roses and lilies

Chapter 143 Difficulties

The spy deputy stationmaster finally grasped Mu Jin's handle, just like the audience watching a magic show finds the magician's flaw.He waited hard for this rare opportunity.

Hibiscus's style of dealing with people makes him elusive.In the morning, when the colleagues in the station were still eating breakfast, the station manager Mu had already started working.

At night, when my colleagues are stretching in groups of three or two, they are talking and laughing as they prepare to leave work.He is still busy in the office.

How many times, when colleagues suddenly remembered at night that their belongings were still left in the office and quickly went back to the station to search, the lights in the wooden station office were still on.The door was ajar, and it could be vaguely seen that he was correcting at the desk, working conscientiously and conscientiously.Where does this motivation come from?It is difficult for most colleagues to explain clearly, but Mu Jin himself knows best.He has the country and the people in his heart. The white wall on the resting platform at the corner of the stairs in the office building, and a few golden characters "serve the people" can best explain what such an ordinary national cadre has in mind.How can Director An, Deputy Station Master and his like understand these things!
There are many projects under construction in Dajiang District, ranging from wealthy developers to construction units with strong connections, and how many dare not buy the account of other stationmasters!The crowded office is the best interpretation.

Are there any idle people among the people who come here?The answer is of course no. Those bosses who are worth hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars all hope to have a relationship with this little webmaster.Even if there is a huge strong dragon background behind him, how can he suppress the local characters.As the saying goes, the county magistrate is not as good as the current management, no matter how big the water is, it can't overflow the bridge!

Mujin really has no airs at all, whether it is the big boss or the small migrant workers who ask for wages.He treats him as warmly as his own friend.Always have a lively chat.Tell them about the latest national safety and quality documents and regulations, and also involve some foreign new technologies, new processes, brand-new management models, and the application of new information management tools such as BIM in project management, and discuss the development of the construction market. new trends etc.

Many bosses wanted to invite him to dinner, give him red envelopes, and some even followed him to his home to achieve those ulterior motives.They were all politely declined.

Some people felt that he was too little, so they prepared a lot of extremely precious gifts when they went back.But he sternly refused: "I've accepted your wishes. The money and things must not be accepted. The country has laws, and the unit has systems. Serving the people is what we should do. Questions, you can respond to me face to face, I will definitely handle them properly and give you a satisfactory explanation.

You can also go through formal administrative reconsideration procedures.I will fully support your work.Money must be used wisely, and doing a good job is better than anything else.I am very happy that you can come to my office and we have a good communication with each other.In fact, there are many ways to communicate. We advocate language and spiritual communication, which are the most precious.As for the money and things, how do you get them back?Don't make trouble for us! "

The bosses were rejected by Mu Jin many times, and the gifts failed, so they gradually focused their attention on the spy deputy station chief.This person is quite reasonable, the key is that he does not refuse anyone.However, the limitation of this pair of hands is the flaw in the womb, and it is true that many things cannot be decided.Stationmaster Mu has a strong ability to control the overall situation, and he doesn't rub the sand in his eyes, so it is difficult for others to take advantage of it.

In desperation, the bosses had no choice but to make a fuss about Director An of the Construction Committee.The old director even took everything he ordered, very good at handling things!Persevering and Hibiscus are at odds with each other.

Hibiscus is very professional, and he knows everything about engineering.Director An was born in management, and he knew nothing about specific business aspects, so he couldn't get in at all.

He arranged many things for Mu Jin, especially those things that couldn't be put on the table and needed to be operated in the dark.

This wooden station master never took it seriously, not only did not implement it, but even tried to reason with the director.Make the director so upset!In the end, they broke up unhappy, and the matter was not done, but Director An had already pocketed the gifts from the bosses, and used other people's money to help others eliminate disasters, which was only right and proper.

After a long time, the bosses saw that even the director could not be the master of the station master, even if they were greedy, they would not do anything.So I stopped looking for him.This also deepened the irreconcilable contradiction between the pair of generals and prime ministers.

There is a pair of pairs posted on the door of Mujin's office all year round. Although it is catchy to read, it is really dumbfounding to read it carefully.The upper line welcomes distinguished guests from all over the world with a smile, while the lower line declines tens of thousands of gifts, criticizing and cherishing them.

Every time Director An passed by Mu Jin's door, he would get angry when he saw this pair, especially this horizontal criticism, which was obviously aimed at him.This wooden station has already become a piece of his heart disease, if this continues, the chief director will definitely die of anger.I have to find a way to get rid of this unsightly guy.Or spy deputy station master in line with his own mind.

The deputy head of the spy understands the principle of giving and receiving. Every time he gains something, he never forgets to prepare a large portion for the leader and only keep a small amount for himself. He feels that this will last for a long time. .

At first, he thought it was the same for Mu Jin, and deliberately set aside a large portion for Mu Jin, but Mu Jin not only confiscated it, but also severely criticized him.Let him write an in-depth inspection, and take out all the dirty money and dirt, and return them in full. For this, a serious warning is specially added, and the whole station is notified.For a while, the city was full of trouble.From that moment on, our spy deputy station chief and Mu Jin took over the deep hatred, and he vowed to avenge this revenge, and they will never share the same death.

Birds of a feather flock together.Director An admired the Deputy Station Master Spy very much, especially his sleek style of life.The spy deputy station master did not disappoint the good intentions of the old director.After painstaking research, overall layout, and in-depth understanding of the authority, a set of strategic systems has been researched in a targeted manner.He divided the subordinate supervisors into several supervision groups, listed the construction projects in Dajiang District, and assigned them to each group.Each supervision team has a team leader (of course he is his confidant).The supervision team conducts strict inspections on the construction projects. If the general contractor performs well and is not blamed by many people, the team leader will not deliberately make things difficult, and will not be held accountable for areas that do not meet the regulations on site.

When the team leader comes back, he will hand in all these gifts, and the spy station will divide them up.From top to bottom except hibiscus.The distribution by rank is very reasonable, especially Director An, who also takes special care.This system is very thorough, allowing the director to appreciate the far-sighted strategy of the spy deputy station chief.

These are nothing to the spy deputy station master.To say that he scratched his head the most was because the director asked him to grab Hibiscus.This daunting task stumped him.Hibiscus is invulnerable to swords and guns, and will not take hard and soft things.It's harder than trying to catch him.

People who come early and leave late don't say anything, they have nothing to worry about, they don't have any desires, they don't have any desires, they just spend all their time on work, and they don't have any excuses for committing crimes.

But today this opportunity is really rare, the beauty gave him money with a suitcase, which made the spy station look at it all over.As soon as the beauty stood at the gate of the station master, he felt that there was something for him. Since ancient times, heroes have been saddened by beauty, and many famous people have fallen under the pomegranate skirt of the beauty. Looking at the beautiful peach buttocks wrapped in sexy jeans , which further strengthened his idea that Mu Jin was carried this time.He waited quietly, the time for the beauty to enter was not short, if she wanted to do something with Mu Jin, she would definitely have plenty of time.When Feiyan walked out of Hibiscus's office with her trademark sexy buttocks twisted, strolling in the courtyard, confidently skipping the lewd and greedy gaze of the deputy station chief, the voyeur couldn't help but take a deep breath , straightened his white collar, straightened his shiny hair, and stomped solemnly towards the construction committee compound next door.

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