When Gong Yu hurried over with his men, what he saw was Li Yun standing alone in the encirclement of the Tusk Army, and at her feet was Teng Snake, who was seriously injured and passed out. .

The Tusk Army just surrounded Li Yun, but none of them dared to attack her.

Because they witnessed with their own eyes how this demonic woman beat the boss they worshiped like a god to the ground and even passed out.

Li Yun stood among the crowd, his eyes were as red as blood, and he exuded a bloodthirsty aura.

Looking at such a terrifying Li Yun, Fang Fang Army couldn't help swallowing nervously.

Gong Yu was surprised by the situation in front of him for a moment, but immediately came back to his senses.

I saw him with a cold face, and in a cold tone, he ordered the men brought behind him to deal with the fang army, while he went to the center of the crowd to find Li Yun.

The Fang Fang Army had just fought with Li Xinran and others, and had already exhausted most of their energy and strength, so even though the people Gong Yu brought in later were not as strong as them, they did not take much effort to subdue them in the end.

"A Yun!" Gong Yu was worried about Li Yun's situation in his heart, so he didn't even control his expression well, the concern and tension for Li Yun were directly written all over that indifferent face.

Gong Yu eagerly walked up to Li Yun's side and subconsciously stretched out his hands to hold her shoulders.

Li Yun's body froze for a moment, and then slowly turned around.

The bloodthirsty murderous intent in Li Yun's eyes, which had not yet had time to fade away, pierced into Gong Yu's eager eyes without warning.

Gong Yu's pupils suddenly tightened, and her heart trembled slightly.

"A... Ayun, you, what's the matter with you?" Although he knew that Li Yun's eyes were not for him, he still felt an inexplicable pain in his heart.

Only then did Li Yun realize his gaffe, and silently concealed the murderous intent in his eyes.

"I'm fine." After Li Yun spit out these three words indifferently, he broke free from Gong Yu's hands without making a sound.

Gong Yu looked at the empty palm, feeling a burst of bitterness in his heart.

Then he walked past him indifferently, and worriedly ran to Lin Moran who was not far away.

"Moran, how are you?" Li Yun held Lin Moran's hand, looking at him with distressed eyes.

But Lin Moran didn't answer, but suddenly reached out to touch the top of Li Yun's head, and said softly, "Thank you for your hard work."

The pain in the eyes was about to overflow the eye sockets and turn into substance.

Li Yun was taken aback when he heard this.

"I'm fine." Li Yunwei lowered his eyes, quietly hiding the emotion in his eyes.

Seeing this, Lin Moran sighed inwardly.

He suddenly took Li Yun's hand, pulled her into his arms, and hugged her tightly without saying a word.

Li Yun was taken aback by Lin Moran's sudden action at first, but he soon came back to his senses, buried his head in Lin Moran's arms, and didn't speak or move.

Not far away, Gong Yu looked at the two people who were like glue, with unspeakable pain in his eyes.

In the end, he simply stopped looking at the two of them, but put on a cold and heartless face to solve the matter of the Tusk Army.

after an hour
Gong Yu asked half of his men to bring the Fang Fang Army and Teng Snake back to the prison in City A, while he brought the other half of his men to stay and help Li Yun.

Li Xinran and others were brought back to City A by Li Yun for treatment due to serious injuries.At this moment, besides Lin Moran, who was more skilled and less injured, only Enkeke, who insisted on staying, was left beside her.

Li Yun turned his head and glanced at the injured Enkeke, and frowned calmly.

"Ke Ke, you are seriously injured, you should follow them back to the city center for treatment." Li Yun's voice softened a lot as he spoke.

"Sister Yun" An Keke suddenly looked at Li Yun, her eyes met, Li Yun saw the determination and stubbornness in the other's eyes.

"I want to know the truth," An Keke said softly.

Li Yun looked at her, his eyes darkened slightly, and after a while, a trace of helplessness flashed across.

"Well, follow me closely. If you feel uncomfortable, you must tell me. I will send someone to take you to the hospital immediately," Li Yun said softly.This is the greatest tolerance Li Yun can make.

"Okay." En Keke nodded and smiled slightly at Li Yun.

Unexpectedly, Li Yun raised his hand to touch her head.Softly said "Don't force yourself if you don't want to laugh"

An Keke's smile froze for a moment, then slowly fell.

Seeing this, Li Yun didn't say much, just sighed and withdrew his hand.

"Ayun, what are you going to do now?" Gong Yu asked at the right time.

"I'm sure, Xiaoxiao must be here" I just don't know where it is.But Li Yun didn't say that.

Although Li Yun didn't finish her words, Gong Yu could still think of her next thoughts.

I saw Gong Yu suddenly turned his head, and commanded the subordinates behind him in a serious and cold tone, "You guys, spread out and search this place, and don't let go of any corners."

"Yes, Young Master Gong"

The subordinates should arrive, and then disperse.In an instant, there were only four people in front of the entire warehouse.

Seeing this, Li Yun turned his head and gave him a cold look, without any emotion.After a glance, he retracted his gaze.

"Let's go." Li Yun said indifferently to the people beside him.

"En." Lin Moran nodded.

The three of them took the lead and walked forward.

Gong Yu, who was standing there, looked at the cold figure in front of him, and laughed in his heart, "This is your response to "betraying" her."

Gong Yu smiled wryly.

After Yuan Dizheng was stunned for two seconds, Gong Yu came back to his senses and hurriedly followed.

Since it was my own fault, then Ayun, please let me make up for it with my whole life!
As Gong Yu walked, he declared solemnly in his heart.

The warehouse is very large. Apart from the main warehouse they saw at the beginning, there are many small warehouses nearby, which are not shown on the map.

Li Yun and the others thought that the large warehouses should have been deliberately revealed by Teng Snake to lure them over, but these small warehouses were not scanned on the map because they were placed with signal jammers.

When Li Yun and others stopped at the third small warehouse they searched, Li Yun suddenly realized a problem.

"They are delaying time," Li Yun said suddenly.

"Well, that's why we deliberately shielded the locations of these small warehouses," Lin Moran said in a deep voice.

"But why on earth are they delaying time, and what is the purpose of delaying time?" At this time, Gong Yu, who had never spoken all the way, suddenly spoke.

Hearing this, Li Yun, Lin Moran and both fell into silence.

Just when the atmosphere in the private room gradually became solemn, the walkie-talkie on Gong Yu's body suddenly rang.

"Master Gong, there is something strange in the west warehouse," the person on the other end of the walkie-talkie said seriously.

Hearing this, the three of Li Yun all looked towards Gong Yu.

Gong Yu also understood that this matter cannot be delayed, so he immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and said coldly to the person on the other end of the phone, "The specific location"

"A small warehouse on the far side of the west," the person on the other end of the phone said again.

"I'll be right over," Gong Yu said, then put down the walkie-talkie and looked at Li Yun and the others.

I saw Li Yun nodded to him, and then the four of them ran towards Zhengxi with peace of mind.

Running and running, An Keke pulled the wound on her body, but she continued to follow behind Li Yun and the others towards the west as if she didn't feel it.

west side warehouse
When the four of Li Yun arrived, Gong Yu's subordinates had already gathered there first.

"What's going on?" Gong Yu took a step forward, and asked the subordinate standing in the front in a cold voice.

And that subordinate happened to be the one who communicated to him.

Seeing that it was him who was asked by Gong Yu, the subordinate immediately replied seriously, "Master Gong, there is a small wooden cabin on the side of this warehouse, and there are people guarding the door." The subordinate said, pointing to the side of the warehouse.

Hearing this, Gong Yu frowned slightly, and turned to look at Li Yun.

Unexpectedly, Li Yun walked towards the side of the small warehouse without even looking at him.Enkeke and the two followed suit.

Gong Yu was stunned for a moment, then stepped forward to keep up.

Li Yun walked to the wall of the warehouse, and quietly looked at the independent cabin on the side of the warehouse.

The front of the cabin was the back of the small warehouse they were in, so from her angle, she could only see the windows of the cabin but not the gate.

Li Yun looked at the man in black guarding under the window, his eyes sank slightly.

Xiaoxiao is inside!

This was Li Yun's first thought.

"Sister Yun, what should I do now?" An Keke also clearly felt that Li Xiaoxiao was in the cabin ahead.

However, Gong Yu's subordinates said that there are people holding hands on all sides of the small wooden house. If they just break through like this, although there is no danger, it does not rule out that those guarding Xiaoxiao will threaten Xiaoxiao.

Hearing this, Li Yun frowned slightly.

Obviously also worried about this issue.

Just when several people couldn't think of any solution, Li Yun, who had been looking at the window, suddenly became fierce and cold.

With the change of Li Yun's momentum, Lin Moran and the others were stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Li, only to see that Li Yun's eyes were full of biting cold air, staring at the opposite window.

Only then did An Keke and the others come to their senses and Qi Qi looked towards the window.

In the next second, Lin Moran's eyes were as cold as Li Yun's. Although Gong Yu didn't know what happened, but seeing that the aura around the two was not right, Gong Yu's face gradually became cold and sharp.

Only An Keke, when he saw the situation in the window clearly, his pupils constricted suddenly, the blood on his face faded instantly, and even his breathing was stagnated for an instant.

"Ying...ying" Although An Keke was already prepared in her heart to meet Chen Yingying, when she really saw Chen Yingying standing in the enemy camp, she still felt a dull pain and disbelief in her heart.

"Why, why, why is it like this?" Enkeke muttered in a daze.

Seeing this, Li Yun intuited what An Keke would do. Just as he was about to reach out to grab An Keke's arm, An Keke rushed out suddenly, and Li Yun didn't even grab a piece of his clothes.

"Cocoa..." Li Yun frowned and shouted hastily.

And An Keke acted as if he hadn't heard it, and ran to the wooden house without thinking about it.

The man in black guarding the window noticed the movement here, and happened to see Enkeke who was rushing towards him desperately.A stern look flashed in the eyes of the man in black, and he immediately made an attacking posture.It's like waiting for an encore and only to bump into it.

Seeing this, Li Yun said inwardly that he was not good, and then quickly ran to Enkeke without saying anything.Lin Moran's eyes sank, and he followed without any hesitation.

Although Gong Yu, who didn't understand the situation, wondered why En Keke rushed over suddenly, he didn't hesitate for long and followed. His subordinates didn't panic when they saw such an unexpected situation, but followed naturally.

Just when the man in black's foot was about to kick An Keke's head, a sudden roundabout kick suddenly opened his legs.

The man in black couldn't help taking a few steps back after being kicked by Li Yun.

"Ke Ke!" Li Yun immediately pulled An Ke Ke to his eyes.

"Sister Yun!" An Keke turned her head to look at her, her eyes were red with tears rolling in her eyes, she looked extremely pitiful.

Seeing her pitiful appearance, Li Yun's anger towards her recklessness disappeared in an instant.

"Okay, I see." Li Yun sighed helplessly and pushed Enkeke to Lin Moran's side for Lin Moran's protection, while he turned around and faced the man in black.

At this moment, the man in black who was kicked away by Li Yun was staring at Li Yun fiercely.

"Who are you?" the man in black asked sharply.

Hearing this, Li Yun stared at him coldly with frosty eyes

"You don't deserve to know." After uttering five words coldly, Li Yun attacked the man in black with lightning speed.

The man in black's expression changed drastically.Hastily got up to block.

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