Soon it was time for the work report, and Su Yi, as the secretary, had to report to Shao Liheng face to face.

She hadn't calmed down yet, and she returned to her businesslike appearance when reporting, and she looked very serious.

She reported seriously and meticulously. This appearance not only did not win Shao Liheng's favor, but made him even more angry.

This person was obviously still under her last night, so don't you know him today?He was furious.

Whenever he was in a bad mood, he wanted to embarrass her. He ignored himself again and again today, and he was almost completely abandoned.

He suddenly developed a feeling of resentment towards his wife, and his face completely darkened.

"You do a quarterly summary, find the information yourself, and send it to me before twelve o'clock tonight." His tone was very indifferent.

The quarterly summary usually takes at least three days of work, and it is obviously embarrassing for her to complete it in one day.

Since it was a deliberate punishment, of course Suy would not bow to him.Her voice didn't rise or fall.

"Okay Mr. Shao, I will send you an email."

After saying this, she turned around and left, oh my god, if you stay here again, you may not know when Shao Liheng will get upset again and give her more tasks.

Although the workload of this quarterly report is heavy, it is not impossible.As soon as she got back to the office, she stopped all the work she was doing and began to report carefully.

Seeing her leave without mercy, Shao Liheng didn't bow his head to him, and was furious.

This woman, he wants to see how capable she is!
Suy locked herself in the office, didn't even eat lunch, and tackled this arduous task seriously.

She won't bow her head, even if she doesn't go home today, she won't bow her head.Didn't he just want to punish her?But she did nothing wrong.

In the afternoon, when she was really hungry, she ate some bread to barely maintain her strength.The sheer amount of work left her speechless.

Soon it was time to get off work, and the hand suddenly rang.It's Liu Feifei.

"Hey Suy, when are you coming out today? I'll come find you. Didn't we make an appointment last time to come out and play together?"

Only then did Suy remember that he had an appointment today, and frowned as he looked at the documents on the table.

"I have a lot of work today, and I may have to work overtime. Can you come to my company directly at nine o'clock?"

"Why are you still so busy even though you are the deputy director? All right, I'll pick you up at nine o'clock, see you soon."

After explaining the time, she didn't want to miss the appointment, so she could only continue to work hard.I didn't even have time for dinner, so I finished my work before nine o'clock.

As soon as she stood up, she was about to faint. Su Yi couldn't help complaining about Shao Liheng because of her waist and back pain after sitting for a long time.

At this point in time, there was no one in the company, and she was not afraid of being heard, so she muttered alone.

If it's this workload every day, she might as well go home and lie down, or she will die suddenly here sooner or later.

She forced herself to go to the bathroom to put on makeup, and waited for Liu Feifei to arrive.

Liu Feifei took Su Yi to a party, and the whole party was full of young people, obviously her cronies.

Seeing the big beauty Suy come in, several of them whistled.

Immediately, someone stepped forward and put Liu Feifei on the shoulder, "Wow little Feifei, who is this beauty? Do you want to introduce me?"

Suy felt a little uncomfortable seeing him sloppy, and didn't leave because of Liu Feifei's immunity.

There is no doubt that these people are the second generation of the rich and the second generation of officials, and the whole party is full of eating, drinking and having fun.The atmosphere is very active.

"Everyone be quiet, this is my friend, Suy. She is single!" Liu Feifei introduced enthusiastically, and did not forget to recruit Suy.

Sure enough, upon hearing this sentence, many young people were ready to move.Who doesn't like big beauties, everyone is eager to try.

Soon someone came to strike up a conversation with Suy, but fortunately, the flamboyant young man at the beginning had already included her in his range.

"Go away, go away, these are our own people, you quickly find a girl to play with!" He waved his hand, and drove them away like a fly.

Liu Feifei quickly played the game together, and when several people played the game, Su Yi became one with them.

Although these few were messing around a bit, they were all gentlemen, and their tempers were very much to Suy's liking.

Of course, the party requires drinking, games, drinking and singing, and the time passes quickly.

Although Shao Liheng returned home after work, he still missed Su Yi who was still in the company.

He looked at his watch, it was already ten o'clock, the company security should have started chasing people away, why hasn't she come back yet?What the hell did she do?
He was a little worried that he would not be able to continue his work for a long time.Worried and angry at the same time, where did this person go? She had already sent her quarterly summary, but there was no sign of him.

He managed to overcome himself and made a phone call, but no one answered?He angrily threw the phone on the table.

Do what you love, you just started to stay out at night the next day after living together, he was really kind to her.

Suy drank a lot of wine and started to feel dazed, her face turned red, and her mind was confused.

The few dandies around are not much better, and some people have even become drunk crazy, and there is no one left after running.

Liu Feifei has a good capacity for alcohol. Seeing that Su Yi was almost drunk, she immediately stopped her and refused to let her drink any more.

It doesn't matter if these cronies are thrown here, anyway, no one will chase them away if it's someone's villa.

Su Yi couldn't do it, she managed to get to Su Yi's house according to the address in her memory.Before reaching the door, I saw a door god standing in the darkness.

She was so startled that she almost dropped Sue.But the "door god" reacted very quickly and helped Su Yi up.

This "door god" was Shao Liheng. He waited at home for several hours but still hadn't seen anyone, and couldn't get through the phone, so he finally panicked.

He thought she had returned to his home, so he was just waiting here, waiting for her to come back.

"Why are you standing here to scare people! It's midnight!" the villain Liu Feifei complained first, and she complained before he even made trouble for her.

Fortunately, Shao Liheng's attention was on Su Yi, and she smelled strongly of alcohol, obviously drunk.

He cast a gloomy look at Liu Feifei, this woman, "You took her to drink?"

Liu Feifei was not afraid of anything, and she became more courageous after drinking some wine. "Yeah, what's the matter? She's not underage, so it's okay to drink some wine."

Shao Liheng's eyes suddenly turned cold, "It's okay? Look at her now!"

Liu Feifei looked up at the drunk and unconscious Suy, and finally felt guilty.Coupled with his coercion, he was finally speechless.

Who doesn't drink when you're crazy about playing? It's weird not to drink at a party.But this man is so fierce, forget it, don't talk back.

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