roses and lilies

Chapter 184 Anger and Fear

It was nearly noon when Che Li met with the old professor.This time she didn't register, but invited the old professor out during lunch time.

In the long pavilion beside the beautiful lakeside bridge of the General Hospital and the square.The scenery here is pleasant, and it is also a unique scenery of Dajiang District General Hospital.

In the morning, patients and family members gathered here. These people who were originally suffering from illness fell in love with this place full of vigor and vitality.

The colorful and vibrant koi in the center of the lake swim freely in the water.

Make the patient's terrible state of mind get a moment of rare tranquility, temporarily forget the troubles of pain, and completely relax and enjoy the flowers in the bushes, green plants in the forest and the sparkling water surface.

"Professor, I have told my husband according to what you taught, and his attitude is very positive. The most gratifying thing is that he feels that his illness is not so serious.

It can be said that confidence in the disease has increased.He also overcomes this fear, which increases his determination and courage to overcome the illness. "

"This is the best, as long as he can cooperate well with the treatment, there is hope!" The old professor is full of confidence.

Although he is not very sure about the operation, he will try his best to fight this old bone.

Why isn't he in Che Li's mood?Che Li has to show the confidence and courage to win in front of her husband, and the old professor is even more so in front of Che Li.

Che Li looked around, most of the people had gone for lunch and rarely lingered here.

The sun showed its most radiant side to people, which made many people feel daunted. Che Li took out the thick envelope prepared in advance, and sincerely said to the old professor: "Professor, you are very kind to our family." De, I can't forget it, the operation is about to take place, and at your age, it will definitely consume a lot of energy and physical strength.

I know that there are many things in the world that cannot be bought with money, such as the hard work and deep affection you have given to my family.

I know that you help us without asking for anything in return. Your noble virtues and medical ethics of never giving up interpret the spirit of saving lives and healing the wounded.

It is this spirit and belief that inspires you and urges you to do this. Who doesn't want to enjoy the honor of this life.

No one thought that the last night would be lost, and the authority and reputation would be lost.

You are not looking at these things, if you are looking at these things, you will never accept this operation.

We thank you from our hearts, and this gratitude comes from our hearts.

We are human beings, and we also have a heart of gratitude. I hope you will give me a chance to express my sincere gratitude to you on behalf of my family.

Although this money is not much, after all it represents our whole heart, I hope you will accept it, only in this way can we feel at ease.

This is definitely not the slightest doubt about your medical skills and sense of responsibility, and it is different from the benefits given to doctors by other family members. This is not money, but our heart. "Cherry spoke very sincerely, which moved the old professor very much.

Che Li handed the envelope to the old professor, but unexpectedly, he didn't accept it as readily as she imagined, but smiled at her.

"Son! I accept your wholeheartedness. With your few words, as a doctor, I have worked hard in my life.

I am determined not to take this money, and this is also the most basic bottom line of the profession of a doctor.

I hope you don't embarrass me, break my bottom line and my moral code of life.

In my life, many family members like you have come to me. If I want to accept everything, it may be a considerable income. What do you think?
There should be a lot of money, and you may get a lot of opportunities to eat, drink and enjoy yourself, and you may buy a lot of things you like.

do you know?What I lost will be the most precious thing I am a human being. If I lose this thing, no amount of money can buy it. I am very lucky that I still have this most precious thing of my own.

It is the courage that pushes me to keep working hard, to overcome difficulties, and to keep learning.

I hope you can have at least some respect for me, an ordinary doctor, and don't insult my personality. Although I am a doctor, I am also a human being.

I hope you can respect everyone around you in the future and don't insult their dignity in this way.

I am getting older now, and my temper is not as good as before. If I was young, full of vigor and honesty, I would even refuse this operation.Do you understand? "

Hearing what the old professor said, Che Li felt ashamed and blushed. She had no choice but to take back the envelope, "Professor, I'm sorry, don't be angry! I won't do this again! I sincerely apologize to you."

"That's right! Don't worry, I will go all out and do my best, so don't worry!"

After the old professor finished speaking, he left in a hurry. Che Li knew that the old man was very angry. From his hurried back, he could feel how bad-tempered he was when he was young.

She expects that this last straw will bring them unexpected surprises.

Fang Lin was a little restless, because today was his third day in the hospital, he woke up very early, there were two beds in this small single room, one was for the patient, and the other was for the family members accompanying the bed living.Of course, his wife, Cherry, sleeps on the next bed.

As soon as Fang Lin opened his eyes, his wife was nowhere to be seen. In order to make him feel at ease and cooperate with the treatment, the young couple put the baby Cherry in the kindergarten of the printing factory, and the nurse's aunt, that is, Cherry's colleague, brought it.

In the evening, my aunt took Little Cherry back to her home to take care of her. This was also the factory manager's arrangement, and the factory manager was very sympathetic to Che Li's unfortunate fate.

It's strange to say that the old people on both sides of the young couple don't live too long, and they passed away one after another before retiring.

Haven't suffered too much.Che Li's parents died of an acute heart attack, her father died of a massive myocardial infarction in his sleep, and died as if sitting down according to Buddhism, her mother died of a heart attack in the bathroom, and was already dead when she was sent to the hospital.

Fang Lin's parents passed away very suddenly. His father died of asthma. Although he had been taking medicine for many years, his resistance was weak when the seasons changed.

It is a pity that he is 59 years old. He told Fang Lin more than once that if he retires, he will have to go out and have fun with his pension.But everything seems to be just a beautiful fantasy. Sometimes the gap between the ideal and the reality is so great that people have to sigh.

The relationship between mother and father was very good. Mother passed away half a year after father left. In fact, mother died a bit unjustly, and it can also be said that she was a little sad and died in self-destruction.

My mother suffered from heart disease for many years, but she didn't die from heart disease, but from a cold.

A cold is not a serious illness for anyone, and many people take care of themselves.

And my mother didn't go to the hospital because she was so sad that she didn't want to go to the hospital, but this stubborn upper respiratory infection didn't let her go because she didn't go to the hospital.

Mother didn't feel anything at first, only felt a severe dry cough.I never thought that it would be very difficult to breathe gradually.

Fang Lin is worried!I tried hard to persuade my mother to go to the hospital.The old lady did not screw her son until the end. She went to the hospital to take a CT scan and showed the doctor that the lungs were deformed and shrunk to the size of a fist. It is commonly known as pulmonary fibrosis and officially called cor pulmonale.He died within a few days.

These four old people are very miserable. They have never even seen their successors, let alone helping the young couple with their children.

It can be said that this young couple has not had the help of the old man since Cherry was born.Now my husband is seriously ill again, which is really tragic to the extreme.

There is no way that Cheli can only explain her husband's condition and the family situation to the factory director before her husband's operation.

The factory manager immediately arranged for the auntie of the factory-run kindergarten to supervise the little cherry and do her best to help the little family.

Fang Lin woke up at four o'clock in the morning. He thought his wife was still fast asleep, but he never thought that his wife woke up earlier than him.In fact, he didn't know that Che Li didn't sleep all night. It's hard to fall asleep when someone has something on his mind.

She has been anxious about her husband.She knew what this operation meant to her husband. How could she sleep if the outcome was all about it?
Seeing that her husband woke up, Che Li asked with concern, "Woke up so early? Get more sleep! It's too early at four o'clock, and the surgery didn't start until nine o'clock! Don't worry, I'll call you later!"

In fact, the wife has already guessed the husband's mind, he knows the husband too well!

Must be a little nervous, he has never had surgery!But this is not easy to break through. A man's face is very important. She hopes that her husband will be happy and does not want to hurt his dignity as a man.

"Honey, I can't sleep! Let's talk!" The husband looked at his wife.

"Well! Do you like this ward?"

"Of course! This single room is very quiet, with you by my side, it's like our family.

As far as I know, the beds here are very tight, let alone a single room, even an eight-person room has to be queued for a month!

How did we get in? "The husband feels that sometimes his wife is really supernatural, and once something is in her hands, it doesn't seem to be a big deal.

"Don't think that I have a way, it's all arranged for us by the old professor!

He is the leading figure here!Who can not give him face!His apprentices are now deans! "My wife can always liven up this dead atmosphere, not as rigid as myself.

"The old professor is really nice! His medical skills must be very good. My wife, what do you think of this operation?

Be forewarned!I'm not afraid!How can I be intimidated by this small operation, a man of seven feet? "The husband said confidently.

Che Li was almost annoyed, and thought: How about it!Did I guess right?The husband was just scared, woke up from the fright, and couldn't fall asleep!
Now he needs to be comforted spiritually.So, want to have a chat with yourself!Cherry is very strategic and understanding.

"Her father! Actually, I have a say in this issue. When the cherries were born, I gave birth to obstetrics! I was stabbed in the stomach, and now there is a scar below the belly button, and sometimes it is always itchy!"

This undoubtedly aroused the husband's curiosity, "Honey, what did it feel like when you entered the operating room?"

"At that time, my heart was overwhelmed. Let the doctors figure out what to do with the hundred catties!" She said half-jokingly.

Fang Lin was amused all at once. In fact, Fang Lin's laughter is sometimes quite low, and Cheli's casual sentence can make him amused.

"You are so funny!" Fang Lin said with a smile.

"That's what I thought at the time!" Che Li's greatest humor is that her husband is so happy that he is leaning back and forth, but she remains motionless and extremely serious, which undoubtedly pushes this joke to a higher level.

After laughing, thinking about the operation, the husband asked anxiously again, "Honey, does it hurt from the anesthetic?"

Che Li's expression changed at the mention of anesthesia. If he didn't say anything, Fang Lin couldn't help being surprised.

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