At twelve o'clock in the morning, at the entrance of the Music Museum in the city center.

Li clasped his arms around his chest, leaning against the wall of the museum with a cold expression on his face.

"Xiaoxiao, why have you been here for so long?" Li Yun looked down at the watch on his wrist and frowned.Why didn't Xiaoxiao come back?

Fifteen minutes ago, they got off at the gate of the museum.Who knew that just as she was about to go in, Li Xiaoxiao clutched her stomach with an ouch.

"Xiaoxiao, what's wrong with you?" Li Xiaoxiao's sudden situation caught Li Yun by surprise.She supported Li Xiaoxiao's arm worriedly, and asked eagerly.

"Ah, ah, that, sister, I have a stomachache, ouch." Li Xiaoxiao wrinkled her face as if in pain.Pressing her stomach vigorously with both hands.

"Does it hurt, then we won't go in, I'll take you to the hospital" Li Yun said, pulling Li Xiaoxiao around, reaching out to take a taxi and leave.

"Ai ai ai ai ai" Li Xiaoxiao immediately raised her hand and pulled down Li Yun's hand that was about to shake, and said awkwardly, "No, no. There is no need to go to the hospital. My situation should be that I had a bad stomach in the morning and went to the toilet Enough"

"Do you really not need to go to the hospital?" Li Yun turned to look at her worriedly.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" under Li Yun's earnest gaze, she nodded very earnestly "I really don't need to go to the hospital, it's not that serious."

"Well...but is there a toilet near here?" Li Yun looked around, but did not find a shadow of a public toilet.

"Yes, there is a public toilet." When Li Xiaoxiao mentioned this, he became abnormal. "It's not far from the museum. We saw it by accident when we came."

"Hmm..." Li Yun suddenly looked at her suspiciously.

Li Xiaoxiao immediately realized that she is a person with a stomachache that is dying, she shouldn't be so energetic, she immediately clutched her stomach, and yelled.

Li Yun only thought that she was excited because she found the toilet, and didn't think much about it.

"Then I'll go with you"

"Well, ah!" Li Xiaoxiao hurriedly shied away when she heard the words, "No, no, sister, just wait for me here, I will be back soon." She said in a hurry and ran away.It was as if some terrible monster was chasing her.

"Hey..." Li Yun watched Li Xiaoxiao quickly disappear from sight, and sighed helplessly.

Running so fast, I saw that I was really in a hurry!


Just when Li Yun was worried about Li Xiaoxiao's accident and was going to look for her, there was a familiar yet unfamiliar piano sound from the music museum.

Li Yun's footsteps stopped, and the blood all over his body suddenly froze.

I saw that he turned around stiffly, and walked towards the museum step by step uncontrollably.

The museum is quiet at the moment.

Because there was a famous violinist playing here today, everyone went to the music auditorium, so now, except for the museum staff walking around, there is only the teenager sitting in front of the piano in the middle of the lobby.

The boy sat in front of the black grand piano with his back to Li Yun, his slender fingers dancing gracefully between the many black and white keys.A string of melancholy and lonely movements flowed from his fingertips.He seems to be very devoted to playing, and his body shakes slightly with the music.

Li Yun stood behind that person in a daze.Listen to the music flowing from his fingertips.For a moment, it seemed that the whole world lost its color and became gray.And the boy in front of him is the god who saves the world.Carrying great light, generously sprinkled to the world.

After the song was over, the boy put down his hand and turned around slowly.


Li Yun's pupils constricted suddenly, and he took a few steps back in shock.

"Why are you here?" Li Yunzha looked at him strangely and asked.

"I..." Lin Moran was about to explain.Li Yun, however, suddenly became furious as if he suddenly remembered something.

"Who told you to play 'Lonely City'?" Li Yun shouted angrily at Lin Moran with red eyes.

Lin Moran was taken aback by Li Yun's forceful roar.


Ah Yun doesn't like this song?He clearly remembered that she was smiling when she played this piece at the banquet seven years ago.

This piece is so unpopular that almost no one knows about it.Moreover, the style of the song is very melancholy, so few people like to listen to it. He is one of the people who has never listened to it. At that time, he wondered why she would like this kind of song that sounds chilly, but he never had a chance to ask her.

Later, he went to learn the piano specially in order to be able to play this piece.Played until now.

But judging from Ah Yun's current reaction.She didn't like the piece at all, she really hated it.

"You... don't you like it?" Lin Moran lowered his head hurt and asked cautiously.

"I like it.

Li Yun turned around silently, raised his hands and covered his face.

How could she not like it.This piece is one of my mother's favorite pieces and the first piece she learned.It's just that this song is exclusive to my mother, and she doesn't want to hear it under the hands of others.

"I...I..." Li Yun choked up, but couldn't say a word.Only strings of warm tears welled up from his eyes and flowed from his fingers.

Mom, Yoona misses you so much!
Li Yun wept silently.

Lin Moran suddenly sensed that something was wrong with Li Yun, frowning, he walked in front of Li Yun with big strides.Li Yun's pitiful and weak appearance hurt his heart without warning.

"...Ayun" Lin Moran's eyes were full of distress, and he held her face with both hands carefully as if he were treasured.

Her tears burned his fingertips like a hot iron.

He raised his hand and took off Li Yun's hands covering his face.

Suddenly the hand was taken away.Li Yun's bewildered face was unreservedly displayed in front of Lin Moran.Her eyes, which should have been filled with frost, were wandering like a frightened fawn at this moment.

Lin Moran raised his thumb in distress to wipe away the tears from the corners of Li Yun's eyes.

"Fool, why are you crying?"

Li Yun was taken aback by Lin Moran's gentle and slightly complaining tone.

"If you don't like it, then I won't play it anymore. Anyway, I learned the piano for you, so it's okay to give up for you." Lin Moran carefully rubbed Li Yun's cheek with his thumb.

Li Yun was taken aback again, tears streaming down his face.

What, you're already with my sister, so don't bother me anymore.

"Go away" Li Yun angrily pushed away the person in front of him, changed his soft and fragile appearance, and yelled indifferently, "Since you are already with my sister..."

"I'm not." Before Li Yun finished speaking, Lin Moran forcibly interrupted, "I'm not with Li Xiaoxiao"

"Huh?" Li Yun was taken aback, and angrily retorted loudly, "Impossible, I saw you confessing the other day."

"No." Lin Moran suddenly retorted loudly, "I didn't agree to be with her. Instead, I made it clear to her that I already have someone I like."

Li Yun's eyes widened in disbelief when he heard Lin Moran's words.

"I already have someone I like." Lin Moran's tone suddenly softened again.He took a step forward slowly, stood in front of Li Yun again, and held her delicate face gently again.He looked straight into Li Yun's eyes seriously.Slowly opened his mouth and said softly, "I have liked her for seven years. I have liked her since the first time I saw her, and until now, I can't help myself." Lin Moran figured it out in an instant, no matter what Whatever happens in the future, he will be with Li Yun.Even if it's just one day a month, he is very satisfied.

Lin Moran's hand holding Li Yun unconsciously became cold and broke out in cold sweat.

The cold touch on his face made Li Yun regain his composure slightly.But he still looked in front of him in disbelief, his face flushed slightly, but his eyes were extremely firm.

I saw him lightly open his thin lips, mustering up the courage to say the deepest sentence in his heart very seriously, "Ayun, I like you, I like you very much"

Li Yun's eyes instantly enlarged, and a firestorm exploded in his head.

"It's me that you... like." Li Yun's ending voice trembled slightly, as if he was going to cry in the next moment.

"En." Lin Moran nodded resolutely, there was no hint of a joke in his eyes.

Li Yun was stunned together.

It turns out that these seven years were not just my own unrequited love?
Li Yun hugged Lin Moran suddenly, and put his head on the crook of his neck.No words were spoken, no movements were made.

When Li Yun hugged him, Lin Moran's body froze suddenly and he didn't know where to put his hands, so he could only cling to the seam of his trousers like in military training.Even thoughts became dull.

"Ayun, you..." Lin Moran's blunt words stopped suddenly.Afterwards, the stiffness and embarrassment on his body gradually dissipated, and the excitement and joy surged up one after another.

All these changes were only because of the words Li Yun whispered in his ear just now.

She said: "Me too, since the first time I saw that smiling boy seven years ago, I have been deeply involved in it."

Li Yun's hands around his waist gradually tightened, cherishing it like a lost and found treasure.

Lin Moran didn't speak, but just raised the arms that had no place to rest just now and hugged her.

Almost, they are going to miss it!
Fortunately, they didn't miss it!
At this moment, both of them were in joyful but complicated and indescribable mood.

At this moment, they only have each other in their eyes.

Li Xiaoxiao, who was hiding at the door, watched the scene of the two embracing each other, and his eyes dimmed instantly.

She silently squatted down by the wall, hugged her knees tightly with her hands, and buried her head between her knees.

Why is my sister always like this!
Obviously I like Lin Moran very much, but after hearing my confession to her, I gave up my beloved in order to fulfill me.

You always don't think about yourself like this, and you never take into account your own thoughts and feelings.

"Hi" an impatient voice sounded above his head.Li Xiaoxiao raised her head in bewilderment.What caught the eye was the picture of Leng Tianyu reaching out to him like a god descending from the sky against the light.

"stand up"

"Ah" Li Xiaoxiao looked at him blankly.

Seeing her 'heartbroken' appearance, Leng Tianyu became even more irritable.

He bent down directly, stretched out his hand to grab Li Xiaoxiao's hand and pulled her up.

"Let's go," Leng Tianyu said, pulling Li Xiaoxiao forward

"Where to"

“A place where you can feel better”

"Oh." Li Xiaoxiao silently responded and stopped talking.

"Xiaoxiao" Leng Tianyu stopped suddenly, turned his back to Li Xiaoxiao and called out to her.


"Do you... like indifference?" Leng Tianyu's voice was dull, full of obvious disappointment.

However, the nervous Li Xiaoxiao couldn't hear it.

"Ah..." Li Xiaoxiao was confused by Leng Tianyu's question.She did like Lin Moran, but that should be the illusion of her first love.Otherwise, seeing him hugging his sister, instead of feeling sad, there is a feeling that they are a natural pair.

However, she didn't know why she just didn't want Leng Tianyu to misunderstand her.

"No, I don't like Lin Moran"

What Li Xiaoxiao said was so frank that Leng Tianyu couldn't believe it.

"Then why were you so disappointed because of him just now?" Leng Tianyu is now like a temper tantrum daughter-in-law, with complaints in his tone that he didn't realize.

"Ah, what I did just now was not because of him, I was..." Leng Tianyu interrupted Li Xiaoxiao before he could finish speaking.

"Really?" Leng Tianyu changed his lifeless appearance just now.The light of joy and hope shone in the eyes, and there was a smile that could not be ignored on the face.

Seeing him like this, Li Xiaoxiao was also infected.

"Yeah." Li Xiaoxiao nodded with a smile.The eyes are bent into crescent moon costumes.

Seeing Leng Tianyu's heart trembled.

"Let's go to Tianmantang for dessert." Leng Tianyu turned his head awkwardly, and said in a serious manner.

"Okay." Li Xiaoxiao still smiled.

Seeing her smiling so sweetly, Leng Tianyu also smiled unconsciously.

Really, stop laughing...

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