roses and lilies

Chapter 189 Scary Neighbor

His wife, Cheli, smelled a smell like a gas leak, and she hurriedly searched every corner of the single ward, for fear that there might be some unknown device malfunctioning in the ward.

Her husband, Fang Lin, asked his wife curiously, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"Don't you feel that there is a strange smell in our ward?" The wife was still searching anxiously.

"Honey, don't look for it, I know the source of this unique taste!" The husband said with a blushing face.

"What? You know?" The wife looked at her husband's red face with strange eyes.

The husband pointed to himself and said embarrassingly, "This smell comes from me!"

The wife couldn't help being overjoyed, "His father! That's great! I'll go and cook you your favorite delicacy now! You've finally passed out. The doctor said that you can eat after the operation!"

The husband was also very excited. After all, he has been hungry for so long, and now he can finally enjoy the long-lost delicious food! "Honey, can I have a few drinks?"

My wife is a little hesitant. As far as the current condition is concerned, the doctor has repeatedly told me not to smoke, let alone drink alcohol.

The smoking issue is easy to solve, as my husband doesn't smoke in the first place.But this wine is difficult to deal with. My husband has almost no hobbies in his life. The only hobby is to cook a few side dishes and drink two glasses.

She wanted to stop it, but her husband's time was running out, and now it can be said that every bite is one less bite.

She thought that in the last years of her husband's life, she could achieve her wishes and live a wonderful and happy life, so that it would not be in vain for him to come to this world.

She wants to spend the only time with him and cherish every minute and every second with him. "Well! I'll buy you some good wine!"

Seeing that his wife is very supportive, the husband is not to mention how happy he is. In the past, his wife was very opposed to drinking by himself.I keep my small treasury behind my wife's back, buy some good wine, cook a few side dishes and have a drink.

I never thought that after this operation, my wife would be like a different person.Not only does he support his own drinking, but he is also ready to take himself out on a trip.

This has to be put in the past but I dare not even think about it!The wife is a person who knows how to live, trying to save and save for the children, when did she become so open-minded!
Thinking about it, it might be because the operation went very smoothly, and she was happy.That's why it was so rare to be generous, Fang Lin couldn't help being a little excited when he thought about it.

This happy mouth can’t hold the door, so catch it and throw it outside, “Honey, you don’t need to buy any good wine, I usually drink Dajiang Daqu and Xiaohe Daqu every day, you can just buy me this hometown wine, it’s great I'm not used to drinking either."

The wife Cheerilee thought to herself, what a silly husband!Talking and talking, let's say it!I was so excited that I uttered the word "Tian Tian". It's not obvious that Tian Tian didn't drink less at noon in the unit!
If it wasn't for drinking too much and eating out, he wouldn't have gotten such a fatal disease!

Thinking about it made her feel uncomfortable.How could such a sincere husband let him suffer from this disease!

How can those scumbags in the society who are deceived, full of benevolence, righteousness and morality, full of male robbers and female prostitutes be okay?
Doing a lot of evil every day, is this God really not open his eyes?On the contrary, a good man like her husband wanted to take him away.

It's really unreasonable.With her husband's current situation, Che Li doesn't want to expose some of his backstabbing.

Everything is based on his happiness. If the husband loses face and feels awkward when he picks up the chuangjiaer, it will be very unfavorable for his condition.

The principle now is to let the husband live one day longer, and give him the green light for everything.

This is also the last thing she can do for him as a wife.Thinking of this, the wife agreed, "Well! I'll buy it for you right now!" Then she walked out of the ward.

Looking back, I still did not forget to tell my husband, "Father, if you feel uncomfortable, just press the button on the bedside, and the nurses will come."

"Good wife! Don't worry!"

When Che Li walked out of the hospital, Fang remembered that her husband had just undergone such a major operation and his appetite was still very empty.

At this time, if you eat big fish and meat and drink big wine, you will definitely not be able to digest your appetite.

It's better to go home and cook some millet porridge for my husband first, so as to give him some appetite first, which will be good for his recovery.So I hurried home and made millet porridge, and fried some of my husband's favorite dishes by the way.

Her husband, Fang Lin, is a carnivorous animal. His favorite food is crystal elbow, braised pork, beef tendon in sauce, and stewed ribs.

Che Li took the meat out of the refrigerator, melted it in warm water, and started to get busy. Her cooking skills are very good.

However, this is the case with bungalows. Once you cook something delicious, you can smell the fragrance in the whole alley.After a while, the neighbor next door rushed over to chat with her.

"I said Mother Cherry! There is no one in your house these days, and we forgot to ask? How is the surgery, brother? How is your recovery now?" Neighbor Aunt Li asked with concern.

The neighbors in the Hutong are very enthusiastic, and they are also very concerned about her husband's condition.

But Che Li has a lot of thoughts, she knows that the neighbors, the head of the house, Li Jiashou, like to chew endlessly.

You can't tell them the truth, there is no impenetrable wall!Once the news spreads to the husband's ears, and he knows that he has this disease, he must not commit suicide!

Although my husband is big and thick, his heart is actually no bigger than the eye of a needle.Let him know that's okay.

Cheli always pays attention to propriety when chatting with them.Always leave half a sentence at the end of your mouth.Never shine.

It is precisely because of her thoughtfulness that the neighbors especially like to make do with her.This Aunt Li is the one who likes to chew his wife's tongue the most.

The children are all married and established, and they are quite capable. She has retired by herself and receives a pension every month. It is said that the monthly salary is not low!

Not worrying about eating or drinking, and being bored when I am free, I like to scan and listen to the things about this company, and then spread it around, taking it for fun to pass the boring time.

Cheerly is so smart, how can she not see it?Therefore, she paid extra attention when talking to Aunt Li.

"Aunt Li! Thank you for your concern! The operation was a success! Don't worry about it too much! It's fine!" Che Li knew the old neighbor's vicious mouth, so she said a few words lightly.

However, Aunt Li didn't miss any chance, and kept asking the bottom line, "I heard that Dad Cherry hiccups when he eats, right? You can't let him delay! We are all experienced people, and we have more experience than you. I know What is this called? Talking in the old age, this is not a good omen! You have to watch it thoroughly!"

Che Li felt uncomfortable from the bottom of her heart, she was already upset enough.She also added fuel to the fire and asked endlessly.It's disturbing enough.The more she didn't want to hear anything, the more she led it there.

"Aunt her! I still have to cook, and I have to send meals to the hospital in a while. What do you mean, I don't have time to keep chatting with you. When I'm done with this work, I will definitely come to your house and have a good talk with you!
Old neighbors for so many years!Usually can take care of us a lot.Have you eaten?After this dish is fried, I'll bring you some! "Cherry's words are actually very clear, the subtext is, you should be busy and go, don't you see that I am busy here, don't be an eyesore and make trouble here.

However, Aunt Li didn't intend to leave at all, and she wasn't afraid of the smoke and fire, so she just wanted to ask what happened. "Cherry! I haven't finished talking just now! Do you know what this disease was called in the past?
Choking!It is terminally ill in old age, and there is no cure at all!Many people have died from this problem.

Seeing that you are so busy cooking and cooking porridge, you must have finished the operation, right?

Don't let those doctors lie!Can't listen to them!They say when it's done, it's done.Certainly not that simple.

If it is not done thoroughly, it will easily spread!Do you know that this spreading life will be gone.

I'm kind enough to say something rough and reasonable!Our two families live not far away, and we usually have the best relationship. Auntie has no intention of cursing your husband!
I mean it!You must pay attention!Tell me, what did the doctor say? "

Don't mention the uncomfortable feeling in Che Li's heart, Aunt Li!Talking and talking, I want to kill my husband, but he will say, it's so cool, can we bear it!

Originally, I was in a bad mood, but this time, my already bad mood seemed to add fuel to the flames.

Today is not so much, walking to recite words, drinking cold water is stuffy.I didn't have a good dream and met this broom star.

If you don't give her some color, look at it, and she is really a little smug, "Auntie! You have to say that you are an old neighbor for many years!

It can be seen that our relationship is still good!You see we have been together for such a long time, can I not tell you the truth!
My husband got either goose or duck as you said, or some polyps in the esophageal spout, it's all right!The operation has been done, and the operation was successful. I know you are doing it for our own good and worrying about us. It’s really fine, so don’t worry! "

Che Li had already talked about this point, and others would have left knowingly.Aunt Li doesn't accept it.I'm still delving into this matter a bit inquisitively. To be honest, if this aunt's persistence is used in the aerospace field, this rocket can go to the sky.

But some of them are overkill, but they are still used on our protagonists, Cheerilee and his wife.

Aunt Li saw that Che Li's mouth fit perfectly, so she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. She has always been a big deal, as long as it doesn't happen in her house, it's not too big, and the more lively it is, the less lively it is.

Only in this way can she satisfy her curiosity. To put it bluntly, she likes to read other people's jokes.Cheli is also unlucky enough to be the owner.

Aunt Li reacted quickly, and it took only a short while to figure it out. Don't you, Cheli, always cover up and gossip with me?
I won't listen to you this time, I have to see what's going on with my own eyes.

Anyway, being idle is idle, staying is also staying, Yueyue holds the pension, this one collects a little lively, and the other one learns a little anecdotes, and satisfies her little curiosity, otherwise this life would be so boring !It's just a relief!
Thinking of this, Aunt Li smiled and said: "Mother Cherry! I didn't mean you, we have been neighbors for so many years, and you are always polite to me.

You didn't tell me about Cherry's father being sick!If it weren't for the colleagues from your unit who donated money to express condolences, we old neighbors would still be kept in the dark.

It's not right for you to handle this matter properly!This clearly treats us as outsiders.

As the saying goes, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors, and close neighbors are not as good as the opposite door. You are too alienated!
These old neighbors all want to help you!But you!Always stay away from those of us, the neighbors bowed their heads and saw them.

You can't see us anymore this time, we must visit Papa Cherry in the hospital.

This is not in vain for everyone as neighbors, our friendship has to be expressed by us. "

If Che Li doesn't listen, she can't help but turn her head when she hears it, just Aunt Li's mouth, she never said that before her husband's hospital bed, even her timid husband, she was scared to death.

But what people say is reasonable and reasonable, very in line with common sense, Che Li is very embarrassed, which makes her what to do!

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