roses and lilies

Chapter 157 Loading

After Nanfeng thought about it, why did the old spy look for him?These days, we supervise the second group to search for various projects!

The target task was still overfulfilled, and three of the measuring tapes alone were broken. They went to the project sites to measure and measure in a serious manner, forcing the project general contractor to pay the spoils.I have contributed a lot to this old spy!How did he offend him!

Hearing the voice on the phone, he was furious and furious.It looked as if he had offended him somehow.

Hey, there is no way, he is the leader, and he said that it is best to bow his head and listen, and agree with him.Don't get mad at this old guy, he's going to hate you, do you still want to do this job!

It's not too important whether you do it or not, there is no place for you to stay here, you have your own place to stay, and the living can be suffocated to death by urine!
But I have already suffered from lovesickness, and I can't see the pink cherry for a day, and my heart feels empty. Even if I don't want to be a lover, it's better to look at it from afar!

Thinking about the footsteps without stopping at all, he walked out of the lobby of the construction management station with strides, and went straight to the small building of the supervision station opposite.

When I came to the deputy station master's office, the old spy was sitting at the desk. Luck!Seeing Nanfeng coming, he waved his hand to signal to close the door, then shouted loudly: "Do you still want to do it? If you don't want to do it, hurry up and write a letter of resignation, I will approve you now!"

Nanfeng felt inexplicable, where did he start?I have never seen the old spy make such a big fuss.what is it today?Puzzled in his heart, he subconsciously suppressed his anger, and he couldn't bring it out on the surface!

Nan Feng said with a gentle attitude: "Station Master, calm down and talk about things slowly. I don't know what's wrong with you giving me such a slap in the face? What is the so-called reason?"

"What's the reason! You're still dragged! Are you too idle every day? Why do you always run to other people's construction management stations? Do you want to transfer to work! See what you look like when you idle every day!" The old spy reprimanded aggressively.

Nan Feng just realized that the leader complained that he always ran to Cherry every day when he had nothing to do, how did the old spy know about this?Someone must have made a small report on himself, who could it be?
Nan Feng thought about it, and then suddenly realized that it was him.Who is this?Do you even need to ask?It must be the one sitting across the door from him, who else but Dongfeng knows his whereabouts!

This guy, who has done more than fail, usually just sneers at me.I never thought that I would go to the leader to give me a small report, and the leader would approve me!He pretended to be a good person.He also asked about the long and short, and asked about the cold and warmth.Really worthwhile colleagues!This is how to treat comrades who get along day and night!The character is really invincible.He secretly gritted his teeth and hated Dongfeng.

But you have to pass this hurdle in front of you!I had to admit it. "Station Master, I don't dare to neglect my work at ordinary times, regardless of the indicators you arrange..."

Before Nan Feng could finish speaking, the Deputy Station Master of Spy interrupted him: "Who did you say arranged the targets? I didn't arrange any targets for you! You are completing your own work! You have to explain clearly, don't think I even indulge you to eat and get cards!"

Nanfeng knew that he had violated the big taboo of old spies, so he slipped out of things that were not on the table and could not be seen as normal.

Quickly changed his words and continued to explain: "I'm sorry! The station master! I made a slip of the tongue. I mean, I didn't delay my job. I'm an extrovert, but you said that I'm facing Dongfeng who can't kick a fart in our office every day. , Big eyes and small eyes, I can't bear it! I will be suffocated to death!
It's just that after work, this group chats with that group, and the mood is better, don't you think?Don't worry, you will never delay your work.If you feel that something is wrong, I can restrain myself a little more.There is no way, this is determined by personality, Taishan is easy to change, but nature is hard to change!Hope you understand! "

"Understood ass, you are too busy, and you still have time to chat every day, it seems that there are still few jobs for you! Starting tomorrow, I will give you the work of checking the safety of each project! In addition to completing your job in one day In addition to the existing work, we also need to go to the five projects under construction to check the safety, including checking large machinery, frames, safe electricity use, openings and border protection, safety information, etc.! And report the results of the inspection in written form Give it to me. If you can’t finish it, you are not allowed to leave work. If you can’t do it, you can tell me. There are college students who can’t find a job and want to do it. They are all lined up in the back. There are two ways, either continue to work or quit quickly. No one stops you. When do you write your resignation letter, I will sign and approve it immediately."

Nanfeng thought to himself, this is the rhythm of death!Not to mention checking five projects a day, even checking one a day, there are not a few projects that cost 60 square meters or even [-] or [-] square meters!Let alone one person, even ten people will have to check for a while.

Now it's all right, not to mention going to the construction management station to see cherries, it's hard to say whether sleep can be guaranteed, and I have no choice but to work overtime.

In fact, he is also reluctant to part with this job. The salary is not low, and the benefits are good. Compared with his peers, it is relatively stable. If you are tired, you will be tired!He has to work hard when he is young. He must show the spirit of learning from the station master Mu and work hard to complete the tasks assigned by the leaders.It's a pity that the chance to meet Cherry is less when I get busy.How he wished to see her pink and tender little face every day!

Thinking of this, Nanfeng sincerely apologized to the leader: "Station Master, you are right. You can't do other things during working hours. I solemnly assure you that similar things will not happen again in the future. Please calm down, don't Don't worry, I have no opinion on the matter you arranged. I will work hard and work hard. I don't mean to resign. I am very satisfied with such a good job. Don't worry, checking safety is my strong point. I will do my best. effort."

Nanfeng's three-inch tongue is really in charge at critical moments, and what he said is humbly and sincerely, and the anger of the old spy has subsided unconsciously. Common sayings are a hindrance!Words in place can often have unexpected results.

"Young people! There is no harm in doing more, and you have to learn more! You have a long way to go in the future, and we old guys are here. You are the sun at eight or nine o'clock! The final world It’s still yours, do it well!” The spy deputy stationmaster felt that he had lost his composure, so he said some warm words of encouragement to ease the relationship between the superior and the subordinate.

In fact, he really didn't mean to let Nanfeng do a lot of work, he just hoped that these jobs could be tied up by Nanfeng, so that he would not be able to get out, so that he would not go to Director An's harem when he had nothing to do, and make trouble for himself, the station master. .Get involved in your own career.

Walking out of the Deputy Station Master's Office, Nanfeng rushed to the Construction Management Station without stopping. There was his beloved girl there. He knew that he would be busy with intense work tomorrow, and the chances of meeting him would be less and less in the future. Think about how it feels in your heart.

He recalled that good time, although he helped her do a lot of heavy work, but the days with her were so comfortable and the mood was so cheerful, how wonderful it would be to live a lifetime like that!Although people don't mean anything to themselves!It was just his unrequited love, but he couldn't control himself not to think about her.

Still in the editing room with a faint fragrance, he saw that Cherry was still facing the computer screen, quickly entering information, that delicate face, gentle and slender fingers, touching the snow-white computer keyboard, there was a crisp and melodious sound from time to time. Rhythmic percussion.

Nanfeng looked at her intently, fearing that the noise would interrupt the beautiful woman's work.It was satisfying to be able to look at her quietly.He knew that no matter what he said, she would not agree to associate with him.

A woman is a very mysterious creature. If she doesn't have feelings for you, no amount of training can change anything.

But if she likes you, even if you don't know her at all, she will miss you all the time.The cherry in front of her is like this, Hibiscus doesn't know her existence at all, but she has a crush on him to death.

Even the light from his office can encourage her to work overtime until 12 o'clock. Watching Mujin rush through the construction committee compound and disappear into the night, the satisfaction and joy in her heart can support her heavy and tiring day. Work.Give her strength and drive.Even what she looks forward to most this day is to see the thin figure of her lover at twelve o'clock.

Cherry's pain of lovesickness is not the pain of his south wind!Now he is looking forward to seeing her soft figure.Just watching from a distance, for fear of disturbing her life.Besides, there will not be many such opportunities in the future.He must greet the new tasks assigned by the leaders with the fullest enthusiasm.

Cherry was also a little surprised today. Nanfeng came here early on weekdays and chatted with her in full swing. Why didn't she come today!Is it because I was a little too blunt in rejecting him last time? Is it possible that I hurt him? I feel that a cheerful person like him should not be the kind of person who can't think about things.

With Nanfeng not around, Cherry really felt that this long time was not easy to pass.The days are as long as the years.In fact, how could she know that Nanfeng was behind her, staring at her back in a daze!
Nanfeng originally wanted to assign the leader to work for him, and told her that he would not be able to visit her often in the future, but he swallowed the words again.Still don't bother her.

In case she asks, I don't know what to say to her.Nanfeng knew that there was no chance, so he had no choice but to bury his love in his heart, and looked at her from afar, reminiscing about the busy and happy time with her.He gently walked out of the small building of the construction management station and walked towards his office.

The culprit of all this while walking and thinking was the one sitting across from him whose ears twitched whenever he thought about something.It wasn't for him making small reports to himself and the leaders, how could he be where he is today.This Dongfeng!How blind I am!It's time to see through his character.Nanfeng concentrated all his anger on Dongfeng.

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