roses and lilies

Chapter 134 Good News

General Manager Cicada has negotiated with more than 30 financial credit companies.Many of them are large state-owned banks.

Much to his surprise, what was thought to be very difficult at first turned out to be extremely smooth.These financial credit banks actually like to cooperate with the government very much.In their view, the government has a high reputation, and using land and projects as collateral is very safe, and it is also the most preferred method by credit institutions such as banks.

They've been ripped off by private developers.When it comes to loans, you can do whatever you want, and the district leaders will also come forward to provide guarantees.Loans are long-term, and private developers have a high bankruptcy rate.Insolvency and unfinished projects often occur due to a broken capital chain.

The personnel changes of the district leaders are very frequent, and it happens from time to time that people leave the tea.The old leader left, but the new leader refused to admit it.These disadvantages make banks daunting to these private developers.Most of the bank's bad debts and bad debts are caused by these private developers.

The biggest advantage of cooperating with the government is that it is guaranteed by special national funds. Although the procedures are cumbersome, the funds are in place.There is also a large space for land appreciation. In the event of bankruptcy and insolvency, the mortgaged land and projects can be auctioned to preserve funds.

After hard work, the company has signed loan agreements with more than 20 banks and other credit companies.It is expected that the total amount of financing this year will reach 30 billion.

This cash flow enabled the company's capital chain to be revitalized and the project to be launched.Cicada Lu didn't dare to be negligent, and put the advance payment on the accounts of these general contractors early in accordance with the contract. These general contractors are not good.Let them feel that the company's operating conditions are good from the cost.They also understand that it is the relationship behind them that is working hard, so they have to work hard, and they have to give face to the people behind them.Then they stepped up the preparatory work of site layout and temporary construction.

Today, Mr. Cicada was negotiating with the bank on financing and loan matters. He received a call from the secretary of the district committee, saying that the old secretary had something to do with him and asked him to come to the district committee.

After finishing the matter at hand hastily, he went straight to the office building of the district committee.The government office building is solemn and solemn, the national flag on the flagpole flutters in the wind, and under the national emblem are several golden characters serving the people.

The old secretary's office is very simple, and the desk is full of documents waiting to be reviewed.The old man is concentrating on reviewing the work report of the district government with a magnifying glass.

Chanlu came to the secretary's office that she was familiar with. This was the place where she had worked for many years, and every object and decoration in the house would evoke those fond memories.

Years are passing by, urging people to grow old. Looking at the old secretary's gray hair on his temples, he is still working tirelessly for state affairs, and I feel sincere admiration.

In his impression, the old secretary is like the second hand of a clock that never stops, very diligent.No matter the big or small things in the area, they will worry about it.Every time a major event occurs in the district, they will rush to the scene as soon as possible to direct and resolve it in person.

This was the case with the serious traffic accident that happened two years ago on the Huanbei Expressway in Dajiang District.A large truck was overweight, and the driver slammed on the brakes but still couldn't brake, which eventually led to a series of collisions between ten vehicles, resulting in a tragedy of 10 deaths and 15 injuries.After the accident, relevant units such as fire protection, public security, accident rescue, and various media rushed to the scene to start rescue work.

After the district committee received the report, the old secretary rushed to the scene of the accident with the district mayor, the district committee standing committee and other relevant comrades, and directed all units to carry out rescue.The old secretary didn't close his eyes for three days and three nights in a daze, and he was by his side at that time.I witnessed with my own eyes how this national cadre who worried about the country and the people devoted himself to the safety of the party and the people's lives and properties, and died.After so many years, it is under the inspiration of the spirit of the old secretary that I am inspired and determined to do more practical things for the party and the people.He thought so, and even more so.

In order to expand the scope of financing, he racked his brains and spent sleepless nights negotiating with relevant financial institutions about financing and loans.Only then can the company develop towards a benign and healthy track.

As soon as the old secretary looked up, he saw Cicada Lu in a daze at the door, and waved for him to come in. "It's fine to say that others are polite, but you are still polite! Sit down quickly!" the old secretary said kindly.

"Secretary, are you looking for me?" Chan Lu was very respectful.

"Yes! I have two things to do with you today!"

"Just tell me what to do! I will try my best to do it!" Chan Lu said sincerely.

"A good news and a bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?" The old secretary asked.

"I can guess the good news! You'd better tell the bad news first!"

"Can you guess it? Then tell me what it is?" the old secretary asked with great interest.

"It must be related to those general contractors! Right?"

The old secretary's eyes lit up, this cicada is really smart! "That's a good guess. That matter was done very well and won unanimous praise from the provincial leaders! This is the officialdom, there is no way! In fact, you should know me, I am a person who works, and I am not good at playing politics. However, politics And things are often inseparable. This time, out of helplessness, you have been blamed. My child, it is really difficult for you. "

"Don't say that, I was picked up by you. I grew up from a young man with no worries about the world to become the general manager of the district government's third production company step by step. It's all the result of your cultivation. Now you are in trouble. As the secretary , I should have stood up to solve your problem. This is also my bounden duty.

I didn't think I was the general manager of any business unit at all.In my heart I still feel that I am your secretary and assistant. "Cicada Lu's sincere words moved the old secretary very much. Every time he recalled those turbulent years, he thought of the appearance of Chan Lu when he just graduated from the district committee, and looked at the calm and experienced general manager of Cicada in front of him. Sigh, Time is really an artist, shaping a child into a calm, calm and mature entrepreneur.

"It's all in the past. If I don't mention it, I feel sad when I think about it. The province thinks highly of you, thinks that you are very knowledgeable about current affairs, and will be a talent in the future, and let me promote you! Guess what What should I say?" The old secretary looked at him appreciatively.

"You must have said that!" Chan Lu imitated the expression of the old secretary and said, even the hoarse voice was very similar, "He didn't do it for me, he did it for himself!"

The old secretary couldn't help laughing out loud.It turned out that when I was a secretary next to the old secretary, I was praised by some department leaders more than once, and in front of the old secretary. Every time the old secretary answered with this sentence.

Cicada Lu imitated the words of the old secretary, and couldn't help evoking the dusty memories of the two of them.After laughing out loud, he was moved a little bit.The old secretary always felt that Cicada Lu could be with him.

Next came the bad news, which was indeed beyond Chanlu's expectations.The old secretary was even more puzzled about the reason.

In such a smooth situation, this matter allowed the old secretary to take time out of his busy schedule to meet with Cicada Lu, one can imagine the importance of this matter.

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