In the afternoon, An Keke went to Chen Yingying's examination room after finishing the last test, but was told by Han Yu in that test room that Chen Yingying only took the first test in the morning and did not participate in the subsequent tests...

The final exam was over, and countless students left the school one after another, some happy and some sad.

An Keke stood alone at the school gate, frowning slightly, took out her mobile phone and called Chen Yingying.

"I'm sorry, the number you dialed has been turned off..." An emotionless female voice rang out on the phone, and An Keke's brows frowned even more when she heard the sound.

"Why is it still turned off?" Enkeke looked at the interface of the call record in his hand and murmured to himself in bewilderment.

Is there something urgent?So you left in a hurry before you finished the exam?
"However, if there is something urgent, there is no time to notify me," An Keke muttered doubtfully.

Just when she was puzzled, someone tapped her on the shoulder.

"Ke Ke, what are you doing here alone?" Li Xinran looked at An Keke who was frowning tightly, and asked involuntarily.

"Ah, Sister Ran, it's you." En Keke was slightly surprised and turned her head to look at Li Xinran beside her.

"Why are you here alone, Yingying?" Li Xinran asked in confusion after looking around for a week without seeing Chen Yingying.

Hearing this, An Keke was silent for a moment before slowly speaking, "Ah, this... Yingying, she has already left."

"Huh?" Li Xinran became even more puzzled when she said this.

"Aren't you two always inseparable? Why..." Who knew Li Xinran was interrupted by An Keke hastily before she finished speaking, "Ah, well, it seems that Yingying has something urgent, so she left first."

Hearing this, Li Xinran suddenly realized.

"Oh, so, I also said, how could she leave you alone and go first, so there is something wrong"

"Well, that, Miss Ran, what do you want next?" An Keke suddenly changed the subject.

"Ah, what?" The topic jumped too quickly, Li Xinran didn't react for a moment, but in the next second she understood that Enkeke was asking her about her next arrangement.

"Oh, I want to go to the hospital first to see Xiaoxiao is coming home" and then go to Ayun tomorrow.

But Li Xinran didn't say this sentence.

"Oh, then sister Ran, let's go together, I also want to go back to the hospital to take care of Xiaoxiao," An Keke looked at Li Xinran and suggested.


After Li Xinran nodded, the two took a taxi together and went to the central hospital.

"During this time, you and Yingying have worked hard, taking care of Xiaoxiao and studying for the exam at the same time." In the car, Li Xinran suddenly sighed to Ankeke.

Hearing Li Xinran's words, An Keke felt his ears heat up instantly, and said embarrassedly to Li Xinran, "No, Xiaoxiao is our good friend, and we volunteered to take care of her, so it's not hard work."

Hearing this, Li Xinran was taken aback for a moment, then chuckled.

"Ke Ke, can you tell me how the three of you met and became good friends?" Li Xinran asked An Keke with a sudden smile.

After hearing Li Xinran's words, An Keke was taken aback for a moment, then lowered her eyes, as if caught in a good memory, and chuckled lightly.

"The three of us don't know each other. I still remember the day we first met, it was at a reception at my house..."

The three families of Li, Chen, and An are family friends. From Grandpa Li's generation, to Li's father's generation, the relationship between the three families is not only not alienated, but even closer because the young masters of the three families grew up together. .

The first time Li Xiaoxiao and An Keke met was at a social reception at An's house.

Father Li and Father Chen, who are good brothers, will naturally not be absent from the reception hosted by An's family.

And not only was there no absence, but they also brought their precious daughters to participate.

Outside An's villa, Li's father stood there holding Li Xiaoxiao, a five-year-old glutinous rice dumpling beside him.

Li Yun looked at the imposing gate of An's family for a while, then suddenly squatted down, trying to be as tall as Li Xiaoxiao, who was a big bean.

"Xiaoxiao" Father Li's gentle and pleasant voice sounded, successfully attracting Li Xiaoxiao's attention at the gate of An's house.

"Ah..." Li Xiaoxiao turned her head and looked at the squatting father in front of her with a puzzled expression, her voice was soft and waxy, which was really cute.

"It's the first time Dad brought you to your Uncle An's house, so you can't make trouble for Uncle An after you go in, you know?" Father Li looked at the cute little bun in front of him and said as much as possible with a serious look.

After Li's father finished speaking, Xiaoxiao, the little glutinous rice dumpling, looked at Li's father with an ignorant look, "Father, I will be obedient and not make trouble." Li Xiaoxiao smiled sweetly.

Seeing his daughter like this, Li's father knew that his daughter must have not listened to it again.

"Sigh..." Father Li shook his head helplessly with a smile.

Doesn't he understand this little devil in his family? Instead of letting her be obedient, it's better to watch her more realistically.

"Let's go in," Father Li said while hugging Li Xiaoxiao and stood up.

Slowly walk to the gate of Anjia.

As soon as they left, a black Lincoln stopped in front of An's house with its headlights on.

Li Xiaoxiao glanced over there curiously, but only saw a girl who was taller than her getting out of the car. Before she could see her face clearly, she was hugged by Father Li and walked into the gate of An's house.

At the gate of An's house, Chen Yingying got out of the car and stood in front of the car door, waiting for her father to get off.

Father Chen in the driver's seat saw Chen Yingying in the back seat jumped out of the car by herself, and opened the door to get out of the car.

"Yingying, didn't daddy say to wait for daddy to pick you up? Why did you jump down by yourself?" Father Chen picked up his daughter and said softly.

Chen Yingying who heard what Chen's father said suddenly smiled sweetly, and said to her father, "Dad, I have grown up, I don't need you to hug me to get off the car, I can get off by myself"

Hearing this, Father Chen smiled and scratched Chen Yingying's nose.

"You are still a little bean bun, so you dare to say that you have grown up?" Father Chen said with a smile.

Chen Yingying didn't understand what her father meant, but she thought it should be a compliment.Happily, he stuck out his tongue and smiled playfully at his father.

Seeing this, Father Chen laughed even louder.

"Hahaha, naughty ghost." Father Chen scratched Chen Yingying's nose again, smiled and carried her to the gate of An's house.

"Hey hey" Chen Yingying was hugged by her father and smiled happily.

In the Anjia villa, many upper class people gathered together to chat and taste wine.

Elegant piano music was playing in the hall of An's house. As soon as Father Li entered the hall, Father An, who had been waiting for a long time, saw him at a glance.

"Yan Chuan..." Father An yelled softly and waved to Father Li.

Father Li heard someone calling, looked back, and saw Father An waving.

"Zhiyuan" Li Yun hugged Li Xiaoxiao, smiled and walked towards An's father.

Father An also walked towards Father Li step by step.

"Yan Chuan, why are you here now?" Father An walked up to Father Li and asked immediately.

Hearing this, Li's father smiled helplessly and said, "I have something to do at home, so I was delayed for a while."

Father An didn't want to get to the bottom of why Father Li came late, so he naturally skipped this topic.

"Is this your little daughter?" Father An suddenly looked at Li Xiaoxiao who was in Father Li's arms with a smile and asked.

Hearing this, Father Li turned his head to look at the little daughter in his arms, smiled and nodded, "Well, this is my little daughter, Li Xiaoxiao"

"Xiaoxiao, hurry up and say hello to your Uncle An," Father Li said while looking at Li Xiaoxiao with a smile.

Li Xiaoxiao understood, and immediately smiled sweetly at Father An, then softly called "Hello, Uncle An"

Seeing such a well-behaved Li Xiaoxiao, Father An's face was about to burst into laughter.

"Xiaoxiao is so good." Father Li smiled and touched Li Xiaoxiao's little head.

"What about Ayun, why didn't you bring Ayun along too?" Father An asked suddenly.

"Ah..." Li's father was about to speak, but Li Xiaoxiao said first, "My sister needs to do homework, so there are a lot of them." For the "fear" of so much homework.

Hearing this, Father An was taken aback for a moment, then turned around and looked at Father Li in front of him.

Father Li nodded to him helplessly.

Father An was shocked, what kind of homework was there, it was obviously a pile of company documents.

Father An felt a little distressed when he thought of the scene where Li Yun's small body was sitting on a stool as tall as his own and silently looking at the documents.

Father An sighed inwardly.

Old Li is too "ruthless".

"Didn't you persuade Mr. Li?" Father An suddenly asked.

Hearing this, Father Li sighed helplessly.

"I persuaded him, but my father disagreed," Li's father said helplessly.

Now Father An understood why Father Li came late.

"Oh! Forget it, forget it, don't mention it." Father An waved his hand and changed the subject. "By the way, I have a new proposal for the development of the West District. Let's go to the study and I will show you." Father An As he spoke, he was ready to leave.

"But..." Father Li looked at Li Xiaoxiao in his arms in embarrassment.

Father An understood in seconds, and immediately beckoned for a maid.

"Master" the maid saluted Father An respectfully.

"Well, take Miss Li to play with Ke Ke and the others." Father An said and pointed to Li Xiaoxiao.

"Well," the maid responded and took Li Xiaoxiao from Father Li's arms.

Li's father was naturally relieved of An's family, so he naturally gave Li Xiaoxiao to the maid.

"Don't make trouble, you know?" Father Li said to Li Xiaoxiao with a stern face in a suit.

"Oh, Yan Chuan, how could Xiaoxiao make trouble when she is so obedient, don't worry about it." Father An patted Father Li on the shoulder and smiled.

Father Li looked back at him silently, his eyes full of helplessness.

That's because you don't know how powerful this little devil is.

Father Li sighed inwardly.

"Hey, Yang Yuan is here" Father An suddenly shouted excitedly pointing forward.

Father Li looked in the direction of his fingers, and happened to see Father Chen who was waving at them.

"Take Xiaoxiao to play with Keke." Father Li turned to the maid and said.

After the maid nodded and turned to leave, Father Li and Father An walked towards Father Chen together.

Li Xiaoxiao hugged the maid's neck and looked back towards her father. At this moment, Chen Yingying in Chen's father's arms looked over, and the two little beanbags looked at each other silently until the maid hugged Li Xiaoxiao out of the hall.

Chen Yingying, who was in Father Chen's arms, kept looking at Li Xiaoxiaohe and the direction the maid was leaving. Suddenly, as if she had made up her mind, she broke free from Father Chen's arms and jumped to the ground.

"Yingying, what's wrong with you?" Father Chen looked at Chen Yingying in surprise and asked.

"Father, it's inconvenient for you to talk to the two uncles, so just let me play by myself." Chen Yingying suddenly grabbed her father's arm and said coquettishly.

Father Chen couldn't resist his daughter's acting like a baby at all, and after a few instructions to be careful, he let her play by herself.

After Chen Yingying's small figure disappeared from sight, Li's father suddenly sighed to the two good brothers, "It would be great if my Xiaoxiao was so sensible."

The two fathers looked at each other and smiled when they heard the words, but they didn't speak, and only Father Li was there expressing emotion.

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