Mother Cherry has recently felt that her daughter Cherry is a little strange.Ever since I turned [-], I have been sneezing every day.

It was better to hug and coax him, but after a while he started crying again.This child was not like this before!Chubby, pink and tender, very cute, I really don't know what's wrong with it!
At first, the mother thought that the child was not feeling well, and when the mother and child checked it out, the doctor also felt puzzled.

Let him check it over and over again, but he didn't find any problems.I had no choice but to smile at my mother, "Are you a little too concerned.

There is no need for children to be so nervous, they are solid and don't need to be fed too much.This kid!You can grow up no matter what, don't pamper yourself too much, you will get sick easily if you care too much. "

Cheli said helplessly: "This kid was fine before! He was so happy, he couldn't bear to cry and make noise! ​​What do you think happened?"

"This toddler's heart is very complicated! Many phenomena are difficult to explain medically. Don't be too nervous!" the doctor comforted.

Hearing what the doctor said, Che Li let go of her hanging heart.A woman's intuition tells her that something important is about to happen.

Recently, Fang Lin's condition seems to be not very good.In the past, doing heavy physical work for a day was like playing, and I didn't know what it meant to be tired.

But now, after a little dry work, I'm sweating profusely, panting, and can't get over it after a whole night's sleep.

Drinking alone at noon every day is still going on.However, the capacity for alcohol is greatly reduced. In the past, when the food was good, it would not take much effort to make a bottle, and you could eat and drink.

It's good now, after taking two sips, I feel dizzy and can't get up.No matter how good the dish is, it can be finished in two bites, and the appetite is greatly reduced.

The whole person lost a lot of weight.It used to be five big and three thick, with broad shoulders and thick back, big shoulders and round waist.

Now that she is thin, with a lumpy back, she seems to be much shorter. Before wearing clothes on her body, they were tightly tied like ropes, but now!Dangling, baggy and extremely ill-fitting.

Seeing that her husband suddenly lost a lot of weight, the mother was also very worried. She didn't know what was wrong with her husband, so she asked with concern: "Is there anything bothering you these days?"

"No! It's good!"

"We are husband and wife. I know that men have strong self-esteem and want to save face. There are many things that are difficult to talk about. No one can cheat on me! If you have any difficult things to tell, I will enlighten you, and you can feel happy in your heart!

Now the society is not good, the relationship between colleagues is not good, and the money is not easy to earn.
I'm also sad, seeing you getting thinner day by day, I feel anxious, I don't know what's going on! "The more my mother talked, the more sad she became, and the more sad she was, the tears rolled in her eyes and dripped down involuntarily.

Seeing his wife crying so sadly, Fang Lin hurried over to persuade her, "Wife, you said it well just now! Why did you start crying! I feel pretty good! I'm fine!

The colleagues in the unit also care about me very much. I work very hard. The efficiency of the mall is also good, and the flow of people is constant.

We these tally members are busier every day!Everyone is very happy to work together.There is no contradiction, we just work hard, although the work is a bit tiring, but the mood is comfortable.

Unlike those laborers, they have complicated minds and rich spiritual world, and there are many intrigues among colleagues!

Compared with them, we are much happier, at least there is no pressure!
Are you OK?I feel that you are very sad today. If there is something on your mind, please tell me!Don't you have any money at home? "As he spoke, he thought about taking money out of his pocket.

Let the mother stop him, "His father! The money in the family is very rich, so don't give it any more. People are superfluous, and only people who are popular can have food. You should keep more in your body, communicate with your colleagues often, and use the money. Many. I have me at home! You don't have to worry about it!"

Hearing his wife's warm words, Fang Lin felt relieved.She is so considerate, especially considerate of herself, knowing that her husband works very hard from morning to night.

Try not to let your husband worry about family matters.From time to time, she often takes the initiative to communicate with him. She knows that he doesn't like to talk, and she is always afraid of something awkward in her heart, so she often helps her husband to talk it out.

The young couple had a very good relationship, and their hearts were devoted to each other. Unlike the young couples around them, they never blushed.

It stands to reason that it is inevitable for a couple to argue and quarrel. There is no horse pot that does not touch the edge of the pot when they are together. Bedside fights and bedside fights are also commonplace.But this young couple always treat each other with respect.

For example, today, the wife originally wanted to ease her husband's mood, but never wanted to chat, and became the husband to comfort his wife again.

This undoubtedly made both of them a little unbearable.They looked at each other and smiled.This scene has happened more than once.From falling in love to getting married, like "The Gift of the Magi", the two want to give each other the best of themselves.

Especially after Cherry was born, the situation improved a little, and both of them gave most of their love to this cute little guy.Seeing Cherry getting stronger day by day, the two couldn't hide their inner joy.

Especially when they came back from get off work, this warm family of three turned into a sea of ​​joy, the little one was crawling on the bed, and the husband handed her a beautiful doll.

Cherry hugged the cute doll and opened it happily. Cherry's small mouth jumped out excitedly word by word.

Although it was a bit vague, Fang Lin heard it sincerely.He hurriedly said loudly to his wife who was flipping through a children's book next to him: "Wife! Wife! Listen up! Hurry up! The little guy can talk!"

The mother put down the children's book, looked at the little cutie, and heard Cherry yelling vaguely in that immature voice: "Dad...Dad...Dad!"

The mother listened carefully, and hugged her husband tightly, her eyes were red with excitement, "Fang Lin! Our child can talk! She is calling Dad!"

"Yes! Our daughter can finally talk!" The couple hugged each other tightly.

Fang Lin never told his wife what was hidden in his heart. He was most afraid of her worrying.

His physical condition is not as good as before.He deluded himself into thinking that it was because of his age.

In fact, this reason is a bit far-fetched, he is not yet thirty, and he is a lively young man.

How could there be no physical strength!He always felt that his body was fine.I've never thought about health before.I didn't care too much.

He knew that his wife was very concerned about him, and if he told her about these abnormal things recently, she would definitely have trouble sleeping and eating, and hysterically persuaded himself to go to the doctor to check this and that.

In his heart, he felt that the doctor was always surprised.If there is nothing to do, let him check it from head to toe first. It is not a waste of money, but it also wastes time. There are many patients, and it takes a long time to register.

Even after checking and checking, it took me a long time to finish the work, and finally there was no obvious abnormality. Isn't this full of food!
Unexpectedly, Fang Lin's health was deteriorating, and his appetite was greatly reduced. The mother made some adjustments to cook fish and meat for her husband, which he usually loves most.But my husband felt a little troubled looking at these delicacies!

Fang Lin is very sorry, you say eat it!I really can't swallow it!No appetite!

don't eat it!Looking at his wife's loving eyes, she has been busy for a long time!

I bought it and washed it again.I just hope that my beloved husband can eat more, the husband is the pillar of the family!If he fell ill, wouldn't the family break up!

Che Li didn't notice her husband's embarrassment, and used chopsticks to pick up vegetables and meat for her husband non-stop. "Her father! You are tired from working in the unit, eat more!

Can not be short of nutrition!This is your favorite food! "While holding each other, I looked at my beloved husband affectionately, so patiently from the heart to the outside.

In order to make his wife happy, Fang Lin slammed into two mouthfuls, pretending to love food very much!I thought to myself, if I have to put it aside, this little meal is still a big deal!

It was pulled in like a wind and a cloud.But now I don't know what's the matter, I just have no appetite, I can finish it in two sips of good wine, and I only have two chopsticks in the delicious food.Have that heart but not that strength!

Che Li was very happy watching her husband eat two mouthfuls.For some reason, he put down his chopsticks again. Could it be that the dish was too salty or something.

Why don't you eat it?This is his favorite food!Puzzled, she casually picked up two chopsticks of the fish, and tasted the meat again.

She is very confident in her craftsmanship, and she feels that the taste is delicious, and the savory and fresh are just right.Nothing bad to eat!What's wrong with my husband?
"Her father! Is this dish not to your liking?"

"No! It's delicious! I didn't eat less! Wife, don't think too much!"

"I also tasted it just now. It's not heavy, but it's also very delicious! I don't think there's anything bad about it! Is it because my cooking skills have regressed? Why don't you pick up two chopsticks and stop eating? Is it these two days? A little angry? No way! We have never stopped eating fruits and vegetables!" The wife was a little puzzled.

"It's okay! I didn't eat less just now! Your cooking skills are getting better and better! I'm fine! I'm fine! Uh...uh...uh..." Before Fang Lin could finish speaking, he felt full again Hiccup again.

In fact, when I just took the first bite, I felt that something kept pushing up, and I just held my breath and forced it down!

I am afraid that my wife will see it and worry about myself.However, my wife kept picking up vegetables for herself, and I felt sorry for her if I didn't eat.

Those mouthfuls were barely swallowed.Swallowing is swallowing, but this hiccup can be endless.Fang Lin knew he couldn't hide it, so he had no choice but to lower his head.

Seeing her husband hiccupping, the wife hurriedly poured water for him from a cup, "What's the matter? I'm all to blame. I shouldn't have talked to you while you were eating. I accidentally choked on it. Drink some water and send it to him." Send it!"

The husband took the water and took two sips, but he still couldn't calm down the rhythmic hiccups.

As if being choked by something huge, all the belches came out were choking belches.For more than half an hour, without stopping, the wife gently rubbed the chest of her relieve this annoying symptom.

For several days in a row, instead of reducing the symptoms, the symptoms became more and more serious.Fang Lin hiccups every time he takes a bite.He was a little overwhelmed.

My wife has not slept for several nights. After thinking about it, after thinking about the symptoms last time and the results of the doctor's test when I went to the hospital, I always feel that the symptoms are not good.The key is that I can't eat at all, and even drink saliva in the end and I can't stop belching.

She also ignored her husband's objection, and took her husband to a taxi and went straight to Dajiang District General Hospital.This tertiary hospital is well-known throughout the country, and many patients from other provinces come here admiringly. It has nearly [-] authoritative experts.

To be on the safe side, Che Li specially referred her husband to a gastroenterology specialist clinic.This authoritative old professor has gray hair, and he seems to be a Taishan Beidou-style master in this field.There are countless patients who have registered with him, and there is still a long queue here!There is a plus sign at the back. Although his number is expensive, it still cannot hinder people's enthusiasm for believing in authority.

After waiting all morning, it was finally his turn. Fang Lin and his wife, Che Li, came to the old professor's consulting room with the medical records, registration slips and the results of the last B-ultrasound.

Next to him were two talented students who graduated from a medical university. One was recording in a notebook, and the other was preparing in front of the computer. When the old professor asked him to prescribe any medicine, he would choose it directly from the computer.

The old professor was very kind, "You two, who is the patient?"

This question made the couple happy.No wonder people asked, Fang Lin was five big and three thick, with a thick back and waist, although he was thin, his skeleton was there, after all, a skinny camel was bigger than a horse!

His wife, Cherry, is short and thin, and looks a little fragile.No wonder the old professor couldn't tell who was the patient!

Che Li quickly asked her husband to sit down, "Doctor, it's my husband who sees the doctor!"

"Oh! What's wrong?"

"Doctor! For some reason, my husband chokes and hiccups every time he eats. This beating will last for a long time, and now it has developed into endless belching! Look at what kind of disease it is!" Che Li described in detail husband's condition.

The old professor frowned and listened quietly. If you don't listen, let it go. I couldn't help but be surprised!

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