Cherry said to Hibiscus aggrievedly: "I am crying for my unfortunate life experience!"

Mu Jin patiently persuaded, "Let the past things pass by, and everything must look forward. Everyone will inevitably experience painful things. Think more about happy things, and don't let those bad things disturb your mood. "

Cherry has long regarded Hibiscus as her closest person, and wants to give this heart to him without reservation.There is nothing wrong with telling him!

So he told him the whole process of his father's untimely death and his mother's painstaking efforts to bring her up and accidentally disable her.

After hearing this, Mu Jin couldn't help sighing: "Oh! I didn't expect your life experience and fate to be so tragic, and I feel very uncomfortable when I hear it!

Your mother is really a great person, she has paid too much for you, you should honor her well!How is she now? "

"It's okay! The factory will send someone to visit her on a regular basis! My mother is most concerned about me!" Cherry said helplessly.

"Poor parents in the world! How many mothers don't love their children! Don't think about these unhappy things!"

Nanfeng listened to the lingering words of the two cuddling together outside the door, his lungs were about to explode.The woman he loves is snuggling in Mu Jin's arms, which makes him feel like a knife is twisting his heart.

He listened quietly.Cherry narrated the unbearable past, which was embarrassing, and her life experience was very tragic.

Nanfeng has made a plan in his heart, and in the future, if he marries Cherry back home, he must love her well.Make her the happiest woman in the world.

But after thinking about it, it's better not to think so far.Now this beloved girl is about to become someone else's girlfriend, if she doesn't take some action, she will have to drink other people's wedding wine soon.

While thinking, he tiptoed out of the corridor.Go straight to the nearby photo studio, and the photos just taken are clearly washed out.

Although it is more expensive to wait and wait, it will not miss a big deal. Put the photo in the envelope, and Nanfeng left in a hurry.

The gentle night is long and long, and short and short.It was long and lonely.However, in this humble and small office.Time flies by like clockwork, and it is difficult to grasp.

The time with the lover is always so short.Cherry has a lot to say to Hibiscus.However, the twelve o'clock bell rang again, like Cinderella in the fairy tale was about to say goodbye to the prince.

They were walking down the wide avenue at midnight.A little bit of moonlight shines on this gentle and romantic night.

At night, it was so quiet that people were at a loss. Looking at the tall buildings in the distance, Mu Jin was relieved that her efforts were not in vain.

The buildings in this city condensed his painstaking efforts over the years.Since I was in my twenties, I have racked my brains and offered suggestions for the development and layout of this city.

In a flash, he was almost forty.In the past 20 years, he only felt that he still had a lot to do.

Although he had already dedicated his youth and years to this city, he still felt that it was not enough.I also want to dedicate the other half of my life to this beautiful city to make it more prosperous and strong so that the people can live and work in peace and contentment.This is his greatest wish.

Cherry's mood at this moment is completely different from his.She hopes that her lover can express it to her personally.

Although men and women in love, men tend to take the initiative.Especially when expressing sincerity with a woman.

For a pair of lovers, this is a key node of a milestone event, and its importance is self-evident.The time, place, occasion, and timing have to be just right.

In the gentle night, everything is silent, and the bright moonlight decorates this road, this scene, this lamp, and this person so exquisitely.

Like being alone in a fairy tale world, Cherry couldn't hold back her beating heart. She wanted to express her sincere feelings for her lover, "What's your impression of me?"

Although Narcissus stationmaster has revealed to her Hibiscus' thoughts.But she still hopes to pursue the romantic and warm face-to-face, so that Mu Jin can express her love to her personally.

Hibiscus really expressed her thoughts sincerely, "Cherry! You are a good girl! Gentle and generous, virtuous and considerate, no man will refuse your kindness! Including me!"

As soon as these words came out, Cherry secretly rejoiced in her heart, this was the first time her lover expressed sincerely to her.

This also means that the relationship between the two has been further sublimated.Cherry dreamed of hearing such gentle words.

She hugged Prince Charming tightly, and said softly: "Why didn't you tell me earlier. It made people suffer from lovesickness for you every day. You should know my feelings for you!"

Listen to what Sister Narcissus has said!I will follow you for the rest of my life!Unless you don't marry! Cherry hugged this thin body tightly, for fear that she would run away if she let go. She was immersed in the warmth and joy of happiness.

Mu Jin's heart ached unceasingly, she did not expect the little girl's feelings for him to be so sincere.Before she could finish speaking, she couldn't wait to express it to him.

Hibiscus makes a good impression on cherries.But it doesn't mean that you want to develop in the direction of lovers with Cherry.

What Mu Jin loves deeply and cannot let go of is her first love Narcissus.The reason why he has been single for many years is because of his work, and the thing he can't let go of is Narcissus.

No one can enter the relationship between them.Age may not be a problem for most people, but Mujin is very entangled, Cherry is ten years younger than him!He didn't want to wrong the little girl.

There is also my own workaholic, although it is easy to talk about it now, but after getting married, I will face a lot of trivial matters in the family. At that time, I am afraid it will not be as simple as it is now.Work is always the first priority for him, and it will be like this in this life.

Furthermore, he felt that Nanfeng was deeply in love with Cherry. From his unreserved expression that day, it could be seen that Nanfeng trusted him very much.

It is because of trust that you can confide in your heart, how can you take the lead and replace it!Emotionally and rationally, doing so is very inappropriate.

When Narcissus found her that day, her excited expression.Let Mu Jin feel that Narcissus is so concerned about his affairs.

Mu Jin was most afraid that Narcissus would feel sad, so she didn't refuse abruptly, but he didn't agree either!

Narcissus mistakenly thought that he agreed, so she went back and conveyed the wrong signal to Cherry.These things are intertwined and constitute no small misunderstanding.

This again put him in a dilemma.Reject it, it's unfair to the other girl, she has already expressed it to herself.If she refuses at this time, where does the girl put her face.

Yes!I am really sorry for myself!When riding a tiger is hard to get off, we have to adopt the method of silence is golden and cold treatment.

Wait for the girl to calm down before explaining to her slowly!It might make him feel better.

How could Cherry guess Mu Jin's thoughts, he knew that the little girl loved him deeply.

There is no reason.It's just a feeling.The cherry in the arms of the hibiscus feels very solid.She never knew what it was like to have a father since she was a child.

As long as I can remember, I have never received a father's love.People often say that a father's love is like a mountain, but she didn't realize it at all.

She wasn't interested in boys her age at all.I like mature and stable men the most.Subtly, I have some Electra complex, and I like older men.

She got spiritual comfort from Hibiscus.She has no sense of security, and hopes to make up for this father's love while gaining love.

Cherry feels that the relationship with Hibiscus has been sublimated, and she no longer has to be uneasy about her secret love. She can safely and boldly hold her boyfriend's warm hand.Nestled in his arms naturally.

So Hibiscus sent this little girl home full of joy and excitement!He left in a hurry.

Early in the morning, Nanfeng came to the office of Director An of the Construction Committee. After all, the door of this old Tao Mao's office was only open to the public for two hours in the morning, and the door was locked for the rest of the time.

Director An was very polite: "It's Nanfeng! What's the matter?"

Nanfeng really hasn't seen Director An these days. It seems that Lao Taomao has changed his glasses. Although the lenses are still as thick, the style has become more avant-garde.

There are inexplicably little scars around the eyes, I don't know if it was knocked or touched.He didn't know that Cherry beat him.

"Director! I want to report something to you!"


"Mujin took advantage of her position to force Cherry to work overtime, and asked her to come to her office to wait for an opportunity to commit dirty acts. Cherry has just graduated from college, and Mujin is in her forties. The age difference is more than ten years old. This is by no means normal. Free love.

It must be Mu Jin who blackmailed the little girl and forced her to achieve his ulterior purpose.In this regard, I will report this matter to you as soon as possible!I hope you can contact the Commission for Discipline Inspection to resolve this matter, so that employees cannot feel insecure at work! "Nanfeng said angrily.

"If there is such a thing, do you have any evidence?" Director An was calm on the surface, but in fact he was overjoyed. He hoped that this opportunity would not come in time!That day, I didn't succeed in the editing room, and I was punched by this little girl, so that black beads burst out, and I couldn't wish to die.

He watched helplessly as the little girl ran to Mu Jin's office.How can I swallow this breath!Don't get what you can't get yourself.

Without a word, Nanfeng took out the photos he had prepared and showed Director An.

Director An took the photo and looked at it, and couldn't help being furious. He slapped the table hard, and the cup on the table made a "crack" sound. "It's unreasonable! The photos are unsightly. I didn't expect that such a thing could be tolerated in our large administrative agency. How can such a cadre stay in our team serving the people!"

I'm going to the Commission for Discipline Inspection now, and I have to report this matter to the comrades in the Commission for Discipline Inspection.You go with me, with these pictures.

As he said that, he dialed the office phone: "Hello! Director Ma? Arrange a car to go to the Commission for Discipline Inspection immediately!"

A brand new black Audi drove out of the construction committee compound and headed towards the Discipline Inspection Commission of Dajiang District at high speed.

The government building was still as quiet as yesterday, the door of the sixth monitoring team on the second floor was open, and Director An knocked on the door politely.

Team leader Yan looked up and saw this familiar face, "It's Lao An! It's rare! You still took time out of your busy schedule to come and see me! Please sit down! Please sit down!"

"Old Yan! I'm here today to report a big event to you!"

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