Nanfeng rolled up his arms and sleeves and stacked the cabbages from the tricycle to the small yard of Yingying's house one by one.

Taking advantage of the situation, he wiped the sweat dripping from his temples with his sleeve. "Auntie, do you think it's okay to stack it like this? If it doesn't fit, I'll move it for you!"

My mother, Che Li, was a little bit unbearable, but she never thought that this tall, strong, handsome young man is really nice!
With so many cabbages, the young man can stack them all by himself without much effort.Thinking about the tragic fate of my life, I feel sad.

The man left early, worked hard for the children for so many years, and worked hard to carry the family with his thin shoulders.

Be a father and a mother at the same time, wait and look forward to it!The child has finally grown up.I'm old too, so I don't need to suffer this crime in this life.

She has done all the hard work, dirty work, and tiring work that a man should do, and she never thought of asking others to help.

The young man in front of me loves to talk and laugh, has a good personality, is knowledgeable, and is very enthusiastic, really nice!

Looking at this lively young man, Che Li has that indescribable liking in her heart!

Thinking about my precious daughter who is already in her twenties, time is flying like an arrow, and it should be the age to talk about marriage in a short while, as a mother, she has to find a way to take care of her daughter!

However, this cherry leaves early and returns late every day, busy.Young people are dedicated to their work and want to improve. Che Li feels very relieved when she thinks about it. This child has a hard life!

After following myself for all these years, I didn't think about any blessings.Although she has worked very hard, but her cultural level is limited, she doesn't have much ability, and she tries her best, but she can only make ends meet with her children.

She knew that too much was owed to Cherry.Men are afraid of entering the wrong line of work, and women are afraid of marrying the wrong man.Cherry's life events can not be sloppy.

Cherry is busy with work and can't spare time to think about personal issues, so as a mother, I have to choose a good one for her.

She has already suffered all her life, and she doesn't want her child to live a lonely life like her.

Thinking of this, she hurriedly cleaned the teacup. Since she only had one arm, she had to unscrew the water source first, pick up the teacup and wash it at the faucet, then put the teacup on the table, and tighten the faucet.Ready to go back to the house to get tea.

Seeing that the old man was inconvenient, Dongfeng was busy pouring water and making tea for him, so he took it over, "Ma'am! Don't worry about it! I'll do it myself! I don't like tea, but plain water!" He picked up the cup he had just washed, filled it with a thermos, and drank it in small sips.

"Good boy! Thank you for your hard work! Help me push this way, and help me yard to the yard. Sit here and rest for a while!
I'm not very good with my hands, so my daily activities are quite inconvenient! "Cherry said helplessly.

"Ma'am, how did you do that?" Nanfeng asked knowingly.

"Hi! Don't mention it! The work-related injury in the workplace when I was young! It's all in the past! It hurts to mention it!" Mother Cheli felt a little sad.

"Don't be sad! Since it's a thing of the past, let's let the past go! Isn't life good now!" Nanfeng said comfortingly.

"Young man! After talking for so long, I still don't know your name?"

"My name is Nanfeng!"

"Nanfeng! I seem to have heard my daughter mention it! She has a colleague named Nanfeng, who is quite talkative and laughable, tall and strong, strong and solid!"

"Your daughter?" Nan Feng understood in his heart that Che Li was talking about him.

"Yes! I have a daughter who is in her 20s. Her name is Cherry! She works at the construction management station of the Dajiang District Construction Committee. She has not been working for a long time!"

"Auntie! You are talking about Cherry! I am the Nanfeng you mentioned! Cherry is my colleague! We have a good relationship! What a coincidence! It turns out that her family lives here!" The similarity is purely coincidental surprise.

"Oh! What a coincidence! Cherry always mentions you! Said that you have helped her a lot at work.

The job assigned to her by the leader is relatively heavy, so you will work tirelessly to help her complete it!Thank you! "Mother Cheli happily chatted with Nanfeng.

Not to mention how happy she was. This young man was tall and strong, with a solid body and a lively life. He and Cherry were colleagues, and their jobs were stable.

He has a good personality, is also very talkative, and is so enthusiastic. He is really a good person who can't be found even with a lantern!

This is the way I am all my life, my daughter must be happy!If such a son-in-law comes to the door, what an old face!Not much scenery!

"Auntie! You are welcome! Colleagues should help each other. When everyone is not in order, there will be a time when the horse's high stirrups are short. The more this is the case, the more we must help each other." Nanfeng spoke very brightly.This makes the mother feel both kind and comfortable.

"Good boy! You have done so much work today! Are you tired? Don't go! I'm going to cook, and I'll leave after lunch!" Mother said, going to the kitchen to prepare meals.

Looking at the old man's mutilated body, he was busy cooking for him.Nanfeng suddenly felt that he couldn't bear it.

He hurriedly stopped the old man: "Aunt! Don't be too busy! Sit here and rest! I'll go buy it! What do you want to eat?"

Mother Cheli looked at the young man's sincere eyes and was extremely moved.

The young man has been busy all morning.Instead, he had to buy food for her and asked her what she likes to eat?
It's been a long time since a man cared so much about himself!I remember that when my husband was alive, he cared for her meticulously.

The husband is also tall and burly like the young man, with a dignified appearance.At that time, Che Li was pregnant, her belly was conceived, and her movements were extremely inconvenient. Her husband would always look at her with gentle eyes and ask what she wanted to eat.

This flash!It was decades ago.The husband's voice and smile are vivid in my memory, as time has passed, it seems as if it was yesterday, and it is still so real.

Looking at the tall and burly young man in front of her, the mother vaguely remembered her husband's kind words.This long-lost warmth aroused the softest corner of Che Li's heart.

Every time she thinks of her husband who loves her so much, Che Li's heart bleeds.

Cherry's father, Fang Lin, left her mother and daughter when Cherry was two years old.

Mother Che Li wept bitterly and was filled with compassion.Seeing that the tall body with five big and three thick skins turned into a narrow strip, it was lying in the big coffin like a skeleton.Che Li's heart ached, looking at the crying child in the swaddle, the tears never stopped on her face.

In Che Li's impression, her husband Fang Lin has always been in good health. From dating to marriage, he has never been seen to be sick. There is no such thing as headaches, minor ailments, minor disasters, and no one can be found at all.

Fang Lin can eat and drink, and has a good appetite.This meal was more than three meals for Cherry.

Seeing this strong man, Che Li couldn't be happier.I don't know what to do for him.

Fang Lin works in a department store, tallying goods for the warehouse.Moving around every day, busy climbing up and down stairs.

I never feel tired and earn a lot of money.The efficiency of the shopping mall is good. Apart from giving a large part to my beloved wife, I will always keep some as a small working capital.

At noon, I cook two small dishes outside and boil a pot of hot wine. I am so happy to have wine and meat!In the afternoon, the hard work continued.

Soon Cherry was born. Seeing her rosy little face, Fang Lin hugged the little one happily and couldn't put it down.

Looking at her husband's happy face, let alone the mother's happiness.The family of three lived happily ever after.

The little guy is a bit jet-lagged, he sleeps for more than ten hours during the day, but he is full of energy at night, with his big bright jewel-like eyes, looking left and right, and then burst into tears with his pink mouth .

It's not pulling, it's peeing, it's not hungry, it's thirsty.Fang Lin and Che Li had no choice but to get up in a daze, sleepy-eyed and reluctantly.

Diaper-changing diaper-changing, milk-making milk-making.Che Li didn't have enough milk, so she had to let Cherry drink milk powder, feeding every three hours and water every hour.This night is coming!The next day, the two of them went to work as usual and put the cherries in the kindergarten in the Cheli unit.

Although it is not easy to bring up a child, it is not a problem if the two of you are busy together!
Mother Cherry feels that recently, her husband seems to have a bad appetite.

The appetite is okay, but I always feel a little full of flatulence.After eating, I still can't stop pushing it up, and I don't want to vomit, so I just keep hiccupping.

Fang Lin didn't care too much, he still had to eat and drink.With his physique, he never knew what a cold was or what a fever was.

He is as strong as a cow, and he guessed that his appetite might be cold, so drinking some hot water will relieve it.

Che Li felt that something was wrong, and persuaded her husband, "Her father! Let's go to the hospital and let the doctor take a look at it! The doctor will prescribe some medicine for us, and you will be fine as soon as you finish eating! Watching you eat I burped and gasped, how uncomfortable!"

"Take a good look at what's wrong! It's just a matter of appetite! It will be fine in a few days! Don't be surprised and suspicious!" The husband said to his wife impatiently.

After a period of time, the mother felt that her husband's hiccups became more serious after meals, and the beating was like a meal, which was very painful.

Che Li couldn't bear it any longer, and forced her husband to go to the hospital for a look.Fang Lin had no choice but to bite the bullet and go to the hospital with his wife.

He has never been to the hospital since he was a child!He always felt that the hospital was just a different kind of building to him.Somewhat redundant.

The doctor asked him to have a B-ultrasound check.Fang Lin lay on the bed in the B-ultrasound room, lifted up the clothes on his abdomen, revealing his strong six-pack abs.

The doctor jokingly said: "Such a strong young man came here to see a doctor! He is better than us doctors! How enviable!"

"I'll tell you the truth! I've never been in a hospital since I grew up! It's the first time today."

The doctor showed an expression of admiration, "The body is really good! Look at this tendon!" As he spoke, he used an ultrasonic device, dipped a transparent couplant and moved it around his abdomen, Fang Lin's body was full of itches, how could he stand the stimulation!He couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Don't move! You won't be allowed to move once! Hold on for a while!" He took out a few pieces of paper and handed them to Fang Lin.Tell him to wipe it off.

Fang Lin wiped off the greasy stuff on his abdomen, and did not forget to ask: "That's all right, right?"

The doctor smiled at him and said, "Okay! The report will be out in half an hour! Just wait at the door."

Fang Lin walked out of the examination room and saw Che Li waiting anxiously.

Seeing him coming out, he rushed to the front and asked impatiently, "How is it? Are you all right!"

"The doctor said, wait for the results!" Fang Lin looked at the anxious wife in front of him disapprovingly.

In less than half an hour, the door of the examination room opened, and a young doctor walked out, "Is Fang Lin there! The examination report is out!"

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