It's time for Li Yun to return to Li's house from Li's house, it's already noon.

As soon as Li Yun came back, he collapsed on the sofa.He looked at the family portrait on the TV cabinet with complicated eyes.After a while, she sighed softly, and pressed her arms to her eyes helplessly.

The scorching sun fell on his body, but she couldn't feel the slightest warmth, instead her body became colder and colder.

Li Yun closed his eyes now, his mind was in a mess.The conversation with Grandpa Li just now has been echoing in my mind.

"Ayun, since you have found out the truth about your parents' death, you must know his current situation." Grandpa Li seemed not to see Li Yun's increasingly cold face, and said to himself "I do think the same as you. I did know that Yan Chuan's death was caused by him three years ago, but by that time his influence had already penetrated half of the board of directors of the Li family. If I kept holding onto Yan Chuan's If you don't let him go, the Li family will be turned upside down, and I have no choice but to do so!"

"Hehe" Li Yun laughed angrily.

"So, for your company, for the rights of Chairman Li, you choose to turn a blind eye"

"I..." Grandpa Li didn't want to argue with her on this issue, that's not why he asked her to come back.

"I called you back this time, not for this matter.

The purpose of my calling you back this time is to let you take over Li Shi."

Li Yun Yizheng.Even though she is as smart as she is, she never thought that Grandpa Li would suddenly say that she would take over the Li family.

"Are you joking?" Li Yun suddenly became angry, and his cold eyes suddenly darkened, as if in the cold night of deep winter, except for the ice balls rolled up by the bitter cold wind, there was no life at all.

"You are the only heir of the Li family, and you will take over sooner or later, the Li family." After all, Grandpa Li is someone who has been in the workplace conspiracy for decades He sat there calmly, without even blinking his eyes.

"Nowadays, his own internal affairs have started to be black and black. Although his power is not as good as before. But he is a lunatic, and he will definitely rob the Li clan's sovereignty at all costs in order to stabilize his power. Now even I can't completely eradicate him .

I've come down from above to stabilize him.I made him the acting chairman.But you also know his ruthless temper.He will definitely not be reconciled, and will definitely have the next move, so..."

"So you want me to clean up this mess and help Li Shi pull out this moth?" Li Yun interrupted him angrily.


"Don't be whimsical, I won't come back, I won't come back to be your puppet.

Also, the heir of the Li family is your son, he died three years ago..." Li Yun stood up abruptly after speaking, and walked towards the door without looking back.

"Li Yun..." Grandpa Li stood up abruptly, shouted angrily at Li Yun's cold and indifferent back with a straight face.

Li Yun paused.

"Li Shi has poured Yan Chuan's life's painstaking efforts into it. Are you willing to see how it will be destroyed?"

Li Yun's body froze instantly.

Yes, my father's painstaking effort.

"And Xiaoxiao," Grandpa Li continued.

Li Yun's heart trembled suddenly, and he turned around suddenly, staring at Grandpa Li with gloomy eyes.

"Do you dare to touch her?" Li Yun looked at Grandpa Li angrily, and a bone-chilling chill instantly enveloped the entire hall, making one's heart tremble.

"I won't touch her. She is my granddaughter anyway. But I can't guarantee it for others. After all, you can't be by her side all the time." Grandpa Li is very precise.I didn't say too much.Let Li Yun think about the rest of the meaning.

Li Yun is so smart, he naturally knows who Grandpa Li is talking about.

Li Yun was silent.Because Grandpa Li was right, she couldn't be by Li Xiaoxiao's side 24 hours a day.

"Although he is not as powerful as before, he is still able to take away someone without knowing it." Seeing that Li Yun was loose, Grandpa Li immediately relaxed again, "So, you want Li Xiaoxiao to be safe and sound?" In life, we must first solve Li Shi's problem, so..."

"Enough." Li Yun sullenly shouted angrily in a low voice.

Grandpa Li didn't continue talking, after all, the string would break if it was stretched too tightly.

After Li Yun raised his head and gave him a complicated look, he turned around and walked towards the gate without looking back.

The man standing beside Grandpa Li looked at Li Yun's receding figure, and frowned in confusion.

"Chairman, let the eldest lady go like this, hasn't she agreed..."

"Lin Xuan, the string can't be stretched too tight, or it will break." Grandpa Li stared at Li Yun's back with deep eyes, and suddenly interrupted him.

Lin Xuan glanced at Grandpa Li half-understood, and nodded slowly, "Yes, I see."

"She will agree, for Yan Chuan, for Xiaoxiao, she will answer... cough cough cough..." Grandpa Li coughed suddenly as he spoke.

Lin Xuan immediately supported him nervously.


"It's okay, I'm sick." Grandpa Li turned his head to look at him, and waved to him comfortingly.


"It's really okay"


Leaning on crutches, Grandpa Li silently watched Li Yun leave.

Ah Yun, you must not let everything that Yan Chuan has done go to waste!

cough cough cough

"Lin Xuan, help me upstairs." Grandpa Li had a pale face at the moment, as if he had aged ten years in an instant.He was completely different from the radiant and imposing man just now.

Lin Xuan looked at Grandpa Li with complicated eyes, and then said a word "OK"

"Chairman, why didn't you tell the eldest lady the truth, but let her misunderstand you like this?" This is a question Lin Xuan has always been puzzled about.

Grandpa Li suddenly smiled, like a kind old man, he asked Lin Xuan, "Why did you tell her? Did telling her make her feel guilty for hating the wrong person?"


"Sometimes, just one truth is enough...cough cough cough"

"But... Chairman, don't you feel very unwilling, it is obviously the opposite truth"

"Heh, why am I unwilling? Yan Chuan has given his life for this. Compared with him, what does it matter if I am misunderstood?"


Unfortunately, these words of them.Li Yun, who had already left Li's residence quickly, didn't hear a word.


Grandpa Li's words kept spinning in Li Yun's mind.

...infused with Yan Chuan's life-long painstaking efforts
And Xiaoxiao...

But I can't vouch for others...

Suddenly, Li Yun felt a cramping pain in his head, which was an incomparable pain in the past.She was in so much pain that it was difficult to breathe, and her body convulsed and trembled.

At this moment, her cell phone rang.

Li Yun picked up the phone as if grasping at a straw.

After seeing the caller on the screen clearly, he answered with trembling fingers.

"Hi, Ayun" Lin Moran's cold voice reached Li Yun's ears through the phone receiver.

In an instant, like a glacier unsealed, the spring returns to the earth, and the dawn tore up the night.

"Hmm..." Li Yun's voice was hoarse, trying hard to suppress the turbulent emotions.

But even if there was only a momentary choking of sobs, it was still captured by Lin Moran.

"Ayun, what's the matter with you?" Lin Moran's voice was urgent, wishing he could get over the phone immediately.

When Li Yun heard Lin Moran's concerned voice, he couldn't hold back his emotions.

After wearing the mask of indifference for a long time, I can't stand people's concern.As soon as other people's words of concern come out, all the pretense will immediately fall apart.

Li Yun clutched the phone tightly in his hand and didn't say a word.Tears gradually wet his eyes, blurring his vision.Big tears fell on the screen of the phone, and the timer on the call interface was beating every second.

Lin Moran was on the other side of the phone.Quietly listening to the slight choking sound coming from the other end of the phone, as if deliberately covering his mouth to prevent the sound from coming out.He looked at the constantly beating numbers on the call interface with complicated eyes, as if every hit hit his heart, and the dull pain in his heart made him breathless.

"Ayun..." Lin Moran didn't realize that his voice was trembling slightly.


The answer to him was still a panic-stricken silence.

"Tell me where you are, okay?" Lin Moran almost begged.

The other side remained silent, and after a while, hung up the phone.

When Lin Moran was feeling lost and sad, his mobile phone received a notification tone of a WeChat message exclusively for Li Yun.

Lin Moran's disappointment was swept away in an instant, he carefully opened the green APP icon, and carefully opened the dialog box belonging to Li Yun.

There is only one piece of Li Yun's latest news in the dialog box, which is a location.

Chaoyang District... Ah Yun is at home!

Lin Moran immediately put aside what he was doing, and rushed out of the Lin family in a flash.

When passing by Father Lin, Father Lin frowned seeing him in such a hurry, and scolded him displeasedly, "Where are you going?" But the only answer to him was that Lin Moran sprinted when his sneakers stepped on the ground. Banging sound.

Lin Moran's mind is now full of why Li Yun is crying, and he doesn't hear Father Lin's voice at all.

After being ignored by Lin Moran, Father Lin's anger suddenly rose. Just when he was about to scold Lin Moran angrily, Lin Moran's figure had disappeared from the Lin family.

As soon as Lin Moran left the Lin family, he immediately took a taxi to Chaoyang Community.When he got to the downstairs of the community, he walked in without hesitation. After waiting at the elevator door for two seconds but no elevator came down, he walked towards the stairs without hesitation.He took three steps and walked one step at a time, and soon arrived in front of Li's house.

He stood at the door deliberating for a while, but decided to raise his hand and knock on the door.Unexpectedly, as soon as his hand touched the door, the door opened by itself.

The door is not locked.

Lin Moran frowned, his mood miraculously calmed down.

"A girl, if you don't close the door after you go home, what should you do if you encounter bad guys? How can you be so careless?" Lin Moran muttered as if complaining, then stepped into the house.The first time he came to Li Yun's house, he became nervous and cramped visible to the naked eye.He walked into the house with his hands tied, turned around and closed the door.When he turned around again, the tension in his body suddenly disappeared.It was as if a basin of cold water had poured over his head, and his whole body became extremely cold.

Lin Moran now feels that the feeling of difficulty breathing has returned.

There are only five or six steps between the door and the sofa, but Lin Moran seems to have walked for half a century.

Standing in front of the sofa, Lin Moran looked down at Li Yun who was curled up on the sofa, his heart ached beyond words.

I saw him squatting down slowly, stretching out his trembling hand to caress Li Yun's pale face with undried tears.
Li Yun's eyelashes trembled slightly, and he shrank his head unconsciously like a frightened deer.

Seeing her sensitive and guarded look, Lin Moran's heart ached even more.

It took him only 15 minutes to get the call.How tired she was, she fell asleep crying and crying in such a short time.

"Ayun..." Lin Moran wiped away her tears with his thumb.

"Why do you stretch yourself so tightly? If so, I will feel very distressed here." Lin Moran pointed to his heart, and said to himself bitterly, "It will really hurt."

Lin Moran caressed Li Yun's brows, suddenly Li Yun frowned, showing that he was not sleeping peacefully.

Lin Moran stared at him for a moment and thought for a while, then decided to hug him lightly, and walked to the room. He didn't know that was Li Yun's room, so he entered a room based on his feeling.After entering the room, he didn't bother to look at the layout of the room at all.He lifted the quilt straight away, placed Li Yun gently on the soft bed, and then gently tucked in the quilt for her.

Lin Moran sat sideways on the bed, looking at Li Yun lying on the bed with dark eyes.

Unexpectedly, Li Yun fell asleep so soundly, and he didn't even wake up when he carried her over.

But that's good too, you should take a good rest!

Lin Moran thought, and reached out to hold Li Yun's hand.

hold tight...

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