In the hall of the lecture theater, the opening ceremony of the TV University began.

The headmaster gave a speech with a loud voice full of emotion, his eyes were full of expectation and seemed to be at a loss, he didn't know who he was looking at, it seemed to be the head of a great man with a large frame on the opposite wall.

The school leaders sat neatly on the rostrum, held their heads high, and assumed the posture of taking the lead in applauding at a critical moment.It looks like the mentally ill patients in Ankang Hospital watching young girls perform ballet together.

The students under the podium chatted, sent text messages, made phone calls, and played handheld games.

Some couples are still hiding in the back row, continuing to kiss as if no one else is there, watching the boy's hand almost sticking in from the girl's neck, and rubbing it, causing the elderly classmates around to turn their heads back and forth. Turn around.

The younger female students buried their red and white faces very low, very low.

Sitting in the front row, I watched and listened quietly with my head held high, but I didn't know where my heart had already flown.

Old people often say that people are born to suffer, and they come to this world crying. Life itself bestows more pain on people than happiness. Busy work makes me look like a scrapped machine.

All kinds of reports and materials are like a heavy pole, which makes me unable to straighten my waist.

Feeling impatient, I had to enroll in a TVU course to relax, which could save me from overtime work and gain the support of my leaders and the goodwill of my colleagues.

If you are lucky enough to get a degree, you can also get a part-time job in the unit.

In this regard, I specially kept an eye out when I signed up, and asked in detail, can a person as stupid as myself get his academic qualifications?

Without saying a word, the dean took me to the door of the undergraduate classroom where I was in class, and pointed me to the fat student in the distance through the window.

In the severe winter weather, I saw that the eldest brother was still wearing a Barcelona team uniform (a pair of shorts with a large size, and a short-sleeved T-shirt with the number 10 Ronaldinho printed on it).

The head is slightly smaller than a mature wax gourd, and it is lying on the table and dreaming, the snot flows down the nostrils and forms a stream on the desk, and the sound is like thunder.

No brave man dared to approach him in the seats around him. The dean looked at me and said, "You should understand this time!"

I nodded, then shook my head again, and the director said anxiously, "Aren't you even worse than him?"

I half-jokingly said, "I'm not as good as him, he's all in college, and I just signed up for junior college."

The director of academic affairs smiled and said, "To tell you the truth, this classmate just bought an elementary school degree, and he bought it all the way to TV University. His family is quite rich. No, he has already bought a bachelor's degree."

I asked in puzzlement, "What's the use of learning this kind of trash?"

"Young man, isn't that the case now? People have money and connections. In the future, they will get a book and arrange a job based on their connections. They are guaranteed to be much better than you. You are angry. What are you doing!" I stood there numbly for a long time.

The principal is still bragging about the history of the school and its influence in the city, how many talents are sent to the country every year, and how many famous experts and scholars are from the school.

The appearance of a little girl with a high ponytail brought me back to my senses involuntarily.

Wearing a denim outfit, she was short, like a little angel, and came to me panting heavily, and asked, "Student, is there anyone next to you?"

"No!" I replied subconsciously.

I looked at her, this girl has a pretty face, elegant demeanor, small nose, small mouth, and small face, only those big bright eyes shone with a strange brilliance.

At first, she was still watching the figures on the rostrum. After a while, the headmaster's stereotyped conversation made the little girl unable to sit still. She began to look at me and asked this and that in a low voice.

"Are you the manager or the coster?"

"Shi Guan!"

"We have a major, and we will be classmates in the future!" She seemed very excited, "Which unit are you from?"

"I'm in the chemical industry."

She seemed still not satisfied, "Does your family live far away?"

"It's not too far, just cross the bridge. How about you?" I asked back.

"I came here by subway. My family lives in Nanjiang District."

"Which unit are you in?"

She asked warily, "Why are you asking so much? Are you checking your household registration?"

"Who checked the account first!"

"I'm only allowed to check you, you are not allowed to ask me!" She said with a smile.

"You are unreasonable, why can't I ask you?"

"Because I don't know you well yet, you can ask me when I know you well enough!"

"Hey! You girls are full of things!" I let out a long sigh, which was quite loud.

I felt that my words were wrong, which would arouse the anger of all the girls, but it was too late. When I turned around, I saw the girls in the back row glaring at me, and I smiled at them in embarrassment.

The opening ceremony ended as scheduled, I stretched myself, walked out of the lecture theater, and was about to go downstairs.

I only heard someone shouting from behind: "Why are you walking so fast? People can't keep up?" When I turned around, I saw her carrying a small schoolbag and a water bottle in her hand, running towards this side.Panting, he said loudly, "You don't even want a kettle!"

When I touched it, the kettle was not with me, "I'm sorry, I asked you to bring it to me!"

"You can talk, let's be practical." She looked at her watch, "It's almost noon, please treat me to a meal?"

"I knew that you didn't have the consciousness to pick up money, pick up a kettle, and insist on me treating you to a meal."

She smiled and asked me, "How about going to KFC?"

I said disdainfully, "Do you like junk food in the eyes of foreigners? In my opinion, it's better to have a meal at a roadside stall. Order a few small dishes and order two bottles of beer to eat and drink. How refreshing!"

She pouted and said unhappily, "Is there any mistake, but you invite me, you are the host, I am the guest, you have to listen to me!"

The KFC restaurant is clean and bright, the colonel is smiling kindly, the waiters are busy hard, the lovers are talking tenderly, the children are playing innocently, everything is so harmonious and warm.

In front of the order counter, the waiter asked kindly with a habitual smile: "Welcome, what do you two want?"

I looked at her and said, "Order whatever you want, don't save it for me!"

While flipping through her schoolbag, she raised her head and looked at the order list from time to time: "Don't worry, I have coupons with me, I won't cost you more! I want a set meal, a pair of burnt wings, and a sundae." Yes..." She tore up the coupons one by one, comparing the prices while doing calculations.

I was calm on the surface, but I played the snare drum in my heart. Fortunately, it was within the budget and after paying the bill, she took a plastic plate full of food and chose a seat by the window.He took a big sip of his drink first, and said, "I usually come here with my friends. The environment here is good, and it's more suitable for chatting and resting."

"Do you girls like to come to this kind of place?"

"Yes, usually with your boyfriend."

"Then your boyfriend often brings you here?"

"Why are you asking so much? Such a big plate of food can't bet on your mouth!"

I joked: "Your family eats first and then washes their hands! Hurry up and wash your hands!"

She blushed and went straight to the bathroom.

I have always doubted my charm, not because I am not handsome, but because the success rate is too low.

Most of the girls I have come into contact with are the ones who approach me first, they are just like passers-by, coming and leaving in a hurry.

This made me feel impatient and overwhelmed for quite a long time, and gradually lost my confidence.

This classmate is likely to be one of the many girls.

She was as lively, cheerful, beautiful and generous as the girls I had met before, and I was used to it.

Love is sometimes like a swamp, the deeper it sinks, the harder it is to extricate itself from. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

It's better to treat it with a normal heart, just treat it as a passerby on the station wagon.

Through the window, looking at the bustling crowd outside the window, the winter sun is gentle and affectionate, quietly sprinkled on the ground, squares, sculptures, hot springs and pedestrians, people feel a little sleepy because of the warmth and comfort.

In the pleasant atmosphere of chatting, she finally revealed the true face of Lushan.

Her name is Xiaoling. She is two years younger than me. She works in a construction company. She majored in civil engineering in technical secondary school.

She has a wide range of interests and likes to socialize. She is very popular in the unit and is affectionately called "Little Pepper" by her colleagues.

At this time, a middle-aged man passed our seats, looked left and right, and searched for the square table next to us.

We ate with great relish, and at first thought he had left some valuables in the shop.

After a while, he sat down at the table opposite us, staring at us with big eyes while swallowing.

I touched Xiaoling who was eating with gusto with my right arm: "You said that the person sitting across from us is sick? Let's eat. Why does he keep staring at us?"

Xiaoling took a sip of her drink, looked up, and said indifferently: "Why do you say that about him? Can't he be waiting for someone?"

I winked at Xiaoling, coughed twice, and said, "We've eaten enough, shall we go?"

I got up, there was still a half-eaten hamburger on the plate, and there were still some drinks left in the glass. We walked out of the fast food restaurant, turned a corner and came to the side door. Through the glass window of the side door, we looked inside curiously.

I saw that man, while looking around, quickly sat down on the seat we left, took a sip of the drink, and then devoured the leftover hamburger I ate with relish.

We looked so dazzled that we didn't spit it out.Xiaoling turned around covering her mouth and said, "Let's go!"

I smiled and said to her: "You are not full, what should we buy?"

"I'm full after watching, let's eat!"

We dropped her off at the station, and we waved goodbye through the glass window of the car, and we could tell she was having a good time.

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