It was the first time Gang Tian met Mu Jin, and it was hard to imagine that this thin, small, and ordinary-looking middle-aged man in front of him would possess so many noble qualities worthy of admiration.

Whether it is desperately saving children who fell into the water, or keeping the breeze in their sleeves, they are not moved by money and beauty.Working tirelessly and tirelessly like an iron man, it is touching to think about it.

Such good cadres who go straight to the point, have no distracting thoughts, and serve the people wholeheartedly, often violate the interests of some wicked people with evil intentions and ulterior motives.It is easy to hide a sharp spear, but hard to guard against a hidden arrow. Mu Jin's persistence and no distracting thoughts make people worry. How can he have time to take care of the traps set by the wicked!Maybe such a good person, God will bless and care for him!

It can be imagined that if our society is full of those evil intrigues and traps everywhere, then how can these honest gentlemen be of any use!Why can't the cadres devote all their energy to the construction and development of the country? If these crooked thoughts are gathered together to engage in scientific research, refine management, and make suggestions for the construction of the country, the future development and construction of the country will surely advance by leaps and bounds.

As philosophers say, people are inherently living in contradictions.Contradictions are everywhere.Expecting good cadres like Mu Jin to be all right.

The original thinking of those little people is different from that of Hibiscus, like the deputy station chief of the spy always starts from personal illegal profit, relies on the rights endowed to him by the country and the people, enjoys the salary given to him by taxpayers, breaks the law and behaves indiscriminately Not to mention, he also racked his brains to mutilate Zhongliang, which made people angry all the time.

It is impossible for him to start from the interests of the country and the people like Mu Jin.In essence, it is caused by different ideals and beliefs.

I can't help thinking about what the meaning of life is.Many people regard earning money and enjoying themselves as their ultimate goals, which is actually a manifestation of extreme selfishness and lack of gratitude.

Some people even kept saying: "People only have this life! If you don't bring it when you are born, you don't take it with you when you die. If you don't want to open it, you will not have this shop after passing this village!" Most people think so, but there are still a few Some people have firm beliefs.The ultimate goal of life is to repay the motherland and the society.

Gang Tian will never forget the hardships when he started his own business.When I first started, I bumped around like headless chickens, struggling to cross the river by groping for stones.I can't forget that I only sleep for two hours a day, study the corporate management system and regulations, and study the financial statements carefully.

To bid for the project and make the bidding document, I was stunned for three days and three nights without closing my eyes, and I didn't eat for two days, and finally suffered from chronic gastritis due to starvation.Spit up whatever you eat.The sadness and difficulties of starting a business have been told to several people.

The problems faced by the enterprise, and the contacts with government departments, peers and related units make me rack my brains.Once, in order to get a small project, I was stunned to accompany the construction unit to drink stomach bleeding, lying on the hospital bed, and muttering, what is the bidding control price of this project, what is my bidding price, What is the profit, minus the salary of the management personnel and the cost of maintaining the company's operations, subcontracting costs.How much profit can you make.The nurse looked at him very curiously, thinking he was talking in his sleep!

After earning the first pot of gold in his life, he began to continuously recruit soldiers to increase the popularity of the company.While maintaining old relationships, we have not forgotten to expand into new areas.Looking forward to receiving more projects.

As an entrepreneur, making money is his eternal theme. At first, his idea was to earn a lot of money to reflect his own life value. Gradually, with the accumulation of his original funds, he felt that money seemed to him already. It has become a number, and the growth and change of this number is not as exciting as before.

At first, I couldn't understand those well-known and powerful entrepreneurs doing charity.It even feels unbelievable, why should I give my hard-earned money to others?

Now that I think about it, other people's thoughts, sentiments, focus, and life goals cannot be interpreted by my selfish little heart.

People have long put aside the word money, and integrated patriotic enthusiasm, social responsibility, mission, and humanitarianism into their corporate culture.As the saying goes, the bigger the heart, the bigger the stage.People's point of view may be to stand on Mount Everest in the Himalayas to see the problem.And what about myself?But only a little bit above the nostrils.What's this?This is the gap, a huge gap with other people's thinking, consciousness, and vision.Think about it, although I have worked hard in the process of starting a business, I still cannot do without the help of those kind-hearted people.Without these noble people in life, without the preferential policies given by the country to entrepreneurs, I would not be where I am today.

After suddenly realizing it, it turned out that these great undertakings were accomplished by my parents, relatives and friends, the country, and society.The original idea was too narrow and selfish.Help more people in need and save more suffering.Struggling with fate, illness, and misfortune.People who are still struggling in dire straits and are on the verge of extinction.

There are too many creatures that need care, and too many lives that need love.One's own strength is small and insignificant, and these good deeds are endless.

Life is short, as a drop in the ocean, can the limited life, limited time, and limited money be used where they should be used most, to help those who need help most.This is the ultimate goal of running a business and making money.

He thought of living meaningfully for the rest of his life, so that his conscience could be stabilized, his spirit could be calmed, and his thoughts could be sublimated.You must devote your enthusiasm to the great cause of serving the people like Hibiscus against the clock.This is the meaning of life.

Gang Tian has already seen from Mu Jin's expression that he is wary of him. He understands that this attitude stems from Feiyan's affairs.But soon he found the answer from Mu Jin's eyes, which showed understanding and trust, and achieved their sincere spiritual communication.

Everything on the human face can be concealed, and it is difficult to detect.Only the eyes can't be concealed, no matter your life experience and the countless things you have experienced, you still can't hide the two lights from the window of the soul.

Eye contact is, in fact, spiritual interaction.Mu Jin felt the purpose of his visit to her just because she saw his crystal-clear spiritual light.

He felt that Gang Tian had brought important things with him this time, and it seemed that it was not unrelated to the abnormalities he had faintly felt recently.He wanted to rush to find out.

In fact, the two words "time" bother Hibiscus every day.He is too busy, meetings and conferences have brutally occupied most of his time.Party members meeting, office meeting, democratic life meeting, safety production meeting, emergency drill meeting, the Provincial Supervision Corps went to Dajiang District to inspect various projects, and in addition, the party building, labor and capital, finance, quality departments, safety departments, project filings, and various projects in the supervision station The signing of supervisory reports, various reimbursements, reports, and regional station documents all require him to look at them personally. He especially hopes that he can grow superhuman, and even more hope that a day can consist of 48 hours, but all this is just wishful thinking on his part.If time permits, he really wants to blend in with his colleagues and listen to their opinions and suggestions.Take a lot of good opinions from colleagues, understand their working status and living status, try to satisfy their reasonable long-cherished wishes, and share some of your good work experience with them.These are another luxury for him.In desperation, I had to work harder.Use your own practical actions to realize your commitment to the country and the people as a party member and cadre.

"Mr. Gang, if I remember correctly, this is the first time we have met. Xingwang Construction Company is also a very powerful company. I heard that many large-scale projects are also done by Xingwang. It can be said that it requires technology and management. Very tough.

I was a little disappointed in the previous paragraph. I didn’t expect such a powerful company to communicate with me in such a vulgar way, which made me very sad.Every company will have its own corporate culture, which is no different from being a human being. The so-called being a human being requires character, and you just let me see the vulgar side of your company.I think you, as the general manager of the company, have an inescapable responsibility.Can you give me a reasonable explanation? "Mujin didn't show any sympathy at all, and his words were full of accusations and disappointment. This is also the perfect embodiment of his upright character. This kind of integrity is very appreciated. Especially Gang Tian, ​​not only did not get angry, but was a little more respectful and respectful." respect.

"Stationmaster Mu, you are right. This is also one of the purposes of my visit to you today. I know that I ordered my subordinate Feiyan to communicate with you in a very vulgar and dirty way. On behalf of myself and my company, I solemnly apologize to you for this insult to your character, and I am deeply sorry for the trouble I have caused you and the impact on your reputation." After finishing speaking, Gang Tian got up and stood up deeply With a bow, the feeling of shame is beyond words, and the face is full of guilt and repentance.

Mu Jin hurriedly stood up and supported the expensive big boss, and couldn't help being moved by this all-powerful general manager.He didn't expect this fat middle-aged man to apologize so sincerely.A person of Gang Tian's status would not easily bow to others, which also shows his determination and courage to reflect on himself.It seems that the educational significance of that event to him is far greater than the event itself.Thinking of it this way, the significance of the report letter is also extraordinary. It changed the outlook on life and values ​​of a distinguished entrepreneur, and changed his life pursuits and goals.This undoubtedly adds another key figure full of positive energy and unlimited conscience to our society.This is what Hibiscus wants to see most.

Hibiscus said sincerely: "Don't be like this! You can recognize the problem and find a way to solve it! It is very important for an entrepreneur to adjust the behavior of the company in an emergency! As the leader of the company, you can clearly understand The mistake of this matter is of positive significance to the enterprise, society and the country. It is also conducive to the healthy development of the enterprise in the future."

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