The next day, the weather was incomparably gloomy, completely missing the clear sky of yesterday.

Li Yun got up early in the morning. When Li Xiaoxiao got up, Li Yun had packed everything up and was eating breakfast in the restaurant.

"Sister, good morning, ahhh" Li Xiaoxiao rubbed her hair sleepily, and yawned as she spoke.

"Yeah..." Li Yun turned his head to look at her, then turned back and continued to eat breakfast in a leisurely and elegant manner.

"Go wash up first," Li Yun said with downcast eyes.

When Li Xiaoxiao heard this, the hand that reached out to pull the chair stopped in mid-air.

"Oh..." Li Xiaoxiao withdrew her hand in embarrassment and touched her nose, curled her lips indifferently, then turned around obediently and walked to the bathroom.

When she finished washing and came out, Li Yun had already had her breakfast.

"Xiaoxiao, come here." Seeing her coming out, Li Yun beckoned her to come over.

"Here we come," Li Xiaoxiao responded, trotting to Li Yun's side.

"Xiaoxiao" Li Yun turned to look at her and said, "I'm going to the company now, you stay at home with Luo Luo to take care of grandpa"

"Well, I see." Li Xiaoxiao knew that Li Yun was going to deal with the company's problems, so he didn't let his petty temper delay Li Yun's time.

"Then I'll go first, remember to call me if you have anything to do." Li Yun stood up from his seat, raised his hand and rubbed Li Xiaoxiao's hair, then turned and left the living room.

The moment he turned around, Li Yun's eyes turned cold, and he completely lost the tenderness towards Li Xiaoxiao just now.

Master Li, I'm back!

Li Yun's eyes were cold and sharp, and he walked without hesitation.

Behind him, Li Xiaoxiao watched Li Yun's cold figure leave until it completely disappeared from sight.

"Xiaoxiao?" Chen Yingying came down from the guest room on the second floor, and all she saw was Li Xiaoxiao standing there motionless, not knowing what to think.

"Huh?" Li Xiaoxiao came back to look at her.

"What are you doing standing here alone?" Chen Yingying asked puzzled.

"Ah, it's nothing, let's eat and eat." Li Xiaoxiao waved her hands indifferently and walked straight to her seat.

Seeing this, Chen Yingying didn't say much.
"Where is Sister Yun?" Chen Yingying walked to the seat next to Li Xiaoxiao and sat down.

Hearing this, Li Xiaoxiao smeared the ketchup on the bread, but recovered quickly.

Chen Yingying naturally saw Li Xiaoxiao's froze at this moment, she lowered her eyes and said nothing.

"Sister, she went to the company." Li Xiaoxiao resumed her usual casual tone.

"Oh" Chen Yingying responded lightly.

Then, neither of them spoke, and each of them ate their breakfast quietly, and the atmosphere became weird in an instant.

When Chen Luoke came down from upstairs, he felt the strange atmosphere between the two of them almost instantly.

"What's the matter with you?" Chen Luoke walked up to Chen Yingying and sat down, asking in a low voice.

"Food does not speak." Chen Yingying spit out these three words without raising her head.

"Oh..." Chen Luoke consciously responded boringly and stopped talking.

None of the three spoke, and the atmosphere became even more awkward.

Li's underground garage
Li Yun went straight to the car he drove back yesterday, opened the door and got in.

With the sound of the car engine starting, a black car drove out of Li's house.


Half an hour later, a black car parked steadily at Li Shi's gate.

Then the car door opened slowly, and Li Yun walked down with long legs.

Standing under the Li Clan Building, Li Yun looked at the incomparably cold Li Clan in front of him, the coldness in his eyes was even worse.

Li Yun sneered.

Thinking back to the crowded scene before Li's accident, compare it to the bleak and deserted situation now, and even no one in the hall responds to the current situation.

"It's ironic," Li Yun coldly spat out these four words sarcastically.

But it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if those who have second thoughts leave, the Li family in her hands are only those who are loyal to the Yu Li family.

The Li family has been plagued by these moths for so many years, and it's time to clean up.

Thinking of this, Li Yun's eyes sank.Inside, the eyes are dark and dark.There was also a bloodthirsty sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Li Yun stood at the door for two seconds before walking towards the interior of the Li family.


Li Yun took the elevator all the way to the top floor.

There was a sound of "ding", the elevator arrived and the door opened automatically.

Li Yun stepped out of the elevator without hesitation.

At this time, a person holding a pile of documents came hurriedly, as if he was going to take the elevator, but he bumped into Li Yun who had just come out of the elevator, and the documents were scattered all over the floor.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," the man apologized, but he squatted down in a hurry, picking up the scattered documents on the ground in a hurry.

"It's okay." Li Yun's cold voice sounded above his head, the person was stunned for a moment, and then he saw the person in front of him suddenly squatted down and picked up the documents at his feet, and handed them to him.

"To you" is a clear and cold word without any emotion.

The man hurriedly looked along the document handed over, and saw clearly Li Yun who was holding the document with an indifferent expression.

"Little, Mr. Li," the man said in surprise.

"En." After Li Yun nodded, seeing that he hadn't accepted the document, he stood up holding the document.

Seeing this, the man stood up hastily.

"Here" Li Yun handed him the document in his hand again.

And he stared blankly at Li Yun as if he hadn't seen the document Li Yun handed over, his eyes gradually turned red.

Seeing this, Li Yun was slightly stunned.

"What's the matter?" Facing those people who did not leave Li's family in times of crisis, Li Yun's tone softened.

"Little Boss Li, you are finally back, the company..." As the man spoke, his tone gradually became crying.

"Okay, I got it." Li Yun looked at the person in front of him who seemed to be about to cry in a second, and said helplessly.

Li Yun knew that it was not easy for those who did not abandon Li Shi these days.Moreover, the person in front of him was obviously a person who had just graduated from school and had no experience in the world. He must have endured more pressure than those old employees.

"Thank you for your hard work these few days." Li Yun said and patted him on the shoulder.

"Now, I'm back, leave these to me." Li Yun said solemnly with a firm light in his eyes.

The man was stunned upon hearing this.

But Li Yun didn't pay attention to his reaction, put the document in his hand and left.

The man stared blankly at Li Yun's leaving figure, until the cold sight disappeared from sight, he was still looking in that direction.

"Xiao Yu, what are you doing standing here so stupidly?" At this moment, an older man walked up to his side, seeing his dumbfounded appearance, he couldn't help frowning.

The young man called Xiaoyudian came back to his senses when he heard someone calling him.

"Master," Xiao Yu called back.

"Why are you standing here?" His master asked again.

"Master" Xiao Yu called again.

"Huh?" His master looked at him suspiciously.

"Now I finally understand the meaning of what you said back then," Xiao Yu said suddenly without beginning or end.

His master was dumbfounded.

"What did I say?" His master asked suspiciously.

Xiao Yu didn't answer but turned her head and continued to look in the direction where Li Yun left.

Some people's existence is faith!

Isn't it!
Over there, after Li Yun got out of the elevator, he went straight to the senior meeting room on the top floor.

Along the way, many people saw Li Yun's figure, and everyone was as surprised as Xiao Yu.

Along the way Li Yun walked, she saw that the moment many people saw her, their dull and dull eyes were rekindled with light.

Li Yun's heart was moved.

When she reached the door of the conference room, she didn't rush in, but turned around slowly, looking behind her, all the faces with tired faces but eyes full of light.

His eyes flickered slightly.Then, the corners of the eyes were slightly curved, the corners of the mouth were smiling, and said "Thank you" in a very gentle tone

Everyone in the office was taken aback.

The person in front of him had a smile on his face, and his eyes were as gentle as stars.

Everyone was stunned, and even more stunned by Li Yun's words.

People of noble status like Li Yun actually say thank you to these small employees!
"Thank you for not giving up on Li Shi..." Li Yun said again sincerely.

Such a simple sentence made the eyes of countless people present turn red.

"Mr. Li, what are you talking about? I have been in the Li family for ten years. The Li family is my other home. How could I give up my own home!" A middle-aged woman said with a smile, her eyes red.

When the woman's words fell, countless people echoed her.

"Yes, yes, Lishi is our other home, how could we leave?"



Lin Xuan, who was frowning and discussing the plan in the conference room, and the shareholders who stayed behind couldn't help but frowned when they heard the noise outside the conference room.

"What's going on outside here, what's the noise like?" Old Ai shouted sharply.

The rest of the figures shook their heads to express their ignorance.

"I'll go and have a look," Lin Xuan said, standing up from his seat and walking towards the door.

Everyone outside the conference room shut their mouths when they saw the door of the conference room suddenly opened.

"What's going on, why are you standing at the door arguing?" Lin Xuan asked with a frown.

All the employees did not speak, and their eyes all fell in one direction.

Lin Xuan was puzzled and looked in the opposite direction of what they were looking at, only then could he see clearly the cold figure standing by the door.

"Miss, Miss" Lin Xuan's wide eyes were full of unbelievable joy.

Then Li Yun turned around slowly.

"Lin Xuan" Li Yun looked at him and spoke lightly.

"A Yun!"

When Ai Lao and the others heard Lin Xuan's surprised voice, they immediately got up and walked over.


meeting room
"Old Ai, everyone, thank you for your hard work." Li Yun looked at the tired seniors in front of him, and spoke in a very respectful tone.

Ai Lao and the others were taken aback when they heard the words, and then looked at the person in front of them with a look of relief.

"Silly boy, what are you talking about, Mrs. Li is also the hard work of us old bones!" Ai Lao laughed.

Hearing this, Li Yun lowered his eyes and pursed his lips.

When he raised his head a moment later, his eyes were full of determination and ambition.

Ai Lao and the others clearly felt Li Yun's instant change, and their faces became serious.

"Uncles and uncles, I know that Li Shi is the painstaking effort of your whole life, and you don't want to see it ruined in the hands of Li Erye, but Li Shi is also my father and... grandpa's life-long painstaking efforts, I will definitely not Let it be ruined here, so..."

Li Yun paused here, then raised his eyes to look at the group of people in front of him who had worked for the Li family for most of their lives, their eyes were full of respect and awe.

Ai Lao and the others also looked at Li Yun solemnly, waiting for her next words.

"So, please believe me, I will definitely rescue Li Shi back, so, can you leave this matter to me?" Li Yun's words were full of self-confidence and her innate air of a king .

This convinced Ai Lao and the others.


"Ayun, it's not that we don't believe you, it's just..." Mr. Xiao hesitated to speak with a worried expression on his face.

Li Yun's talent and strength in business are obvious to all, but the old fox Li Erye has been in business for so many years, and Li Yun is just a child under 20 years old no matter what, they are really Can't bear to let her take risks.

Li Yun looked at the worry on their faces and knew what they were worried about.

"Uncle, I am no longer the ignorant girl three years ago," Li Yun said suddenly.

Hearing this, the bosses were in a daze for a moment, but then laughed again.

That's right, Ayun is no longer the Ayun she used to be, she is now the president of a Fortune [-] multinational company founded by herself.

While the others were still hesitating, Ai Lao laughed heartily.

"Okay, okay, Ah Yun has grown up, don't worry anymore, now, it's their young people's world, we old bones are really not suitable for hard work" Ai Lao said with a smile, still imitating He moved his neck decently, "Hey, I haven't slept well for a few nights, so my whole body is sore and tight." Ai Lao smiled helplessly after finishing speaking.

The others also felt the same pain all over their bodies.

"Hey, I'm really old." Mr. Xiao also laughed.

"Ah Yun, the Li family is depending on you." Boss Han smiled and looked at Li Yun and said.

"If there is anything you can't solve, remember to find us uncles and uncles," Mr. Wang still said worriedly.

I saw Li Yun nodded solemnly, "Well, uncles, go back and have a good rest."

"Well..." Ai Lao nodded and took the lead to walk away, but stopped suddenly after walking a few steps.

"Huh?" Li Yun looked suspiciously at Ai Lao's stopped figure.

In the end, only a faint sigh was heard from Ai Lao.

After Mr. Ai waited for the boss to leave, there were only Li Yun and Lin Xuan in the conference room.

"Can you really solve it yourself?" Lin Xuan asked worriedly, frowning.

"When did I tell a lie?" Li Yun looked up at him, raised his eyebrows slightly and did not answer the question.

Lin Xuan looked at Li Yun's arrogant and uninhibited appearance for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

Li Yun, when did he say something he wasn't sure about!

"Go back and rest too," Li Yun said lightly, and turned around after speaking.

Lin Xuan looked at her back and knew that she meant that she didn't want to talk to him.

With a helpless sigh, he walked towards the door.

But when he was holding the doorknob, he suddenly remembered something and turned around again.

"In a few days it will be Yan Chuan and Nian Yi's memorial day, you..."

Lin Xuan's words stopped abruptly, because he saw with his own eyes, when he said these words, Li Yun's body froze for a moment.

"Oh..." Lin Xuan sighed slightly, opened the door silently and walked out.

In the empty room, Li Yun was left alone.

Li Yun suddenly closed his eyes, and the hands hanging on both sides of his body subconsciously clenched into fists.

Mom and Dad, I miss you so much...

A drop of clear tears slowly fell from the corner of Li Yun's eyes.

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