roses and lilies

Chapter 152 Status Quo

Gang Tian continued: "Station Master Mu, how about the director of the construction committee?"

"To be honest, I feel that he is not real, and he is a bit inconsistent. Every time the Construction Committee holds a meeting, he is always well-dressed, dignified, and has an image of a good cadre of the people.

After dealing with him for a long time, he will realize the cunning of this person, he is good at playing with the relationship between his hands.

If you want to talk about clean government, there is no way to verify this. Corrupt officials can't write those two words on their foreheads!I disagree with many of his opinions.

Once, the provincial team set up a model below.Since it is typical, there will definitely be good and bad. We must set up the positive ones and encourage the later ones.Choose one of the good and the bad, and log on to the website of the Provincial Construction Committee.

In the process of supervision and inspection, many provinces have emerged to observe construction sites. Whether these projects are construction units or general contractors, people attach great importance to them.It integrates the provincial civilized construction site and the provincial excellent construction site.

It is difficult to distinguish which of these projects is superior or not.For a while, the leaders of the Construction Committee had a hard time.

During this period, the boss of a general contractor of a project visited Director An's office in due course.In the afternoon, Director An came to me and said that he would give this high-quality model to this most unsightly construction site. This project caused headaches for many supervisors. In just one year, they were ordered to suspend work for rectification several times.

At that time, I argued with Director An for a long time.In the end, seeing that he couldn't screw me, he threw up his sleeves and left in a fit of anger.It can be seen that he still doesn't know how much he hates me!
I made it very clear to him that what is good is good and what is not good is not good. We cannot allow factors other than the project to affect the results of rewards and punishments.

We represent the government, so we should speak with the facts. I brought the copies of the notices of suspension and rectification issued by all the monitoring stations of the project to Director An for his review.It could be seen that he was very angry, and even tore up the photocopies I took over.

We disagree on many points.The eyes of the masses are discerning, and in their minds, the two of us are dubbed "the general and the prime minister are at odds".

In many cases, Director An failed to proceed from the reality when thinking about the problem, nor did he proceed from the vital interests of the people and the livelihood of the people.I only look at the insignificant little interests in front of me, and do some things that are not visible and can't be put on the table against my conscience. This makes me feel very disgusted and incredible.

Many times he couldn't screw me, so he simply stopped arguing with me.But he was extremely dissatisfied with me.I am like a thorn in his flesh. "Mujin talked with Gang Tian without reservation. He knew what Gang Tian's purpose was to understand these situations.

"Then have you ever thought that Director An will find an excuse to get you away and make you disappear from his eyes. As long as you are there, it will hinder him from making a lot of money! You often make him angry." Gang Tian boldly guessed.

"So I really feel that the report letter may have something to do with him. Those two videos were recorded by the surveillance station, and they went out from the station. It must have been done by an insider. Now I just don't know if it was An Instigated by the director, at least he satisfied the motive of reporting." Mu Jin guessed.

"Then do you think what Nan Feng said makes sense?"

Mu Jin was also hesitating, but in Nanfeng's drinking conversation, he locked the person who wrote the report letter on the deputy station master. "I don't understand now what is the motive behind the deputy head of the spy station writing me a report letter? I usually trust him very much and entrust him with a heavy responsibility. I can rest assured that the ongoing projects in Dajiang District will be managed by him. He trusts so much, it is impossible for him to do such a dirty thing!"

"You can think about it in a hypothetical way. After you leave, who will be beneficial and what will be beneficial. You can think about it!" Mu Jin still admires Gangtian's city and experience.

"You mean, if I'm gone, it's possible for him to fix it?"

Gang Tian smiled, and couldn't help giving Mu Jin a thumbs up as a sign of approval.

Mu Jin was grateful, and through this conversation, he saw the change in Gang Tian.Feiyan's imprisonment touched him a lot.Gang Tian has a high EQ, contacts with many people, and has a very thorough grasp of human nature. He is not as straightforward as himself, so serious about death.

Mu Jin faintly felt that he could chat with this person, and the most gratifying thing was that he didn't have any unreasonable demands.This is the most critical, only in this way will Hibiscus feel at ease.

The spy's deputy station master has been very proud these days, although the report letter failed.Let Hibiscus escape unharmed, but what is the difference between the deputy position and the top position?

Supervisors of all groups did not listen to themselves.In his dictionary, human beings are not only lazy, but also have a humble element in their bones.Give them some pressure. Without pressure, there will be no motivation.

When arranging the work, I also deliberately distributed the task indicators carefully arranged by myself to the various supervision teams.That high plan target is not so easy to accomplish.These supervisors worked very hard, and some groups even exceeded the task.

The old spy spoke highly of his employing ability and management level with confidence.

Thinking about the essence of management in my heart, management, management, and management, you don't care about others, but they don't even care about you!
He locked the door of the office and used a key to open the middle drawer, all of which were supervisory trophies handed in by each group.It is no different from hunting, except that going to the forest to hunt violates animal protection laws.Hunting on the project is full of rewards without anyone noticing it.

These bosses were afraid that the supervisors would not want it, so they tried their best, and the eight immortals crossed the sea to show their magical powers.Some were included in the engineering materials, and some were stuffed directly into the supervisor's pocket when there were few people.

What's more, the call was made by transferring money, and the supervisor gave it back without saying a word.The reason is simple. Doing so will leave traces of bribery and bribery to the bank.

The boss who transferred the money to the supervisor finally changed another way, packed the red package in a medicine box, and sent it to the supervisor by express delivery. Because the express delivery was timely, it was delivered in less than an hour.The boss estimated that when the courier was about to arrive, he would call again.

The supervisor took over the express delivery and wondered, I didn't shop online!What is this courier?When I took it apart and looked at it, I felt a big blush. It was a special medicine for infertility, and it was a big foreign brand.In a fit of anger, he threw the medicine box into the trash can at the door, and murmured, "Who is so wicked to send this medicine to me? Isn't this a curse that I have no descendants? Damn it!"

Not long after, the boss called and said, "Last time, I was so sorry that I caused you trouble by transferring the red envelope. This time we will be strict and send the medicine box to you by express. The money is in the medicine box inside."

The supervisor was taken aback, "What did you say? Where did you put it?"

The boss still smiled patiently: "Put it in the medicine box!"

"What kind of pill box?" the supervisor asked anxiously.

"Hi! I'm ashamed to say that the matter is rather urgent. We usually don't even have a cold, and we can't find any ready-made medicine boxes for a while.

Don't be afraid of your jokes, we have been married for ten years, and we suffer from childlessness. The only medicine we both take is the medicine for infertility!In a hurry in the morning, the courier came to ask for the package, so I had no choice but to put the money in the infertility pill box and send it to you. Why, didn’t you receive it? "The boss explained patiently.

"Accepted... Received! Then I hang up!" Before the boss uttered a word!The supervisor hung up the phone hastily and ran towards the trash can at the door.Since the garbage is full at this time, it is full of unpleasant smells mixed with various treasures such as fruit peels, cigarette butts, nicotine, and yellow phlegm from time to time.
When these two hands covered with foreign objects picked up the medicine box with the words "infertility" and "infertility" in the red envelope from among the rubbish of hundreds of treasures.

The supervisor had just swallowed the breakfast in the morning. There was nothing left. It passed from the stomach through the esophagus to the throat. He only felt a hot and sour foreign body spurt out violently. He took it out and put it in his pocket, and tore the infertility medicine box to pieces.

Afterwards, the hard-won spoils were handed over to the spy deputy station master, who took out the indicator plan, counted the money, and then added a sum to the corresponding group.It’s really not easy to go out and work.

The deputy head of the spy station is a small person, and every time he makes a profit, he must be registered in the register, as if he is doing it as a big business.I feel very talented and creative.This is called combining theory with practice.

In his opinion, Mu Jin is a fool, and he knows how to do it stupidly. After working for a long time, his young hair is still gray, so why doesn't he know how to enjoy it!

I didn't understand him, I gave him a large portion at first, and he poured out that the stones in the toilet were smelly and hard!Not only did he fail to thank himself, but he even scolded him fiercely, that would make him unable to get off the stage!He also asked himself to write an inspection report for the whole station, and gave him a serious warning.

You silly boy, if you punch someone, you have to guard against him. Let's see how I deal with you. I want you to know that you don't know how you died.

It's still that Director An knows the world better, and every time he pays tribute to him, he always comes to him!People not only have to eat and drink well, but also do well in all aspects.But you have to learn from others, they are the proud winners in life.

He sorted out the income during this period, and he still gave [-]% to Director An as a tribute. Although he only kept [-]%, he felt at ease.

There is a construction committee that covers the director's towering tree, so I really can't get wind or rain.Coupled with my own ingenuity, it's really even more powerful.What I wish most now is to get rid of the thorn in the side of Hibiscus, so as to realize my long-cherished wish of rectification for many years.He feels that if things go on like this, the realization of his wish is not far away.He knocked on the door of Director An's office of the Construction Committee full of confidence and hope.

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