In the evening, the lights were turned on, and a little bit of yellow halo light set off a quiet and peaceful night.

In autumn in southern cities, the temperature difference between day and night is huge.Maybe the people who were still screaming hot in the morning wearing T-shirts and shorts must be shivering in the cold now wrapped in big cotton jackets.

At this time, Li Yun and the two were still on their way home.The warm yellow street lamps on both sides of the road scattered on them, stretching the dark shadows very long.

"Hiss~" Li Xiaoxiao shivered and wrapped herself tightly in the blue and white school uniform.

"Is it cold?" Li Yun frowned and looked at Li Xiaoxiao who was shivering and huddled together, and couldn't help but clenched the hand that Li Xiaoxiao was holding.

"No." Li Xiaoxiao rubbed her cold arm and said, "It's just that I don't wear much clothes today, and the wind keeps blowing into my clothes, making it chilly."

"Then let's go faster." Li Yun took Li Xiaoxiao's hand and took big steps to speed up the pace, "I'll be home soon."

"En." Li Xiaoxiao smiled sweetly, and then quickened her pace.I don't know why it's not cold all of a sudden, but my heart is still warm...

Residential downstairs in Chaoyang Community
Li Xiaoxiao stood downstairs and raised her head, silently looking at the familiar place in front of her.

——Still the same as before, nothing changed?

"It's different, everyone I used to know has already left." Like Li Xiaoxiao, Li Yun looked up at the tall building in front of him.The thin lips spit out a sentence that was colder than the cold wind.

Li Yun understood what Li Xiaoxiao was thinking at a glance as if he had mind reading skills.

"Ah" Li Xiaoxiao lowered her head in frustration, and said in a decadent tone, "It's gone already." She thought she was still there.Those neighbors who have lived together for more than ten years...

"Fool" Li Yun's tone was still cold, but his eyes were filled with deep distress, "There is no feast that lasts forever in the world."

"I know" Li Xiaoxiao lowered her head and said in a muffled voice, "but I still can't bear it." After all, I have some feelings after getting along for many years.

"Fool" Li Yun sighed softly, stretched out his hand to caress Li Xiaoxiao's soft hair, and said helplessly, "Even if everyone leaves you, you still have a sister, don't you?"

Li Xiaoxiao suddenly looked up at Li Yun.The big apricot eyes were red with warm tears.

"Sister" Li Yun held Li Xiaoxiao's face in both hands, her eyes were extremely firm, and she said in an extremely serious tone, "I will never leave you behind."

Li Xiaoxiao stared at Li Yun in a daze, the tears in her eyes couldn't be held back, and fell down patter.

"Sister" Li Xiaoxiao looked at Li Yun aggrievedly with a sob in her mouth.

"Okay." Li Yun wiped away Li Xiaoxiao's tears with his thumb in distress, "Mom said, girls can't cry casually"



Li's house
Li Xiaoxiao sat on the sofa in a daze, her eyes were empty and unfocused.

"Ah..." Li Yun sighed lightly seeing Li Xiaoxiao like this.

Li Xiaoxiao has been in this state since she entered the door, and she won't listen to her.Li Yun had no choice but to sit beside him.

What Li Yun didn't know was that when she set foot here for the first time, she was in even worse condition than Li Xiaoxiao.

"Sister" Li Xiaoxiao turned her head and looked at Li Yun with empty eyes.

"My mother used to tell me stories here before," she said to Li Yun, pointing to the sofa under her body.

Li Yun followed her hand and looked towards the sky blue sofa, as if thinking of something.

Li Xiaoxiao was afraid of the dark since she was very young, but it was not serious at that time.I still remember that at that time, Li Xiaoxiao pestered Li's mother to tell her stories every day because she was afraid of the dark. Every time she was on this sofa, she lay on Li's lap when Li's mother was sitting.Every time Li Yun was worried that Li's mother would be too tired to teach Li Xiaoxiao a lesson, Li's mother would always smile and gently tell Li Yun that it's okay.And every time Li Yun's anger will disappear after seeing Li's mother smile.

"Well..." Li Yun silently took Li Xiaoxiao's shoulders and let her rest her head on his shoulders.

Li Xiaoxiao leaned on Li Yun's shoulder and slowly closed her eyes.

She didn't cry, because her mother said that girls can't cry casually, and she has to listen to her mother.

Li Yun lowered his head and looked at the weak and helpless Li Xiaoxiao in his arms with dark eyes, and then raised his head to look at the empty air in front of him after a while.

——Mom, I will protect my sister.

——Dad, Mom, I will definitely avenge you.

Li Yun's eyes suddenly turned sharp.

——I will let them suffer the retribution they deserve.

In a daze, she seemed to see her parents walking away hand in hand, their faces gradually disappeared into the light with kind and happy smiles on their faces.


twelve o'clock in the evening
Li Yun and Li Xiaoxiao were lying on the bed in the room where Li's parents used to live, their backs were facing each other and they did not speak.

Although Li Xiaoxiao was lying on the bed, she didn't feel sleepy at all.She opened her big eyes, facing the boundless darkness, fear gradually rose in her heart.

It was around eleven o'clock that she recovered from her sad emotions. During the few hours when she was absent-minded, Li Yun was silently by her side, without speaking or disturbing her.

——My sister can finally rest, I can't cause trouble for my sister.Isn't it black? There's nothing to be afraid of.

Li Xiaoxiao kept comforting herself in her heart, and kept taking deep breaths gently.

Although her movements were deliberately light, so as not to disturb Li Yun, how could Li Yun not be able to detect her small movements with his sensitivity.

"What's the matter, are you still afraid of the dark?" Li Yun turned around to face Li Xiaoxiao's back.

"I..." Li Xiaoxiao originally wanted to insist that it's okay, but the words came to the point of her mouth, but she was still blocked by the fear in her heart.After struggling in his heart for a while, he decided to turn around and face Li Yun.

"Hmm," Li Xiaoxiao responded with a muffled voice.Because the room was very dark, she couldn't see Li Yun's expression clearly.


When Li Xiaoxiao heard Li Yun's sigh, her heart tightened.

——Sure enough, are you still bothering my sister?

Li Xiaoxiao was thinking wildly in a depressed mood.But in the next second, Li Yun's arm wrapped around her shoulder.And at this moment, she is being held in Li Yun's arms.

"elder sister"

Li Xiaoxiao was stunned for two seconds before reacting.

"Your sister is here, don't be afraid." Li Yun's voice was still cold and clear, but it was much gentler than before.

Li Xiaoxiaozheng was stunned, what Li Yun said kept echoing in his mind.Gradually, the fear in my heart disappeared little by little.


At this moment, her heart was filled with warmth, and the horror and coldness of the darkness seemed to no longer exist.

"Didn't you say you have something to say this afternoon when you go home?" Li Yun said in a cold voice.Quietly diverted Li Xiaoxiao's attention.

Sure enough, after Li Yun opened her mouth, the blood in Li Xiaoxiao's body became hot immediately, and all of it rushed to her head, making her face turn red in an instant.

"This... this, this..." Li Xiaoxiao hesitated to speak clearly.

"Huh?" Li Yun slightly raised his eyebrows in the dark, his tone raised, full of doubts.

"" Li Xiaoxiao held back her blushing face and hesitated for a long time before saying vaguely, "It's me...I have someone I like."

"Huh?" Li Yun was taken aback.

the person I like?

"Oh~" Li Xiaoxiao retracted shyly into the quilt, covering her head tightly with the quilt.

Li Yun was stupefied again.

What's the matter, I haven't said anything yet!

"Xiaoxiao" Li Yun called out to the big bag in the quilt.No response.

"Xiaoxiao" Li Yun patted the big bag.Still no response.

"Xiaoxiao" Li Yun frowned and slightly raised his voice.

Just when Li Xiaoxiao wanted to refuse to respond as before, she shivered suddenly from the cold air pouring into the quilt, and forgot to speak.

"Xiaoxiao" Li Yun lifted a corner of the quilt and called Li Xiaoxiao in a serious tone.It happened that at this time the moon poked its head out from behind the dark clouds, and the faint moonlight passed through the transparent glass and gently sprinkled in the room.By the moonlight, Li Xiaoxiao could clearly see Li Yun's slightly frowning brows and her serious eyes.Immediately, all the blood froze, and the blush on his face receded.

"Sister..." Li Yun spoke again when she was about to speak.

"Come out, isn't it boring inside?"

"Ah" Li Xiaoxiao was stunned again.

She thought her sister was angry, but she was worried that she would be bored inside.In an instant, the blood started to boil again.

She slowly got out of the quilt again.

"Speak well if you have anything to say, don't get under the quilt anymore," Li Yun said sternly.

"Hmm..." Li Xiaoxiao's heart was sweet at the moment.

"So" Li Yun suddenly changed the topic, "Who is the person you like?"

"Ah~" Li Xiaoxiao's face suddenly became hot, "Is my sister...someone I know"

"Oh." Li Yun responded lightly, and didn't pay too much attention to who that person was.

"So, when did you fall in love with him?" Li Yun asked suddenly.

"Hmm~" Li Xiaoxiao was stopped by Li Yun's words, "When..."

"I don't know either," Li Xiaoxiao said suddenly, "Maybe it was the first time he sent me back to the dormitory!"


"I was in a bad mood the day before yesterday and he gave me a candy"


"That candy is very sweet, the sweetest candy I have ever eaten"


"He is the kind of person who looks cold but is actually very gentle in his heart"



Li Xiaoxiao praised the so-called person she likes for a long time, but Li Yun has been silently listening and responding.

"So, do you want to confess to him?" Li Yun said suddenly, but Li Xiaoxiao froze.

"I... I don't know." Li Xiaoxiao lowered her head and said in a sullen voice.He also quietly picked his fingers.

"Xiaoxiao" Li Yun clasped Li Xiaoxiao's fingers that were picking at each other silently, and his voice was unprecedentedly deep, "Dad said before that if you like it, you have to fight for it, no matter what the result is. At least, you have worked hard for it, and you won't Sorry.

So, my sister also doesn’t want you to leave any regrets.”

"But, I don't know if he likes me too"

"Try it and you'll know"

"But..." Li Xiaoxiao lowered her eyes and couldn't see the emotion in her eyes clearly.

——Dad said it!At least, no regrets.

"En." Li Xiaoxiao seemed to have made up her mind, and nodded firmly, "No matter what the ending is, at least try hard."

"Yeah." Li Yun touched Li Xiaoxiao's head in a daze, his voice seemed a little far away and unreal, "at least tried hard"

——I hope that person also likes Xiaoxiao.

——I hope Xiaoxiao’s confession is successful!

——All the rest will be handled by me!Xiaoxiao, you just need to be happy.


"Okay, go to bed! There is still class tomorrow"


Wishing you a good night's sleep...

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