roses and lilies

Chapter 182 Annual Leave

Fang Lin asked in surprise: "Manager! I haven't made any mistakes recently! I have worked hard enough! Why did you let me go home?"

The manager said calmly, "Fang Lin, I want to let you go on vacation!"

This made him even more confused, "Fake? What kind of holiday? The more other people have holidays, the busier we are! How can there be any holiday?"

The manager smiled slightly, "Don't be in a hurry! Listen to me and tell you slowly!" The manager's unhurried, unhurried attitude really made him, who has a short temper, a little flustered and uneasy.

The more anxious Fang Lin became, the more the manager slowed down.This is quite in line with the manager's unhurried temper.

This is also the characteristic of the service industry. We often greet people, receive people and things, how can we be impatient and quick-tempered!
"Fang Lin, how can I not know your work attitude? You are a role model for your colleagues!

Hard work, tiring work rushing to do it.Hardship comes first, can I not count in my heart?
Because of your hard work, the organization decided to give you annual leave! The manager looked at him appreciatively.

"Annual leave? Is there any annual leave in the mall? I have been working for so many years, and I have never heard of any annual leave in the mall!"

"It doesn't matter, your leave is specially approved by me. You have worked hard all these years and made great contributions to the mall.

In order to show the affirmation of your hard work, the mall decided to give you annual leave, so that you and your family have the opportunity to take a walk outside, take a look, and relax completely.

This is the reward mechanism of the mall for employees.It is a benefit specially created by the mall for high-quality employees.

Of course, we hope that after a period of rest, you can devote yourself to the intense work with more enthusiasm. "The manager's eyes are full of affirmation for this high-quality employee.

If you want to choose the best actor of the year, then the manager's acting skills and the warm words full of sincerity are more than enough to play the number one male.

The manager Fang Lin's affirmation moved him very much. He usually worked hard, so he hoped that the leader would affirm him.

I never thought of working for so long, the leader must have come late.This made Fang Lin overjoyed.

"Manager! This is what I should do! I accept your kindness. I will continue to work hard in the future, and I will definitely live up to the trust of my leaders.

As for the annual leave, I don't think it is necessary.I have long been used to this kind of fulfilling life, and I can't stay at home! "Fang Lin declined.

"Don't refuse! This in itself reflects a kind of welfare for employees in the mall. If you don't accept it, how will the company promote this advanced welfare system in the future?" The manager is right, the formation of the new system will inevitably take a while. promotion process.

This kind of annual leave reward system for outstanding employees first fell on our lucky Fang Lin.

The manager's kindness made Fang Lin a little bit hard to turn down, so he had to agree respectfully rather than obediently, "Manager, since the mall takes such good care of me, then I won't accept it, let's just rest for a few days!"

"It's not a few days! You can rest at ease and have a good rest!" The manager immediately chased after him.

When the manager said this, Fang Lin asked suspiciously, "Manager, didn't you ask me to take annual leave?"

"It's annual leave! I didn't say anything else!"

"Can't you go to work after a few days of annual leave?" Fang Lin tried his best to find out the number of days the manager asked him to rest.

The manager seemed to have lost his memory, and he said something like a visitor from an extraterrestrial, "I said Fang Lin! If you are told to rest, you can rest, and the salary is as much as you want. It seems that you have something that others can't ask for. like opinion.

Annual leave is annual leave, the so-called one-year leave! "The manager also dragged on.

Fang Lin couldn't help frowning, "It takes so long to rest! Manager, you want to resign me, right? Don't scare me, I'm a coward!"

"Oh, don't worry! Take a good rest!" The manager got a little impatient.

Seeing the manager's expression, it seems that he doesn't intend to fire himself, so he can only do so according to the leader's intention, "Then I will trouble you!" Saying goodbye to the manager at a loss, I still feel a little uneasy .

When I got home, my wife, Che Li, was offering incense to Guanyin Bodhisattva. This ceramic Guanyin statue seemed to be specially invited by Che Li from a famous temple.

Cheli's heart is as soft as the merciful Guanyin Bodhisattva.Three sticks of incense are indispensable for a day, and a glass cover of suitable size was deliberately made for this Guanyin, which is very delicate.

I took pink silk and used a sewing machine to make a small curtain that can be opened like a door according to the size of the glass cover.

Due to the small size of the house, it is impossible to put this Buddhist altar in a single room.

The Buddha's six senses are pure, and it is most forbidden to see unclean bodies and unclean things. However, the living space is limited, so the Buddha can only be in the same room with them.

The relationship between the young couple is good, they are in their prime of life, and they are on the verge of breaking out, and bed affairs are even more indispensable.This is also human nature.

In order to prevent the Buddha from blaming her, every evening, Che Li untied the small pink curtains tied on both sides of the altar.This can kill two birds with one stone.

Che Li is indeed a little desperate. She believes in the merciful and compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva, and knows that her husband's illness is unlikely to recover. She wants to offer incense to the Bodhisattva to bless her husband's illness with miracles and gradually recover.

She lit the three sticks of incense devoutly, telling her inner distress and hesitation like a Bodhisattva in her heart.

The serene and peaceful face of Bodhisattva can always calm her heart down, and now she can only confide her inner distress with Bodhisattva.

Watching Cherry fall asleep peacefully, her pink face couldn't feel the suffering and troubles of this time.

The little guy slept so peacefully, not aware of her tragic childhood fate.

Perhaps only a Bodhisattva can change the fate of this child.She put the three sticks of incense in the golden incense burner in front of the Bodhisattva statue, and the three sticks of incense emitted faint clear smoke in three different directions, exuding a refreshing aroma.

At this moment, her husband came in, with a restless and hesitant expression on her face. Che Li hurriedly pretended nothing happened, and asked with concern, "Her father! Why did you come back so early today?"

"Oh! Don't mention it, the leader asked me to come back early today!"

As soon as her husband said this, she had already understood it. It turned out that the manager had talked to him. Although she didn't know how, she knew why!
The manager is really nice. Although he looks smooth, he is really sympathetic. He told her husband so quickly. Che Li wanted to know what the manager told her husband.

She expected that her husband would be a little puzzled, so she asked with concern: "What did the manager say? Why?"

"Hi! I was moving boxes in the warehouse. The manager came over and said he wanted to talk to me. He was very positive about my work. He said that I was a representative of advanced employees.

Wife, over the years, even though I have worked hard, I have never taken a day off or missed work, the manager has never been so sure of me like this time!
This time, while the manager praised me everyone, he also uncharacteristically asked me to give me annual leave, saying that I usually work very hard, and it is also very hard, so let me take a good rest! "

At first, Che Li felt very relieved when she heard her husband say that the manager was so supportive, and she really had to thank him wholeheartedly.

I never expected to hear the word "annual leave" and I couldn't sit still.She thought to herself that if she only had a few days of annual leave, she wouldn't even have enough time to recuperate from surgery, this manager!On the surface, he promised himself to be good, but he never thought it would be so inhuman.

"Honey, at first I thought annual leave was just a few days off! I never thought that the manager might be cheating. Guess what he understands about annual leave? I was speechless after hearing that!"

When Che Li heard that there was something to be said, it turned out that the manager said it a bit strategically.There was a slight turning point in my anxious heart.She also wanted to continue to learn what the manager said from her husband. "Isn't annual leave just a few days off, let you have a few days off?"

"Oh! My wife, we thought about going together. I thought so too when the manager said that!
But the manager said that the annual leave is to give me a year off, and I became uneasy when I heard this!

I wondered if it was because I didn't work hard at something, or something was wrong with the manager's mind, so don't fire me anymore!
The manager repeatedly comforted me and said that this is a new system established by the company, and he also reassured me that I would not lose a penny of my salary.

I also repeatedly asked about the annual leave.It is true that there is no problem at all for a year!I always feel like there's something wrong with this.what do you say? "Fang Lin looked at his wife with some doubts. He wanted to hear her opinion and her opinion on this matter.

Hearing what her husband said, Che Li's anxious mood was completely let go.

This matter is really difficult for the manager. After such a long break, it is really difficult for them to find a suitable reason.

The key is that the leader pays her husband a year's salary so much.It's really embarrassing for others, it seems that there are still many good people in the world!

Since her husband's illness, she feels that she has met many good people around her. In the past, she never thought that she and her husband would leave.

Not to mention that her husband would be terminally ill, and would even close his eyes and let go of her soon.

Now she gradually knows how to cherish her lover and the people around her.

Feeling even more how precious it is to be alive, her focus naturally fell on the deep understanding of people.

With this attention, she gradually realized that there are too many good people like old professors and managers in her life.

They performed touching scenes inadvertently, helping those who are in urgent need of help, and giving back to the society.

She hurriedly smoothed things over for the manager, "Father! You! You just like to mutter, since the leader asked you to take a break and paid you, you should take a break.

Don't feel sorry for this, sorry for that, there is no one who is sorry for anyone!
These are all the things you have worked hard to plant for yourself.It's time for you to enjoy it too.Think about it! "

When his wife said this, Fang Lin couldn't help thinking a lot.My wife is my most caring person, and many things my wife says are very reasonable.

I may be worrying too much. "Honey, this time I have to help you with the housework at home!" He felt that it was not easy for Che Li to take care of the housework, so now he has taken a break and has to help her well.

Hearing what my husband said, I felt very warm in my heart. The most important thing is that my husband can finally accept the annual leave.

She looked at her husband affectionately, she really didn't know what would happen to her if she left this tender lover, no, she couldn't let him disappear from this world, she must find a way to save her lover!

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