearing and eyes are clear, and my senses are sensitive. The master behind me is definitely not a kind person. Transported to the limbs, now is a fierce battle! "

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