Cherry's question really put Mu Jin in a difficult situation.Others are straight, don't ignorantly say who is good and who is bad.

Although Cherry is infatuated with him, after all, the contact time is short, and he can't even figure out the temper of the little girl in front of him, and they don't know each other very well.

Narcissus is different. They could have been husband and wife, and there is a kind of sympathetic tacit understanding in their hearts.

It is no longer a matter of understanding or not understanding.It's not a coincidence, there is no destiny, and now the two children are about to go to junior high school.

For so many years, Narcissus always thinks of Hibiscus in everything.Even Hibiscus's life event.I just hope that Hibiscus will be happy.Otherwise, he wouldn't recommend the cute little girl in front of him to him.

Hibiscus also hopes that Narcissus will be happy.In order to get her out of the predicament, Mu Jin endured humiliation for so many years.

In order to protect Narcissus from outside gossip, Ning sacrificed his image in the minds of his colleagues to preserve her.

Although they are not husband and wife, they care about each other deeply, and their relationship is deeper than that of the couple who share the same bed, have different dreams, face and heart.

How can these two be compared?Of course Cherry hopes to hear Hibiscus say she is good.This shows her place in Mu Jin's heart.

But how did Cherry consider the feelings of the thin man in front of her?

Mu Jin smiled slightly, "Cherry, you are a good girl! Like Narcissus Station Master, you are very kind, virtuous, and understanding!" He was obviously pushed into a corner, and could no longer continue on this topic.

He vaguely felt that Cherry was very interested in the Narcissus!It seems to be deliberately compared with this beautiful webmaster.

This is what Hibiscus does not want to see.If the two are put in front of him, if they are really compared, he will have a chance to choose again.

He would choose Narcissus without hesitation.Although Cherry is younger than her, more energetic than her, and has a much better figure than her.

But what Hibiscus saw was not these.He is a very emotional person.He will not let those external factors interfere with his firm heart.

Cherry is pressing hard on this matter.He had no choice but to answer like this, neither side offended.

This answer did not satisfy Cherry!She hopes that her lover has only herself in her heart. After all, love is selfish, especially between lovers.

She didn't want half of his heart to be left to others.But she could see that Mu Jin was a bit embarrassed when answering this question.It will not be hard to force each other.

She began to change the subject: "What do you want your future home to look like?"

Seeing that Cherry finally changed the subject and stopped entangled in that issue, Mu Jin let go of her hanging heart, "The space is not too big, I can just have a desk and a chair! I don't expect anything else!"

Cherry smiled, "Could it be possible to turn this place into a small home in the future?"

Hibiscus looked at her helplessly, "Perhaps my imagination of my future home comes from this office! After all, I have spent most of my life here! Perhaps the narrow and crude environment limits my imagination." Let's do it!"

Cherry smiled happily, and she could always find happy notes when she was with him.This kind of happiness actually comes from a simple, calm, pure and clear heart.

Although he works hard every day, these positive energies always surround him, making him tired and happy.This happiness can also infect the lovely little girl opposite.

Mu Jin looked at her: "It's my turn to ask this time! How about you?"

Cherry blinked those crystal-clear jet-black eyes, thought for a while, "I think similarly to you!"

Mu Jin was a little surprised, "Don't you like big houses and big cars?"

"No!" Cherry replied without thinking.


"Because no matter how big the house or the best car is, it's not as important as you!" Cherry looked at him affectionately.

Hibiscus also lowered her head in embarrassment.The little girl's mind jumps so fast!In the blink of an eye, he was looking forward to the future with him.

Mu Jin felt the true affection for him from the little girl.That kind of innocence without any superfluous elements is a kind of natural romance, which entrusts the girl's beautiful fantasy and expectation for the future.

The more this is the case, the harder it is for him to refuse!Such an innocent little girl, he was afraid of hurting her, and he didn't want to see the Narcissus scene repeat itself on this innocent and lovely little girl.

In that case, he would rather protect her for the rest of his life.Let her be harmed by no one.

He has always been very guilty about dealing with Narcissus, and it was that time when he broke up with his head and made a big mistake.

There is no way to undo this mistake.History is so similar that it seems to be about to repeat itself.Don't let the little girl be heartbroken again!
Cherry's feelings for him are as strong as a torrent of water.But it is different from narcissus. The emotion of narcissus is like a gurgling spring with a steady flow, but a steady stream.

One can imagine what would happen to a girl like Cherry if he rejected her kindness.

He even thought that the fate of the little girl would be even more tragic than that of Narcissus.Together for the past few days, Mu Jin learned that Cherry's fate was very tragic since she was a child!

Her father died young, and her mother became disabled halfway through. Fate was extremely unfair to this poor little girl.

Now she puts some hopes for the future and yearning for a better life on him, she loves him so deeply.

How could he bear to refuse all of this!He has already let the narcissus shed all his tears for him.Don't let Cherry feel sad for him anymore.

Hibiscus decided to treat the little girl twice as well!Treat her as the incarnation of Narcissus, and make double the love owed to Narcissus to this poor little girl!
"Mujin, I lived in a very difficult environment since I was a child, which makes me cherish my life even more! If it weren't for those good people who are eager to help us, I might not be alive now.

I don't have high requirements for life, and I can easily meet them!I have never had any fatherly love since I was a child!

Mother is very good to me!With all her heart on me, she worked hard.I have helped her with housework since I was very young!

For me, the good life now is like living in a honeypot!Especially when I met you!Do you know what attracts me the most about you? "Cherry looked at him tenderly.

"What? I never thought there was anything attractive about me!" Hibiscus said modestly.

"It's this kind of persistence!" Cherry said affectionately.

"Persistence?" Mu Jin was a little puzzled.

"Yes! Guess what made me pay attention to you in the first place?" Cherry straightened the neat hair beside her ears.

The faint fragrance of jasmine permeates the whole room, and hibiscus is intoxicated by the intoxicating fragrance of flowers and the delicate and gentle pink face of the beauty.

Cherry seems to be the Narcissus when he was young, as if Narcissus was chatting with himself, "What? Have you ever heard of me?"

"It's the light from your window every gentle night!" Cherry stared into Hibiscus's eyes. "The light made me see hope and feel the warmth of this hut. It gave me a home for my lonely soul since I was a child."

"Did you feel that the people in this window were so strange? Why didn't you go home after get off work?" Mu Jin's simple and happy factor appeared again in due course.It can always bring joy and surprise to the little girl.

It was only then that Mu Jin suddenly realized that every time he walked out of the quiet construction committee compound after working overtime, he felt faint eyes staring at him, but when he looked back, it was the bright window of the small building of the construction management station, as if someone had passed by.

It turned out that the figure was a cherry, and she watched his hurried back every night.As soon as Hibiscus turned her head, she avoided it.

For a little girl, facing her lover is reserved and shy.She buried love secretly in her heart.

Cherry smiled, and Hibiscus's words could always make that pink face show a lovely smile at the right time. "At that time, I just thought you were quite mysterious!"

"Mysterious? I don't think so! Tell me!"

"A man with a story! A man who works hard! A man who doesn't go home! A man who dares to jump into the icy river to save himself and others, a man who regards his colleagues as brothers, a man who dares to fight against evil , and of course someone I love deeply." Cherry was still very loud and impassioned at first, but at the end she was shyer than a mosquito's voice.

"How can I be as good as you said! This is no longer the leading actor in a TV series. He combines the advantages of many people, comes from life, and is higher than life. There are many shortcomings in me! It's just that you haven't discovered it. " Hibiscus said modestly.

If Cherry wears filtering glasses, all she sees in Hibiscus are advantages, even if there are shortcomings, they are filtered out by the glasses.How can men and women in love see the shortcomings of each other!
Cherry asked delicately: "Then, what are the strengths in me?"

"Do you have to say it?" Mu Jin asked mysteriously.

"Of course! It must come from the heart, it must be your true opinion!" Cherry said with some seriousness.

The spirituality of Hibiscus came again, "Your cooking is delicious!"

This sentence is very useful for Cherry, she asked again and again: "What else?"

"And? And the rice you cook is also delicious!"

Hibiscus jumped out one sentence at a time, and Cherry was in a hurry, "Go on, is there anything else?"

"Well! By the way! The house you cleaned is very clean! The air freshener you used, I like the scent of jasmine very much!" Hibiscus showed a sly smile.

Cherry finally understood, this hibiscus!Joke with yourself, play charades!Play word games!It could have been replaced by a sentence of virtuousness, but he insisted on making mysteries and saying so many redundant and useless sentences, so that he couldn't bear his short temper.

"Mujin, look how I'll deal with you!" Cherry stood up and chased him, punching him with her slender hands clenched into fists, and Mujin could only smile and circle the desk to avoid the little girl's soft fist.

Hibiscus is small in stature, evasive and timely.Cherry was different. The little girl was slow to move, but she was a little annoyed by Hibiscus, and she chased after her desperately.The floor of the office is paved with ceramic tiles, which have poor anti-skid performance, and the cherries have just been wiped and have not yet dried out.

Cherry was only chasing, and couldn't help but slipped on the soles of her feet, and her body couldn't help falling forward. Mu Jin was shocked, knowing that this time Cherry was in danger!

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