roses and lilies

Chapter 21 Ward

The afterglow of the setting sun, the breeze is blowing, the lazy earth has been supplemented with calcium for a day, the nursery exudes a green fragrance, and the short needles on the clock tower are slowly chasing the long needles.Like people who can't wait to get off work.After a tiring day, they stretched lazily, took a deep breath and exhaled forcefully, finally ending the day's work.Some went out to drink in groups of three or two, and some ran home at three o'clock.Owners of private cars are honking their horns on the crowded streets, and some of them forcefully occupy the cycling lanes, attracting abuse from cyclists. The contradiction between the rich and the poor is undoubtedly revealed at this moment.The number of bus trips has increased significantly, one stop at each stop, deceleration, slow travel, inbound, and stop at one go, surrounded by crowds, originally arranged in a single word, but later simply became a solid big circle The shape of the bus and the bus form a capital P. People push each other and try to squeeze on it so that they can get home half an hour earlier.

The orthopedic hospital was full of cars parked inside and outside the courtyard, and the ambulance yelled and squeezed a small gap out of the car group, like an earthworm exploring a treasure in the soil.A red cross hangs high on the roof of the building, next to Hao Ran there are several large characters "Orthopedic Hospital", the font is vigorous and powerful, and the white stone curtain wall background shows its glorious mission of saving lives and healing the wounded, the holy inpatient department is still crowded downstairs Most of them carry thermos bottles, which contain carefully prepared delicious meals and loving dinners. If they want to step in front of their relatives, they will bring love and care to them, and hope for their speedy recovery.In the ward, the patients were fighting tenaciously against the serious illnesses. Some endured the pain and tortured, some screamed, swelled, shifted, hurt, and groaned. The doctors carefully checked the room and asked the condition of the patient.The nurses are dressed in holy angel costumes, beautiful and moving.Maybe seeing them, the patient's pain will be reduced by half.The angels carefully observed each patient's condition, paying attention to how much liquid was left in the hanging bottle above the patient's hospital bed, and did not forget to check the drip speed on the infusion set and adjust it at will. Doing tips: the liquid should not be infused too fast, which will easily affect the effect of reducing swelling. 
Although the doctor had corrected and reset Xiaoling and treated it with a splint, the pain that followed was unavoidable. She tried her best to hide her severe pain, and even her whole face was purple and her palms were hot. She had no choice but to Said: "I feel the wound is very uncomfortable. The pain is unbearable."

I immediately comforted: "The first two weeks of the fracture must be very painful. The bones have just been reset, and the soft tissue is severely damaged. It must be swollen for a while. After a few days, it will be fine. If it hurts, I will call the doctor and let the doctor give it Find a way. Don’t worry. I feel that if you can hold back and try not to take painkillers, it’s not good for your brain. Try to reduce activities for two weeks, otherwise the bones will easily be misaligned again.”

She nodded helplessly.I deliberately diverted her attention, and asked another topic: "How did you remember that you are a stranger to Zhanye?"

As soon as the exhibition industry was mentioned, she became interested, and it could be seen that she still loved this job very much.She stared at me with big watery eyes and said: "I don't want to leave this warm little home. My previous job made me very sad. After I arrived in the third group, I felt like I had never been at home. You should be able to see What kind of people are my parents? They are selfish, mean and narrow-minded. I was very troubled in this love-deficient family. It was not until I met you, three groups, and so many kind-hearted people that I was able to regain my love. It ignited the enthusiasm and confidence in life. I have been in the company for a while, and you have been taking me with you. We have developed business together, and the commission is half of us. We talked several times, and every time it was time to sign the contract, you took me over there, let me pick the fruit of the tree you worked so hard to plant. I am also an adult, I can see this .”

I blushed in embarrassment.Xiaoling went on to say: "You are kind to me, I am very happy in my heart, but why do you use this way? It will make me feel that I am useless. Can't you really see my feelings for you? In school, I treat you well, buy you clothes and food, and spend all the money I earn for you, I am willing, I just want to treat you well from the bottom of my heart, and I am very happy when I am with you."

I was silent for a moment, looked at her gentle eyes and said: "My feelings are the same as yours. I just want you to live well, live comfortably, and make you happy. I just want to do everything possible to treat you well and care about you. Love you, I don’t know what’s wrong with me, I feel very happy when I’m with you, I like to drink with you, snuggle up and watch the moon and stars together. Do you know where I went today?”

"I didn't hear what you said!" Xiaoling said puzzled.

"I went to the cemetery of my first love girlfriend. She is very kind and loves me very much. Our family's conditions are not good and we have no money to buy a house. She asked the boss to borrow money to buy a house for me. She especially hopes that we will have a warm and warm life soon." Home, never thought that their boss is a beast in clothes, forced to have sex with her, and threatened her with money and nude photos many times to drive her crazy. In the end, she jumped into the river and died, still pregnant with the boss's child. Today is On her second anniversary, I went to see her. In my heart, she is my eternal pain. She gave everything for me. I can't forget her, let alone the time we were together. Lingling, give me some time Okay? I will still be nice to you all the time, I have deep feelings for you, but I can't forget her, do you understand!"

Xiaoling listened quietly, her big watery eyes were moist, and she said softly, "Can you hug me?"

"Yeah." Due to the pain, her body temperature was very hot. I felt her heartbeat, and felt that the whole world was concentrated in this small ward, which was full of love and warmth.The two lost hearts warm each other, and they are no longer alone.

I take good care of her diet and daily life. Due to her limited mobility, everything has to be solved on the hospital bed. No matter what my attitude is, she has already regarded me as her lover in her heart. me.Under my careful care, she recovered quickly, and the pain gradually disappeared a lot.I used a wheelchair to push her to take a walk on the lawn and corridors of the hospital. The dragonflies on the lake flew freely, and the colorful butterflies fluttered among the flowers. She hadn't been in touch with nature for a long time.Like a small flower that is about to wither, after being nourished by the rain and dew of nature, it will regain its previous vitality and vitality.The sky is still so blue, the lake is crystal clear, groups of fish are swimming happily, like dancing ballet in the water.The animals are at ease and comfortable, without worries and worries.They observe us and seem to feel that we are very tired from life.

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