roses and lilies

Chapter 129 Change

The general manager of Chanlu is right. The company has grown stronger than ever. In just two months, Jiangshun Construction and Development Co., Ltd. has welcomed more than 100 new employees. , Bringing unprecedented vigor and vitality to this always lifeless unit.

Looking at all these young elites who are full of enthusiasm and fighting spirit, Legend feels that President Cicada's decision is extremely wise.These newcomers represent the hope for the future of the company.

The two old men, Beginning of Spring and Winter Solstice, have not yet emerged from the shadow of their defeat.Lichun, especially, felt extremely painful in her heart. She felt as if an invisible big hand was shining on her, making her passionate hopes instantly shattered and turned into bubbles.Just three days before the District Committee Organization Department announced the personnel appointment and dismissal documents, my sister, the deputy director of the District Committee Organization Department, called and claimed to have found Lichun's name from the list of personnel appointments and dismissals that had not yet been issued. It says Ren Jiangshun Construction and Development Company's head of the engineering department.

Li Chun also deliberately asked, "Are you sure?"

My sister said confidently: "It's absolutely true, it's a red-headed document, and it's still stamped with the approval stamp of the Personnel Bureau, so it's up to the organization department to send someone to announce it!"

Lichun couldn't hide his excitement in his heart, and he was outgoing, but he showed a special pride and arrogance these days.

Colleagues can all see that, especially the Lixia Minister of the Early Budget Department, the Earbud Minister of the Finance Department, and the Director of the Office Jingzhe, which middle-level managers are fuel-efficient lamps!Seeing Lichun's triumphant performance, he couldn't help talking about it.

It is rare for a good show to be staged in this boring institution.Who wouldn't want to see it!Everyone really wants to appreciate Li Chun's acting skills.Unexpectedly, Mr. Cicada is just a good director, to be precise, a good director with creativity.He is good at mobilizing the emotions of actors, especially the emotions of Lichun.

So is the gossip that Sister Lichun learned accurate?Of course, it's true.But why is the result unexpected?In fact, it is the stalk of the words "long night and many dreams".

On the second day before the official announcement of the Organization Department, Mr. Cicada revisited his hometown and came to the district to report to the old secretary.To state my thoughts to the old secretary exactly, it can be said that it is well-founded and well-founded.He told about what he saw and heard when he came to Jiangshun Construction and Development Company, as well as some of his own thoughts.

He exchanged opinions with the old secretary from the bottom of his heart, "Secretary, my first feeling when I came to the company can be described as lifeless. From high-level, middle-level to ordinary employees, they all have an old and rigid old idea, old concept .I saw that they are not enterprising, and when a monk hits the clock for a day, he eats and waits to die.

The company's upper-level leaders lack awareness of reform and innovation, and the top and middle-level leaders lack courage and initiative.Employees are more buck-passing.Lacking the determination to overcome difficulties, many comrades did not want to overcome difficulties and work hard to complete their work after the task was issued.But first think of how to push things out smoothly.There is an unhealthy atmosphere in the office where you do a lot of things and make mistakes, and you have no responsibility for not doing anything.If things go on like this, bankruptcy will happen sooner or later. I think now is an excellent time for reform, and it is also the last chance! "

The old secretary listened attentively, frowning.It was unbelievable at first, after all, this small company bears the heavy burden of the district committee and district government on people's livelihood issues.The district hopes to solve some practical problems for the common people through this platform, and also relieve the burden for the district, but it has never been imagined.If he hadn't reluctantly cut off his love and arranged for his personal secretary to solve the urgent need, the consequences would have been disastrous.

He knows Chanlu's ability very well. For so many years, he has no selfishness, and he is devoted to work. He can even forget to sleep and eat for work.He has a strong sense of the overall situation and considers issues comprehensively. Many ideas coincide with his own.

As soon as he arrived at the development company, he gave himself a face and recruited troops to recharge his strength.Relevant departments of the district, committees, bureaus, towns and other leaders tried to arrange for their nephews to come in, and Chanlu accepted them all, taking this opportunity to accumulate a lot of contacts. This move was very clever.

In fact, he could have done nothing like that and didn't buy anyone's account. After all, he was the one who sent him down to this lingering company that was on the verge of bankruptcy.If you encountered any difficulties, you could have come to find yourself, and with the support of the secretary of the district committee, the work would go very smoothly.Also very reasonable.

But he didn't. What he thought of was how to make himself less distracted. Although he was delegated to the grassroots level, he did not lose the duty of a personal secretary, but he still wanted to share as much as possible for himself as much as possible.

He felt that Cicada Lu didn't go away, he was always by his side, solving his worries and problems, but he was far away from him geographically, and his heart was still with him.

He does not take the upper-level route, but tries his best to improve the relationship with his brother units and slowly accumulate contacts. This is really a bit of a shadow of himself when he was young.

At this moment, he wanted to hear Chanlu's thoughts, "Let's talk about it! What's your opinion?"

"Secretary, I think this way. According to the current situation of the company, it needs to be fundamentally changed and filled with fresh blood. You must have heard that I have signed more than 100 personnel contracts in the office. A large wave of fresh blood has been injected into the company. After arriving at the post, these people will be enriched in various departments of the company, familiarize themselves with the business as soon as possible, and try to prevent the occurrence of the February [-]th phenomenon.

At the same time, I want to boldly recruit new people. They are aggressive, energetic, and full of vigor, which will be very beneficial to the development of the company.

On the other hand, I arranged for the office to hire some experienced retirees in the engineering field, who have rich and valuable construction management experience, and let them take care of these children who are rich in theory but lack practical experience.

I hope that the district leaders can consider entrusting us with the task of demolition, construction and relocation of the old city and the renovation of dilapidated bungalows.We will seize the opportunity to relieve the government's pressure on people's livelihood issues, and at the same time change the company's current operating conditions, so as to achieve a win-win situation.

During the process of appointment and removal of personnel, the leaders of two government departments approached me. In my opinion, I still hope that new personnel can be boldly employed.

Secretary, this is what I think!If you have any comments, I will humbly accept and correct them! "Cicada Lu stated her thoughts.

The old secretary smiled, "It seems that my vision is very accurate! The idea is good! I completely agree, and I just want to add that the platform of the government has great inherent advantages, but we are not businessmen after all. What we do Everything is for the common people, and improving the housing problem is the top priority of the people's livelihood project! I think you have to keep this purpose in mind, the government is never for the purpose of profit, the biggest responsibility is to benefit the common people, so that they can live and work in peace and contentment! Do not deviate from the track!"

"Secretary, I have written down your words!"

The whole conversation was conducted in a very rational and enthusiastic atmosphere.It also established the direction and goals of the company's future development.

These things are beyond Lichun's dream!It is also unpredictable for those ministers who do good things.Since then, Lichun has said goodbye to this unit in advance, feeling like he is in Cao Ying and his heart is in Han. It is like retiring early. Except for the daily activities of the unit, he no longer cares about all business, and visits every now and then.

The goal of life has long been changed to happiness first, to eat, drink, wear and wear every day. He is almost fifty, and he is dressed like a little girl.Only that figure and the wrinkles that can't be concealed by foundation tell people her age.

She is impatient with this legend. As the head of the engineering department, she knows that she must learn to be tolerant.Fortunately, some of the elites in this big wave of fresh blood have integrated into the small family of the engineering department like a timely help. They are professional counterparts and full of energy. Coupled with the addition of a few externally hired old people with rich construction experience, it can be said that Everything is ready, this is also the most gratifying thing for Legend.

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