time flies

During this period of time, the school was in panic for a while because of the accident on the school celebration stage, but then the students gradually calmed down under the comfort of the school.

During this period of time, the people in charge of the lighting and props team of the school celebration also came to Li Yun to admit their mistakes and apologize and asked for compensation, but in the end Li Yun refused.

Also, during this period of time, Li Xiaoxiao gradually came to her senses, Li Yun and the others left En Keke to accompany the rest of them back to school to prepare for the upcoming final exam.

While in class, Lin Moran looked in Li Yun's direction many times, but he hesitated to speak every time.

Since they broke up with Li Yun that day, the two haven't spoken a word, and it's not that Lin Moran doesn't want to go to Li Yun, but every time Li Yun meets Li Yun, Li Yun will immediately turn around and leave.

Every time he saw Li Yun turn around coldly and ruthlessly without hesitation, Lin Moran would experience a heart-wrenching pain.

Ah Yun...do you really hate me that much?

These are the questions that Lin Moran has asked himself countless times these days.

Lin Moran looked at Li Yun beside him hesitantly, and wanted to speak several times, but was finally beaten back by Li Yun's invisible indifference.

"Ah..." Just when Lin Moran finally mustered up the courage to talk to Li Yun, the bell rang for the end of get out of class.

"Ding Lingling..."

As soon as the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Li Yun didn't care whether the teacher left or not, just stood up from the desk, with a cold face, and walked out of the classroom without paying attention.

All the classmates and teachers didn't feel that there was anything wrong when they saw it. After all, Li Yun was the oldest, so they couldn't say anything if they were dissatisfied.

Besides, this is not the first time Li Yun has been like this, so they are no strangers to it.

Lin Moran looked at Li Yun's indifferent and lonely back, his eyes suddenly darkened, and he swallowed his words again when he was about to speak.

Li Xinran looked at the back of Li Yun leaving resolutely, first sighed helplessly, and then looked back at Lin Moran with gloomy eyes.

Li Xinran sighed silently and then stood up, following Li Yun's leaving pace.

Leng Tianyu in the back row sighed helplessly when he saw that the people in the front row were all moving.

"Okay, it will be fine." Leng Tianyu suddenly walked to Lin Moran's side, patted his shoulder and said comfortingly.

Hearing this, Lin Moran looked up at him.Eyes full of hesitation.

"Tianyu, will Ah Yun not forgive me?" Lin Moran asked with difficulty in a hoarse voice.

Hearing this, Leng Tianyu fell silent.

He also didn't understand what Li Yun meant by doing this, but what he knew was that Li Yun must have his own reasons.

"I will forgive" After a while, Leng Tianyu racked his brains and could only say such a clumsy sentence to comfort him.

Unexpectedly, after listening to Leng Tianyu's words, Lin Moran laughed at himself like hearing a joke.

"How could he be forgiven through the blood feud?" Lin Moran laughed at himself after finishing speaking.

When Lin Moran said this, the sadness in his eyes stung Leng Tianyu's eyes.

How could the big brother who used to love to laugh turn into such a self-defeating look now!
Leng Tianyu said to himself in his heart.

As he said that, Leng Tianyu suddenly turned his gaze to the direction where Li Yun was leaving.

What are your difficulties!It will make you say those words so unfeelingly.

Leng Tianyu's eyes gradually became complicated.


"Ayun, Ayun, wait for me" Li Xinran called out from behind Li Yun.

Hearing the sound, Li stopped walking and turned around.

"Why are you here?" Li Yun said calmly with a cold face.

"Aren't I worried about you?" Li Xinran said with her mouth curled up after standing still beside Li Yun.

"I have nothing to worry about," said Li Yun, turning his head back and continuing to walk forward.

Seeing this, Li Xinran hurriedly followed.

"Yes, yes, as long as you are fine," Li Xinran said helplessly.

"Mmm..." Li Yun said indifferently and then stopped talking.

However, just because Li Yun didn't speak, it doesn't mean that Li Xinran can't speak.

"Hey, Ayun, are you unable to let go of Lin Moran?" Li Xinran asked suddenly.

Hearing this, Li Yun stopped again and turned around.

But Li Yun turned around and stared at Li Xinran coldly without saying a word.

Although Li Yun didn't speak, Li Xinran still felt the strong sense of oppression.

"Cough, cough, cough" Li Xinran coughed a few times in embarrassment, and said righteously, "Don't think I didn't see the way you secretly looked at him while he wasn't paying attention. I saw everything that happened during class. inner"

Li Yun still stared at Li Xinran in front of him coldly.Li Xinran also looked at her without guilt.

After half a minute, Li Yun looked away.

"So, what are you going to say?" Li Yun said coldly.

Hearing this, Li Xinran sighed again.

"Ayun, I don't want to say anything, I just want to tell you, don't force yourself if you can't let go." Li Xinran looked at Li Yun and said earnestly.

Hearing this, Li Yun fell into silence.

force yourself...

"For his safety, I have to do this," Li Yun said firmly after a moment of silence.

"Uh..." Li Xinran looked at Li Yunming's stubborn look, and turned his head speechlessly.

"Forget it, I won't say it, anyway, you won't listen anyway." Li Xinran folded her arms and said angrily.

Seeing her like this, Li Yun's eyes were also slightly complicated.

"Aran" Li Yun called out suddenly.

"Huh?" Li Xinran still seemed to be eating.

"I know you're doing it for my own good, but..."

Unexpectedly, before Li Yun finished speaking, he was interrupted by a cold voice.

"Miss Li Yun"

Hearing the sound, Li Yun first frowned coldly, then turned around slowly.

Behind him, the principal's female secretary stood there.

Seeing Li Yun turning his head back, she nodded politely to her.

Li Yun didn't speak, just frowned and looked at her coldly.

"Secretary Qin, why are you here?" Li Xinran looked at her in confusion and asked.

"I'm here to find Miss Li Yun." Secretary Qin cast his gaze on Li Yun as he said.It happened to meet Li Yun's cold gaze.However, Secretary Qin was not frightened by the chill in Li Yun's eyes, and instead smiled politely at Li Yun.

"What are you looking for with A Yun?" Li Xinran asked again.

"I'm here to invite Miss Li Yun to the principal's office. The principal has something to say to Miss Li." Secretary Qin said neither humble nor overbearing.

"So, is the principal looking for Ah Yun?"

"En." Secretary Qin nodded.

Seeing this, Li Xinran turned his gaze to Li Yun, and Li Yun also cast his gaze on her.

"Are you going?" Li Xinran gestured with her eyes.

Li Yun lowered his eyes and fell silent for a moment, then turned his gaze to Secretary Qin.

"Lead the way." Li Yun slightly opened his thin lips, and said three words coldly.

"Okay, Miss Li," Secretary Qin said, then turned around to lead Li Yun.

When Li Yun was about to go with her, Li Xinran suddenly called out "A Yun..."

When Li Yun heard the sound and turned around, Li Xinran's worried look came into view.

"It's okay." After Li Yun said in a low voice, he turned his head and followed Secretary Qin to the principal's office.

Li Xinran stood where she was, her worried eyes fixed on Li Yun's resolute back.

For some reason, Li Xinran always had an ominous premonition.

Hope nothing serious happened!
Li Xinran silently prayed in her heart.


Li Yun followed Secretary Qin, walking with heavy steps.

Secretary Qin stopped in front of the principal's office.Li Yun stood behind her and watched her movements quietly.

She raised her hand lightly and knocked on the door.

"Dong dong dong" came a dull knock on the door.

"Principal, I brought Miss Li here," Secretary Qin said at the door.

"Well, bring her in." A hoarse voice came from the office.

After getting the answer, Secretary Qin raised his hand to hold the doorknob, twisted his wrist slightly, and opened the door.

Secretary Qin stepped in first, Li Yun stood outside the door and hesitated for two seconds before walking in.

In the office, the principal was still the same as last time, with his back to them.

"Principal" Secretary Qin stood two meters away from the desk and shouted respectfully.

"En." The headmaster lightly raised his hand after a light reply, and waved at her.

"Go down," the headmaster said in a low voice.

"En." Secretary Qin responded and withdrew.

For a moment, only the principal and Li Yun were in the entire office.

The atmosphere once dropped to freezing point.

"What do you want to say, hurry up," Li Yun finally said impatiently.

Hearing this, the principal laughed out loud.

"Li Yun, when did you become so impatient?" the principal jokingly said and turned around slowly.

What is surprising is that this principal is different from the middle-aged uncle seen at the school celebration, not only different, it can be said that he is completely of two generations.

Because the principal in front of Li Yun is a young man who is not much older than Li Yun.

"Li Yun, look, your sister really changed you a lot." The young man said as he reached out and took off the voice changer on the collar of his shirt, his voice immediately changed from a deep uncle's voice to a young man's voice.

It was a very evil voice with a fatal temptation.But to Li Yun's ears, it was no different from the usual voice.Even when Li Yun saw the principal's "true face", he didn't even change his eyes, showing the indifference he was used to.

"Hurry up," Li Yun said impatiently again.

"Heh" the young man smiled evilly again.

"You are still as indifferent as before," the young man laughed.

Hearing this, Li Yun's cold eyes immediately shot at him.

"Say..." Li Yun's aura became more and more icy, and his tone seemed to be tinged with frost.

Even the young headmaster who had experienced countless times was taken aback.

When I saw Li Yun last time, was her aura so strong?

The young man wondered in his heart.

However, the doubts in his heart turned into doubts, seeing that Li Yun was really angry on the surface, he couldn't help but become serious.

"Something happened to Mrs. Li." The young man didn't beat around the bush, and said in a serious and calm voice, straight to the point.

"What?" Hearing this, Li Yun couldn't help frowning.

"What's going on?" Li Yun asked in a cold voice with his eyes darkened.

"On the day of the school's anniversary, Erye Li held a shareholders' meeting. He proposed, no, proposed that the company should re-elect the chairman on the grounds that the chairman should abdicate and take a break..." Afterwards, the young man grimaced, Word by word, Li Yun slowly told about the situation that day.


After listening to the young man's statement, Li Yun fell silent.

"Do you mean that half of the shareholders have elected him?" Li Yun said coldly with a bloodthirsty look in his eyes.

"Well, and now Erye Li is still in a stalemate with the directors of the other half of the company." The young man nodded and said.

"Then why didn't you tell me that day?" Li Yun suddenly looked at him from Taiyuan, and asked in a cold voice.

"...At that time, your sister was injured... on the stage, so the chairman said, I can't tell you that it is increasing your pressure, so..."

"So he went by himself?" Li Yun asked coldly before he finished speaking.

"Well, the incident happened suddenly, and the directors couldn't suppress it, so the chairman had to solve it himself. However, Erye Li's influence has exceeded the chairman's estimate, so..."

"So you don't care what increases my pressure?" Li Yun interjected again in a mocking tone.

Seeing Li Yun's words, the young man's face changed slightly.

"It's not like that, it's just..."

"Okay." Li Yun interrupted him sharply. "I don't want to listen to your hypocrisy anymore"

Hearing this, the young man's face froze.

But Li Yun continued to sneer as if he hadn't seen it, "If you can't solve it yourself, you can find me to take over. Heh, you are so hypocritical. What did you say to increase my pressure? You are obviously worried that his precious Li Shi will be handed over to you so soon." It's just in my hands"

"Li Yun, you..." Hearing Li Yun's extremely sharp words, the young man couldn't help turning his eyes red.

The young man suddenly slapped the table and stood up, pointed at Li Yun angrily, and said angrily, "Why do you say that about the chairman, you know him..." After saying this, the young man stopped talking suddenly.

But as keen as Li Yun, he can't detect the wrong thing in his words.

"What about him, what do you know?" Li Yun suddenly asked sharply.

Hearing this, the young man felt bad.

"It's nothing." The young man waved his hands with a livid face and said stiffly.

Seeing that the young man didn't say anything, Li Yun didn't have the heart to ask further.

Oh, what a good thing he can do!
Li Yun said ironically in his heart.

"I will go back, but not for him, I am for my father" Li Yun said coldly, then turned around and was about to walk to the door.

Seeing this, the young man's face changed, and he hurriedly said, "The chairman said, let you go back as soon as possible. He... can't last long."

Hearing this, Li Yun sneered.


There is nothing he can't stand.

That kind of situation could be dealt with so indifferently back then.

"I see." Li Yun opened the door and left without hesitation after saying this.

Seeing Li Yun's resolute leaving voice, the young man in the office sighed helplessly.

The chairman... really can't last long!
The young man muttered softly as if talking to himself.

in the hallway

Li Yun was alone, walking there with steady steps.

His eyes were as cold as frost, staring coldly ahead.

The "war" is about to begin!

Li Yun slowly opened his lips, and said such a cold and heartless sentence coldly.

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